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Princes of Hell MC Set

Page 41

by KJ Dahlen

  Condor got up and sprinted across the burning lawn, weaving in and out avoiding twisted metal, pieces of car and flesh. He grabbed Crow. Got him into a fireman’s carry and ran with him back to the house.

  They all ran through and into the backyard.

  The brothers in the trees at the back were scrambling down.

  Sirens blared from the front as they all sprinted down and across to the next street.

  Cops were on their asses now and it was time to run like they’d never fucking run before.

  Falcon saw Cobra tying the prospect who’d been killed to the back of his bike. “We leave no man behind,” he stated from beneath his bandana and took off on his cycle.

  They all did the same.

  Smoke drifted from the fires at the big house across the street as they all rode through it, and went in different directions.

  Falcon smiled. Fucking right! Finally the rat was dead.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Hawk took her in and introduced her to a very beautiful woman. Tall, long legs, red flaming hair that rolled around her shoulders in shiny locks. Piercing green eyes took her in. Then she reached out and grabbed her up in a hug, stating, “You poor thing!”

  Sevannah, or Sevie as she had introduced herself then completely took over, taking Asia to a far part of the clubhouse, while telling Hawk who trailed them every step of the way, “She needs female company, not a guy who looks as scary as you do.”

  Hawk smiled and shook his head. “Okay, but keep her here. If anything happens to her, Falcon will scalp me.”

  “Oh?” Sevie countered, hands on her hips while staring at his Mohawk. “There’s not much left to miss.”

  He laughed outright at her teasing instead of getting mad and ruffled his hawk with his fingers. “Maybe, but it’s mine and I wanna keep it.” He looked over at Asia. “I am going to be in that hall.” He pointed at the door. “In a chair. No one is getting in here.”

  Asia sighed then nodded.

  Sevie fed her, got her coffee, and kept up a great conversation.

  Well, it would have been great at any other time. But Asia could only see Falcon’s hazel eyes, his grin and think about the way his hands felt on her whenever he touched her.

  After Sevie tried to get her to eat some kind of pastry and watch TV, Asia finally got up from the sofa. The woman was sweet and they did talk about the things they had in common. Sevie was excited to see the paintings that Asia had done that were at her Nan’s. She’d said it was thrilling to meet someone who actually painted.

  But Asia couldn’t sit still. Fear had her in its grip. Would it be like this all the time? Her waiting for him to come back from wherever he went, unharmed and alive? This suddenly dawned on her. This man walked a tight line. He’d said he was an enforcer. He went out on jobs all the time for the club. Though, she didn’t have a choice, she still wanted as long as she could have with him, no matter what life he led.

  She’d paced for the last hour. It had been dark for over two hours now and still no word about Falcon. Many of the bikers had drifted in.

  No Falcon.

  “Come on Asia,” Sevie spoke softly. “He is tough. They all are.”

  “Yeah, that may be but he isn’t immortal.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that.” A tall blonde man came in through the door.

  Sevie literally stood up on the couch and tossed herself onto his body. “Rogue! Baby!” She kissed his face all over as he staggered back. Latching her long legs around his waist as he kissed her soundly.

  Asia flushed and looked away. She spotted Hawk standing at the door. Approaching him, she met his eyes.

  He shook his head. “No word.”

  She huffed out air. “Is everyone else back?’

  He slowly nodded.

  “I want to speak to Condor!” she shouted. “Or this Talon guy. NOW!’

  Hawk blinked at her, as she hadn’t spoken above a whisper around him until now. He grabbed his cell and tapped the screen. Then raised the phone up to his ear. He waited and waited.

  Asia was standing with her hands as fist at her sides. Something was wrong. Very wrong, she could feel it.

  He swiped the screen. “Condor isn’t answering.”

  “Then call Talon,” she seethed.

  He sighed and brought up his screen, again tapping 2. He raised it this ear again. “Boss?” He paused. “Yeah, I know. But I got a little woman here that is about to rake my eyes out if she doesn’t see Falcon soon.” He listened. “What?” he again paused then he turned toward the wall. “Are you sure?”

