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Born to Darkness Box Set

Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  I had backed around until I was up against the headboard by now, the cold brass branding my bare back like ice, but I was so frightened I could barely feel it. I thought about my Glock but it was in the pile of clothes I’d discarded earlier across the room. There was no way I’d be able to get to it in time. Please, let it be quick! I thought as I stared at the hungry light in his eyes.

  Still he said nothing. I watched as he gripped himself, his big hand clasped loosely around the thick shaft rising from his jeans. Then he raised his other arm and swiped at his mouth, wiping the single ruby drop of my blood away.

  I stared at him, uncomprehending. Why had he done that? I’d never heard of a vamp refusing any kind of blood, especially not in this situation.

  Corbin moved toward me, still holding his cock loosely in one hand. It looked like a club and I was fairly sure he was about to use it on me. God! I squeezed myself into a tight little ball as the dread in my stomach blossomed into sheer terror. He was about to go berserker on me—I just knew it. And I didn’t want to die. I wasn’t ready. I would never be ready—not to die like this, torn apart by a hungry, horny vamp.

  “Calm yourself, Addison,” he murmured and his voice was a deep, guttural growl. “I told you before I won’t hurt you. But I need a release.”

  “Do you want me to…to suck you or touch you or…” I gestured at his thick cock. “I mean, what do you want me to do?”

  “Nothing. I don’t dare touch you again. Not now. It’s been…” He took in a deep breath and let it out in a hungry growl. “It has been a long time since I did this with a human—too long, perhaps. I need to concentrate on retaining control. I can’t do that if I feel your hands or mouth on me.”

  “But you said you needed…”

  “I need to come. But not by your hand. Not yet.”

  Slowly, he began to pump his long, hard shaft. He was still kneeling on the bed in front of me, his jeans open and his eyes glittering like rubies in the firelight. I watched from the head of the bed, mesmerized, as he continued to touch himself in long, slow strokes. God, he was beautiful, I couldn’t help thinking. I’ve never been the kind of woman who gets off on pictures of naked men but there was something about Corbin that was impossible to ignore—a feral power, an animalistic lust and a pure, male beauty that called to everything that was female in me.

  “Talk to me,” Corbin ordered, breaking my train of thought. “Tell me what you want, Addison. Describe to me what we would do if I could trust myself right now.”

  “Oh, uh…” My mind drew a sudden blank—I’ve never been very good at dirty talk. For that matter, neither was any guy I’d ever been with. Mostly, I preferred to just do it and get it over with, without hearing all about it. But that wasn’t an option here.

  Corbin raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you having trouble putting your desires into words? Can’t you tell me what you want?”

  “I, uh…” I cleared my throat. “I guess I’m just not very good at…at that.”

  His eyes flashed in the firelight. “I’ll tell you, then. I want to fuck you, Addison. Not gently, either.”

  I bit my lip in terror. This is what I had been afraid of. Corbin must have seen the fear in my eyes because he shook his head.

  “No, darling, don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want to hurt you in any way. I just want to take you thoroughly, want to claim you completely and know that you’re mine. Only mine.”

  “How…” I could barely force the words out. “How would you do that…exactly?”

  “I want you on your back, helpless under me.” As he spoke, he continued to stroke his cock. “Your legs spread, your pussy open for my shaft.” He paused for a moment and looked at me hungrily. “Spread your legs now, Addison. Let me see you again.”

  “I, uh…” I cleared my throat. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea right now, Corbin.”

  “It’s an excellent idea. Especially since I’m trying to concentrate on sex instead of blood.”

  That put things in a different light. If he was able to separate the two in his mind, if he could keep his fuck-lust from merging with the bloodlust, well, it might be my only hope.

  “All…all right,” I whispered. I’d been curled into a protective ball but now I sat up and pressed my back against the cold brass headboard. Corbin watched avidly as I slowly spread my thighs, baring my pussy for him once more.

