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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

Page 3

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  Whack! My head whipped to the side from the impact of his slap. I closed my eyes trying to contain the pain from the stinging sensation, my thoughts were elsewhere but I was all too aware of his hand lifting up the material of my dress. I bucked again and twisted with all I had trying to find my release, opening my eyes I saw his aggression as his hand came towards me and wrapped around my neck. He squeezed tightly restricting my airways, my chest convulsed as I tried desperately to breath. He squeezed further cutting off my airways, I felt lightheaded and things slowly became blurry.

  "You thrashing around babe and getting upset only arouses me further." Reece grinned as he slowly released his grip, I wheezed sucking in air hard which made me cough. I tried to sit up to aid my breathing but he pushed me back down again into the mattress. His eyes remained focused on me as his hand went to my crotch. Reece grabbed the top of my panties and pulled, ripping the thin material in the process. The friction stung my thighs but I was still struggling to breathe and tried to ignore the pain. Without warning he rammed two fingers deep into my tight opening, I let out a high pitched scream at the intrusion as the pain ripped through my body. I coughed and spluttered, saliva fell upon my lips and chin in the process. I gurgled, it felt as if I was drowning. Tears now streamed down my cheeks as he retracted his fingers and shoved them in again aggressively.

  "Please stop," I whimpered asking for his mercy. My chest heaved as my breathing continued to accelerate through fear.

  "You fucking love it, little cock tease that you are." He pulled out his fingers and I was relieved until I heard his zip unfasten.

  "No, no you can't do this," I sobbed trying to free my legs by twisting my body. He pinched my skin tightly around my wrists and pinned me with his torso as he shuffled his jeans down his thighs.

  He smirked, "That's where you're wrong babe, I'm untouchable."

  "You can have anything, family have money...please stop...just please stop." The last words were inaudible as he pushed inside me letting out a satisfied moan. I instantly closed my eyes hoping that this was a bad dream but his grunts were a rude awakening. Turning my head to the side my tears found a steady flow and followed the same path to the duvet beneath me as his momentum rocked me back and forth. The noises he made became louder as he quickened his pace, this turn of events had happened so quickly and I was slowly stating to realise that there was no one around to save me. I lay completely still, hoping that my lack of struggle would be less appealing but I was wrong, he was just evil and was enjoying every second of the assault.

  I continued to sob quietly not wanting to draw any attention to myself, I didn't want him to up his game and consider doing more harm although from where I was laying I didn't think things could get worse.

  "Ah baby you feel good," Reece grabbed my leg roughly and held it high so he could penetrate deeper.

  The pain was immense but I tried to reason in my head and calculate how long he could possibly keep going for. Once he had finished he may allow me to go, I could do this I could get through this I repeated over and over in my head, I so needed to get through this. I bit my lip trying to deal with the pain as it ripped through my body but quickly tasted blood as I cut myself.

  I was aware of the door opening, I glanced in the direction hoping that someone had found me but these hopes were dashed when Aiden and Nick stepped further into the room mesmerised as to what was happening.

  "Aiden!" I pleaded trying to get his attention. His eyes were firmly on me but it was as if they were vacant, he was obviously intoxicated, I just prayed I could appeal to his better nature.

  "Ah yeah nearly there babe." Reece increased his tempo, I cried out again from the pain much louder than I had wanted to.

  "Aiden please!" I managed to get out among sobs but he was mesmerised by the sight in front of him and wasn't even seeing me as a human being.

  "Arghhhhh," Reece grunted as emptied his seed inside me. He collapsed on to my chest and I froze at the close proximity of his face. I lay deadly still trying not to draw any more attention to myself, hoping praying that he'd roll off and let me go.

  I heard a shuffling beside me, "Get off man, move over I want a go!" Aiden's words were like a dagger to my heart, he couldn't do this to me surely he'd seen with his own eyes that this was fucking madness.

  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed in the loudest voice that I could muster.

