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Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)

Page 16

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "Yeah sure, where you off to?" Duke asked stepping away from the heat of the quickly growing fire.

  "I need a drink," Duke patted me on the shoulder before I turned and strolled from the room using the back doors of the property. I'd done what I needed to, I'd inflicted the pain for the retribution I wanted but I wasn't a cold blooded murderer, this didn't sit right but it was something I needed to do.

  I got into the van and sat in the driver's seat closing the door behind me. I heard my phone bleep indicating that I'd received a message and quickly took my phone from my pocket to read it. There were several messages, I pressed on Lauren's name to read that she was back home safely. I let out a loud sigh and sat back in my chair, this is what it all came down to. I just wanted her safe and now that I had dealt with the lads involved in the attack, hopefully she'd feel somewhat better knowing that they wouldn't be able to hurt her again. I scanned through my phone quickly seeing if there were any other important messages, and pressed Chloe's name.

  I know you're busy, I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you.

  I smiled at her message, what had I done to deserve such a beautiful, educated and caring woman in my life? I was thankful of so many things, her included. I turned the key in the ignition and drove from the safe house to the birdcage. This wasn't my usual hangout but tonight I didn't want to go to the clubhouse, I wanted to find a quiet spot and just drown my sorrows.

  "I just want a bottle of beer tonight, any brand it doesn't matter. Can you bring it over to the corner table?" I gave my orders to the young girl serving behind the bar, I suppose I should've known her name but they all looked the bloody same. I strolled across the club and settled in one of the booths away from everyone. I wasn't in the mood for chit chat with the locals and was grateful that all the brothers were dealing with the carnage I had just created.

  "Here you go," the young brunette placed my bottle onto the table and left me to contemplate my thoughts. It had been a long day and I was shattered but wanted some time to be left alone to chill. My phone bleeped, I took it from my pocket to see that Recon had sent me a video and swiped the screen to watch it. I picked up my bottle and sat back in the chair as I witnessed a giant sized dildo being forced up a blokes arse. He screamed in agony and it was only then that I realised that it was Aiden and Nick. I suppose I should've been euphoric at the site but I was trying to keep my anger at bay. Placing my hand over my mouth I rubbed my chin aggressively as I tried to keep in some of the angst I held inside. Although I'd portrayed a cool calm exterior this evening I was far from and wanted to scream the fucking place down and do some damage to someone or something but I knew if I started, I wouldn't be able to stop. It was discipline that had stopped me many times over the years and I knew I was on the edge.

  "How many have you had?"

  I looked up from my phone to see Chloe smiling at me, "This is my first babe." I held the bottle to my lips and took a large swig, the cool liquid felt great as it travelled deep inside me. "I need to keep my head together, I'm contemplating what to say to Lauren." I saw the uneasy expression on Chloe's face. "What aren't you telling me babe?"

  Chloe sat opposite me and ran her fingers over the table not wanting to make eye contact, "Well when I was at yours Lauren turned up. She'd been to the cemetery and walked back which had given her time to think."

  "Okay, carry on." I took another swig of my beer waiting for her to tell me what had been said.

  "She asked where you were and why I was there and I told her. I told her about the video and how it was doing the rounds at school. I also explained that you were out taking care of a few things."

  I let out a sigh, "And how did she react to that?"

  "Pretty well to be honest. I think she wants to take a short break to get away from things to clear her head properly. She also said if you've dealt with the situation, she doesn't want to know any details because what she doesn't know can't hurt her."

  I sniggered, that was my Lauren ever the practical. "Thank you, you didn't have to chat to her about that I could've done that later."

  "Well we're hopefully going to be family and we need to be strong together."

  I lifted up my arm, "Come here." I beckoned her over and she slivered from her seat and made her way to snuggle next to me. "You've been amazing through this whole ordeal Chloe." She went to speak, "Shhh and listen woman when a man is trying to pay you a compliment." I pulled her in closer and kissed the top of her head. "It was tough staying away from you and when we got the green light from your dad and the club I nearly fucking ruined it by pushing you away."

  "I knew that you didn't mean it and were just looking out for Lauren."

  "Yeah but I shouldn't have done it, I acted like a prick and I'm sorry." I took another swig of my beer and moved so I could give her my full attention. "You did such a commendable thing in finding out information about those three guys. You saved us time and effort and we were able to deal with it swiftly because of your information and the fact that you brought it to our attention. Now I don't think Lauren would've ever told us what had happened and it pains me to think that she went through that alone but we," I moved my finger between Chloe and myself. "We are going to be there for her as a couple and offer her the love and support she needs, as bringing up a baby on her own is not going to be easy."

  Her face lit at the fact that I had included her in my plans. Chloe had shown a different side to her today, I knew that she was educated, hard working, caring and beautiful inside and out but today I was also able to see just how much family meant to her and what she would do to help the people she loved.

  "Was Lauren at home when you left?" she nodded. "Okay, I think I'll go home and speak to her." I took a deep breath and waited for Chloe to move from the booth.

  "Why do you look worried?"

  I shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just at a loss regarding how much I should tell her about this evening."

