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Growl For Me (A Camden Falls Wolf Pack Book 1)

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by J. L. Beck


  A Camden Falls Wolf Pack #1



  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.

  Copyright © 2018 J.L. Beck

  Growl For Me

  Cover By: Cosmic Covers

  Editor: B.L Elliott

  Book Design & Formatting: Wicked Muse



  “Come on you piece of shit,” I cursed at my junk Ford Fusion as I turned the key in the ignition, praying like hell it would start. I was looking for something…what I didn’t know yet, but I did know that the last thing I needed was to be stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, and I do mean literally nowhere.

  “Come on, come on…” I encouraged listening as the piece of shit refused to turn over. The sun was setting over the horizon and soon it would be dark, and I’d become a snack for some fortunate animal.

  I needed to call for help, and maybe get a tow out of here or something? I didn’t have a clue how I would pay for it but I would figure something out. Pulling out my cell-phone, I stared at the screen for a long minute to see if I had any reception.

  Then I sighed because Jesus, this was my luck, of-fucking-course I didn’t have any. I was on some back road with trees on all sides of me for as far as the damn eye could see. Why would I be granted any type of break?

  It was then when I knew there was no hope or point in staying with the car. Where I was going to go I didn’t really know, but from the miles that separated houses from each other, I knew it had to be far and few between the next one.

  Damnit Olivia… I thought to myself. I should’ve planned this out better.

  “Stay here Patty,” I mumbled, using the name I had for the car while opening the driver’s side door. I closed it firmly behind me and looked off into the distance. It was probably safer to stick to the road but I didn’t think I would find what I needed on this road, especially without a car that was drivable. Hmm, except now that I think about it, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a car on this road.

  Starting off on foot, I tried my best to remain calm as I walked into the woods. It was dark, and a bit cooler since it seemed the sun couldn’t make it through the heavy foliage above but I pushed forward swallowing down my fear. I rationalized with myself there was no point in turning around, right? My car wouldn’t start and even if I did want to drive back in the direction I’d just come from, there was nothing there for me. My mom didn’t care that I was gone. I was searching for a getaway, some type of freedom, and happiness. But the truth was…I really had a break down before the car broke down.

  My life had been a bit rough. My mom had issues and one of them was she paid no attention to me while I was growing up. It hurt for a longtime. I finally faced the fact that family wasn’t going to be a positive thing in my life. I had a job and an apartment. Then I tried to date. It was always a disaster. I wanted to save my virginity for the man I would marry…a man I would love. One who loved me? Well, with many of these guys I dated, they laughed in my face at the virginity dream when it got far enough for them to expect sex.

  I would feel so embarrassed and like the fool, they accused me to be. So there went dating. I never even tried after a few of these bad dating experiences. It was a turning point in my life. Then my boss tried to get me into bed. I tried fighting him off and ended up running out and leaving my job.

  Then I was evicted from my apartment. There was no one to turn to. No one who cared. So, yesterday, I packed what few belongings I had and started to drive. I just wanted to find a new life. One that wasn’t so miserable. I was alone in the world really. I thought that maybe if I just left, I could find a new life somewhere.

  As I walked carelessly through the woods, I tried my best to just let go of the things I had no control of. My life was mine now, and I could do with it as I pleased. That statement brought a smile to my face and encouraged me to press forward. I continued walking for what seemed like forever. The sun was starting to set and I still hadn’t found a single house to find refuge in.

  Did anyone live out here? I placed my hands on my hips and stared up into the trees. It was getting darker with each passing second, making it harder for me to see anything. Fear trickled down my spine at the thought of being out here completely all alone. I wasn’t a survivalist in the least bit; so there was no way I’d survive a night out here. I could barely make food inside a house, let alone capture and kill on my own out here.

  Brushing a few auburn locks from my face, I decided once more that I had to keep going. No, I wouldn’t survive out here alone, but I’d never have a chance of surviving at all if I turned back. I was already too deep into the woods for that.

  I sighed, cursing myself again and took another step… and then another placing each foot in front of the other. I wasn’t sure how long or far I’d walked when I saw the bright lights from a cabin ahead. I narrowed my eyes at the building feeling a bit stunned that someone had built a cabin in the middle of nowhere. But my legs ached, and my feet hurt since I was wearing nothing more than sandals, so I told myself to shut up and instead, I peered out from behind a tree eyeing the small, but cozy cabin. Did someone live here? Was it a seasonal cabin? Questions ran rampant in my head. Doubt festered in my mind, so I almost turned around and started walking back toward the car.

  Then the rational part of my brain kicked in and I knew this was my only chance at making it through the night. I walked cautiously to the front door and exhaled a breath before knocking softly against the hard wood. The cabin looked well taken care of, so I was sure someone had to be here. When the seconds passed and no one came to the door I decided I’d had no choice but to invite myself in.

