Book Read Free


Page 3

by Jennifer Kacey

  “Who, little ole me?” She winked in my direction, threw me a kiss and then we finished hanging the Christmas lights.

  Multicolored LED strands highlighted the walls and turned a dark dungeon into a Christmas oasis. It was festive. Homey. Whoever it was set for…I hoped the lucky bitch had enough fun for both of us.

  “Hey, I forgot something upstairs. Will you fish everything out of the sack by the door and set it on the coffee table? Oh, and it would rock if you could scoot the table closer to the bench.”

  “Sure.” I moved the table then sauntered over to the bag. I dusted off my hands, catching sight of the beautiful cuffs. They were lovely. Dainty, if I could call black leather manacles that. The cuffs were made to be shackled together or to some piece of equipment while someone owned my reactions, building them into something they write books about. Multiplying the pleasure until I couldn’t possibly hold any more…

  Maybe dainty wasn’t the right descriptor.

  I pressed a palm to my belly to stop the fluttering. My nipples were tight and rubbed against the delicate satin cups of my bra.

  The club was getting to me so I needed to hurry up and get gone. I snatched up the bag and caught a whiff of men’s cologne that reminded me of Jackson. Virile, dark. An edgy fragrance I craved. This place kicked my libido into overdrive. Possibilities swirled in my head no matter where my eyes landed. Decadent scenarios filtered through my mind. Tonight I needed to get off in a serious way but I groaned at the thought of going at it alone…again.

  I rummaged through the contents on the way over to the table, touching something long and hard in the bottom. I extracted it, expecting a dildo in some neon color, but found a candy cane. A candy cane on steroids. It was thick like a fake dick and long enough to hit all the right spots. I set it gently on the metal table. My legs shook like jelly so I sat next to the candy.

  I withdrew a soft item from the naughty grab bag.

  A red satin blindfold.

  I’d never been without my sight during sex and didn’t know if I’d like being unable to see. It looked pretty next to the candy though.

  Next were two small clips with grabby teeth. With a shrug, I set them down and removed the last item. A small finger-length plug with a wider section in the middle and a flat base on it. It was red as well. Shiny, sleek, and my ass clenched at the thought of trying it out.

  Talk about an upgrade in the orgasm department.

  I made a mental note to hit up Jenna’s supply room before I left. ’Cause nothing says Christmas Eve like vibrators and lube. I threw the bag in the closet where the rest of the equipment was stored.

  The main door to the room opened. I called out, “I’m in the closet.”

  Jenna laughed. “Known that for years!”

  “Hardy, har, har.”

  She stepped over to the doorway and leaned against the inside wall. “Everything looks great! The toys are fun, huh? One of the guys picked them out.”

  “Yeah.” I had to grin. “The candy cane is my favorite. Very festive.”

  “Mine too.”

  My attention lingered on several items, settling on a green flogger. I picked it up. Drew the leather strips across my palm. “Does it hurt?” I glanced up and she nodded.

  “Depending on who you’re with it can hurt a lot or a little. And where you are up in your head, you might want it to hurt or you might need it just to sting a bit until your backside heats to a nice rosy glow so someone can lick the sting away. Everyone’s different. Every scene is different. If you’re with the right Dom, he knows what you need even if you don’t.”

  “It makes no sense. I want someone to dominate me? More than one someone? Maybe I am abnormal.” I rubbed my forehead and tried to hang up the flogger. Jenna stayed my hand.

  She led me out of the closet, over to the spanking bench. “Normal to me probably isn’t the same as normal to someone else. Why would God make Ben and Jerry’s if all we were ever supposed to sink our teeth into was plain…old…vanilla? Variety is amazing. How are you going to know if you like something unless you give it a chance? Some stuff doesn’t float my boat and you’ll find certain things are amazing and other things leave you flat. But the journey, Skye. We only live once and it’s up to each of us to make the most of it.”

  After she removed the flogger from my tightened fist, she laid it on the table next to the other naughty items. “Will you get the lights for me?”

