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Christmas Lovebirds

Page 11

by Rachelle Ayala

  “Great, Cait. Please send them away?” Melisa wiped her hair from her face. “I have to get back to my messages. Hopefully someone found Cassie.”

  She turned toward her father’s office, but heard Cait exclaim, “Why, Rob. How nice of you to come to dinner. Give us girls a few minutes to get dressed.”

  Holy crap. She ran for the office door, but Jenna was quicker. She blocked her and grabbed her hand. “Oh no, you don’t. No hiding.”

  “But, I look a mess.”

  “He doesn’t care. At least say ‘hi.’”

  “I can’t believe Mom invited him,” Melisa whispered.

  “Oh, Larry, how nice of you,” Cait spoke way louder than she had to. “Thanks for making a statement to the press. We’re still hopeful.”

  Melisa’s spirits fell. “They haven’t found her yet.”

  “No,” Mom said. “But we’re going to have Christmas Eve dinner as a family, pray, and light the Christ candle. We’ll have to rely on God to bring our Cassie back.”

  “Yes, Mom. Of course.” She hugged her. “I guess I better get dressed.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Rob and Larry greeted Mrs. Hart and Cait. Out of the corner of his eye, Rob spied Melisa flying away, stopped by her sister, Jenna.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Connor, the bull, blocked his view. “My sisters are off-limits.”

  He offered Connor his hand to shake. “We need to talk. Man to man.”

  Behind him, Larry grunted. “I’ll help Mrs. Hart put the gifts under the tree, or around it.”

  Connor grabbed Rob’s hand and clamped it hard, but Rob was no weakling. Working in the ER, cracking chests and lifting patients wasn’t for weenies. He held on tight enough to see the other man’s pupils narrow.

  “I have to get dressed for Mom’s Christmas Eve dinner.”

  “That’s okay. I know where your room is,” Rob said, determined not to let Connor give him the slip. “I heard what you said about me through the door.”

  “Look, if you’re here to start a fight, leave now.” Connor’s neck bulged.

  “I’m not a fighter. You know that. Let’s go somewhere private unless you want all your sisters listening in.” Rob pointed toward the stairs.

  “I’m not afraid of you.” Connor marched up to his childhood room, the one he shared with Grady. The walls were festooned with firefighting posters and paraphernalia. He shut the door behind them. “Do you deny sleeping with Elaine?”

  Straight to the point. That was how the Harts were. Rob held Connor’s gaze. “I spoke to Elaine this morning. She says you know everything.”

  Connor’s eyes popped wider and he blew out a breath. “You went to talk to her?”

  “Yes, I did. She says you know about her condition. You know why we lied ten years ago. I told her I regretted playing a part in the lie. And yes, I slept with Elaine in medical school.”

  “Betrayer.” Connor’s lip curled and his nostrils flared. “You were never my friend.”

  “No, Connor. I was your friend. I made mistakes, and so did you. So did Elaine.”

  “Did you love her?”

  “No. It was more of a physical thing. Letting off steam.”

  Connor shoved Rob against the wall, hard, blowing Rob’s breath from his lungs.

  Rob pushed back, his muscles straining. “Don’t you ever do that to me or anyone else. If I ever hear of you getting physical with a woman like this, I’ll kick your ass.”

  Connor stepped back, his eyes narrowed. “You stay away from Melisa or I’ll kick your ass.”

  “The only person who can tell me to stay away from Melisa is Melisa. Not you. Not Larry. Not your dad.”

  “Well I’m telling you. You hurt her, you hurt me, and you’re going to get hurt. You cheat on her. You lie to her. You play with her feelings, and I’m onto you like a stuck lug nut.”

  “Got it.” Rob straightened the lapels of his suit jacket. “I love your sister. And I’d do anything not to hurt her. I’ll be completely honest with her, even if it’s brutal. But misunderstandings happen. I want you to promise to let me work it out first before you and your family barge in and take up arms.”

  “You … you … love her?” Connor’s blue eyes lightened.

  Rob hung his head and shrugged. “From the day she came home from the hospital, I always saw myself as her guardian angel. I remember that time she got lost, and my parents thought I ran away from home. Only I was looking for her.”

