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Return of the Clonsayee

Page 51

by Elaine Bassett

  Caroline watched dainty orange daerspawls being tossed about by the wild blooming plants that swayed in the breeze. These insects had multi-layered wings. She observed as the numerous daerspawls flew across the prairie, busily pollinating the colorful native plants. Larger orange and yellow dominant insects kept track of the daerspawls’ activities and often redirected them if they got off task.

  Caroline soaked up the sun, forgetting about time as she watched the creatures in the area. Suddenly there was a distinct moment when dusk settled. Caroline stood and stretched her legs and arms. She decided her curiosity had been quenched and it was time to return home. As the sun was beginning to set, she took out her crystal and blew over the top of it expecting to see the Passageway home. When the Passageway didn’t appear, she tried again and again, to no avail. Caroline momentarily panicked. She was perplexed as to why the queen hadn’t come to meet her. She suddenly became scared and lonely, wishing she had not come on this adventure. Caroline wondered what direction she should travel in order to find Virgil, or someone who could help her. Evening light abruptly turned to night. It was too late. The moons had come up and she had no idea what she should do next. Caroline sat down and pulled her legs to her chest. She tried to think of a solution for her predicament.

  As time passed, Caroline realized no one was coming for her. She understood that unless she wanted to sit at the pool all night, she had to get up and choose a direction in which to travel. Caroline closed her eyes and thought about the times they visited Virgil. She tried to remember the placement of the sun when it was setting and decided going in that direction would be the wisest choice because it could lead to Virgil’s cottage. Caroline began searching for a path leading away from the pool area, heading in the direction she desired. When her search proved to be a futile effort, she sat down and began to sob.

  After several minutes, Caroline wiped the tears from her eyes. She stood and once more looked for a path leading toward Virgil’s home. As she neared the forest, she noticed a tiny glimmer of light that seemed to be bobbing through the trees. The night air was cooling down, so Caroline drew her hood up and pulled her sleeves over her hands in an attempt to get warm. She began to quietly make her way toward the light. At first she considered calling out to see if possibly the light belonged to a traveler following a path that might also lead her in Virgil’s direction. Her next thought quickly warned her not to draw the attention of a stranger. Caroline decided to continue following the light in the hope that it would lead her to safety. As she trailed the silhouette deeper into the woods, fog began to creep along the forest floor. Caroline began to believe she was heading in the wrong direction. Several times she considered going in a different direction but she was afraid to leave the comfort of seeing someone with a light. She was afraid that being alone in the dark forest would lead to some terrible mishap occurring to her. Her mind began playing tricks, imagining all of the possible horrid scenarios.


  Virgil raised his lantern to check his surroundings before he set out down the path. Although it was late, he felt compelled to take this walk in the night. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt a beckoning of sorts. He had no inkling that someone else was out that night on the same path.

  This unknown person had noticed a light in the distance and thought they could follow Virgil unseen. This mysterious traveler journeyed by the light of the moons, and on this particular night their illumination was all that was required.

  Virgil sensed another presence in the forest, however he didn’t linger. In an eerie way it was comforting not to be alone. He didn’t sense that he was in any danger. He listened for an indication as to how close this individual was. Virgil peered in the small crystal ball at the top of his staff. In it he could see the individual’s shadow. He was waiting for an opportunity to actually be able to visualize who was trailing him, but at this moment it was only an indistinct image. He pressed forward.

  Once Virgil slipped and lost his footing as he attempted to step over an old gnarled tree that had been felled by lightning. His staff always trembled when he passed this way. He had to hold tightly so he didn’t drop it on the ground. The carved face on his staff twisted. The branches of the surrounding trees swayed as if blown by the wind, even though the night was still. A thin layer of fog slowly spread across the ground. Virgil quietly reassured his walking staff that the incident with the horrific lightning had transpired long ago. He continued deeper into the forest. Virgil was becoming impatient with the crystal sphere that refused to focus on the individual, who was now alongside him in the distance.

  He whispered to the staff, “Let’s find out the identity of our shadow. A good place to do that is Grasshaven.”

  The stranger shivered, crouched low and looked around. Now all that could be seen was Virgil’s lantern in the distance. The observer allowed a little more distance from the light, before continuing to follow where Virgil led.

  For a short time, Virgil believed that the unknown observer chose to take a different path but the stranger came back into view within the crystal. The vision showed Virgil that the individual might be contemplating going his or her own way soon.

  He was almost to Grasshaven. At this particular moment, Virgil was even more curious and wanted to know the identity of this determined individual who was shadowing him. Once Virgil reached the clearing, he silently hurried across the open area and back into the forest so as to not to be vulnerable to the mysterious individual.

  When Virgil reached his destination, he left his staff safely beside a nearby tree and then climbed to the top of a small mound. He waited to see if the individual would follow his lead. Sure enough the person did.

  Once the stranger approached his position, Virgil shouted in a deep commanding voice he hadn’t used in ages, “Halt!” Virgil drew his jeweled dagger.