  Reece moved from my chest startled by my screech, which gave me an opportunity to scramble up the bed. "Aiden you can't do this," I sobbed. "Just please...just please don't do this." I held out my hands in front of me but I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him off, I was feeling weak and totally dejected.

  Aiden glanced at Nick, "Hold her down!"

  I scrambled further up the bed clawing at the covers but my ankles were quickly yanked. I fell face down on the mattress and was flipped over before I could grab the headboard. I screamed and flung my legs trying to kick everything in my path but Nick and Reece quickly had me pinned grabbing my ankles and wrists. My chest heaved from my efforts to escape and I now couldn't move as I star fished the bed.

  "She was calling your name early Aiden she wants you to fuck her." He didn't need much encouraging but Reece's words were like a green light to take whatever he wanted. He pulled his tracksuit bottoms down and I turned my head knowing what was about to happen.

  As he entered me I pulled back at the stinging sensation but the guys held me firmly in place.

  "Ah yeah, you're ready for my cock," Aiden moved back and forth building the momentum as his movements pinched my skin.

  "She likes it hard mate, give it to her hard." Reece shouted encouraging Aiden to be more aggressive. He did as he was told and pumped harder, my thighs hurt from the friction and I knew I'd be covered in bruises. I lay, this time quietly on the mattress. There was no point screaming or wasting my tears, it was inevitable that Nick would also have a go once Aiden had finished. The more I fought the more energy I used and the more they got off because of my discomfort. If I just allowed them to do this, to take what they wanted it may just be over quicker.

  "That's it Aiden, give it to her buddy."

  "I'm gonna come, arghhhh." His sweaty body fell on top of mine as he tried to control his breathing. "Right Nick it's your go mate." I heard the excitement in Reece's voice as he gave out his order.

  "I don't know...I think I'll pass," I could sense his nervousness through his hesitation.

  "Don't be a fucking pussy Nick and get on her," Reece was becoming agitated by Nicks refusal. "That's a good boy." I closed my eyes at his words and felt the mattress dip before a hand was placed on my knee. I felt him position his cock and Nick entered me roughly. I lay with a numb feeling inside hoping that my ordeal would soon be over and thankfully, it was. Nick's inexperience and arousal meant that he was over quickly much to the amusement from the other guys which I was grateful for.

  "Well I've recorded it lads so we can watch our pleasant evening again although I don't know if I've finished with her yet."

  Nick stood leaving me naked, bruised and scared on the bed, I could faintly hear the guys muttering on the other side of the room and noises that implied they were getting dressed.

  I lay quietly my only movement was my chest heaving from the adrenaline pumping through my body. I needed to take this opportunity to try to make my escape, my arm was still across my face shielding my eyes and as I looked to my left, I could see the door. It was a clear run, my handbag was on the chest of drawers and my mobile had been placed beside it. I could easily grab them on the way out as I tried to make my escape. I took a deep breath and dropped my arm from my face, the guys were too busy revelling in what they considered to be an accomplishment, talking about me as if I were a conquest.

  There lack of humanity hit me hard, how could another human being be so cruel? I slithered from the bed trying not to draw attention to myself but as my feet made contact with the cold surface the floorboard beneath me creaked alerting my presen
ce to the guys.

  "Where you think you're going, sit your arse back down I ain't finished with you yet." Reece stepped forward raising his brows expectantly before he glanced at the bed and then back at me. I stepped back trying to keep the distance between us, knowing that he wouldn't be able to grab me from where he was standing and I was also closer to the door.

  "I said get your arse back on that bed, I want another go." I heard sniggering and glanced over his shoulder to see that we'd caught the attention of Aiden.

  I wasn't staying here any longer, they'd have to either knock me out or kill me if they wanted me to endure anymore. I stared him down not once taking my eyes from his, it was as if he was challenging me to defy him. I continued to stare not giving anything away before I turned and bolted for the door. I was surprised he wasn't upon me quicker but I guess my actions took him by surprise.