  "I don't think the consequences of this evening's events are important."

  I looked at her confused, why wouldn't they be important? I could've possibly just murdered the father of her unborn baby.

  "Lauren wants to keep this baby, no one or any events that may or may not take place will sway her from this decision. She feels that this is the good to come out of a shit situation and she is standing by that decision. You just gotta reassure her that you'll support her in whatever decision she makes. She's going to need you more now than you or even she knows at this moment in time."

  Chloe was right, I just needed to tell Lauren that I loved her and that I would be there through everything to support her and be the male role model that the baby would need.

  "I need to go and see her now."


  My phone flashed again making it the seventh call from Ramsey this evening. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to him, I still needed to get my head straight on how I was going to play it with him. He was a great guy, we'd hit it off despite the difficult circumstances I'd found myself in and he'd been there for me numerous times when Mark had been called away and I was alone. He'd made it clear that he liked me and I was growing very fond of him but the waters were muddied, now that I was pregnant. I sighed as my phone flashed again, I'd give him his dues he was trying to get hold of me. The call ended and another message quickly came through.

  I know you're going through a rough time at the minute but that's why I want to be here to support you

  I'll never understand what you went through on that night and yesterday but if you want someone to vent to or simply hold you while you cry, I can be that person

  I'm so sorry that you lost the baby, I wanted to come up the hospital to see you but I wasn't allowed

  I know this is not the time but I really care about you Lauren and I'm hoping that when you're feeling a little better you'll allow me to take you out

  I know I'm not as articulate as you but I am hardworking and have a kind heart that's worth more than being able to spell
and use punctuation properly

  The five messages came within quick succession of each other and as I read them, I was surprised regarding how honest and open Ramsey was being. He'd explained that he liked me and would like to take me out on a date but that was because he thought that I'd lost the baby, everything would change once he knew I was pregnant and rightly so. Who would want to father a rape victim's child?

  "Lauren are you awake?"

  "Yeah, come in." Mark pushed on the door and smiled when he saw me.

  "Am I okay to sit down?" I nodded moving my feet to give him more room. "I've just come to see if you're okay? Chloe explained that you walked home from the cemetery and it gave you some time to think."

  I nodded my head, "Yes it did."

  "And is there anything you want to tell me?"

  "No, I've made my decision to keep the baby and I'm sticking by it. I'm going to get through this year at school and complete my A-Levels and then I'll put University on hold."

  "You've worked so hard Lauren wouldn't you prefer to stick to plan A?"

  "But that's why I've said on hold rather than never and that's the great thing about life Mark, there can always be a plan A, B, C even a Z, the future can rewrite itself as many times as it likes until we get there."

  Mark smiled, "I have to ask these difficult questions so I know that you've considered all angles."

  "I know."

  "So what will you do for money?"

  "I still get my allowance and when I turn eighteen, I receive my inheritance. I plan to invest it in property in and around Epping as this area is desirable because of the central line into London. This will generate an income each month and I can either get a property management company to look after them or do it myself, I'm not sure yet." He looked at me in what seemed to be amazement, every question he'd asked I was able to answer sensibly.

  "So when did you decide all this?"

  "I've done nothing but think since yesterday and the one thing that doesn't change is the fact that I'm keeping this baby. I appreciate that he or she won't have a father but that's fine it will have a bloody good mother to look after it."

  "And uncle,"

  I sniggered, "And uncle."

  "You know that I'll do everything within my power to support you Lauren. If this is what you want babe then Chloe and I will be here for you."

  My face lit up, "So everything is cool between you two?"

  "Everything is great Lauren and with another addition to the family it's just going to make it better."

  I breathed a sigh of relief, I knew with Mark's support that I'd be able to conquer anything.

  "So is there anything else you need to tell me?"

  I bit the side of my lip, "Erm...I'd like to go on holiday."

  "That's great babe, I'm sure Duke will be okay about me taking a few weeks off. We can go wherever you want, have a beach holiday or go somewhere of interest as I know you love your history." He slowly stopped waffling and noticed my expression. "You weren't thinking of asking me was you?"

  I shook my head, "I just need a break Mark from everyone and everything."

  "I don't know if I like that idea Lauren."

  "Well tough, I need this and I'm going. I've spoken to school and they're okay with it, I just need to decide where I'm going."

  Mark frowned, "What are you thinking?"

  "I've spoken to Ash and Ink and they've proposed two options of staying with Ash's sister in New York or Savannah in Paris."

  "But you don't know either of them."

  "Exactly, I can just go and chill without being judged." I was nervous about the prospect but also a little excited as it would be an adventure.

  Mark placed his hand on mine, "Is that how you feel?"

  I let out a sigh, "I just want time to chill Mark that's all."

  "Well, when will you know what you're doing?"

  "I'll make a decision by tomorrow." I didn't want to let him know of my decision yet but I was sure of my destination.

  "Okay but don't just fuck off without saying good bye."

  I sniggered, "I wouldn't do that."

  "Who knows with you these days, you're like this independent woman all of a sudden."