  Asia felt her heart pounding so hard it boomed in her own ears. She felt someone touch her arm and she jumped.

  Sevie raised her hands up as she stared at her, concerned.

  Asia looked over at Hawk.

  He swiped the screen and stared at her.

  “What?” she shouted. “He is NOT dead! Do not tell me that!”

  Rogue stepped up next to Sevie. “I saw him. He was fine after it was over. So, he’s not dead.”

  Asia let out a long breath as her body shook. Then she raised her eyes to a silent Hawk.

  He shrugged “Men are out looking for him, so is Condor. He just disappeared?”

  Shaking her head, she backed up to the wall in the hall. “Something happened to him.”

  “Maybe?” Hawk looked upset. “But we don’t know.”

  “He’s tough to get the drop on, Asia,” Rogue added. “There’s no one who could—”

  “He needs to be here! Everyone else is!” she cried out.

  They all looked at each other.

  Rogue kissed Sevie on the cheek. “I’m going to see what’s up.”

  Nodding, Sevie looked over at Asia.

  Asia was pacing again as she babbled with panic, “I just found him again! After dreaming of him for a year while almost believing, he wasn’t even real? Then there he was when Devon had me.” She whirled around and asked, “Devon didn’t get him did he?”

  Hawk shook his head. “That would be impossible.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Cuz, he’s scattered all over his estate is why,” Hawk stated.

  “ he’s dead?”

  He nodded. “Look I don’t know what to say. Only that Falcon has come back from some nasty wars. He has made it literally through fire. He will be here.”

  Asia wrung her hands and went back into the room.

  Another hour went by and Asia was laying on the couch as tears rolled down her cheeks. One tragedy after another. Never to be happy.

  Sevie sat down next to her and smoothed her hair. “You cannot give up like this. What if he will need you?”

  Asia blinked her eyes. Then she sat up and swiped away her tears. “Yeah. You’re right. It’s just that nothing has ever gone right for me. I’ve nearly lost everyone who meant anything to me. I need to be stronger than this.”

  Sevie patted her hand. “You have to tell yourself that you deserve happiness. That... it will happen for you.”

  “It’s just that I think I will go crazy if this waiting and hearing nothing keeps up.” She sighed.

  “They got him!” Hawk yelled from the hall.

  Asia gasped and got up rushing to the hallway. “What do you mean they got him?” she asked as she truly thought she might pass out.

  Hawk shook his head. “I don’t know the details but someone... shot him off his bike?”

  Gasping, she placed her shaking hands over her mouth. “What hospital is he at?” She shoved her way past him.

  “Stop, Asia!” Hawk yelled. “He isn’t at the hospital.”

  Slowly, she turned to stare at him. So the morgue? Her body was trembling so bad that her teeth chattered. “Do not tell me he is dead!”

  “He isn’t,” a voice came from the end of the hall.

  Asia whipped around.

  Talon strode toward her.

  Asia watched him until he stopped in front of her.

“He is in his room.”

  She went to go around him.

  He caught her arm.

  “No...” She tried to shake him off. “Let me go!”

  He turned her to face him. “The doc is working on him. You need to wait.”

  She let out a shaky breath. “Wait? I have been waiting for five hours! What happened to him? What?”

  Talon looked upset. “We don’t know. Condor found him and his bike.”

  “And?” she asked breathlessly.

  “He took a bullet through his back. We don’t know yet if it’s a through and through or if—”

  “A-a through and...” Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “If it went through or if it is still inside him.”

  Asia felt her legs give way.

  “Easy!” Talon caught her before she could hit the floor. “Come on. You need to be stronger than this.”

  She sniffled as she nodded. She heard this already. All she cared about was to see him. “Take me to him?”

  He sighed. “Ok, but we can’t get in the way.” He turned and went down the hall as she and the other three followed.

  They got to Falcon’s room.

  Condor stood outside. His cut was covered in blood. He stared at Asia.

  She stared at his vest and tried not to cringe. “You found him?”

  He nodded. “Somebody tried to take him out.”