  I frantically fumbled with the knob and let the door swing open hard as I scrambled to grab my handbag and mobile from the chest of drawers on my way through. I felt a resistance and was yanked back, I glanced over my shoulder to see Reece's maddening eyes. He vigorously pulled on the strap of my bag and I fought with everything I had knowing that my lifeline was in there. The clasp flew open and with it, the contents of my bag as an array of possessions scattered in different directions. This startled Reece and he loosened his hold, I took this opportunity to pull the bag free from his clutches before I turned and ran down the stairs.

  I pushed several people out of my way not hesitating in my desire to get as much distance from my attackers as possible. In my haste I quickly glanced over my shoulder and saw Reece stroll onto the landing at the top of the stairs, he wasn't chasing me but his stare cut deep into my sole. He was psychotic, this couldn't have been the first time he'd committed such an act he did it too easily.

  As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I eagerly adjusted my clothes all too aware of people staring. I felt as if everyone knew what had happened and were laughing at me for being so foolish. I wanted to cry but I needed to get out of here, I felt claustrophobic and needed air.

  The cold air hit me as I opened the front door, there were people scattered all over the front garden but were oblivious to my presence. It had been raining, the wet gravel under my feet felt refreshing although stung as I walked gingerly towards the road. I didn't have a game plan, I just knew that I needed to get out of here and put further distance between myself and the guys. I still hadn't seen Brooke, she could quite easily still be in the house but I knew she could take care of herself better than what I could.

  As I reached the edge of the driveway, I glance in both directions. The night was starting to draw in, there were no street lights to assist me but I vaguely remembered the direction in which we came in and thought it best to start walking.


  I heard my name being called, the panic quickly built inside me and I scurried down the dark road with the voices getting quieter with every step I took. It was an effort to even walk, my thighs were sore and I didn't even want to think about the other areas that were hurting. I had a pinching sensation that just wouldn't go away and although I didn't want to, I knew I needed to investigate further. I stepped over some low lying brambles and staggered on the uneven ground, I thrashed my hands around and managed to grab a branch to steady myself. I worked my way around the tree to shield myself from the road and rested my back on the tree as I tried to steady my breathing. The calling of my name had now stopped, they'd probably got bored and returned to the party but I knew I had to be ever vigilant. I breathed deeply and squatted with my back firmly against the tree for support. This movement intensified my pain but I needed to see what damage I had incurred. I lifted my dress and used the light from my mobile to assess the damage pressing lightly on my thighs. Bruising was already coming to the surface and as I moved my hand along the area I felt wetness. I brought my hand up closer to inspect and under the light I could see that it was blood, my heart sunk and I simply shook my head for being so foolish. I took the material of my dress and used it to mop the area, it stung but I didn't want it running down my legs. I held the area for a while, this contact seemed to ease the pain ever so slightly but I couldn't stay here forever or even walk in such a position. I removed my hand and glanced at my phone, "Shit!" I didn't have any signal. "Think Lauren think, what are you going to do?"

  I needed someone to pick me up, I'd lost my wallet in the scramble so I didn't have any money and there was none back at the house to my recollection. There was no way I was being dropped off at the clubhouse in this state as I knew I'd cause an apocalypse so therefore I could only see one option...I needed to call Ramsey.

  I recalled seeing an old fashion payphone further down this road on the journey to the party. There weren't many around these days due to people using mobile phones but they hadn't totally removed all of them in the countryside.

  I took the slow walk using the light from my mobile to guide the way to prevent standing on anything nasty. Shooting pains inside my stomach halted my progress several times but I simply rubbed the area doing the best I could to sooth the pain. I felt exhausted from the attack but I knew that I needed to be strong and reach the payphone in order to call for help. I could've quite easily curled into a ball at the side of the road in the long undergrowth but I knew if I sat down, I wouldn't find the motivation again to get back up. I slowly dragged my feet along the cold concrete careful of any potholes and stones that may hurt my already fragile body. I glanced up looking down the road to see if I'd made any progress, my eyes were now becoming accustomed to the dark and I could see a small light in the distance. My heart leapt inside my chest at the realisation that I'd made it to the payphone. I quickened my stride as the adrenaline pumped at the excitement that help wouldn't be too far away but then the doubt quickly set in, what was I going to say to him? If I let Ramsey know about the attack he'd tell Mark and it would become a club issue. I didn't want that I wanted to just deal with one thing at a time, I just needed to be in the safety of my own home and then decide what I wanted to do.