  I flipped off the lights. Instead of darkness, the playroom was awash in multicolored Christmas cheer.

  “It’s like some kind of wonderland,” I whispered into the now-reverent space.

  “I hope it is everything the submissive wishes it to be and I hope she finds herself in the process.”

  For one last minute, I closed my eyes and imagined being led here by one of the staff members. And for the first time, the anticipation of the moment outweighed the fear. I actually might be ready to try. Talk about a Christmas miracle and I had my best friend to thank. Guess the trip to the spa was going to be booked under my name after all.

  “I guess it’s about time I left so you can finish.” I twisted the cuff on my wrist to unbuckle it.

  “Rats!” Jenna bent over beside the spanking bench, fastening carabineers into metal hooks at the base.

  “Something broken?”

  “No, I forgot to test the cuffs.” She turned her pouty lips toward me and gave me her “pretty please” face.

  “What in the world do you want me to do? Lie on the equipment and stick my ass in the air so you can test them?”

  “That’d be great! I’ll talk you through it.”

  “You can’t be serious…”

  “Oh, come on, it’ll be fun. You can have a trial run with no pressure or performance anxiety and I can make sure everything is perfect for tonight. Come on! With sugar on top?” She batted her eyelashes and I snorted.

  “Okay, but you’d better make sure I don’t look stupid. My ass in the air can’t be pretty.”

  “Shut up,” she exclaimed, swatting at my rear. “You’re what? A size four? You can barely call what you have an ass.”

  I kicked off my flip-flops and stepped onto the raised platform. This wooden spanking bench was different than ones I’d seen elsewhere in the club.

  A five-inch-wide padded rest sat at the perfect height to support a submissive’s waist while leaning over. It looked like a hurdle. Along the base, two triangles were mounted. They reminded me of platform shoes, positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The sub’s feet went there to perpetually keep them off balance, forcing them to rely on the padded portion at their waist to keep them from toppling over.

  “Don’t be shy, climb on up.”

  After grabbing on to the padded portion, I placed one foot in position and waited for Jenna to latch the carabineer to my ankle cuff.

  “Your pants are in the way. You should take your clothes off.”

  “Ha! Good luck, sister. I’m going commando today, and I love you but my door doesn’t swing that way.”

  She moved to the other side with a chuckle and tapped my calf. “Next.” I spread my legs enough to get my other foot in place. The second ankle cuff clicked together with the metal ring on the support. “Comfortable?”

  I repositioned my feet, testing how close I could get them. “The cuffs don’t hurt at all. It’s kinda close to wearing heels.”

  “Exactly! It makes your legs longer, since it mimics wearing spiky shoes.” She stepped in front of me and knelt by the edge of the platform. Her saucy grin made me nervous. “Now lean over and put your forearms here.” She tapped a small wooden trapezoid below me, attached to the raised base. It was no more than a foot tall and wide and it stood off the floor a couple feet. I placed my arms against the padded surface. The height suited me and I was more comfortable than I’d expected.

  Within seconds she’d attached my cuffs to the forearm rest. She wound extra Christmas lights over my wrists, anchoring me in place.

  “I’m like a naughty elf.”

  Her laugh bubbled over as she tugged on the cuffs and ran her fingers inside to make sure they weren’t too tight. Then she showed me how to grip the sides to get better leverage. “If the bench is a knockin’!”

  I wasn’t uncomfortable in the position and that surprised me. “I like the lights—I’m a part of the decoration.”

  “The sub is the main show. Never decoration.”

  I shifted, tugging at each of the restraining points. Even my stomach was comfortable. “I give it a four out of five.”

  She grabbed a pair of scissors and a trash can out of the closet. “And why only four? This is Christmas cheer in its best form.”

  “Umm…I can only give it so much without the full monty, so to speak. Why do you have scissors?”

  She set the trash can down behind me but I couldn’t see her very well. Anxiety poured into my bloodstream and I yanked at my wrists, momentarily forgetting I was a part of the scene until she released me.

