Book Read Free

Mad Mafia Love

Page 14

by Jamila Jasper

  “Ohhh! Aunty Eve… Is that where you’ve been this whole time?”

  * * *

  Eve nodded, “Yes. But… Don’t get your hopes up child. I’m not sure there’s a really a future there.”

  * * *

  Again, Daniella gasped like the hopeless romantic that she was.

  * * *

  “No! You can’t be serious? What’s wrong.”

  * * *

  There was so much wrong. And so much of it was inappropriate for Daniella’s teenaged ears.

  * * *

  “Well, we’re just different culturally.”

  * * *

  “My mama and daddy are different,” Daniella offered.

  She was right. Daniella was exactly the kind of daughter that Eve could picture herself having. And she didn’t seem too troubled by the fact that her father was Italian and her mother was black. Eve bet too that Daniella’s father was likely involved in similar “jobs” to Nico, whether his precious daughter knew it or not.

  * * *

  Maybe there was a way to be with Nico and keep herself (and future offspring) safe. Maybe.

  * * *

  “I know,” Eve said, “But with this guy, I just don’t know.”

  * * *

  Daniella lowered her voice and asked tentatively, “Is he… Is he mafia Eve?”

  * * *

  Eve considered telling Daniella a flat out lie.

  * * *

  “Well… I don’t know. I don’t know how involved he is.”

  * * *

  “Do you think he’s dangerous?”

  * * *

  Eve chuckled as they approached her doorstep, “That’s the question you’re going to ask?”

  * * *

  “Listen,” Daniella sighed, “I know I’m just in high school, but I know that sometimes, there’s a lot of gray area in life.”

  * * *

  Wise advice from a girl who had barely lived life. Eve unlocked her door and they went inside. She didn’t answer Daniella for a while. Together they unpacked Eve’s groceries. With everything she did, she was starting to feel like her life was getting back to normal.

  * * *

  “What time do you need to get home?” She asked Daniella.

  * * *

  “My mama said she could pick me up before dinner.”

  * * *

  “Perfect… So you can stay for some tea and help me out around here?”

  * * *


  * * *

  “And you’re sure this is how you want to spend your senior skip day?”

  * * *

  Daniella nodded but then looked away.

  * * *

  “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

  * * *

  Daniella nodded, “It’s this boy…”

  * * *

  “Another boy?”

  * * *

  “Yeah. A lot has happened in the past month.”

  * * *

  “Well why don’t you tell me.”

  * * *

  Daniella sighed, “I’ve been dating this new kid… Dom… He’s from Italy.”

  * * *

  Eve felt the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. She was almost sure that the boy Daniella was talking about was Nico’s nephew, Domenico. She said nothing and continued to listen to the girl.

  * * *


  * * *

  “Yeah. We’ve been dating for two weeks and today we were supposed to go on a date — hang out all day and even go to the aquarium. I feel so embarrassed. I told all my friends about it and bragged about it like crazy. My mom even bought me a new dress. But this morning? He doesn’t text back and he’s a no show.”

  * * *

  “So that’s why you don’t want your friends to see you?”

  * * *

  Daniella nodded.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe he would stand me up like this!”

  * * *

  “And you’re sure there’s no misunderstanding?”

  * * *

  “I’m sure. I’m one of the few people at school he even talks to since I can speak Italian. I think something might be wrong with him or he’s just over me and to chicken to tell the truth.”

  * * *

  Daniella looked upset.

  * * *

  “Would you like some tea?”

  * * *


  * * *

  Eve started boiling some water as she gave Daniella a hug. She understood what it was like to be worried about a guy — even if her issues were more complicated than Daniella’s, they were in a remarkably similar position. Eve wondered too if Daniella’s nonchalance about the mafia meant someone she knew was involved. That could be either her father or Domenico.

  * * *

  The tea finished and Eve poured them both steaming mugs of sweet orange tea.

  * * *

  “I’m sorry you got stood up.”

  * * *

  “It’s fine. I just feel like a total loser, you know?”

  * * *

  “I understand.”

  * * *

  “Does it get better Eve? Like does it get easier?”

  * * *

  Eve chuckled and then shook her head, “I don’t think so. Men are just… men. And for some reason we seem to always fall for the bad boys.”