  Then unexpectedly the figure of a knight appeared. Virgil instantly recognized this individual as his old confidant. The knight looked exactly the same as he had ages ago, with the exception of the greenish-blue aura surrounding his image.

  The knight drew his sword, pointed the blade to the night sky and said, “This person is worthy.”

  One after another, knights from a time long ago appeared from the forest and one by one lifted their swords to point toward the sky. As they raised their swords the light that was cast from the weapons became brighter and began to illuminate the sky. The thin layer of fog rolling across the ground began to glow. The hooded figure in the middle stood motionless. Virgil took a step toward the hooded figure as if transfixed.

  Chapter 113

  Nxy tried to find projects to do around her house. She looked out the window and saw pawns scurrying to and fro. It tortured her that something exciting was occurring on the compound and she wasn’t a part of the event.

  She decided to search through her closet in an attempt to figure out what she’d wear to the auction that night. Nxy discovered that her appropriate clothes were suddenly too tight. She flopped down on the bed and covered her face with her hands trying to determine how she could rectify the problem. She could not go shopping and buy new clothes like the average person from Earth. Even if she crossed over to shop in the Hub, the stores didn’t carry maternity clothes on this planet. Normal pregnant women would reside on Earth not Bridgeiro. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t even heard of another child being born on this planet. She rubbed her abdomen and wondered what that would mean for her child.

  Nxy said to the baby, “Little Love-star child, I hope everything will turn out all right. I promise to do my best to keep you safe.”

  Lately she’d been having nightmares about having her first child on this planet. She lay on her back across the bed and sighed trying to figure out what to do next. Nxy was aware that she didn’t have many options. Joseph was busy working, so he couldn’t help her decide what to do.

  It depressed her to think of another day stuck at home alone. Nxy went into the bathroom and swept her hair up into
a bun. She put on makeup and was about to insert her contacts when she heard a knock at the front door. She quickly tried to guess who could be at the door. As she made her way through the house to the front door, she thought: I rarely have visitors. Everyone I know is working at the stations right now. I’m certain it can’t be Joseph because he’s preparing for the auction.

  When Nxy opened the door, she was surprised to find Maureen standing on the step. The younger woman was relieved to have company. She gladly welcomed Joseph’s mother into the house. Nxy asked Maureen if she would like anything to eat or drink. The house had recently been stocked with food items so that she’d want for nothing. Nxy figured that was another reason why she had gained weight.

  Maureen declined her offer for any kind of refreshment. “Actually I’m here to see if you need anything.”

  Nxy’s face lit up. “Yes I do, as a matter of fact. I desperately need clothes. I just discovered that I have outgrown everything I own.”

  Maureen looked her over. “I see. That would be a problem, wouldn’t it? Well, that’s something we can take care of. I’ll see to it that you have an appointment with an assistant who can help you replenish your wardrobe tomorrow.” Nxy sank in her chair. Maureen sat down on a nearby couch. “Is there a problem with tomorrow?”

  Nxy straightened her spine. “No, that’s very generous. Thank you. It’s just that Joseph gave me permission to attend the auction tonight. I was excited about it until I looked in my closet. All of my suitable clothes are too tight.”

  Maureen tried to hide the fact that she was alarmed at Joseph’s poor judgment. Nxy could read Maureen’s displeasure in her body language and said, “I know we shouldn’t be together, but it is an opportunity for me to be out and around other people. Joseph already warned me that we shouldn’t acknowledge each other.”

  Maureen relaxed. “Well, it is short notice, but I bet I can pull something off, if it means that much to you.”

  Nxy’s face was radiant as she grinned. “You’d do that for me?”

  Maureen smiled back. “Certainly, my dear. You’re family now.” Maureen already visualized a plan for that night.

  Chapter 114

  Caroline’s knights could not sleep. One by one they stepped out of their cabins and found themselves staring at the night sky. The stars were more vibrant than usual. Each man stood with thoughts running through his head, staring at the two moons as if in a trance. Then a dim light appeared in the distance. It seemed to flicker then surged into a brighter light.

  Thomasen tilted his head to one side as he watched. The knight became intrigued by the sight and made the decision to check it out. He stepped off his porch in the direction of the glow. Changing his mind, he turned back all of the sudden to get his sword above the mantle. When he returned to the porch, Thomasen had the sword in its sheath buckled around his waist. He stopped and gazed at the night sky. The light was illuminating the forest, casting strange shadows mixed with the swirling fog. The night breeze carried the exotic scent of an unknown flower.

  As the knight ran to the light, he looked around and noticed the native wildlife running toward the light as well. His movements felt exaggerated. It seemed at times as if he was running in slow motion and then at other times unusually fast. He jumped over obstacles that were in his path. Thomasen felt as if he was wearing Hermes’ winged sandals upon his feet.

  The knight began to wonder if he was dreaming. He was determined to make it to the light. Then he had a frightening thought... He had heard when a person dies, the individual heads toward a light. The knight slowed down and came to a halt. As Thomasen was doing a 180-degree turn, he noticed the other knights racing toward him.