  “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay…” I murmured to myself, grabbing the doorknob and then twisting it. When it twisted enough for the door to open a smidge, I sucked in a deep breath and pushed it the rest of the way open. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw the contents of the cabin. There was no way no one was living here and yet the place seemed deserted.

  The place had a rustic feel to it but with a modern design. It was a huge open space with a high ceiling. Something I never would’ve expected while looking at it from the outside. I shucked my sandals and headed for the kitchen.

  I knew I was breaking and entering but who cared. It wasn’t as if there was anyone here anyway. Plus, by the time they’d discovered I was here, I’d be long gone…hopefully.

  I made myself at home and gave myself the grand tour. There were lots of wolf decorations and photos along the fireplace mantle. I tried not to stare at them since I was in someone else’s home without permission.

  I made my way up the winding staircase and to the loft area, which was expansive. A huge wooden king size bed sat in the middle of the room with a bathroom off to the right and what appeared to be a closet on the left. It didn’t look as if a single thing had been touched in here for a long while either that or the person who lived her was extremely clean and organized.

  I ran my fingers along the white t-shirts that hung in the closet, my nose finding its way into the fabric without me evening thinking about it. The scent I caught was woodsy, mixed with an all spice scent that made me shiver. Whoever wore this shirt was a man
my vagina wanted to meet.

  My actual self…yeah, not so much. I don’t think he’d take kindly to me breaking and entering. Shoving the thoughts way down, I grabbed one of the t-shirts and headed into the bathroom. My eyes went wide when I caught a glimpse of the shower and jetted tub.

  Seriously, who owned this place?

  Hell, it didn’t matter I intended to take a bath in that thing and soak off the ache in my legs and feet.

  “You’ve just found paradise,” I whispered to myself as I started running the water for the bath.



  I smelt her before I saw her. She was in my cabin—and she was—I pulled back my teeth to growl but nothing came…it was as if my wolf was partial to the human who’d broken into our home.

  Keep out of this. I spoke internally to myself walking cautiously to the front door. I peered in through the small window and the moment my eyes landed on her, I felt it. A tug on my wolf, a change in the air, a need, primal and deep to take and keep taking until there was nothing left.

  MINE! The word vibrated off my skull making it hard for me to think of anything other than the gorgeous woman on the other side of that door.

  Down boy, relax. I talked my wolf off the cliff of doom, knowing the human would never agree to be mine if we attacked her and took her savagely. Women, human ones specifically were fragile and needed to be cared for differently than say, another wolf. My heart pounded in my chest and my hands itched to hold her in my arms. I didn’t even know her name and still… I knew she was it for me. The woman who would someday, carry my pups and bear my marking.

  She was mine.

  Slowly, I opened the door and entered the house, knowing exactly where every creak in the floor lied. Then I closed the door behind me and locked us inside together. Her scent became stronger once inside—a mix of wild flowers, sunshine, and me. It was then I realized she was wearing one of my shirts. It hung down to her knees and made her seem like nothing more than a tiny little thing wrapped up in a whole lot of fabric. Fabric I wanted to rip off of her with my teeth and if at all possible, it made me want her more, so much fucking more.

  She was dancing around the kitchen, completely immersed in whatever it was that she was making and I didn’t want to startle her but I wasn’t sure I would be able to help it. I was a big man. I weighed close to three hundred pounds and stood at six foot five. When I entered a room, everyone felt it.

  All except her.

  I stared at her for another moment admiring her long auburn colored hair and smooth legs that I knew would look great wrapped around me. My teeth clashed together as I tried to release some of the tension that was starting to build deep in my muscles. I wanted to rut this woman like my life depended on it and that probably wasn’t a very good thing for her when she didn’t even know I was here.

  What was meant to be only internal escaped my lips, a growl ripped from my throat, which in turn caused my beauty, my newly found mate to startle. She turned around so fast on her feet I was sure she’d given herself whiplash and when she realized where the growl had come from she scurried away, but not before running into the cast iron skillets hanging near the island just above her head. They were the perfect height for this accident to be and when her head slammed into one—I was done for.

  I moved at breakneck speed to stop her but I couldn’t. I was too slow. As soon as her head hit the heavy cast iron, she was down and I was there to catch her right before she hit the wood floor. My arms wrapped around her and I pulled her against my chest cradling her head. I could hear her breathing and the beating of her heart but I didn’t know what kind of injury she had. My wolf enjoyed the feeling of her in my arms, but I was deeply concerned for the walnut sized welt forming on her creamy forehead. I brushed a couple strands of that silky auburn brown hair back from her face and realized I’d never felt something so soft in my entire life.

  She was perfection wrapped up in my arms and I was never, ever, letting her go. I checked her over for any further injuries then stared at her, taking in every dip and freckle that graced her face. She was beautiful, more than beautiful. With soft petal pink lips that I wanted to devour and creamy white cheeks I was certain would look sexy as hell when blushed. Her body was curvy from what I could tell, though I didn’t feel comfortable touching her when she wasn’t awake and aware of what was going on. She might have been my mate but she needed to consent to that.