  * * *

  “Why though? I mean… You’re smart and successful.”

  * * *

  “I know,” Eve said with a sigh, “I guess it’s the adventure. We just want someone who can take our breath a way.”

  * * *

  “Maybe we all watch too many rom-coms,” Daniella muttered bitterly.

  * * *

  Eve chuckled. Daniella was probably right. Too many romantic comedies indeed. But what were the options? Eve felt that she had the choice to either be a romantic or a cynic. And she would choose being a romantic any day. At least she had something to look forward to. With Nico? Maybe not. But there would always be more love.

  * * *

  “So. I hope when Domenico finally sees you again he apologizes for letting you down today.”

  * * *

  “If I don’t dump him first,” Daniella grumbled.

  * * *

  Eve smiled.

  * * *

  They finished drinking tea and she had Daniella help her declutter some parts of her home before the evening time. Eve could tell the girl needed company and frankly, she needed company too. By the end of the day, neither of them were thinking about their boy troubles. The power of female companionship had reminded them of how complete they were without men. And that was a beautiful feeling.

  * * *

  Eve waved good-bye to Daniella as her mother picked her up. Daniella blew her a kiss before getting into her mother’s vehicle and the vehicle sped away. Eve went back into her house and closed the door behind her, locking it. Alone again. While she was alone, Eve didn’t find herself regretting her choice like she had in the morning. Nico still hadn’t bothered to message her, but Eve also hadn’t been troubled at all by spending the day with Daniella.

  * * *

  She knew that she had to stand by her choice regardless. Eve started to prepare dinner for herself. As much as she tried to keep her mind off of Nico, there were so many memories that came flooding back in against her will. There was the fact that Nico had taken care of her. He’d gone out of his way to defend her. He’d also gone out of his way to appreciate her body in so so many ways — including in the back of his car. Eve blushed just thinking about those memories that felt so distant already.

  * * *

  She hoped that he would come back. She hoped that he would find a way out of this. But Eve got the distinct sense that he wouldn’t — and that’s why he’d left her the diamonds. She finished preparing her meal and sat down to eat alone.

  * * *

  As she ate, Eve suddenly hea
rd a loud noise. It sounded like a gun shot, except louder. Eve had never heard anything like that in her life. She got up and looked out the window. Nothing. She moved to another window in her living room and then looked towards the city. A cloud of grayish smoke reached up towards the sky. Embers and the slightest hint of flames followed. But while the smoke was thick, the orange burning was faint.

  * * *

  Eve felt her stomach turning in knots. Her intuition told her this had something to do with the warring that had been going on with the Italians. And that meant this could have something to do with Nico. Eve double checked the window she was looking through as more of a symbolic gesture than to keep herself safe.

  * * *

  She returned to the table and checked her phone. There was still nothing from Nico. Eve couldn’t help but panic. What was he doing? Was he still out there?

  * * *

  Eve heard another “boom” again. She felt the ground beneath her feet shake ever so slightly. Tucked away from the action, she was safe just like Nico wanted her to be. She was safe, but desperate to know that he was alright. Eve cleaned up her dishes and continued to try to live this normal life.

  * * *

  Normal, normal, normal. She’d been anything but normal since Nico had first walked into Eve’s Cupcakes & Candy Store. She’d been hooked on his addictive kisses, his intoxicating touch and the way his icy blue eyes bore into her.

  * * *

  Eve went to her couch and considered calling Nico, but then changed her mind. She turned on her TV and started watching the middle of some mediocre romantic comedy that she didn’t recognize. She was so behind on what people were watching on TV these days.

  * * *

  Eve was just starting to figure out the complexities of the love triangle when she heard a rapping on her door.

  * * *

  Her first thought was that this was Nico.

  * * *

  Eve ran to the door and opened it (carelessly). But it wasn’t Nico. It was his nephew.

  * * *

  “Please… Signora… Allow me inside.”

  * * *

  Eve ushered the boy inside and slammed the door shut, locking it. Today, Domenico looked even worse than the day that she’d met him. He looked even skinnier and his sallow skin revealed dark circles under his eyes that were too deep for a high school student. He had a gash across his arm and he appeared to be covered in soot.

  * * *

  That explained why he had stood up Daniella for her date.

