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Page 11

by Donna K. Ford

  Kayla chuckled. “Yeah, but she’s made it pretty clear she’s just looking for a good time. I already look forward to the next time I see her, and I think about her all the time. I’m afraid I’m getting too serious.”

  “Why don’t you ask her?”

  That was a novel thought—she could just ask her. Yeah, right. How would that go? Hey, Jackie, are you really interested in me, or are you just trying to get laid? No. That wouldn’t work at all. Besides if she started asking questions, she would have to be ready to answer them herself and she definitely wasn’t ready.

  “You’re right. I guess I’m just out of practice. I should just slow down and see what happens.”

  Jen placed a cool hand on Kayla’s arm. “I know it’s hard, K, but she seems worth a try.”

  Kayla leaned her head back against her chair and closed her eyes. Did she really have a choice anymore?

  Chapter Eight

  Jackie blinked rapidly to clear the sting of sweat from her eyes. She held her arms extended above her chest as she strained against the weight balanced above her. Her arms trembled from fatigue but she pressed the bar upward again. After two more repetitions, she slid the bar back against the rack with a loud clank of metal on metal. She folded her arms across her breasts and focused on the rise and fall of her chest with each heavy breath.

  She closed her eyes, enjoying the rush of blood flowing through her arms and hands. As soon as her eyes closed, visions of Kayla flooded her thoughts. She sat up suddenly and quickly moved to the next station to work her shoulders. She pushed her body, using the physical exertion to quell the growing tension distracting her. She couldn’t explain the undeniable pull she had felt with Kayla since the first time she had looked into her eyes that first night in the bar, but she wasn’t sure what to do with these new feelings.

  Her relationships had always been about physical attraction, brief couplings that satisfied her physically with no demands on her emotionally. Her relationship with Cindy had been that way. They had been pretty hot for about a year, but they didn’t share anything but sex. It had been months now since they had even spoken, and Jackie rarely thought of her. She liked Cindy. Their physical connection had been intense, but they had rarely spent time together outside the bedroom. Jackie had never felt the need to share her personal thoughts or dreams, and Cindy had preferred it that way too.

  She thought of the night she had spent with Heather, the last woman she had bedded. She shivered, remembering the ache she had felt that sent her out looking for company, and then the emptiness she felt after being with Heather. The sex should have left her without a want or a care in the world, but she had felt even more restless afterward. What had changed? And what was it about Kayla that settled that inner storm? When she was with Kayla, all the restlessness faded and they hadn’t even slept together. What did that mean?

  She shook her head and grasped the metal bar tightly with both hands. She pulled and brought the bar down to her chest, just above her breasts. Her breath puffed out with each pull and she grimaced with the exertion, but no matter how hard she worked she couldn’t shake Kayla from her thoughts.

  She had wanted Kayla but had said no to sex. That was a first. Then she had Kayla come to the regatta. Since when did she share her life like that? Why did she want Kayla to be a part of the things that made her happy? If they did sleep together, would her feelings change? Would her infatuation with Kayla melt away like fog against the heat of a rising sun? Would Kayla become just another woman in her bed?

  Near muscle failure, Jackie leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees to give her quivering muscles a rest before hitting the shower. She ran a shaky hand through her sweat-drenched hair and pulled the neck of her shirt up to wipe the sweat from her face. Her mind was still a mess, but some of the physical tension that had been thundering through her body had quieted.

  She showered and dressed quickly, going through the motions in a daze. On her way out of the gym she pulled her phone from her bag and saw she had a message from Kayla. Calm skimmed through her body like a caress at the sound of Kayla’s smooth, rich voice.

  Whatever was happening between her and Kayla, it looked like she had another chance to figure it out.

  Hurriedly, she tossed her things into her truck and settled in the seat. She took a deep breath and dialed Kayla’s number. Her heart beat so hard she could feel the vibration in her throat. She held her breath and her mouth went dry at the anticipation of talking to Kayla. After the third ring Kayla’s rich voice filtered through the line.