  “Good,” he growled softly. “So good, darling. And so beautiful.”

  Though he had been looking at me and touching me for the past hour, I still felt my cheeks heating with embarrassment at the way he was watching me. Seeing myself reflected in the mirror, all spread out like a Penthouse model didn’t help either.

  “Can, um, are you going to…” I nodded at his cock, which was still hard and throbbing between his thighs. I had a feeling that as soon as he came, the danger for the most part would be averted.

  “Not yet.” He shook his head. “I need stimulation.”

  “But, um, I thought…” I cleared my throat. “I thought you didn’t want me to touch you.”

  “I don’t.” He gave me a feral, hungry grin that sent a shiver through my entire body. “I want you to touch yourself.”

  “We’ve already been through this, Corbin. I don’t want to do that.”

  “Since you won’t tell me your desires, I need some other form of stimulation to ‘get off’ as you say in this century, Addison.” He frowned at me. “Remember, I’m trying to concentrate on sex. But the scent of your sweet blood still fills this little room. Please…” His eyes were almost pleading now. “Help me.”

  It didn’t seem I had a choice. “All right,” I said at last, my cheeks burning. “I…I’ll do it. But I want you to know this isn’t something I’ve ever done for any other guy before. I just…It’s so embarrassing.”

  Corbin’s only answer was a guttural growl. I got the message—I’d better get over my embarrassment in a hurry if I wanted to live. God, how had I gotten myself into this situation? Oh right, by thinking with my heart instead of my head. Or maybe the impulses had come from quite a bit lower…whatever, I was stuck now and this was the only way out.

  Slowly, feeling my cheeks flush with shame, I slid my hand down between my legs and cupped my pussy. I was still wet and sensitive and tender from the orgasm Corbin had given me earlier and I wasn’t sure if I could bear even my own touch. But from the look in Corbin’s eyes, I was going to have to try.

  “More,” he whispered hoarsely. “Spread yourself open, Addison. Slide your fingers deep into you sweet pussy for me.”

  Biting my lower lip again, I did as he said. My clit was swollen and extremely sensitive. I gave a little hiss of painful pleasure as my fingers slipped over the little bud.

  “Good,” Corbin growled as his hand began to move again, slipping slowly up and down his thick shaft. “Now stroke yourself, Addison. Make yourself come for me.”

  “I don’t…don’t know if I can,” I whispered as I continued to touch myself. “Once is usually my limit and I’m so sensitive…”

  “Yes, your soft little body is so sensitive and responsive.” He licked his lips, his eyes trained on mine as I continued to touch myself. “I wish I could taste those sweet juices I see coating your pussy. God, I’d love to feel you coming against my tongue.”

  I caught my breath as I continued to rub, sliding just the tips of my fingers along the side of my clit. I was much too tender to do more than indirect stimulation but to my surprise, it seemed it was going to be enough. The gentle teasing of my own fingers coupled with Corbin’s dirty talk was really doing it for me. In fact, I could already feel my body getting ready to climb the peak once more. God, could I really be this turned on after fearing for my life just minute before? And was I really going to come again?

  Apparently so, if we kept this up.

  “Keep touching yourself,” Corbin ordered, breaking my train of thought. “And keep your pussy open, I want to watch you stroke your aching little clit. I
want to watch you come.”

  “Keep talking, then,” I flung back at him, my breath coming faster as I spoke.

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “Talking about…?”

  If my cheeks got any hotter my hair would catch fire. “Just keep on saying the things you’ve been saying. I need stimulation too, you know,” I said for clarification.

  “You like it when I describe what I want to do to you?” His hand sped up a little and so did mine. “You like dirty talk, Addison?”

  “I never have before,” I admitted.

  “Maybe you were never with a man who knew how to do it properly.”

  I nodded. Well, that could be said about most of my sex life. Sex with my ex had always been hit or miss and no one had ever made me come like Corbin had. Then again, no one had ever given me a screaming orgasm, threatened my life, and then decided we should go for round two. We were definitely in a unique situation here.