  They looked at him as they passed on either side. He thought: If they are going to check out the light, I’ll join them. It was hard to see the trail through the now densely glowing fog. The forest path took him in strange twists and meandering turns. Eventually he met up with the other knights as they ceased running, almost colliding into one another.

  They had reached their destination and were not prepared for what they witnessed when they arrived on the scene. All the knights drew their swords and stood in a row watching.


  Virgil was standing on a mound, facing the knights with the greenish-blue auras who had their swords drawn above a motionless figure. The light from their swords made it appear to be daylight, even though it was the middle of the night. Wildlife surrounded the group, joining in their circle, watching.

  Virgil stood with a dagger drawn and commanded, “Who are you?”

  The figure stood head down. The individual’s eyes were on the ground as if ashamed. Slowly the once motionless figure reached up and removed the hood.

  Virgil quickly put his dagger away. “Queen Caroline! What are you doing here?” He ran down from the mound and to her side.

  He whispered, “Caroline, I could have…. Forgive me.” He grabbed her cold trembling hands into his own.

  Then they heard yet another voice, “Virgil, might I ask you the same thing? What are you doing here?”

  Virgil quickly turned around to face the familiar voice. “Your Majesty, what brings you to the forest this time of night?”

  Then he turned to Caroline. “Did you know?”

  Caroline nodded. “I hoped she would be here.

  “When I glimpsed you walking through the forest earlier, I thought you were on a path that would lead me to your cottage. As we followed the trail deeper into the forest, I became ashamed that I didn’t reveal my presence when I first saw you. I was unsure of how to get back and didn’t know what to do. I am so sorry Virgil. When I realized I was found out, my voice faltered. Please forgive me.”

  Virgil placed his arm around her shoulder. “Nothing to forgive...”

  The queen asked again, “Virgil, what are you doing here?” Virgil turned and looked at her.

  He answered, “Possibly the same thing you are doing here.”

  She turned to Caroline. “My dear, were you seeking me out? Is that why you are here tonight?”

  Caroline slowly nodded and said, “At first, I just wanted to be with you and ask you questions. As I thought of you, I picked up your marble and rubbed it between my two hands. Then I placed your marble on the track between the two angels. Before I knew it, I was in the forest. As evening approached, I realized you would not be meeting me. I tried to locate the Passageway back to Earth, but it didn’t appear when I blew across my crystal. Not knowing what else to do, I began to walk in the direction of Virgil’s cottage. In the distance I saw someone walking with a light along a path. I thought the path would take me in the direction I needed to go.”

  Caroline turned to Virgil and said, “I was going to call out to you, but I became ashamed thinking that you might believe I was spying. So I followed, thinking you would lead me to the queen.”

  The monarch responded, “Here I am, my dear. I was detained at a prior commitment. What may I do for you?”

  Caroline returned her eyes to the ground. She lifted her left hand and extended her arm toward the queen. She had something clenched in her hand. She slowly revealed to the queen what she held in her palm.

  The queen came forward and looked at the object. She looked quickly at Virgil and then back to Caroline. “My dearest, where did you get this?”

  It was an old beautiful platinum locket with an engraved royal crest on its face. The queen gently took the necklace and opened it. On one side was an image of a handsome young man. The monarch shut the locket and closed her hand around it.

  Caroline kept silent. A tear fell from her eye. It glistened in the light. The queen gently took the young lady’s chin in her hand and raised her head so she could see the young queen’s face.

  The queen gave a heartfelt smile, wiped the tear away, and then asked, “Do you know what you have found?”

  Caroline barely shook her head.

  The queen then looked at Virgil. “Virgil, are you ready to tell dear Carol
ine about your lineage?”

  Virgil looked at his knights.

  His confidant and bravest knight shouted, “Hail! Your Majesty, King Virgil is in our presence!” The knights put their swords in their sheaths and knelt. Once again the forest was lit by moonlight and the glow from the swords of Thomasen and the other knights who had been watching in the distance.

  Virgil turned to the Keepers of the Kingdom and said, “Rise honorable and brave knights.”

  They stood. Everyone turned and looked at Thomasen and the others. The animals stayed in place as if to witness the unfolding events.

  Virgil said, “Brave knights, please join us.” He motioned to them. They sheathed their swords and went to stand with the others.

  Thomasen said, “I couldn’t sleep. I saw the bright light from my home and came running to see what was causing it. It was such a strange event.”

  Virgil agreed. “That it was.” There was an awkward silence.

  The queen breaking the silence said, “Virgil.”

  “Oh yes. Caroline, well, it is a long story. I don’t know where to begin. I mean, I guess from the beginning would be a good place to start wouldn’t it?” He inhaled and exhaled with a long continuous breath.

  The wind blew in a short gust around them clearing the forest of the fog. The trees swayed and seemed to be whispering. The animals were still as statues.


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