  “Hello, this is Kayla.”

  Jackie paused. She couldn’t seem to get her words in order. She wanted to tell Kayla she had been thinking about her all morning but suddenly felt vulnerable and exposed. This was all new to her and her confidence evaporated.

  “Hello, gorgeous. I was just thinking about you.” Jackie rolled her eyes at the sound of her own voice. She couldn’t think of what to say next.

  Luckily Kayla rescued her. “Hey. It’s beautiful outside and I’m planning a day in the mountains. Would you like to come with me?”

  Jackie forced calm into her voice. “Hmm, a chance to spend the day with a beautiful woman, how could I say no?”

  “Always the smooth talker. Is it okay if I pick you up in an hour?”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Jackie ran her hand across her face. She had one hour. She smiled as she looked at the clock. Just knowing she was going to see Kayla had her all keyed up again. Maybe Kayla was just what she needed.


  Kayla rang the bell to Jackie’s apartment exactly one hour later.

  “Hey, right on time, as usual.” Jackie pulled Kayla inside.

  Jackie’s brilliant smile and warm welcome melted Kayla’s apprehension. The warmth from Jackie’s hand was comforting. How was it that a simple touch could undo her so completely?

  Jackie kissed Kayla’s cheek. “You look beautiful. It’s good to see you.” She stepped back and looked at Kayla, her smile deepening the dimple in her left cheek. “So, what’s the plan for the day?”

  Kayla stared at Jackie as if she had fallen into a deep trance. She studied Jackie’s face, looked beyond the glinting surface of her eyes, and tried to peer into her soul, searching for the substance of Jackie’s heart.

  Jackie shuddered under the scrutiny.

  Kayla read her vulnerability and stepped closer.

  “Kayla?” Jackie whispered. Her voice strained.

  Hesitantly Kayla raised her fingers to Jackie’s mouth and pressed two fingers lightly to her lips. She brushed a delicate kiss against Jackie’s mouth, following the path her fingers had traced. The touch of Jackie’s lips was like the faint brush of butterfly wings against a flower petal. The physical connection, although brief, lulled Kayla deeper into her trance until her desire sparked.

  Their lips met tenderly, moving slowly, stoking the flow of excitement, intrigue, and pure pleasure.

  Kayla pulled away, biting her lower lip as she swayed on her feet, her fingers still resting against Jackie’s cheek.

  “That was nice.” Kayla gave a slight shake of her head and closed her eyes. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  Jackie trembled, shifting her eyes from Kayla’s lips to peer into her eyes. “That’s okay. I really didn’t mind.” She creased her brow in a curious frown. “You know, you have very unusual eyes.”

  Kayla smiled, taking a step away, her fingers slipping from Jackie’s face. She dropped her gaze, embarrassed by her boldness. “Thank you…I think.”

  Jackie chuckled. “Trust me, it’s a compliment.” She wrapped her fingers lightly around Kayla’s waist and drew her close. “Would you like to tell me what just happened here?”

  Kayla was silent a moment as if considering her answer. “I was looking for something and then I guess I just went with my feelings.”

  “Hmm, I like the sound of that. What were you feeling?” Jackie asked with her usual flirtatious tone.

bsp; Kayla smiled. “I don’t think I want to tell you, at least not yet. We should get going.”

  “So that’s how it’s going to be.” Jackie chuckled and followed Kayla back to the door.

  Kayla kept walking, allowing the few steps between them to clear her head of the intoxicating kiss. She wasn’t sure what she had hoped to see in Jackie’s eyes, but what she found left her needing and wanting. She had been pulled into Jackie as if she was her only source of water in the scouring heat of the desert. For those brief moments, she had forgotten everything. She had seen Jackie’s vulnerability, her desire, her uncertainty, and her daring. But she could not read her heart.

  “I thought we’d ride through the mountains and have lunch in the park. Does that sound okay with you?”

  Jackie grabbed her keys and a light backpack. “Sounds good to me.”