  “Talk,” I ordered him. “Come on, Corbin. Tell me more.”

  “I wish you weren’t quite so breakable, darling,” he growled softly. “Because what I’d really like right now is to put you on your hands and knees and take you from behind.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “R-really?” I murmured.

  Corbin nodded, his eyes half-lidded with lust.

  “Do you like that, Addison? Do you like to be held down and mounted? I would pin you to the bed, my darling. I would hold your hips and force you to be still as I slid my entire length deep into your unprotected pussy. Would you like that, do you think? Would you enjoy being filled by me?”

  God help me but the answer was yes. Even though I knew it was dangerous and illegal and I had just sworn to never, ever put myself in such a stupid position again, still I couldn’t help myself. I wanted him—maybe even as much as he wanted me.

  “Yes,” I whispered, filled with a strange mixture of shame and arousal. “Yes, I…yes.”

  “That’s good. Very good, my darling. Even though we won’t make love tonight, I like to know that you want to.” He licked his lips and the hand stroking his cock speeded up a little. “I want to feel your hot little pussy surrounding my cock. I want to fuck you long and hard and deep while you tremble under me and give yourself up completely to the pleasure I bring you.”

  “Corbin…” I whispered. My own fingers were flying faster now too and I could feel my second orgasm of the night building inside me. “God…”

  “I want you to be mine in more than name alone,” he growled, fisting his shaft even faster. “I want to fill you with my cock and my cum. I want my scent all over you so that no other male will dare to come near you.”

  Corbin’s voice was getting deeper and more guttural as he spoke and his red eyes were locked with mine. I found myself drowning in his feral gaze, unable to look away. God, the things he was saying shouldn’t turn me on. At no point in my life did I dream of being the exclusive property of a four-star vampire. And yet, somehow, his words were getting me off as much as my own fingers.

  “Oh,” I gasped as my pleasure peaked. I moaned and squeezed my thighs together as the orgasm overcame me “Oh, God.”

  “So beautiful, Addison. So fucking gorgeous when you come.” Corbin gave a hoarse growl and joined me, his cock throbbing in his fist as jet after jet of pearly white coated his rock hard abdomen. But he never looked away. The entire time his eyes held mine and I found myself completely unable to look away too.

  It seemed to last forever but finally the pleasure faded, releasing me from its iron grip. Corbin released me too—or his eyes did.

  Panting, I slid down the bed and turned on my side. Now that my orgasm was over, I was a conflicted mess. On one hand, I had put myself into an incredibly dangerous position and for what…because I wanted to have sex with a vampire I didn’t even like? Well, true, we hadn’t actually had sex and also I couldn’t quite seem to find it in me to dislike him anymore. But still…what was wrong with me? What was I doing? I was not making good choices lately—not at all.

  As I was mentally berating myself, Corbin got up from the bed and disappeared into the small, recessed bathroom for a moment. When he came back he was cleaned up and his jeans were neatly buttoned and zipped, hiding the thick monster of his cock behind their innocent blue denim. And most importantly, his eyes had gone from blood red back to their usual silver-blue.

  “Addison?” he murmured, reaching out to stroke my hair away from my forehead.

  “Don’t!” I flinched away from him instinctively.

  “Sorry, darling. But you don’t have to worry—the danger is over.”

  I looked up at him warily. “Do you promise?"

  He nodded and settled on the bed beside me. “The release I had got rid of the building tension.”

  “After you came this close to ripping me apart.” I sat up in bed and frowned at him. “I thought you said you could do it—that you could have sex with a human without losing control and killing her.”