  “Let me up.”

  “What if I say no?” It sounded loud in my head but she only whispered it.

  “This isn’t funny. What are you doing with those scissors?”

  “You’re not overly fond of this outfit, are you?” She tugged the hem of my sweatshirt and then came the unmistakable sssnick, sssnick of scissors cutting jersey. “I have a confession to make.”

  “It better be that you’re on some kind of meds, having an out-of-body experience. What the fuck are you doing to my clothes?”

  I fought the bonds, strained against them, desperately trying to move my feet, but I was well and truly shackled to the bench. My palms started to sweat and every muscle twitched. My shirt fell away inch by inch, creating an opening in which the heater blew warm air along my spine.

  “I’m spreading Christmas spirit.” She stopped cutting right as she reached the collar, brushing my hair over one shoulder.

  “I liked this shirt. What the fuck, Jenna?”

  “I’ll buy you a new one. It’s being donated for the greater good. And I did tell you to take them off earlier. Keep that in mind.”

  “I didn’t know you were going to go all Edward Scissorhands on my clothes. Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate…whatever the hell this is, but truly I can take care of myself.” I shook from the effort not to completely wig out. She’d never done anything like this, which made me even more nervous.

  Her snort echoed around us. “You know, I did that first girl to piss Ian off. Funny, since I found I liked it. About the only thing I have to thank him for.” She cut a line from the bottom of each sleeve to the neckline. Once both were sheared, she slid free the fabric from underneath my belly. Even though it was warm, I couldn’t stop shivering. “I need you to keep an open mind.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I sounded like a harpy, my voice shriller with each snip of the scissors.

  She bent behind me, cutting up one leg all the way to my waist. Before cutting all the way through, she crouched low and snipped from the bottom of my other pant leg. “Now take a deep breath, hold it then let it out.”

  I tried…kind of. It sounded closer to a rhino huffing after a rugby match.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “Seriously…the people we’re getting ready for are going to be here any time. Let me up and I’ll take you to get your head examined.”

  She snipped the fabric at the top of the two slits she’d made then jerked it out from under the mound of my pussy. I couldn’t even complain. Finding my voice was going to take an act of Congress.

  “You’re partially right. The guys will be here in a couple minutes but the sub is finally where she needs to be.”

  The imaginary elephant hanging from the ceiling crashed to the floor.

  My heart pounded, making me lightheaded. Anticipation quickened my breathing. My pussy heated and cream slid along the lips of my sex.

  “Me?” I had to clear my throat to continue. “I’m the sub? All of this was for me? Even from the beginning?”

  “Yep. Lock, stocks and spanking bench.”

  My mind flipped and heaved. In my state of shock, Jenna made quick work of my bra then took everything and left it in the closet.

  She sat on the floor in front of me so I could glare at her, more or less eye to eye.

  “But…why?” I whispered. A healthy dose of fear settled deep in my gut. If she’d enlisted two random guys from the club to break me in, I was going to bring the roof down with my safeword.

  “The threesome at the apartment building. Their names were Jackson and Nick, right?”

  My eyes bugged out and I licked my lips, sucking them momentarily between my teeth. “I never told you their names.”

  “Funny story.” While she spoke, she filled things in on a form clipped to a board. “Right before you left, Chris and Jared hired Nick, then Jackson a short time later. Both damn good-looking, as you know. One blond and one dark brown like you described.”

  “Lots of guys could fit their descriptions. Long shot on the names but you never know.” Tremors shook through my limbs and it was all I could do to rein in the panic instead of shaking apart.

  “I agree, but Nick jumped into the action pretty quick. Jackson did nothing but watch. I finally asked him why.”

  I swallowed past my dry throat. What if he had a wife? I hadn’t asked because I’d so desperately wanted to be with him. Them…I meant them.