  Kayla pulled the Z onto the highway while Jackie flipped through Kayla’s playlist. She had put the top down before leaving home and the wind was a cool and refreshing contrast to the heat of the midday sun.

  Jackie shuffled through song after song.

  “What? You don’t like my music?” Kayla asked when Jackie changed the music for the third time.

  Jackie smiled. “The music is great. We have a lot of the same stuff. I just don’t know what mood I’m in. What else do you have in here?”

  “I pretty much stick with my playlist and audiobooks.”


  “Sure. I can’t think of a better way to spend my drive time. I get lost in a story, and before I know it, the drive is over. It’s a good way to clear my head of the chaos of work.”

  “Huh. Maybe I’ll have to try it.”

  Jackie flipped through the list of books in Kayla’s phone.

  “Jesus, Kayla, there’s an entire library in here.”

  Kayla laughed.

  “Isn’t that a little dangerous while driving?”

  “No,” Kayla smiled. “I stay pretty focused, but I do have to warn you about some of the lesbian romance novels. They can really get you going and that can be…distracting.”

  Jackie laughed. “Are you serious?”

  Kayla cut a look at Jackie that said she was dead serious.

  “Hmm. Maybe we should listen to one now,” Jackie said with a mischievous grin.

  Kayla smacked Jackie’s thigh playfully. “Don’t you dare.”

  Jackie looked around at the view. “I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as the Smoky Mountains.”

  Kayla sighed. “I know what you mean. I can’t imagine living anywhere without mountains.”

  “I never thought I’d be the mountain type. I was a beach girl growing up, but there’s something magical about this place.”

  Kayla took Jackie’s hand. “I’m glad you came today.”

  Jackie smiled and laced her fingers through Kayla’s. “So am I. A little sunshine, fresh air, and who knows what could happen.”


  Jackie lay back on the blanket with her hands behind her head and looked up into the canopy of trees. “This is perfect.”

  Kayla had led them away from the main path to a small stream in the woods. They could still hear people close by but couldn’t be seen for the lush summer foliage. They shared the picnic as they watched squirrels chase each other through the trees and listened to the sound of the flowing water of the creek.

  “Look.” Kayla leaned close to Jackie, carefully resting her arm against Jackie’s back when she sat up and pointed across the water.

  Jackie gasped. A black bear meandered along the edge of the stream on the opposite side of the water from where they were sitting. It didn’t seem to pay them any attention as it scavenged the ground for nuts and other tasty morsels.

  Jackie looked at Kayla, her eyes round with surprise and a hint of fear. “Do you think we should go?”

  Kayla smiled. “No. We’re fine. It doesn’t seem too interested in us.”

  “I’ve never seen a real bear before, at least not outside a zoo. It’s amazing.”

  Kayla smiled at the wonder in Jackie’s voice. She didn’t want to leave this spot as long as Jackie kept looking at her that way. And although she needed to keep an eye on the bear, she knew as long as they respected it and didn’t get in its space it wouldn’t bother them.

  Jackie fell back against the blanket again once the bear had moved out of sight. They could hear excited voices as other hikers spotted the bear farther downstream.

  Kayla smiled down at Jackie. She liked the almost childlike glint in Jackie’s eyes and was happy to be showing her new things. Kayla ran a finger along the underside of Jackie’s arm tickling her skin.

  Jackie laughed and wiggled away.



  “Hmm,” Kayla said grinning. She ran her fingers along the sensitive skin again, feeling Jackie shudder beneath her touch.

  Jackie laughed and pulled her arms from behind her head and wrapped them around Kayla’s waist, quickly playing her fingers along Kayla’s ribs.

  Kayla shrieked and squirmed, trying to escape the assault of tickling. She fell into Jackie’s arms laughing, her heart lighter than she could ever remember. She stared down at Jackie. Jackie’s lips were so close Kayla could feel the warmth of her breath against her skin. She wanted to feel those lips against her. The sound of a branch snapping behind her drew her attention and she turned to see what had caused the noise. Less than thirty feet away the black bear was making its way toward them. It held its nose in the air sniffing as its head swayed from side to side seeking out dinner. It was following the scent of their food.