  “T-thank you for...” She took a deep breath. “...for saving him.”

  He shrugged. “I should have stayed with him. He was behind me and when he didn’t arrive...” Condor let out a sigh. “Man, he lost a lot of blood.”

  Asia looked over at Talon.” Are you able to give him blood?”

  “Already being done. We don’t go to hospitals if we can help it. We protect the club.”

  She wanted to ask him at the cost of Falcon’s life? But she knew better than to say such a thing. Falcon had told her about them all. Brothers together... and all for one thing. Protect the club, as they were your family.

  “Don’t worry,” Rogue spoke up. “Our doctor is top of the line, Asia. He is the best there is.”

  Asia squared her shoulders and turned to go into the room. She prepared herself. Like Talon and Sevie had said. She needed to be stronger.

  She opened the door.

  “The fuck, doc! That hurts!’

  She halted in her tracks. Her mouth popped open.

  Falcon was sitting up in bed with his chest being wrapped in a huge bandage by an older man. “Be careful!”

  “Oh, stop whining, tough guy!” the doc snapped back.

  Tears fell down her cheeks. He looked okay, just a bit pale and he had tiny cuts on his cheeks. “F-Falcon?”

  He turned his angry scowl to her and his face softened instantly. “Baby girl.”

  She started to cry insanely.

  His eyes widened as he raised his gaze to the group behind her. “What the fuck did you do to her?” He looked like he wanted to kill someone.

  Hawk raised his hands up. “Not us. You!”

  Falcon looked confused. “Me?”

  “Yes, you! Asia shouted.

  Falcon tucked his head back at her yelling. It wasn’t at all like her.

  She marched over to him. “I was scared to death! You didn’t come back. Everyone else did, but not you!”

  He shook his head. “Baby, I couldn’t help it.”

  “You coulda called?” she sniffled.

  He laughed a little. “No... my phone is in tiny pieces along the interstate.”

  Talon came over to the bed. “What happened?”

  Falcon shrugged. “I’m riding along. Then I felt some pain in my back. I thought it was a piece of metal I got when I dove you down when the limo went off. So I kept riding.” He shook his head. “Then luckily, I slowed when I felt sleepy and I aimed my bike down a ditch and landed in the grass. Then I must have passed out?’

  “What about all the blood?” Condor asked.

  “Oh, that came from the piece of metal I took out of his back,” the doc answered this. “Then I still need to get a chunk of a bullet out of his thigh.”

  “Maybe later doc,” Falcon said.

  “No, not later.” The older man raised up a needle.

  “Fuck the needle man. Get that shit away from me!” Falcon yelled.

  Asia stepped closer and laid a hand on his arm. “Falcon...”

  “No, I don’t do drugs.”

  “It’s fucking antibiotics!” the doc snapped.

  Asia nodded at him. “You don’t want to get infected.”

  He stared into her eyes and immediately calmed.

  The group in the room all looked amazed at Asia’s calming effect on him.

  “You didn’t balk when I gave you the blood line,” the doc reminded him.

  Falcon looked over at him. “That was different. I was still passed out.” He laid his arm out for the doc to do his thing.

  Asia went around to the other side of the bed so the doctor could work.

  “But man you were out cold when I brought you here,” Condor stated. “And fuck, are you a heavy sonofabitch, by the way!”

  Falcon chuckled. “Thanks man for doing that. Yeah...I guess the loss of blood then the bullet...”

  “It went through him.” The doc grunted as he finished with the shot. “He’s always been a lucky biker. I’ve seen worse.”

  “Well damn, I thought you were on death’s door. Man!” Condor shook his head.

  Asia looked up and met Falcon’s gaze. “Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at the close of day....”

  “...Rage, rage against the dying of the light,” Falcon finished for her as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

  The room fell silent.

  “Oh, no man. Not another poet!” Condor exclaimed.

  Hawk laughed.

  A very tall man came into the room. “VP?” He stared at Talon.

  “Tollman! How’s it rollin?” Falcon asked.