  * * *

  “Good evening Domenico. What are you doing here?”

  * * *

  Domenico stared at her like a surprised deer for a few moments. He shook his head and tried to find the words in English to reply to her.

  * * *

  “I need to warn you.”

  * * *

  His words came out slowly, but Eve could already tell that his English had improved since the first day that she’d met him. America might not have suited him based on how filthy he was, but at least he was learning English.

  * * *

  “What’s going on? Did Nico send you?”

  * * *

  Domenico shook his head.

  * * *

  “I don’t have long. I have to get out of here and you do to.”

  * * *

  “What? What are you talking about.”

  * * *

  Domenico reached down into his waistband and took out a large serrated knife, slamming it on the table.

  * * *

  “Jesus!” Eve exclaimed.

  * * *

  Domenico thrust his hands out, trying to calm her down.

  * * *

  “Don’t worry Eve. Take this to protect yourself. Nico should be on his way… But Giuseppe is coming too.”

  * * *

  The hairs on the back of Eve’s neck stood up like antennae.

  * * *


  * * *

  Domenico half smiled, “Shit is right. Here, take this.”

  * * *

  He thrust his hands into his pocket but instead of procuring another weapon, he pulled out a piece of paper. There were a series of numbers written on the paper as well as an Italian phrase scribbled in messy cursive.

  * * *

  “What’s this?”

  * * *

  Domenico mumbled, “Water…”

  * * *

  Right. Eve felt mildly ashamed at how inhospitable she’d been. She reached for a glass and brought Domenico some water. He drank it all without pausing for breath and then continued.

  * * *

  “This is the code to a vault. Nobody knows the key except me. I’ve never written it down. My mother… she taught it to me in a nursery rhyme… It’s the fortune I inherited from my father. I’ve willed what’s left to Nico. I’m getting out of here. If he doesn’t come here… You need to go to Italy and claim this. Nobody knows about it. Not the government, not anybody… So please, keep this safe.”

  * * *

  “Where in Italy? Domenico, why are you giving this to me? You’re just a child! You shouldn’t be involved in something like this.”

  * * *

  Domenico smiled.

  * * *

  “I’ve never really been a child. And neither has Nico. This is his chance at happiness. If you see Giuseppe coming first… run. Run like your life depends on it. He will kill you if he finds you.”

  * * *

  A lump rose in Eve’s throat. She shoved the paper into her pocket. Domenico turned and started walking towards her door.

  * * *

  “Where are you going?”

  * * *

  “It’s better if you don’t know.”

  * * *

  He opened the door and started walking down the street. Eve watched as his walk turned into a full on sprint. He disappeared out of sight. Eve closed her door again and locked it. On the counter, she saw the serrated knife that Domenico had given her. It smelled too clean to have not been used before. She shuddered at the thought.

  * * *

  Eve couldn’t believe that she held the key to a vault that contained someone’s entire life fortune. What did that even mean? How could she even get there? Domenico had answered some questions, but he’d left her with even more. And all Eve could do was wait. She’d either be completely safe, or she’d have to run for her life.

  * * *

  The uncertainty caused her heart to pound feverishly in her chest. Eve took the knife off the counter and fled upstairs. She started packing as much as she could into a backpack. Shirts. Her wallet. Some underwear. Pants. She put on her running shoes and wandered back downstairs. All she could do was bide her time.

  * * *

  When the next knock came on Eve’s door, she knew that she didn’t have to worry anymore. This time, she could tell it was Nico. He rapped softly and then called out her name.

  * * *

  “Eve… It’s me…”

  * * *

  Eve ran to the door and opened it. While it hadn’t been long since they’d last seen each other, it still felt like forever. Nico stood there looking less haggard than his nephew had, but haggard all the same. Dust and dirt covered his black shirt and his face was covered in a thin layer of grime.

  * * *

  Still, Nico looked handsome. From his blue eyes, to his scar, to his boots, he looked flawless. He was the man that she loved through and through.

  * * *

  “Nico. You’re here.”

  * * *

  He came inside and wrapped her in a huge hug, kicking the door shut behind him. Eve rested her nose in Nico’s neck and inhaled his scent as he wrapped his arms around her. He squeezed her tightly, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. He set her down, looking into her eyes to make sure she was alright.


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