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Princes of Hell MC Set

Page 29

by KJ Dahlen

  Rogue looked up at him. “Yeah, man?”

  “You don’t have to—“

  “The fuck he doesn’t!” Eagle cut in with his usual shout. “He has claimed her as his Old Lady. She...” He narrowed his bloodshot eyes at Sevie. “Stays with the club. With Rogue and my Decree stands!”

  Talon took a deep breath. He slowly looked over at Rogue.

  Rogue met his stare. “Fine with me.”

  Eagle let out a cold laugh. “Oh, really? Well, none of this is fine with me! You two fucks!” He pointed at Rogue then at Talon. “Are charged with getting the next hundred grand for this Russian sonofabitch!” He looked around at the men. “Meeting fucking adjourned!” He stepped away from his chair and marched over to the doors.

  Crater almost stumbled when rushing to open them.

  Eagle marched out of Church more pissed than any of them had ever seen him.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Fuck! What the hell did I just do? Rogue looked down at a very confused Sevannah.

  Tollman and Falcon stood up.

  “Well, fuck!” Falcon yelled out. “You don’t— you just had to...”

  Tollman slapped Falcon on the back. “You gonna keep choking on your words or are you gonna just say that Rogue just lost his ever lovin’ mind?”

  Hawk and Condor stood up now too. Sledge, Burnout, Tracker and Raptor joined them, stepping out from their chairs.

  Talon stared at him.

  Rogue looked around.

  “Why the fuck did you do that?” Talon asked.

  Rogue looked straight into his eyes. “You know why.”

  Talon shoved his fingers through his hair and shook his head then gazed over at a stunned looking Sevannah. “You do know what this means right?”

  She gulped heavily. “No. Not really? I mean he gave me his jacket? Like it means... well like high Scholl where the...” she paused and looked over at Rogue. “Football player makes you his girlfriend when he—”

  The men all started to laugh loudly cutting her silly explanation off.

  Rogue didn’t laugh as he shook his head.

  “Oh, girly!” Tollman swiped at his tears. “You are everything but hitched!”

  Her brows scrunched together. “What? Like married?” Gasping, she shot her stunned gaze over to Rogue.

  He didn’t look at her, instead he gazed around at the men. “Well, were any of you gonna stand up for her? Do what was right? Or were you gonna hand an innocent woman over to be slaughtered?”

  The men all sobered up at this question.

  “Hey!” Falcon stepped around the table and headed toward Rogue. “We did not go along with that!”

  Rogue glared at him, then at Talon and the rest of them. “But he was gonna force it to a vote. You all...” His angry words trailed away.

  Condor called out, “We all what?”

  Rogue took a deep breath. “None of you would have stood up against Eagle.”

  “How do you fucking know?” Hawk countered this. “We weren’t in agreement with him. Not on this.”

  “Well, how was I supposed to know that?” Rogue replied. “I did the only thing I could think of doing. To put a stop to his vote.”

  “Well...” Tollman spoke up again. “Seems to me, you are now hooked up with this pretty lady. So, really...” He winked at Sevannah.” It ain’t all that bad.”

  Sevannah finally seemed to get it as she stepped away from Rogue. “Wait! You claimed me as your woman to stop him from—”

  “DING! DING!” Tollman cheered. “Give the lady a prize, she finally gets it!”

  Rogue glared at him. He turned to Sevie. “Look... I made a promise to you. I had to keep it.”

  Sevannah stared at him. “But this means I cannot leave here?”

  He let out a sigh. “No, no. You will be able to...eventually?”

  “Eventually!” she shouted. “But until then, I am trapped here?”

  He let out a sigh. “For now.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she gazed all around at the men in the room.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and whispered to her ear, “Don’t worry. We will work this out.”

  Savannah gazed y up at him. Swiping a tear away, she gave him a nod.

  “Well hot fucking damn!” Falcon shouted. “I suppose we are gonna have throw a ceremony and a party,”

  Rogue snapped his head up. “No!”