  “Holy shit!” Jackie exclaimed an instant before she scrambled from the blanket, leapt to her feet, and ran. She had gone a good ten yards before realizing Kayla wasn’t with her. She stopped and looked back.

  Kayla patiently gathered up their things and put them back into the cooler.

  “Come on, Kayla,” Jackie called desperately. “That’s a bear!”

  Kayla laughed and casually continued to gather the detritus of their meal and stored it securely in her pack. She then gathered up the blanket, and after checking that there was no further debris, she strolled casually over to Jackie.

  Jackie shifted from foot to foot, anxious to get moving. She didn’t want to hang around and get to know this bear any better. This was a little too up close and personal for her taste. She was all about adventure, but she drew the line at wild animals that weighed more than she did and had very big teeth.

  Kayla sauntered up beside Jackie and pointed back to the bear, which was just at that moment reaching the spot where they had been only moments before. “She’s only following the scent of the food. She must have gone downstream, crossed the water, and followed the scent back to us.”

  The bear was very thoroughly sniffing the ground where they had just been sitting, obviously searching for the food.

  “I can’t believe you were so calm about all that. Weren’t you afraid?”

  Kayla shrugged. “No, not really, but I don’t want to try our luck. Come on. Let’s go see what else we can get into today.”

  Jackie stared at Kayla amazed, and then glanced nervously back at the bear. “Good idea, let’s go.” She didn’t waste any time getting back to the car. Once inside the car, she was still a little shaken by the experience.

  “Are you okay?” Kayla asked.

  Jackie blew out her breath. “I’m fine, but I never thought I’d be so happy to see a car in my life.”

  Kayla laughed. “We don’t really have a roof, you know.”

  Jackie grimaced. “Yeah, but at least there are other cars and people around.”

  “True,” Kayla agreed. “But the animals around here don’t seem to mind the people so much.” Kayla pointed to a herd of deer in a field just ahead of them.

  Jackie paled and then laughed at herself.

  “I guess I’m really blowing the macho image right now, huh?”

  Kayla chuckled. “
Maybe a little, but for what it’s worth, I think it’s cute.”

  It was true. Kayla loved this side of Jackie and felt privileged to see her playfulness and vulnerability. This was the real Jackie. Kayla smiled as more of her reticence melted away.

  “What’s next?” Jackie asked as they pulled back onto the narrow winding road that meandered through the park.

  “Let’s just see where we end up.”

  They drove deeper into the mountains, watching the Little Pigeon River meander through the hills as the road twisted through the narrow path cut through stone and forest.

  Kayla drew in a deep breath, taking in the aroma of wildflowers, water, earth, and sunshine. She relished the feel of the wind blowing through her hair and the smooth touch of Jackie’s hand in hers. The faint brush of Jackie’s fingers along her arm sent a thrill of pleasure across her skin. Everything was perfect and she wished this day would never end.

  Kayla slowed the car, deftly maneuvering it around the tight turns of the road. She had an idea where they would go next and hoped the area wouldn’t be too crowded. Her luck held. Only two other cars were parked in the area Kayla had wanted to show Jackie. She pulled off the road and found a spot in the shade. The so-called parking lot was not much more than packed earth with some well-worn gravel.

  The roar of rushing water could be heard from the car and Kayla felt a surge of excitement. “You have to see this.”

  Kayla led Jackie along a path that edged the water until they emerged on a series of boulders. Water gushed in violent torrents over the rocks, twisting and battering its way through the immovable obstacles until finally settling into a large pool of blue.

  “Isn’t it amazing?” Kayla exclaimed, watching Jackie take in the view.

  Jackie’s gaze followed the flow of the water, settling on the large pool at the base of the cliff. She watched a young man swim to the base of the rocks.

  “You swim in this?” Jackie asked sounding astonished.

  “Oh yeah, just watch.” She pointed to a mass of giant rocks. “See that boulder there at the head of the pool?”


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