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Page 4

by Shawn Bailey

  Jessie made a face. “I like gymnastics and ice skating.”

  Kris sneered. “I can handle that. They’re only on every four years. What else have you got?”

  “Carl, Emmerson and I like to hang out sometimes. We go dancing.”

  “And I’ll be right there to chaperone.”

  “Chaperone? We’re grown?”

  “It’s that territorial thing I mentioned. I can’t have my elf bumping and grinding with anyone who isn’t me.”

  Jessie scowled at him. “Okay.”

  “Just give me fair notice in case I’m working late.”

  “Okay,” Jessie said again. “Your turn.”

  “I like kids. I want a house full.”

  Jessie teared up, hopped out of his seat and wrapped his arms around Kris’s neck. “Me too.” He released Kris and returned to his seat.

  Relationship established. “I will be trying to get you pregnant as often as possible.” That blush just warmed him to his core.

  “Let me know how that turns out,” Jessie said.

  Kris laughed. He was in love with a guy with a sense of humor and who looked good in red and white striped tights. There was no better feeling in the world.

  Jessie washed the dishes after breakfast. He opened the refrigerator. “We need to go to the grocery.”

  “Let’s make a list.” By lunch they were on their second date, at the grocery store.

  Chapter Five

  “You’re moving in with who?” Emmerson asked as they finished up with choir rehearsal for the day. On top of the Broadway show, Jessie and his friends would be performing in a Christmas recital next week before the university went on their holiday break.

  “Kristopher Kringle,” Jessie answered.

  “Why?” Carl asked.

  “Because we’re sort of dating, and if you guys say anything so help me, I’ll…”

  Both Emmerson and Carl hugged him.

  “We’re so happy for you,” Emmerson said. “He is so handsome and he’s from a good family.”

  That was important to Emmerson, once he learned that Jessie had been orphaned. “You guys don’t think he’s too old for me?”

  Carl shook his head. “We’re dating older guys too, remember. You’ve read yaoi before. The top is almost always a richer, older guy, and the bottom is young and needs protecting. What’s the place like?”

  “It’s a beautiful condo and I really like him.”

  “What do you like about him?” Emmerson asked.

  “Kris is funny, and he can cook, and he has a great body. Oops.” He claps his hand over his mouth.

  Carl and Emmerson both got on the side of him and hurried him out of the auditorium where an explanation could possibly be heard over the microphones.

  “Spill,” Emmerson said once they were getting into their coats and scarves. “Have you already been to the condo and seen that body in its natural state?”

  Jessie nodded. “Yes.”

  “To which question?” Carl asked.


  “Ooh,” both of the two other young men said. Then all three of them squealed like a bunch of crazed girls.

  “We had sex last Saturday after my performance.”

  “He came to your performance?” Emmerson asked.

  Jessie nodded again. “And he presented me with flowers and took me out to dinner.”

  “Forget about that,” Carl said. “How was the sex?”

  “It was the most painful thing I ever experienced, at first.”


  “Magical. Of course, the next day I was back in pain again. I eventually took some aspirin so I could walk. And then he made breakfast for us.”

  “You two had breakfast together?” Emmerson asked. “My first time was not that romantic. And yeah it hurt like crazy. Devon was gone by the time I woke up.”

  Devon Ames was Emmerson’s current boyfriend. They had met at a rap concert Devon was producing, and had been dating on and off for four years. Devon wanted Emmerson to move in with him, but Emmerson was holding out for the engagement ring.

  “My first time was magical,” Carl said.

  “That’s because you were too drunk to remember most of it,” Emmerson teased.

  “It was my twenty-first birthday and the first time I had alcohol. Vincent and I had Mad Dog 20/20 to be exact.”

  Emmerson started laughing. “Dude, that’s the type of stuff my uncle drinks. He tried to give me some once, but I turned him down. One alcoholic in the family is enough.”

