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by Alexandra Anthony


  The Vampire Destiny (Book 1)

  By Alexandra Anthony

  Copyright 2012 Alexandra Anthony

  Discover other titles by Alexandra Anthony at

  Cover Art and Design by Ally Thomas


  Smashwords Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Adult Content

  This is a sexy, romantic paranormal book. It contains hot vampires, graphic language and mature content. Consider yourself warned.

  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  This book is dedicated to those of you that still believe in the idea of a happily ever after and have never given up hope that there's a supernatural Prince Charming out there.


  A Stefan-sized (in other words, a huge) thank you to:

  My husband, who listened patiently to my ideas and watched me sit behind my computer, never once faltering in his support of my writing and my love for my characters. I love you.

  My daughter, whose imagination and enthusiasm never ceases to amaze me.

  Ally Thomas, my wonderful, inspirational friend. Without your support this book would still be an idea without a home. You selflessly gave me support, help, and your time. I owe you, my puma friend.

  Sue C., my sister from another mother and dear friend, thank you for reading and encouraging me to write more. You kept me writing on days I wanted to close up shop.

  Debra, you stood behind me, strong and steady. You are a beautiful person, inside and out.

  My sisters in pink, thank you for giving me the inspiration and courage to never give up.

  “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.” ~ Marcus Aurelius


  The Vampire Destiny (Book 1)


  Pulling into the small parking lot and parking a short distance from the entrance, I sat motionless for a moment and drew in an unnecessary breath. Would this be the time that I found her, the enchantress that had graced my thoughts and dreams for two centuries? Or would I fail again, only to be a step behind the woman that had eluded me yet again?

  Sliding out of the car, I quietly closed the door behind me. Pushing through the large wooden doors, my eyes efficiently scanned the restaurant deciding where the best vantage point would be to watch for her. Quickly calculating my options, I made the decision that the bar area would be a favorable place to observe the various humans that would come and go as the night progressed. I chose a small table in the corner where I had an unobstructed view of the small restaurant, yet could remain relatively hidden. I folded my large frame into one of the chairs, resting my arms on the wooden table.

  I waited for her as I had for the last 200 years.

  Hours slowly passed, yet only my fingers betrayed my growing irritation as they absently picked at the label on the bottle of beer I had ordered in my charade to appear human. I had all but given up hope when my attention was drawn to two women entering the bar, approaching a table and greeting another small woman with embraces. The first woman was tall with long brown hair, dressed in a bright pink dress that screamed out for attention. She was brassy and loud, her mannerisms flighty. Feeling my lip curl in disgust, I let my eyes drift to the second woman and it was if time stopped for me. Seeing her standing there made everything except her vanish around me: the inane chatter, the offensive smell of human food, the smell of blood. Nothing else mattered except this woman.

  My fated.

  She was shorter than the other woman, small-boned and willowy. Her dark, reddish-blond hair was a tumble of glossy waves over her bare, tanned shoulders. Her small, oval face had high cheekbones and finely arched brows. I knew without seeing them that her eyes would be a deep, luminous green. A sleeveless black dress hugged the curves of her full breasts and shapely hips, accentuating her long and lean legs.

  My primal instincts threatened to take over as my predatory gaze lingered on her body. I wanted to take her, possess every part of her. Every fiber of my being wanted to walk to her and sweep her away to keep her for myself, regardless if she was willing or not. Clenching my jaw, I let out a ragged breath. I could not scare her after waiting centuries to find her. I had to rely on my patience and wait, like a lion watching its prey. The promise of what she would be to me would make my suffering tolerable.

  Silently observing her, it was apparent she seemed uncomfortable as she went through the motions of eating and talking with her companions. It was only after a few glasses of wine that she began to relax, her occasional laughter drifting over the din of the restaurant and the gentle sound was like a soothing balm to my restless soul. I had lost count of the times that I had resisted the urge to go to her, regardless of the consequences. The instinctual urge to have her was all-consuming.

  A DJ started playing loud music in the bar, causing humans to slowly fill the small dance floor. My eyes were only focused on her as she waved off her friends' attempts to pull her on the dance floor with them. She waved them off with a laugh, pointing to the door that led to the patio. I calculated the risks of approaching her now or taking the chance and waiting for her on the beach below the restaurant.