  I prayed that the phone was working. Payphones were prone to vandalism but this was in the middle of nowhere so I doubted it would have many people passing it on a daily basis. The pungent smell hit me as I opened the door, I stepped in careful to not tread on anything nasty and closed the door behind me. I felt safer in the confines of this box as if I had a protective wall around me. I eagerly picked up the receiver and let out a heavy sigh of relief when I heard the dialling tone and rested my head on one of the panes of glass in the door to calm my nerves.

  "Come on Lauren, not much more to do," I said aloud trying to keep my momentum going. I pressed the receiver to my ear and dialled the operator.

  "Hello operator can I help you?"

  "I'd like to be put through to a number but reverse the charges," I scrambled to get the napkin from my handbag and held it tightly between my fingers and thumb although shaking from the shock.

  "Could I please have the number?" the operator asked in a monotone voice, "And your name?"

  I replied by giving her Ramsey's eleven digits and my name, I only hoped that he'd pick up and accept my request.

  "Hold the line please," the operator went silent leaving me to listen to bleeping as she tried to make contact with Ramsey. It soon matched the rhythm of my heartbeat as I eagerly waited for either Ramsey to pick up or the operator to tell me the call had been declined.

  "What's up Lauren?"

  I let out a sigh at hearing his voice but his concern was evident in just those three words.

  "Ramsey," I said relieved that I was talking to him. "I need help, can you pick me up?"

  "Is everything ok?"

  "...yeah, it's just that Brooke has left me and I don't have any money." I wanted to play it down, he didn't need to be told any more than that.

  "Where are you babe?"

  "That's the thing I don't really know. I'm at a payphone down the road from the party in Hig
h Laver."

  "Okay, stay in the phone box. I'll ask around where the party is and I'll come pick you up but it's going to take me twenty possibly thirty minutes to get to you."

  I smiled knowing that he'd come, "Ramsey!"

  "Yeah babe?"

  "Can you please not tell Mark...I mean Woods?"

  He sniggered, "Yeah I get it. My lips are sealed."

  "Thank you," I whispered.

  I heard him sigh, "Are you okay though?"

  "Yeah I'm fine." I stated boldly trying to keep the hurt from my voice.

  "Do you want me to stay on the line until I arrive?"

  Scenarios flashed through my head, what if the guys turned up? I told myself to not be silly, if they wanted to pursue me then they would've found me by now. "No honestly I'm fine, I just feel better that I got hold of you."

  "Okay babe I'll be there shortly."

  "Thank you," I stated softly before hanging up the receiver. I rested my back onto the window and slid down the glass until I was sitting on the floor. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around my legs hugging them so I could rest my chin. This was the first time since the attack that I had time to think properly and as I did, the tears started to build stinging my eyes. I tried to wipe them with my hand but I couldn't do it quickly enough. A dam broke and I sobbed rocking back and forth trying to console myself, knowing that my actions ultimately led to my assault.

  I didn't know how long I'd sat on the cold floor for but my cheeks were becoming numb. I didn't want to move from this position and certainly didn't want to wait outside through fear of the guys finding and hurting me further or finishing the job completely. I nestled my face back into my thighs and tried to get my story straight in my head, I needed to be convincing otherwise Ramsey would start asking questions and I couldn't afford for that to happen.

  I was startled as the door flung open and a cold gust of air swirled around my body. Conscious of exposing my modesty I immediately made sure I was covered by lowering my legs.


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