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Page 23

by Donna K. Ford

  Jackie smiled and watched her mother’s eyes follow the movement of a cat that was trying to sneak up on a bird.

  A frown slowly creased her mother’s brow and she turned back to face Jackie again. This time she studied Jackie’s face, her warm green eyes clouded with pain and something close to recognition.

  “Do I know you? You seem familiar.”

  Jackie nodded and smiled faintly. “You used to know me. But that was a very long time ago.”

  Her mother studied her intently. “You remind me of my daughter. You look like her. But I lost her.”

  Jackie slid her palms against her jeans to hide their trembling. Her mother recognized her. “It’s me. I’m Jackie.”

  The color in Rose’s cheeks brightened and her eyes glistened as she searched Jackie’s face. Her chin trembled, and with a shaky voice she asked, “Jackie?”

  Jackie nodded. She was afraid to speak. She was afraid to even breathe.

  Her mother gasped and covered her mouth with her good hand. Her hand shook and her eyes were wide with disbelief and shock.

  Jackie studied her mother’s face and the long scar that crossed her forehead, fading into her hairline. She recognized the damage that had been done. Her heart ached for her mother and all the time they had lost and all that they had suffered. She hoped she never saw her father again. This betrayal was too much, even for him.

  “How can this be?” Rose asked.

  Jackie took her mother’s hand, drawing it to her lips. Her mother gripped her fingers and stared into her eyes with hope and grief. “It’s me, Momma. I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Her mother shook her head and pulled back. She moved her fingers across Jackie’s face, stroked her hair, and clutched her shoulder as if she was trying to convince herself Jackie was real.

  “How are you here? I lost you.”

  “A friend found you for me. I’m sorry it took me so long.” She thought about what her mother said. “What do you mean you lost me?”

  Her mother’s chin trembled. “The accident. You died.”

  Jackie shook her head, confused. “What accident?”

  Her mother bit her lip and pointed to her scar. “Martin said I killed you.”

  Jackie was consumed by rage as she realized what had happened. Her father had convinced them both the other was dead. Of course that was the easiest way to cover his tracks and keep either from asking questions or trying to find the other. He had manipulated them both. She couldn’t hate anyone more than she hated her father in that moment.

  “Martin lied to us both, Mother. He told me you were dead too. He kept us apart.”

  Her mother frowned and shook her head. “Oh God. Why? Why would he do that?”

  Jackie shook her head. “I don’t know.” Jackie had the urge to break something. She wanted to scream at her father, to hurt him the way he had hurt her so many times. But she held her anger at bay and focused on her mother. Her father had stolen too much time from them already. She wouldn’t allow her hatred of him to steal this moment from her too.

  “He doesn’t matter anymore,” Jackie said in a whisper. “All that matters is that I have you back now.”

  Rose nodded and clasped her hand around Jackie’s wrist. Her fingers were soft but strong as she gripped Jackie’s arm. The look in her eyes was desperate. “I don’t remember things. I don’t remember the accident. But I never forgot about you.”

  Jackie smiled. The words were like a healing salve on an old wound, mending the pieces of her heart back into place. There were so many things she wanted to know, so many things she needed to say, and now she finally had time for all of them.


  Jackie closed the door to her mother’s room. They had talked for hours and she was just beginning to believe the dream was real. But it was getting late and her mother needed to rest. She let her hand slip from the smooth wood of the door, comforted by knowing she would see her mother again in a matter of hours.

  She found Kayla sitting in the lobby playing chess with one of the residents.

  “Hey,” Kayla said as Jackie placed her hand on her shoulder.

  “Sorry, Ben, looks like my time is up. Maybe we can play again sometime.”

  The old man clasped Kayla’s hand in both of his. “Anytime, young lady. I hope you’ll come back soon.”

  Kayla kissed his cheek. “I will.”

  Jackie stopped outside and drew in a deep breath of night air. “I don’t know how to thank you for giving me back my mother. I feel like I’m in a fairy tale and I’ve just been released from some evil spell.”

  “How did things go?” Kayla asked.