  The three friends laughed all the way out of the building. It was a bitterly cold afternoon. Jessie was so glad he’d remember to put his gloves in his pocket. He put them on before his hands froze. They made it to Carl’s car and climbed in. Carl turned on the engine, then the heater.

  “So, when are you moving in?” Emmerson asked.

  “One day this week. His folks are coming to see my performance on Saturday.”

  “All of them?” Carl asked.

  Jessie shrugged. “I think just his mother and father.”

  “And he had a big place?”

  Carl and Emmerson were full of questions. “Huge. It makes my place look like a cracker box.”

  “Do you have to chip in on the rent?” Carl asked.

  Jessie shook his head. “No, he owns the place, so I volunteered to buy the food. He didn’t even want me to do that, but I told him I wouldn’t be treated like kept woman.”

  “You told him right,” Carl said. “So how was the body?”

  “Now, you two know I had no other body except mine to compare his with. But oh, my god, it was so fabulous and he’s got a big you know what and knows how to use it.”

  Emmerson did a fake cry. “Our baby boy has grown up.”

  “And he wants babies. Lots of them.”

  Emmerson and Carl stopped talking.

  “Ah, he does know that you’re a boy like he is, doesn’t he,” Emmerson asked.

  Jessie hit him on the arm. “Of course he does. He was joking. He wants to adopt. But he says me being a boy won’t stop him from trying to get me pregnant.”

  Carl and Emmerson started laughing. Jessie laughed so much his side ached.

  “So, what to plan to call him at work?” Carl asked.

  “Mr. Kringle, of course. We’re going to keep it professional, since we’re only going to be working together until the Christmas season ends and I revert back to full-time student. We’re going to get a tree tomorrow.”

  “You’re getting a tree?” Emmerson asked.

  “Yes, and we’re going to decorate it together like me and my folks used to.”

  “That’s a big step in a relationship,” Emmerson said. “I am so happy for you.”

  “I guess I won’t be spending Christmas alone this year.”

  Emmerson and Carl congratulated him.

  “What are you getting him for Christmas?” Carl asked.

  Jessie started to hyperventilate. “I don’t know. You guys have to help me think up something great.”


  “I need the name of a place where I can buy a Christmas tree,” Kris said to Lucas the next morning after they had arrived at work.


  “Because I promised someone that I’d get one.”

  “Someone?” Lucas asked.


  “Oh. You’ve had him over to see your place already?”

  Kris nodded. “He wants a tree.”

  “You know if you feed him, you’re going to have to keep him?”

  Kris chuckled. “Too late. He’s a keeper.”

  “Madison’s Tree Yard over on O’Keef has the best live trees. But if you in the market for a fake one, we do sell trees, you know.”

  “I never thought of that. Maybe I should ask him if he wants a real or a fake one.” Kris took out his cell phone and called Jessie. “Sorry to call you at school, babe, but do you want a real or a fake tree.” He said fake. “We’ll use our employee
discount and pick out one when you come to work tomorrow. Okay. Thanks.” He disconnected the phone.

  “Fake tree?” Lucas asked.

  “He doesn’t want to kill a real tree.”

  “I don’t blame him. A real tree is too much trouble,” Lucas said. They went to work. Later that day Kris took a walk around on break. He loved the wonderful job decorating Jessie and the others had done to the store. Of course, his father had hired other people to help out like the ones who took care of the outdoor advertising and the billboards. That city had also been busy decorating. All the main streets were aglow with Christmas lights and wreaths. But the best thing about it all was the gorgeous red elf as he sang and danced and told jokes to the kids. Carl and Emmerson were just as talented and the children and adults just loved all of them. He wondered what Jessie would like Santa to bring him this year? Since Christmas was just two weeks away Santa and the elves performed every evening. Kris left Toyland and headed back to his office. The security guards met him there to escort him up to the registers to pick up some of the larger bills and take to them back to count. Keeping the books for Kringles was a lot easier than doing it for the military. Every day the store had been packed, and sales were good, especially in Toyland since their major competitor had closed its land-based stores and were only doing business on-line. His father refused to be out sold. He competed in both venues. Kringles’ On-Line was one of the hottest places to buy toys.