  With no other option but to figure out how she got here later, I carried her in my arms up to the loft that would now be our new bedroom. I noted that she weighed nothing short of a feather and my wolf growled angrily at the thought.

  Feed her. Give her meat. Make her plump.

  I almost chuckled.

  We will feed her as soon as she wakes up and we find out how she got here.

  I placed my new found mate on the mattress, making note to get something softer for her. I wanted her happy and content.

  With her hair fanned against the white sheets, she looked like a siren ready to attack. I pulled the sheets up over her and made sure she was far enough in the center of the bed so she wouldn’t wake up and roll out of it. Then I headed into the bathroom. There I discovered her discarded clothes, as well as a pink pair of panties. I plucked them up off the floor, my cock going rock hard as I brought them to my nose to sniff.

  FUCK! I could feel my cock getting harder with each passing second. Was it wrong to masturbate to the scent of your mate even though you just met her? I didn’t really know. Then again, my moral compass was totally fucked now. I licked my lips and brought the panties to my nose once more, inhaling the sweet scent of her pussy juices.

  Seconds later, I undid my jeans and pulled my cock out. Sliding the panties up and down my length, I imagined my unnamed mate on all fours, begging me to pound into her over and over again. My heart beat faster and faster, my legs shook and tension filled my veins as I gripped my length in a vice like grip and squeezed the fucker, pumping it harder than I ever had before.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” I cursed just above a whisper. My molars ground together so hard I was sure I’d cracked them… yet, I kept going with each up and down stroke pushing me closer and closer to the edge.

  My entire body shook, my toes curled, and I felt this compelling need to howl to the fucking moon as I allowed myself to come. My wolf growling with his own release as cum sputtered into my hand and against those pink panties.

  Moments later, a smile pulled at my lips. I’d found the perfect mate, well technically, she had found me, which in turn got me wondering, how the hell had she made it all the way out here? Was she alone? Was she running from someone? I hoped like hell, she wasn’t because anyone who tried to hurt her would have to go through me… and there was no way I was giving this woman up.

  Not even if she asked me to.



  My head pounded and I do mean literally. It felt as if I’d been smacked upside the head with a frying pan. However, waking up in a mysterious bed, all toasty and warm lead me to believe that couldn’t really be what had happened. I blinked as if doing so would help me remember how the hell I’d gotten here. But nothing happened. It was like there were no actual memories inside my head. It was as if me being here was an entire mystery. I stretched my arms above my head then realized rather quickly I was in a large t-shirt that was definitely not mine, and I was wearing no panties, or bra.

  My cheeks heated. What kind of trouble had I gotten myself into? I nibbled on my bottom lip while popping up above the huge down comforter that had been placed over me. My head was throbbing as I sat up but something else was happening to me as well. I felt another kind of throbbing taking place.

  My belly was full of butterflies and I felt as if I was being pulled like a magnet might be to a fridge. I closed my eyes for a brief second attempting to get my barring’s. When I opened them once more, I saw a man like I’ve never seen before. He looked like a god, his body chise
led from stone or at least something of the like. His dark green eyes reminded me of the color of pine trees, and when they pierced mine, it was his steely gaze that held me in place.

  Air refused to enter my lungs and I stared, mainly because that was all I could do and the other half simply because—I didn’t want to look away. I became utterly speechless and breathless.

  “You’re awake?” His voice was deep, and honeyed.

  I stared at his russet brown hair that was practically begging for me to run my fingers through it. My nipples tightened against the fabric of my shirt. Did I just become aroused from nothing more than his very presence? This was strange but still, slightly hot.

  “I-I am—but…” I stumbled over my words. I was flustered, hot, and cold all at once and my pussy kept throbbing as if it were in need. I knew confusion marred my features but I couldn’t explain how my body was reacting right now, not to this man. Hell, I didn’t even know his name.

  “Do you remember how you got here? Or what your name is?” the mysterious god that my body craved like air and water asked, inching closer and closer to me. He was massive his hands were huge.

  I’d bet anything his cock was huge as well.

  Jesus. My face burned red hot at the thought. What was wrong with me? How had I suddenly turned into a sex addict?

  A throat cleared and I looked up at the nameless man.

  This time, he stood directly beside me, his large hand reaching out and cupping my cheek gently. It was strange to see such a big man make such a gentle movement.

  “Did you hear me? Do you remember how you got here or what your name is?”

  I licked my lips, staring up at him through my lashes as if I were in a trance. Now that he was touching me I didn’t mind being in his trap. He could do what he wanted with me. I gulped then finally spoke, “My name is Olivia, and I don’t remember how I got here. Are you…?” I was afraid to finish the rest of my question but did so anyway. “…Are you my husband?”


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