  “She’s amazing.” Jackie sighed. “There are a lot of things I may never know, and there seems to be no end to the evil my father could do. But I have her back now, and that changes everything. You have changed everything.”

  Kayla smiled. “I’m glad.”

  “I was afraid she wouldn’t know me, but she did. She never forgot me. My father convinced her I was in the accident with her and that I was killed. He kept us apart on purpose. What kind of person does that?”

  “I don’t know,” Kayla answered. “Are you ready to go home?”

  Jackie nodded.

  The flickering lights flashed past the window in a blur as Jackie tried to put together the pieces of her life. There was so much she wanted to say to Kayla, but she didn’t know where to begin. As Kayla pulled into the apartment complex, Jackie realized she had to find her courage or Kayla would be gone again.

  “I came to the airport the morning you left. I wanted to tell you I was sorry for letting my fear get in the way of us, but I chickened out at the last minute. I’m sorry I let you down.”

  Kayla was silent so long Jackie was sure she would never speak to her again.

  “There were things happening in my life that were too close to your past. I understand how hard that was for you, but I can’t understand how you could just walk away from what we had.”

  Jackie bit her lip. What we had. Kayla had used the past tense.

  “I was wrong. I was stupid. I didn’t realize how important you were to me until you were gone. I didn’t want a relationship because I was afraid of losing you the way I lost my mother. I thought if I walked away, I wouldn’t get hurt. I didn’t realize it was already too late.”

  Kayla frowned. “What are you saying?”

  Jackie sighed. “These past couple of weeks without you have been miserable. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, I don’t want to do anything without you.”

  Kayla shook her head. “You made it pretty clear you didn’t want a relationship.”

  Jackie nodded. “There were a lot of things I believed for a long time, but I was wrong. I feel like I’m a different person now. You changed everything, Kayla.”

  Kayla had tears in her eyes. “How do I know you won’t change your mind? What will you do if some idiot decides to turn my life upside down again?”

  Jackie took Kayla’s hand. “I won’t change my mind. I’ve realized I’m not a kid anymore. I don’t have to run away anymore. I never thought I’d want to share my life with anyone, but now I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  Kayla couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “All this time I was afraid to admit that I need you. But I’m not afraid anymore. I don’t want to lose you, Kayla.”

  Kayla let out a sob.

  Jackie brushed her fingers across Kayla’s cheek. She looked into her eyes and smiled.

  Tears streaked Kayla’s face now. Jackie hoped they were happy tears.

  “Can you forgive me? I know you think it’s too risky, but will you give me another chance?” Jackie asked cautiously. “You’ve given me back my mother, you’ve shown me how good it feels to share my life with you. Give me a chance.”

  Kayla buried her face in Jackie’s shoulder. She was about to take the biggest risk of her life. She’d promised herself she’d start living and stop being afraid to take risks. Yes, Jackie cou
ld change her mind, but how would she know what forever was if she didn’t start here? Wasn’t this what she’d always wanted?

  “Yes,” Kayla said firmly.

  “Yes, what?” Jackie asked.

  Kayla lifted her head and met Jackie’s gaze. “Yes to everything.” Kayla smiled. “When you walked away, walked out of my life, I felt empty inside. I spent the past two weeks trying to figure out how I was going to put my life back together when I didn’t like the pieces anymore. I realized I don’t want to just play it safe. I want to feel alive. I want to wake up every day and wonder what will happen next. That’s what you give me.”

  Jackie wrapped Kayla’s face in her hands and kissed her. Kayla tasted her own tears as Jackie’s tongue parted her lips.

  Jackie deepened the kiss, her lips bruising against Kayla’s mouth. Kayla clung to Jackie’s shoulders and was consumed by the rightness of Jackie’s touch. She’d thought she’d lost Jackie. Having her in her arms now was more than she had hoped, but everything she had dreamed. Kayla pulled away, breaking the kiss, her breath ragged bursts fueled by her racing heart.

  “Let’s go home.”

  Jackie smiled. “Your place or mine?”

  Chapter Twenty

  Jackie started picking up trash and empty beer bottles the moment they walked into her apartment.

  “Sorry about the mess.”

  “What happened in here? Did you have a party or something?”