  “You found her in the garden shed.”

  “I remembered she wanted a sunflower so she could feed the parrots in the park. So I figured she needed shears to cut the sunflower head.”

  “You never loved Elaine?” Connor interrupted.

  “No, not that way. Elaine and I were competitors: grades, college admissions, test scores, violin recitals, tai chi push hands. While you and your dad were doing all those macho boy things, me and Elaine took calligraphy lessons and played Chinese instruments. I think she felt she could tell me everything.”

  “What about medical school?”

  Sweat broiled the back of Rob’s neck, and his ribcage tightened. “I cared about her. Yes. But you’ll never understand the stress of med school, knowing you’ve no time to date and do anything social. It just happened and it didn’t last too long. We both agreed it was a mistake, and anyway, my heart was always with Melisa.”

  “So, you love my sister. Damn.” Connor clamped his arm over Rob’s shoulder and gave him a noogie. “Friends?”

  “Sure, buddy.” Rob slapped Connor’s back, hard, the way men do. “Friends, again.”

  # # #

  Melisa couldn’t help pressing her ear against the paper thin wall. Her and Jenna’s room was right next to Connor and Grady’s. Growing up, it had been a pain while the boys alternately blasted rock music and spied on their sisters gossiping or doing their hair and makeup.

  Her heartbeat thumped so loudly, she was sure Rob could hear her. Rob loved her. Of course. She should have known. That time she was lost, and then again at the hospital when she woke up from surgery. He was there. He’d always been there.

  And he’d told Connor the entire truth, not hiding anything. Best of all, they were friends again.

  Jenna stepped in the door. “What are you doing? Eavesdropping?”

  “Shhh …” Melisa jerked her good hand. “They’re friends again. Connor and Rob.”

  “Really?” Jenna crouched to the wall, tripping over a shoe and hitting it.

  “Oh, crap. You just gave us away. Hurry, close the door.” Melisa ran to the door and shut it.

  Seconds later, someone knocked on the door.

  “What are you girls doing in there?” Connor’s voice boomed. “Setting fire to your Barbies so we can rescue them?”

  He sounded jolly.

  “We’re doing great. Getting ready for dinner,” Jenna answered.

  “Well, make yourselves pretty. Dad’s bringing home a couple of guys who couldn’t fly home.”

  Jenna primped her hair and laughed. “Sure, Connor. I always appreciate it.”

  They never lacked for hot, hunky men. That was for sure.

  “I guess being in a firefighting family has definite advantages,” Melisa said, after she heard the guys’ footsteps clamber down the stairs.

  “Except it didn’t work for you.” Jenna bounced from her bed. “So, are you and Rob back together? Everything okay?”

  “He might be friends with Connor again, but he hasn’t come after me or said anything.”

  “You could go talk to him. I mean, you don’t always have to wait around. Besides, isn’t the rule of romance novels that the one who was wrong should make amends?”

  “Yes. He was wrong.” Melisa slid her closet door open to find an appropriate Christmas dress. Her mother always insisted they dress in forest green or dark violet dresses to attend Mass.

  “I don’t see why he was wrong. Didn’t you slam the door on him?”

  “That’s not it. He went to
the Fight the Fire Christmas Ball with a date!”

  Jenna howled with laughter, so Melisa pulled her hair. “It’s not funny.”

  “Yes it is.” Jenna scrambled away from her. “This is going to be real good. I can’t wait.”

  # # #

  Right. Her entire family refused to tell her who Rob went to the ball with—it was only two nights ago. How could he have forgotten her so quickly?

  Melisa checked her makeup and hair, satisfied that she looked hot. Okay, as hot as she was allowed to, considering she was going to church later.

  Christmas carols played in the living room as everyone gathered around the tree. Even though Cassie was still missing, Melisa had made a vow to not mention her. She’d enjoy her family tradition of Christmas Eve dinner, going to church for Christmas Mass, and opening one present before midnight.