  I removed my hand from under his and placed mine on top to give his hand a squeeze, "I've always been that woman, it's just that now I'm a little more vocal."

  Chapter 9


  "Thank you," I gave the taxi driver £40. "Keep the change," he smiled as he opened the door to walk to the boot. He opened it, lifted my case and placed it onto the pavement for me.

  I breathed in the crisp fresh air and looked around my surroundings. It had only been two weeks so I didn't know what I was thinking may have changed within that time but I was grateful that on first glance it hadn't.

  The taxi drove off leaving me standing alone in the street and I listened to my surroundings. It was heaven, there was no noise what so ever in comparison to the hustle and bustle of Paris.

  I'd had an enjoyable break, Savannah was lovely but she hadn't been around much as she was busy with her work and ever dramatic love life but this gave me the time needed to relax and decide what I actually wanted. I hadn't taken my phone with me much to Mark's disgust but he was allowed to call Savannah's apartment should he need to get hold of me but he was on strict instructions to wait until I called. I knew that this had nearly broken him over the two weeks but it was what I needed. I was now back in the right frame of mind and ready for the next chapter in my life. This chapter was called becoming a mummy.

  I looked up as the front door flung open and saw Mark run towards me with his arms stretched wide. I left my bags by the roadside and jogged into his embrace allowing him to scoop me up.

  "God I've fucking missed you."

  I smiled at his words, "I've missed you too." He placed a kiss on my forehead and breathed in my scent.

  "I'm so glad your home, I've done nothing but worry about you since you've been away."

  I rolled my eyes, "I've been fine Mark and it's only been two weeks."

  "I know you have but during that time I've done a lot of thinking myself."

  I frowned, "Care to share?"

  "You just need to know that I'm here to support you, there are going to be a lot of changes around here."

  "For the better?"

  "Of course." Mark glanced behind him and as I looked over his shoulder, I saw Chloe leaning on the doorframe holding Doris. Chloe moved Doris' paw up and down giving a little wave and I chuckled.

  "Do any of these changes involve Chloe by any chance?" I raised my brows waiting for a response.

  Mark sniggered, "They may do." He grabbed the handle to my suitcase and picked up another bag so I only had to carry my rucksack and we made our way down the path towards the house. "So what do you want to do this evening?"

  I frowned, "Well isn't there a get together at the clubhouse this evening?"

  Now it was Marks turn to look confused, "Yeah but I thought we could grab a takeaway and watch a film this evening." I pouted, "What's the matter?"

  "I think someone would like to go to the clubhouse this evening," Chloe stated smiling.

  Mark glanced between the two of us unsure what had just gone on, "What is it with you women, do you speak in silent code?"

  Chloe and I giggled, "Oh it's going to be so much fun having you around Chloe." Mark rolled his eyes as he entered the house and placed my bags in the corner of the living room.

  "Is that what you want to do this evening then?" he asked confused by my decision.

  "Yes, I'll just go and get ready." I grabbed my rucksack and ran up the stairs, I'd been waiting for an opportunity to speak to Ramsey and this was perfect.

  "How will I do?" I walked down the stairs in a figure hugging dress that showed off my baby bump.

  Mark became overwhelmed with emotion and met me at the bottom of the stairs to wrap me in his arms protectively. "You look gorgeous Lauren, I hope he appreciates it."
r />   "You mean you're okay about it?" I asked him shocked by his reaction.

  "I can't wrap you up in cotton wool forever Lauren, you're a beautiful young woman and soon to be a mum. I have to allow you to grow up at some point and make your own choices. Of course I will be here to give my opinion and guide you as much as I can but ultimately it's your decision."

  I glanced at Chloe and she winked giving me an indication that she may have something to do with the new upbeat attitude that Mark was showing. He was like a new man seeing the positives of everything. I sniggered to myself, well if that's what love did to him then long may it continue.

  "Right come on ladies, it looks like I'll have my work cut out again this evening trying to keep every other fucker away from the two special ladies in my life." Chloe and I both rolled our eyes as we left the house.

  "Well that was short lived!" I stated to Chloe's laughter.

  We arrived at the clubhouse with the party in full swing, as we exited the van I was surprised that Rex made a beeline straight for us. He looked nervous as he approached and stuck out his hand for Mark to shake. He was a little hesitant at first but I saw the relief on Rex's face once Mark reciprocated.

  "I wanted to speak to you both together and apologise for Brooke's actions."

  Mark shook his head, "It shouldn't be you apologising though Rex should it?"

  I could see the hurt on his face, "No but I'm at a loss of what to do with her."

  "Did you know that Brooke hasn't made contact with Lauren once since she sent a text on the night of that party?" Rex shock his head, "She ain't no friend of Lauren's anymore and you need to find a way of keeping her in line Rex because she'd bad news and she's going to bring more shit to your door."

  He nodded his head understanding and he looked like a broken man, she'd been horrible to him over the years but it wasn't his fault she was just nasty.

  I walked closer and placed my hand gently on his arm, "Don't beat yourself up Rex, it's not your fault we understand that."

  He gave me a small smile before nodding his head at Mark and turned to wander off into the crowd.


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