  Jackie sighed. “Hardly, I’ve kind of been a mess the past couple of weeks.”

  Kayla’s heart warmed at the sight of Jackie so out of sorts. They still had a lot to work out, but she had no doubt Jackie was worth it. Kayla reached out and took a bottle from Jackie’s hand, placing it back on the table.

  “This stuff can wait.”

  Jackie stilled.

  “I don’t care about the mess.”

  Jackie nodded.

  “It’s been a big day. A lot has happened. Maybe we should just slow down and take it all in.”

  Jackie looked at her as if she was seeing her for the first time. When Jackie didn’t move, or say anything, Kayla began to feel self-conscious. “What?”

  “I’m afraid I’ll wake up and all of this will be a dream.”

  Kayla wrapped her arms around Jackie’s neck. “I guess I’ll just have to make sure I’m there when you wake up.”

  Jackie smiled, sliding her arms around Kayla’s waist. “I like the sound of that.”

  Kayla pressed her lips to Jackie’s, savoring the heat growing between them. She needed to reestablish their connection. She knew Jackie’s body, and she needed Jackie’s touch to tell her what words couldn’t.

  “That doesn’t mean I have to sleep on the sofa, does it?” Kayla asked playfully.

  “God, I hope not.”

  Kayla slid her hands down Jackie’s chest, brushing her fingers over Jackie’s breasts. She felt Jackie shiver beneath her touch.

  Jackie slid her hands beneath Kayla’s shirt, needing to feel her skin beneath her touch. Her pulse raced, her heart thundering in her chest as if she was back on that rock about to jump into the water below, but this time, she was about to take a much bigger leap.

  Kayla slipped her hand in Jackie’s, lacing their fingers together. Jackie stepped back, tugging gently on Kayla’s hand, leading her to the bedroom. At the edge of the bed, Jackie brushed her fingers along Kayla’s jaw, cradling her face in her hand. She kissed along the line of Kayla’s jaw until her lips found Kayla’s mouth. Her lips were soft and the gentle brush of Kayla’s tongue against hers sent a jolt of need coursing straight through to her soul. This kiss was slow and easy, even reverent.

  Jackie felt her clitoris swell. She was wet with need and want, but this was one time she didn’t want to rush. She wanted to savor every moment, every touch. She brushed her thumb across Kayla’s nipple and heard a quiet moan.

  Jackie slowly undid the buttons of Kayla’s blouse, kissing the newly exposed skin as her fingers slid the garment off Kayla’s shoulders. She closed her lips over the hard nipple pressing against the thin fabric of Kayla’s bra.

  Kayla groaned and leaned into Jackie, intensifying the pressure of Jackie’s mouth on her breast. Of all the times they’d made love, nothing had ever felt this intimate. Kayla’s legs grew weak as Jackie fell to her knees and pressed her lips to her stomach as she slid her jeans and panties down. She pressed a kiss to the small mound of hair. Kayla’s legs were shaking now.

  “Are you okay?” Jackie asked glancing up as she moved to brush kisses up each thigh.

  “The bed would be good.”

  Jackie slid her arm around Kayla and lifted her into her arms, guiding her onto the bed. Kayla’s head swooned as she met Jackie’s gaze. The moment their eyes met, Kayla knew where she belonged. Something shifted and her heart opened. She watched Jackie undress before settling onto the bed beside her, tracing her fingers along the dips and curves of Kayla’s body.

  Kayla gasped as Jackie parted her, brushing her fingers against her clitoris before slipping into her. Jackie sucked a breast into her mouth as she stroked Kayla. With each tug on her nipple, each stroke filling her, all Kayla’s doubts melted away. She wasn’t afraid anymore. In that moment, she knew where she belonged.

  Jackie held Kayla in her arms, relishing what a gift it was to hold her and feel the aftershocks of her orgasm ripple through her body. Jackie buried her face in Kayla’s hair as she nuzzled against Kayla’s neck. The past two weeks had been hell without Kayla but had given her time to realize what had been missing in her life. Kayla was like calm water beneath her as her boat skimmed across the surface. Kayla was the wind in her hair as she raced along a country road. Kayla was her hope, her sanctuary, her peace. She had proven she could make it on her own—she knew how to survive. But Kayla had shown her how to open her heart and trust. Kayla had shown her that her life could be so much more.