  He was finally going to see the insides of Jessie’s apartment tonight. Jessie had invited him over to dinner and he wanted to start moving some of the boxes. Jessie’s place had come furnished and with appliances so Jessie didn’t have to worry about that. And tomorrow night they were going to get that tree. Jessie got off of work about two hours before him which gave him enough time to cook. Before he knew it, it was time to close. Cashiers begin arriving one by one to count the money in their tills. It was part of his job to verify the money and to make sure it matched the receipts. Then he locked it in a safe until the armored car showed up during the week. It never came on the same day for a good reason…to trick the thieves. He called to check on Jessie as he was leaving. “What are you doing?”

  “Packing. Are you off?”


  “Dinner’s ready.”

  “Do you need me to bring something?”

  “Yes, you and changing clothes for tomorrow.”

  “Does that mean I’m spending the night?”

  “Yes. See you soon.”

  Kris ended the call, put his phone away and headed home. After showering he changed into comfortable clothing. He grabbed his garment bag and toiletry kit and armed his house alarm as he exited. Every house in the neighborhood looked festive with red, green, yellow and white Christmas lights and decorations. He got into his SUV and headed to Jessie’s place. There was a lot of traffic headed in that direction. A half-hour later he was parking in the visitor’s spot next to the building where Jessie lived. He grabbed his things out of the back of the car, locked it, and set the alarm. He entered the building and headed for the door on the left. He rang the buzzer. A couple of seconds later Jessie answered wearing a white T-shirt and red shorts. His face was freshly scrubbed. His hair looked damp and drying in curls, and Kris was sure he could go to jail for what he was thinking. “Did I interrupt something?”

  Jessie shook his head and invited him inside. “Shoes please.”

  Kris looked down. Jessie was wearing just socks. “Okay.” He toed out of his loafers. “Something smells delicious.”

  “Spaghetti and meatballs.”

  “No, I mean besides that.” He sniffed Jessie. He had that just washed freshness. “It’s you.”

  “New shower gel.”

  “I like it,” Kris said as he gazed down at the delightful sight. “Can I have a kiss?”

  “Foreplay is for chicks,” Jessie said, throwing Kris’s statement back at him.

  Kris reached down and lifted Jessie off the floor and stole a kiss. “I’m no chick.” He put Jessie down.

  Jessie smiled at him. “Yes, I know. Let me take you on a tour.”

  The apartment had four rooms, a living room, a kitchen, one bedroom and a bath. And it was clean and tidy even though Jessie was still packing his things. Kris noticed that he didn’t have many possessions. They ended up in the kitchen. Jessie had dressed the table. He put on a pair of mitts and took a pan of garlic toast out of the oven and placed the bread in a basket in the center of the table. “Have a seat.” Jessie dished up their food, poured a glass of wine for Kris, then finally sat down across from him. He had a soda for himself.

  “Designating driving?”

  Jessie nodded. “I need my senses about me because rumor has it that there will be a sexy guy in my bed tonight.”

  Kris sampled the food. “Are you sure you cooked this?”

  Jessie nodded again. “What? You don’t like it?”

  “No, I love it. You have all that pretty and you can cook too.”

  Jessie’s cheeks turned pink. “Thank you.”

  “You have to learn to take a compliment.”

  “It’s not like I have guys complimenting me on my looks every day.”

  “That’s not what Lucas told me,” Kris said.

  “What did he say?”

  “He told me that he has seen guys walk into things watching you.” He took a piece of toast and bit it. The bread melted on in his mouth.

  “They’re checking out the body, not the real me, like you do,” Jessie said.

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I checked out the body too, but I realized in an instant that you were smart.”


  “You fell into my arms and not Lucas’s.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but I didn’t see either of you. I was trying to brace myself for hitting the floor and dying.”