  They all stared at him.

  Tollman raised a brow. “It is club tradition and if you want to keep her alive. You’d better get ready for a Biker party, man.”

  Rogue shook his head. It all just kept getting more and more convoluted as the minutes ticked by.

  “They’re right,” Talon spoke for the first time since Eagle left. “You have a woman now. And that is that. It is what it is. No matter how you got there, brother.”

  Rogue peered up at him. “I suppose so.”

  “Well shit,” Tollman cut in as he rubbed his hands together with glee. “We got stuff to get ready.”

  “We need to attend to other things though,” Talon advised.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Tollman nodded. “We will but tonight we are gonna celebrate. I agree with you VP. But the men need to let loose. With Eagle stompin’ around like the plague of doom asshole he can be and all this shit with the Russian’s? The men all need to let off some steam. And Rogue here...” He swung his gaze over to him.” He is out top Lieutenant so he needs to be done up right for something like this.”

  “Yeah,” Falcon added. “For a man who never even brought a piece of bunny into his room, he is now gonna have a babe living there!”

  The men all muttered their agreement.

  “Fine,” Talon stated. “But no fucking the bunnies on the tables and shit. I got my kid here and he might see that shit.”

  “Boo!” Tollman hissed.

  Falcon slapped him on the back. “That’s fine VP. Tollman will just fuck one UNDER the table!”

  The men all broke out into loud male laughter,

  Rogue grabbed Sevie’s arm and swiftly rushed her from the room.

  She said not a word all the way down the hall.

  Rogue spotted a Prospect. “Hey!” he shouted over at him.

  The Prospect stopped in his tracks. “Yes, Rogue?”

  “Grab us some lunch. Like ham and cheeses, and 2 cokes.”

  The Prospect nodded.

  “Bring it to ten hall. Door one.” Rogue took Sevannah’s arm and walked her along the hall to his room. He then unlocked his door and nudged her in.

  The woman had been utterly silent the whole time.

  Rogue was wondering what she might be thinking. What did she feel about this new turn of events?

  Remaining silent, she walked over and sat on the bed,

  Rogue pocketed his keys and went over to his chair. He sat and then finally looked at her.

  Her face showed nothing really and her head was a bit lowered.

  “Hey! Look at me,” he called out to her.

  Slowly, she raised her head.

  He stared at her face. “You all right?”

  She shook her head. “I-I’m not.”

  Leaning back in the chair, he stretched his legs out. “We just needed some time.”

  “Time?” she asked.

  He nodded. “You should feel some relief. No one will dare touch you or hurt you now.”

  She studied his face. “You gave up your freedom for me.”

  He shrugged but would not meet her gaze.

  “Now you need to look at me Rogue!” She raised her soft voice.

  His eyes swung up to meet hers.

  “This...that you did. This gesture...What did it mean, really?”

  He smiled at her. “It means...” He stood up and walked over to the bed to look down at her. “That you’re mine.”

  Blinking her eyes up at him, she sucked in a breath. “Like... your girlfriend?”

  He took her hands and pulled her up. �

  “But it isn’t real though right?” she asked in a small voice. “It is just for show?”

  He gazed into her eyes. “I’m not sure.” And that was the truth. He didn’t know where this was headed. He only knew two things. He’d had to protect her and he wanted her.

  Tilting her head at him, she asked, “But what if—”

  He lowered his head and smashed his mouth to hers.

  Gasping Sevannah stood rigid as if this was the last thing shed expected.

  Rogue grabbed her up to rest her against his body as he ravaged her mouth. He did want her. To taste her, feel her, listen to her beg for more as he drove her wild. He tightened his grip on her.

  Sevannah kissed him back now and rubbed her body along his as she became breathless.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  Rogue ignored it as he was hard again and he wanted to claim her tongue, her mouth. Then move on to other parts of her to claim as his own.

  The knocking grew louder.

  He released her mouth and nibbled on her lower lip just before pulling away.