  Jackie brushed a strand of hair from Kayla’s cheek, and leaned down and kissed her. This woman had given her her life back. She had saved her.

  “Hey”—Kayla lifted her hand and stroked Jackie’s face—“what’s going on with you?”

  Jackie looked at Kayla, trying to memorize every detail of her, every detail of this moment.

  “What?” Kayla asked with concern in her voice.

  Jackie brushed a kiss against Kayla’s lips. She shook her head slightly and let out a long breath. “I love you.”

  Kayla’s eyes misted with tears and for a moment Jackie was afraid Kayla was upset.

  “Is that okay?”

  Kayla shook her head. “More than okay, it’s everything.”

  Jackie smiled. “I should have told you this weeks ago, but as a good friend pointed out to me, I was being an ass.”

  Kayla laughed. “Who’s this friend? I owe them a huge thank you.”

  Jackie grinned. “My buddy Pete. And I can’t wait for you to meet him.”

  Kayla stilled. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I love you, and I plan to spend the rest of my life proving that to you every day, if that’s what you want too.”

  “Oh, I do, sweetheart, I do. I love you too.”

  Jackie’s heart soared. For the first time in her life she knew what love felt like and it was amazing.

  “There’s still a lot of things we need to work out. Your mother for one. You two have a lot to work through.”

  Jackie wrapped her arms around Kayla and pulled her close. “Thanks to you, that’s true. But that’s what families do—they work through things together.”

  Kayla laid her cheek against Jackie’s chest, comforted by the strong steady beat of her heart. A family. She was going to have a real family. She smiled, reassured by Jackie’s strong arms enveloping her. She pulled away looking at Jackie seriously. “If we’re going to be a family, I want a cat.”

  Jackie laughed. “A cat, a dog, I’ll even get you a bear. Anything you want.”

  Kayla pulled back, peering into Jackie’s eyes. “I love yo

  Jackie kissed her. “I love you.”


  Kayla picked up the little ball of fur currently untying her shoes. She and Jackie had picked out the kitten together but couldn’t settle on a name. Jackie wanted to call her Bear and Kayla thought she was sweet and wanted to call her Sugar. Kayla scratched the kitten behind the ear and was rewarded with a calm, steady purr. She stared out the window marveling at how much her life had changed.

  Kayla smiled as Jackie pulled into the drive.

  “Look, Sugar Bear, Momma’s home.”

  Jackie bounded through the door carrying a new cat bed.

  “Hey, beautiful.” Jackie kissed Kayla and rubbed the cat’s head. “I missed you guys today.”

  Kayla smiled. “Hmm, how much?”

  Jackie slid her hands along Kayla’s sides and gripped her hips, pulling her to her.

  Kayla groaned. “Don’t start something you can’t finish. We’re having dinner with your mother tonight.”

  “It’s still early.”

  “Not early enough.”

  Jackie laughed. “Later, you’re mine.”

  “Sweetie, I’m always yours.”

  Jackie smiled. “I love you too.”

  The kitten swatted Jackie on the cheek and bit her nose.

  Kayla laughed. “Sugar Bear missed you today.”

  Jackie raised her eyebrows. “Sugar Bear? Huh, that works. Look what I brought you.” Jackie held up the cat bed for Sugar Bear to sniff. The kitten grabbed it with her paws in her own little version of a bear hug.

  Jackie laughed. “I think she likes it.”

  Kayla smiled. “Hey, you need to get a shower and get ready or we’re going to be late.”

  Jackie kissed Kayla again, groaning when Kayla nipped her lower lip. “Maybe we should shower together and save some time,” Jackie teased.

  Kayla shook her head. “You’re insatiable. If we start in the shower, there’s no way we’ll make dinner. Now go.”

  Jackie kissed her before jogging down the hall to the shower.

  The love in Kayla’s heart swelled and she knew she would spend the rest of her life loving this woman. She put the cat down in her new bed and headed for the bathroom. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if they were just a little late.


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