  “Nick brought him to the club on your last night and he saw you. He took the job on the spot because of you. A couple days after that he ran into you outside the building they were subletting until their condo was ready. You know there are like two places to rent short-term around here.” She stared at me but I couldn’t say a single word. “He waited for Payton to screw up then stepped in. You never went back. He couldn’t find you. He’s been biding his time, hoping you’d return. Haleigh, another sub here, said something about a trench coat a few weeks ago and the light bulb finally went off for me.”

  “But what if I can’t do this? What if I freak out right in the middle and dissolve into a blubbering girl?”

  She stopped writing and spun the board so I could read it.

  It was an application for membership and she’d inputted all my information. All I had to do was sign it and I would be an official member of The Library. A red membership card with my name on it was already clipped to the top. Months before, she’d told me every member or guest had to sign consent forms. Safety first, she’d said in her singsong voice.

  “Cyn helped me run all your background checks and entered all your info into the system. She’s a whiz at computers, that girl. And a damn fine kisser.” She flipped through several pages and it was all there.

  “But Jenna, you used my real name. Chris and Jared know who I am but the secrecy of the club is at stake…”

  She stabbed at the pages. “Who you are on here doesn’t matter.” Her fingertip brushed my forehead. “This is the only place the guys care about. Let the new security guy earn his money. He’s getting paid enough to protect the secrecy of the club.”

  My head fell forward and I peeked through my spread legs to the closed door as she continued.

  “In the scene, if you get scared, you talk to them about it. If you’re scared enough you need to stop, then safeword. That’s exactly why you have it. They’ll get you unlocked and off the bench. You’re new to this and they both realize it. Though if I’ve learned anything about them, they sure as hell won’t go easy on you just because you’re a dungeon virgin. All you have to do is sign and you can spend Christmas Eve with two hot guys.”

  Could I do this? I mean actually do this and not play at it?

  Being the good girl all my life had gotten me precisely nowhere. I lived off my art and the interest on my trust fund but who I was still floated in the ether.

  I didn’t want my last name to dictate my future any longer. I was sick to death of trying to earn my parents’ love by pretending to be someone I wasn’t. />
  I motioned for the pen, trying not to talk myself out of it. Jenna positioned it in my tight fist and I signed my name on the dotted line.

  She took the pen and started to stand when realization crashed in on me. “I can’t do this. Nick… He’s your Casanova. Gray eyes. You said he’s got gray eyes and—”

  “Yes, he’s Casanova but he’s not mine, Skye. We’ve never been together. Nothing. I have no hold on him whatsoever. You’ve had sex with both of them because hell, they’re hot, and you’re all consenting adults. They both know who’s in this room. Enjoy this. It’s my Christmas present to all of you.”

  On the way to the door, she whacked my bare backside with the clipboard and I yipped like a Chihuahua.

  The burn tingled underneath my skin, making my exposed flesh stand up and take notice of the shift in the air.

  “We’ll set up our spa trip for some time next week. Obviously you’re buying. Now, I’ve got a question for you.”

  “What question?”

  A deep, sexy male voice asked, “What’s your safeword, gorgeous?”

  “Oh my God…”


  Chapter Four

  Don’t know how I’d missed the door opening but I heard it close behind Jenna as two sets of footsteps approached. My chest flushed with heat as I pictured what they were staring at.

  “Sure hope that’s not your safeword since I plan to make you scream that before the night is over.” Warm hands caressed the flesh of my rear. “Safeword?” Jackson asked again, dragging his palm up my spine.

  “Trench coat.” The words came out on a wisp of air, barely audible, but they echoed through my entire body, resonating between my thighs. At his slightest touch, liquid heated in my sex, spilling from between my pussy lips. Preparing for him.

  Aching for him.

  “Very good, Skye.”

  Blood rushed to my head, from my slightly downcast position. Our attraction sizzled and arced between us as he squatted in front of me.

  The multihued golden color of his hair reflected the glow from the Christmas lights around my fists. He wore black leather pants but no shirt. With his fingers clasped in front of him and his elbows planted on his knees, he balanced on the balls of his feet.


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