  Sevannah had her eyes closed as her body sort of swayed a little.

  Rogue grabbed g her shoulders and steadied her. “Sevie?”

  Her eye popped open, as she looked dazed. “W-what?”

  He laughed feeling pleased he could affect her like this. He turned and headed for the knocking.

  A Prospect, the same one he’d stopped before, raised up two bags.

  “Thanks. Man!” Rogue even smiled at him this time. “I’m starving.” He then slammed the door on that eager face.

  “Why...” Sevannah asked. “I mean who are these men that are like umm...bell boys, messengers, waiters and such? And they don’t wear the vests or cuts as you called them.”

  Rogue brought the bags over to the small table by the chair. “They are called Prospects.”

  Sevannah moved over to where he had the bags. “Prospect? That doesn’t really answer my question Rogue.”

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “I’m starving.”

  “Well, sit and we’ll eat.” He waited until she sat then he dug into the bag. “You see. Lots of guys want to be in an MC.” He handed her a sandwich and a napkin. “They dream of wearing the cut. Getting to ride up front. Evolve to become a Lieutenant someday. Run things from the top. Be a full fledged brother”

  Savannah nodded as she took a bite of her sandwich hungrily then chewed.

  Rogue popped open a can of coke and handed it to her.

  She took a drink then swiped her mouth so gracefully with her napkin.

  Rogue watched her lick the coke bubbles from her lips and he grew instantly hard while staring at her mouth.

  “So, they have to earn their way up?” she asked then took another bite of her sandwich.

  He shook his dirty thoughts of her mouth on him and parts of his body... “Yeah. They gotta earn their patch.”

  She nodded and licked a little bit of mayo off her upper lip.

  Rogue blinked his eyes, as he got harder and harder. He looked away and thought it might be better to not watch her eat or drink. He took a bite of his sandwich.

  “Patch?” she asked. I thought you guys called your umm, jackets Cuts?”

  He grabbed his coke and popped the tab. “Yeah. We do.” He laughed and took a swallow, setting it down. “The cut is the vest the MC patch goes onto, but it is more like just a term for the position itself really.”

  Savanah chewed another bite. “So they aren’t the same thing?”

  He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Let’s just say they do everything they are asked and anything we tell them. They are Prospects.”

  “Don’t they have names?” She took another drink.

  “Of course, they do. But not after they step through those gates and state that they wish to serve.”

  Blinking, she paused the sandwich at her lips. “So you all just call them Prospects?”

  He nodded and took another bite.

  “But that is like slavery!”

  He laughed and almost choked on the ham. “No it isn’t. They volunteer for this shit!” He took a drink and swallowed.

  “You treat them like slaves. I have seen it now like three times. You treat them like...”

  He looked over at her. “Look, Sevie that is the way it goes. The way it has been for many, many years in these clubs.” He finished his sandwich and took a swig of his coke.

  “So...” She took a drink of hers. “You were one?”

  He nodded and sat his coke down. “Sure.”

  She took a bite of her ham and chesses then chewed. Swallowing, she looked over at him. “What was it like?’


  “Being a Prospect. What was it like?”

  He paused to remember all the sucking up that he’d hated. All the anger it gave him. The lowly jobs, the punishments. The tests they put to you. To see if you could hold your own. Club fights too. He wore the scars of some attacks when he’d been sent out to fight another MC. Knife wounds and a couple of bullet hole scars here and there. “It sucked actually. I prospected for two years.”

  Stevie almost choked on her drink of coke. “W-what?”

  He nodded. “See...” He let out a sigh. “I have the name of Rogue for a reason.”

  Setting her can down, she wiped her hands with the napkin. “Oh, really?” Her lips sort of trembled like she fought a smile.

  “Yes. I often go off campus. Off road, if you will.”

  She furrowed her brows. “What? Like you guys have an actual MC school?”

  He stared at her then laughed.

  She pursed her lips. “Come on! I really knew nothing about MCs before I met you!”