  “Not on my watch,” Kris bragged. He stopped talking and went back to eating the delicious meal Jessie had prepared. After dinner he helped Jessie wrap clean dishes and glassware in newspaper, then he packed it in a box. They had decided to donate these to a charity since Kris already had a furnished kitchen. Kris realized that they didn’t need a truck. He could put Jessie’s things in his SUV and move him to his place. Jessie also had a box of awards. Kris would give him a wall in the “love me” room so he could display them.

  Later they showered and crawled into bed around ten. Jessie was in a giving mood.


  Jessie never sucked a dick before, but there was a first for everything. He went down on Kris, trying to remember the things Kris did to him and tried to duplicate them. After a few minutes he got the hang of what Kris did and did not like by the tone of his moans. The taste and feel of another guy’s cock in his mouth wasn’t bad or uncomfortable. It was just a matter of making his partner feel good.

  “Oh, that feels fantastic,” Kris said. “You can squeeze my balls harder. They won’t break.”

  Jessie squeezed harder.

  “That’s it. It feels wonderful. Oh!”

  Something warm hit the back Jessie’s throat and his tongue. Ooh, I made him come. He swallowed. Not bad or gross. He raised his head and licked his lips.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I enjoyed every minute of it.” Jessie laid down next to Kris. “Did I do it right?”

  “Yes,” Kris answered. “You did it perfectly.” He rested a few minutes and returned the favor. He brought Jessie to the verge of coming and then he stopped.

  “Ah, what did you do that for?” Jessie asked.

  “Because I like putting my cock in you and making you come. Plus, I’m fully recuperated.” He got off the bed and retrieved his wallet. “Do you have lube?” He extracted a rubber and put it on.

  “No, I never had the need for it before.”

  “You mean you’ve never jerked off?”

  Jessie shook his head. “No, never. I was a sexually frustrated ki
d who had to live vicariously through my friends exploits.”

  “You poor thing,” Kris teased. He kissed Jessie, then flipped him over and put him on his knees. “Then I’ll have to do this the old-fashioned way.”

  “Huh? Oh!” He’d heard about using spit as a lubricant, but he didn’t think a lover had to result to this. Note to self, buy plenty of lube. How did he feel? Jessie had to admit that he still wasn’t grossed out, just a little embarrassed. He was also a bit turned on.

  Kris eventually freed him and moved into position behind him. He eased the head of his dick in. Jessie rocked back, taking Kris in deeper. Kris showed no mercy. Jessie barely lasted five minutes. He came. “Oh, Kris!” He shot cum on the sheets. Kris eased out, put him on his back and licked him clean. Then he put his cock back inside and went to work giving Jessie the fucking of his life.

  Later, Kris eased out of Jessie again. He laid down on his back. “New lesson. Get on top.”

  Jessie had never had the experience. Kris helped him down slowly. Jessie held open his butt cheeks and Kris’s dick slid into him as if it knew the way. “Oh, this feels so wonderful.” Jessie moved up and down on his lover’s shaft after Kris had given him a quick lesson. Kris palmed Jessie’s hips and helped him rock. Jessie caught on quickly. His cock hardened again.

  “Wow,” Kris said as he gazed between Jessie’s legs. He reached up and wrapped his fingers around Jessie’s dick and began stroking him. Jessie stopped in mid-stroke and moaned passionately. He got his body going again.

  “Ooh, let’s change positions, sweet thing. I think I’m about to explode.” Kris dumped Jessie out to the saddle and shifted over him. He lifted Jessie’s body and entered him without missing a stroke. He humped fast and hard. Their erotic moans filled the room as they came together. “Yeah!”

  “Ah!” Jessie cried out.

  No one moved as they rode out the waves. Then Kris sank down on him and they kissed. Moments later Kris rolled off him so Jessie could breathe. He removed the rubber and put it in the trash can and cleaned up with some moist wipes Jessie had on the night stand. He cleaned Jessie up too. “You make me happy, Jessie James,” Kris said out of the blue.


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