  “And so I could,” Corbin said, looking very composed. “But no vampire ever made can have sex and feed at the same time while staying in their right mind. It’s important to concentrate on one and shut out the other. If you let the instincts for blood and sex merge…”

  I shuddered. “Then you have one very dead human. Which is what almost happened—admit it.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “I should have been more careful with my fangs. I never meant to nick you. I…” He looked away. “I underestimated how much you would affect me.” Taking my hand in his, he looked me in the eyes. “That won’t happen again.”

  “You’re damn right it won’t.” I yanked my hand out of his. “Because we’re never going to get into this situation again.” I jumped off the bed and walked on wobbly legs over to my pile of clothes.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Corbin sounded amused.

  “I’m leaving. You’ve punished me more than enough.”

  “For now at least,” he murmured, watching as I turned my back to him and began to dress.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I threw an irritated look over my shoulder. If he thought I was going to come down here to his “lair” and let him do anything even remotely sexual again, he had another think coming.

  Corbin’s eyes hardened. “It means, my darling, that you will accompany me to Celeste’s trial tomorrow night. And while we are there, I will have to prove in a very public and convincing way that I own you beyond the shadow of a doubt for Roderick’s benefit.”

  “What?” I spun around to face him, still buttoning my shirt. “What exactly is that going to entail?”

  “Don’t act so surprised.” He glared at me. “I told you what you did tonight would have consequences. Think about it, Addison—if I prove to Roderick that you are mine, he may be content to let us all go about our business. If I do not, he will almost certainly have me replaced. And since Taylor is now under my care and Celeste is the next most powerful vampire in my territory…”

  “Taylor would wind up right back with Celeste where she started,” I finished for him, feeling sick. “All right then.” I folded my arms over my chest. “But what are you going to do?”

  Corbin looked thoughtful. “That I shall have to think on. Be certain you’re here early tomorrow night so we can discuss it and form a plan.”

  I sighed and pulled on my pants. “So that’s it for tonight then? I can go?”

  An expression of sadness passed over his face, there and gone so quickly I wondered if I had imagined it.

  “I had hoped you might want to stay the remainder of the night here with me. The bed is quite comfortable.”

  “So you’re inviting me to a vampire slumber party? I don’t think so,” I said flatly. “Sorry, Corbin, but I don’t want to be here if you get horny again.”

  “I would do nothing but hold you, Addison. I would never ask you to pay the Crimson Debt for me.”

  I frowned. “You said that earlier when you were talking about finding a willing do
nor for Taylor. What does that mean, exactly—the Crimson Debt?”

  He sighed. “It’s a euphemism for feeding and sex at the same time. There is a reason for it, you know—it heals all wounds. Those of the body and of the heart.”

  I snorted. “All but the ones the human in question incurs, you mean.”

  Corbin nodded. “Paying the Crimson Debt—giving blood while making love—is a lethal combination, as we know, when a human is involved. But it is possible between two vampires or a vampire and another paranormal creature, such as a were or other shapeshifter.”

  “But you guys hate each other—vamps and weres, I mean,” I protested.

  Corbin shrugged. “Interspecies flings are generally frowned on, true. I’m just saying what’s possible.” He got off the bed and came to stand in front of me. “Just as it is possible for you to spend the night in my arms and not fear for your life.”

  I wanted to look away but again his eyes held me.

  “Corbin,” I whispered. “I…” But I didn’t know how to go on.

  “Stay with me, Addison,” he murmured, stroking my cheek gently. “Sleep in my arms. I’m sorry if I frightened you. I swear it won’t happen again.”

  “No, it won’t,” I said firmly, forcing myself to ignore the fire his tender touch started inside me. “Because I’m not going to put myself in that position again. And that means I have to leave, now.”

  “You’re afraid if you stay we will repeat our actions. Maybe even go further this time.” It wasn’t a question and by the lust I saw burning in his eyes he was already up for a repeat. Unfortunately, so was I—which meant I had to get away.

  “I need to go check on Taylor,” I said, keeping my voice as businesslike as possible. “I’ve fulfilled the terms of our agreement and allowed you to punish me. Now can I please go?”


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