  He chuckled. “No. What I meant was. I have trouble with um... authority,” he came up with the exact phrase that had been used to him many times during his wayward life.

  “So being told what to do didn’t work out well for you?” She smiled.

  Rogue paused and stared at that smile. Dammit, he wanted to see it more often. “Um... No. So usually, it takes a good Prospect about six months and some maybe as long as a year.”

  “But it took you a whole two years?”

  He nodded.

  “Oh, my god! Why didn’t you just quit? Do something else?”

  He stared at her hard. “I am nothing else. I am a biker. An MC brother down to my boots. I was born into it literally.”

  Sevannah pulled her head back. “What does that mean, born into it?”

  He shrugged his wide shoulders. “Like the story goes, my mom literally went into labor while on the back of a cycle.”

  Looking stunned, she batted her eyes. “What?”

  “Yeah, they were on a road trip. Trying to get her back home with her folks to have the baby. The story I was told was that she had me right there at a rest stop.”

  Sevannah covered her mouth with both hands as if the idea frightened the hell out of her. She stared at him with wide eyes.

  Shaking his head, he shrugged. “That is what they told me.”

  She lowered her eyes. “So did your parents raise you together?”

  Silent, he let out a sigh. “Yeah, for the first ten years.”

  “Then what?”

  “My dad was killed.”

  Gasping, Sevannah stood up from her chair. “That must have been hard on you?”

  “Then my mom well...” Rogue looked away as he spoke.

  She grabbed his hand. “What happened with her?”

  “She drank herself to death. Couldn’t live without him I guess?”

  “Ohhh,” she cooed as she placed both hands over his.

  He wanted to shift this sad subject. “So your grandmother. What kind of woman was she?” He knew she must have had guts to take Sevie and run to America.

  “She was brave, yes. But then she was ill a lot,” Sevie answered softly.

  “So, what happened to her?”

  Dropping his hands,
she let out a sigh. “She died.”

  He raised his head up to stare at her face.

  “Then I was put into a foster home.”

  His eyes rounded a bit. He never would have guessed this. “Was it... umm... bad?”

  “No... well not the first home.”

  He grabbed her hands now. “But there were others?”

  Nodding, she tried to change the subject, “So what happens now?”

  He shook his head at her. “No. You don’t get to do that with me.”

  Blinking, she looked puzzled. “Do what?”

  “Not answer me. Avoid subjects.”

  She stared into his eyes. “Rogue, you are just sooo...”

  He stepped closer to her. “So... what?”

  Avoiding his cool blue eyes, she explained, “You hate me and don’t trust me. Then you like me and believe me. You want to get rid of me then you keep me. You are kind to me and then laid your MC career on the line for me?” She stared at up him. “Why?”

  Shrugging, he didn’t have a real answer. “Hell, Sevie. I don’t know half the shit I might do tomorrow. That is why they call me Rogue.”

  Staring at him, she looked concerned again. “So tomorrow, you might change your mind and—”

  He grabbed her up and tugged her close to put his lips to hers. “I won’t fail you. I won’t back off and leave you unprotected. You can count on that much.” He kissed her. Wrapping his arms around her, he literally lifted her from the floor. He stepped forward hefting her to the wall.

  Pressing against her, he never broke the fierce kiss as his hands found her breasts and he thumbed her nipples through her blouse.

  Moaning into his mouth, she kissed him just as fireclay, jut as passionately.

  He wanted this woman in the worst way. Everything in his mind drifted away except for the taste of her, the feel of her. Her scent. That little moan she just released.

  Rogue pulled his head back, breaking the fantastic breathless kiss. “Dammit... I want you.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  She stared at that skilled mouth of his. Damn, he’d made her feel things she never felt before. She knew having sex with this hot biker would be something she would never, ever forget. He knew how to please a woman.

  Thinking about last night when he had her on his bed. She’d wanted him too. Then he rejected her and started yelling about how stupid he was. “I want you too,” she whispered. “But...”


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