  Tollman took a look at the bandages and the bloodline. “Better than your sorry ass, apparently.” He then caught sight of Asia holding his hand. “Well, maybe not.”

  “Off limits,” Hawk whispered to him.

  Talon interrupted. “What’s up?” he asked Tollman.

  Tollman looked uncomfortable. “Outside?” He motioned his head toward the door.

  Falcon and Condor shared a curious glance.

  Talon and Tollman went out.

  “Man, you scared me,” Condor admitted. “When I had you on my bike, you were pale as a ghost and muttering all kinds of things.”

  Falcon tilted his head at him. “Like what?”

  Condor looked over at Asia then back to Falcon. “Nothing really. Just gibberish.”

  Falcon raised a brow at him.

  Asia looked back and forth at them wondering what was happening.

  “FUCK!” they heard Talon yell from the hallway then a loud bang as something hit the wall. “That piece of shit!” he shouted.

  Falcon sat up and intended to step out of bed.

  “Oh no, you don’t.” Asia grabbed his arm.

  He looked over at Condor. “See what’s up man.”

  Condor nodded and stepped out.

  “Ok, doc.” Falcon nodded his head. “Dig it out, I got things to do.”

  The doc had cut away his jeans exposing his bloody thigh. Then he swiped it with antiseptic he’d poured into a white cloth. “You sure you don’t want something for the pain?”

  Falcon sighed. “Hawk?” he called out.

  “Yeah, man?” Hawk stepped up.

  “Grab my bottle from the drawer over there. Will ya?”

  Hawk nodded and went over to the dresser.

  Falcon looked back over at the doc. “The last time it was a bullet in my arm and you saw I got through it.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just make sure you hold still.”

  “Wait till I get a little drunk, K?” He grabbed the bottle that Hawk han
ded to him.

  Asia simply watched in silence. He routinely had bullets taken out? Yes, she had felt some of his scars on his arms and one shoulder and she supposed the others could be covered in ink? So there was some she had yet to discover. She shivered. At least he was alive and she would get the chance to explore him some more.

  The room got silent.

  Asia looked up to see Falcon staring at her.

  Her face flushed.

  He smirked. “Dammit. You people all need to leave.”

  The doc tisked. “Not till I get this hunk of metal out of you.”

  Falcon chugged some more whiskey. Then smacked his lips. “Go ahead.” He set the bottle down.

  Asia grabbed his hand and held it. “Just look at me Falcon.”

  “Gladly,” he whispered.

  She gazed into his eyes. Well, maybe this was a bad idea as her whole body heated up, just by the intense look he gave her. She recognized it. He wanted her and he would have her when everyone left. She paused. Maybe he shouldn’t though? He was hurt badly, not that he thought he was.

  A loud metallic Clunk could be heard as the doc dropped the metal into a bowl. “There now...” Doc chuckled. “Man, Lawson. You should have a car made out of the metal I’ve collected from you over the years.” He then unhooked the bag of blood that was almost empty and put it in a small cooler.

  “Ha-ha. Very funny.” Falcon shook his head.

  The doc grabbed his stuff and shoved different items into his bag. Then he raised a pill bottle up. “Asia, is it?” He looked at her.

  Nodding, she met his gaze.

  “Make sure he takes one of these twice a day...Ok?”

  She nodded. “I promise.”

  He laughed. “He’s stubborn as hell.” He looked over at Falcon. “But if anyone could get him to. It would be you.” He stood up as he grabbed the cooler. “Speaking of that. No moving around too much,” he warned Falcon with a raised brow.

  “Man, send me my bill and leave, will you?” Falcon grinned at him.

  The doc grinned back and went out the door.

  Hawk turned and left too.

  Sevie stood next to Rogue as he stared at Falcon.

  Falcon stared back. “Something’s up, Rogue. Can you find Condor and see if he knows?”

  “Yeah, man. But you rest for the night, ok? There’s no hurry.” Rogue nudged Sevie to the door.

  She looked over her shoulder at Asia. “I got a few outfits in our room. If you wanna come and get them maybe tomorrow?”


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