  Of course, Rob was there, right in the middle of her brothers. Her heart expanded at how gracious he was. Connor hadn’t apologized, but Rob had taken him back. What a big heart he had, and really, she should give him a chance to explain, especially since she didn’t want him to know she was eavesdropping.

  So, who’s the dishonest one now? A little voice nagged.

  Rob’s entire face lit when he saw her. A sweet, candy ache squeezed her heart, and a big realization slammed her between the eyes. The only reason she was still bothered by Rob going on a date was because she considered him to be hers—her secret lover, her hideaway, the face and body in all her fantasies.

  The sea of people, known as her family and a half a dozen brawny men from the fire station, parted as Rob walked to the bottom of the stairs. He held his hand up for her and she took it, aware that all eyes were on her.

  “Can I have five minutes of your time?” he asked.

  “It’s ‘may I’ and yes,” she muttered, her face aflame. “Dad’s office is safe.”

  “You’re beautiful. Ravishing,” he complimented her as she led him into her father’s office.

  “You don’t have—” She stopped herself. Wasn’t this what all women wanted to hear? “Thanks, and you’re not looking half bad yourself, especially since you’ve been running all over town.”

  “I’m sorry about Cassie.” He cupped her hand, making her feel warm and protected. “But I wanted to talk about us.”

  “I know.” She bit her lip before remembering she’d get lipstick on her teeth. “I’m listening.”

  Rob swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple rearranging his throat. “I spoke to Elaine this morning. She was in one of the apartments I was canvassing. I was wrong in not telling you everything. There’s no excuse.”

  “You don’t have to …”

  “I want you to know the entire truth.” He pressed forward. “I was good friends with Elaine, and I agreed to help her dump Connor. I was young, and I liked Elaine a little. Okay, maybe more than a little, but I never did anything about it because she was Connor’s girlfriend. Anyway she found out some things about herself and decided to dump Connor. Only he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You know how your brother is.”

  “Yes, I know.” Melisa had to bite her tongue since she’d already overheard.

  “So, we put on an act and got ourselves caught in her dorm room. Elaine set it up. She knew exactly when Connor was coming in. I felt bad for him, but he was being so stubborn and not listening to her, so I went along with it. I didn’t sleep with her then. You have to believe me.”

  “Sure, go ahead.” She already knew in her heart he hadn’t back then. He would never have thrown away his friendship on a one-nighter. Rob was loyal, and he wasn’t stupid or impulsive.

  “So, later, when we were in med school, we went to a party to celebrate the end of first year anatomy class. There’s a ceremony where we take the body parts of the cadaver and give it a respectful goodbye. So, I was Elaine’s cadaver partner.”

  “Yuck, okay, spare me, please.”

  “Sure, I guess you’ll never understand the bonding between cadaver partners.”

  “Ouch, you’re ruining your image with me.” Melisa giggled. “Really, Rob, okay, I take it alcohol was involved.”

  “Yes, not that it’s an excuse.” His eyes were solemn and serious. “I’m telling you this because I want you to know everything.”

  “You slept with her. I don’t want to know the details, okay? Don’t tell me what went where.”

  “I won’t. We actually thought it might have worked out, but it was more stress relief than real. I don’t know, but I think a part of her is still grieving over Connor and what she lost.”

  “Then I don’t understand. He obviously wants her back, despite Cait and Larry talking about this Sheila date he was with at the Fight the Fire Ball.”

  “That’s her secret. Connor now knows, and it’s not relevant for you to know.” Rob smoothed a stray hair from her forehead.

  “Oh, sure, now you’ve got me curious, but I can respect that.” She tugged his tie, trying to hold at bay the sweet, tender feelings overwhelming her. She had to address this thorn of the firefighter’s ball before it poisoned everything.

  “What’s wrong?” Rob was ever observant of her. Always had been. She couldn’t sneeze without him being concerned.

  Melisa rested her hands on his forearms. “I can accept everything you just said about you and Elaine. Despite what you think, I went out on a few dates here and there. But what kills me is you went to the Christmas Ball. You didn’t waste any time.”

  “So? Why couldn’t I go to a ball?” A twisted grin marred his face. What the heck? Was that a self-satisfied one?

  “But, you’re mine—oh …”

  “Mine, oh?”

  Melisa deflated and palmed her forehead, shaking her head. “I can’t believe I’m like my brothers, so possessive. Of course you’re not mine. People don’t belong to people.”

  “I was hoping you could be mine.” Rob slid a kiss onto her forehead. “And I could be all yours.”

  “But the ball. Who was your date to the ball?” Melisa raised her voice. The Christmas songs outside and the laughing and talking shut off.

  Oh fudders. Had they all been eavesdropping?

  “Oh, my date to the ball.” Rob raised his voice. “Want to meet my hot date to the Fight the Fire Christmas Ball?”

  Okay, he was getting annoying, yelling so loudly.

  Melisa marched to the double doors of her father’s office and pulled them open. Her entire family and Larry and a few firefighters, fell forward.

  “Eavesdroppers!” she yelled. “Can’t anyone have a private conversation around here?”

  “Takes one to know one,” Connor hollered. “Fess up, Sissy. Tell Rob what you already knew.”

  “You?” Rob’s eyebrows raised into a question mark.

  Melisa hung her head and clasped her hands behind her, crossing her fingers. “I heard you talking to Connor. I already knew what was in your heart.”

  “Except you don’t know who my hot date was.” Rob guffawed, and everyone laughed with him.

  “I’m sure she’s got a lot to be jealous about,” Connor said.

  “Hey, you had your chance,” Larry piped up.

  “So, who was she?” Melisa shouted to be heard.

  Her family was having more than a bit of fun off her.

  “Ah man, shall we tell her?” Rob hooked his arm around Larry.

  “No, she’ll be heartbroken. I’m not sure.” Larry pinched Rob’s cheek.

  “Well, thanks for inviting me to the ball.” Rob kissed Larry’s cheek.

  “Ah man. I had an awesome time. We talked about our favorite subject.”

  “Sure did, and the food was great.”

  “Man sized portions. What could go wrong?”

  “Thanks for dropping me off and walking me up.”

  “Hey, we firefighters never start what we can’t finish.”

  “Neither do we ER docs.”

  Groan. Melisa gave both Rob and Larry the finger, well, actually her splinted ring and pinkie
on her left hand.

  “You two can have each other.”

  And then she too, burst into laughter.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Christmas Eve dinner at the Harts was fifty-percent how Rob had remembered it growing up, but the rest of it was new and every bit as magical. The best part was sitting next to Melisa. He held her hand under the table while her father gave the blessing.

  The light of the Christmas star to you.

  The warmth of home and heart to you.

  The cheer and good will of friends to you.

  The love of the Son and God's peace to you.

  She was so pretty and shy, blushing at everything her family said. And boy did they keep the teasing going. He laughed along with Melisa at the jabs aimed their way, with hints from her mother and aunt about posting marriage banns.

  He had no clue anyone did that in this day and age. Leaning over, he whispered, “How about we elope instead?”

  “They’ll kill me. Connor’s scare was enough.” Melisa glanced at her sister, Cait, who was the only one married. “You weren’t invited to her wedding, but it was a production.”

  Except her husband Brian wasn’t present. It wasn’t easy being a firefighter since someone had to cover the shifts twenty-four-seven. Same with ER doctors.

  “We should stop by the station later,” he suggested.

  “Oh, don’t worry. We will. You sure you want to stick around the entire evening? There’s lighting the candles and caroling after the midnight Mass. Well, it’s called midnight but it actually starts at nine. No one’s that crazy.”

  “I don’t want to miss a thing, being with you.”

  She took his hand and leaned against him. “I’m still praying for Cassie.”

  “So am I,” he whispered since her mother had requested no talk about the bird search. “Casey’s been shut in his cage all day. He looks sad, too.”

  “Hey, you two lovebirds,” Jenna said, passing a plate of spiced beef slices. “Planning to make a run for it? I’ll hold the rope for you out the window tonight.”

  Her mother made a wry face from the end of the table, and Melisa blushed fiercely, taking a sip of apple cider and coughing.


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