  Tossing money on the table, I walked at an almost inhuman speed to the door and blurred down the stairs to the beach. I moved a safe distance from the steps and prayed silently to Odin that I had made the correct choice.

  Only a few moments had passed when I heard her soft footsteps on the stairs, stopping as she moved gracefully onto the sand. She was still for a moment, a smile gracing her lips. Hesitantly, I began walking towards her, freezing in place when a peal of laughter erupted from her. It was impossible for me to walk away from her now. She was like a siren, calling me to her. I resumed my approach, my feet silent and cautious.

  “May I ask what is so funny?”

  She startled, her heart race increasing as she spun to face me. She was ethereally beautiful, her reddish-blond hair even darker and gleaming in the moonlight, framing her delicate face. The eyes that had haunted me thousands of times in my mind were dark green and large, shadowed with a fringe of thick eyelashes. Her cheeks were flushed pink over her prominent cheekbones and her pouty lips were parted in surprise. If possible, she was more beautiful than she appeared in my vision.

  A mixture of relief and euphoria flooded over me and threatened to bring me to my knees in front of her. After centuries alone, I had found her. My solitary goal was to now to convince her to remain by my side.

  “N-nothing,” she stuttered, her breath uneven as she spoke. “It's sort of an inside joke about my friends.”

  “Ah. A joke.” I moved to stand close enough to her so that our arms touched, electricity sparking between us. The animalistic urge to take her roared loudly inside of me, begging for release. I swallowed roughly and struggled to maintain my faltering self-control.

  She had felt the surge as well. I watched as her fingers brushed absentl
y against her arm. I was only briefly taken aback when I heard her thoughts float through my mind, wondering if she was crazy or if she'd had too much to drink when she felt the energy pass between us. She thought it would make more sense if she was crazy.

  Hearing her mental voice in my mind made my vision complete. I knew her voice would 'call to me', yet I had no comprehension as to what that meant until this moment. She would not be pleased to know that I had access to her thoughts. This development could be added to my list of unpleasant things that I would eventually have to explain to her.

  Turning my head to look down at her, I was entertained as she continued her inner musings. Her eyes were searching my face, her thoughts filled with confusion. She was comparing me to a memory in her mind. She thought my face was handsome, noting the almost iridescent quality of my skin in the moonlight. Her heart was still thumping wildly as she openly admired me, her thoughts varying from thinking she was out of her league with me to making attempts to try to figure out why she couldn't read me.

  It was imperative that I divert her thoughts for the moment. She was much more perceptive than most humans and it was much too early to be forced to play my hand.

  “I should introduce myself. I am Stefan Lifsten. And you are?” I inclined my head, extending my hand to her in greeting. Shaking, she placed her tiny hand in mine and the silky warmth heated the coolness of my skin. Another spark passed between us when our hands met. Her mind wandered off to consider that it may not be a good sign that her panties wanted to disappear into the night from just a touch.

  She was absolutely intriguing.

  “I'm Josephine Anderson. Everyone calls me Josie but you can call me whatever you want...” Her soft voice faltered, having almost a musical quality to it. She was irritated with herself for babbling, cursing herself for her ‘verbal diarrhea’ and wondering if she could do anything to make herself seem more of an idiot.

  “Josephine. It is my pleasure to meet you.” I lowered my mouth to her hand, brushing it lightly with my lips. My eyes rolled back as I was bombarded with the allure of her blood pulsing through her veins, the soft heat of her fragrant skin and the sweet bouquet of her arousal flooding my nose. It took every bit of self-control I possessed to pull my lips from her skin to observe her again. She took a deep breath and glanced in the direction of the bar, her mind focused on trying to calm herself before she blurted something else out embarrassing.

  Concentrating on keeping my composure, I longed to explain to her that nothing would separate me from her again. I would kill for her and procure any object she desired, no matter the cost or the method required to obtain it.

  My life was no longer my own. This beautiful, strange human woman held the fate of my existence in her hands.

  I would die a thousand deaths for her.

  Chapter 1

  His long fingers twitched against mine as he fought not to touch me. He didn't move as I straddled his hips and let my breasts graze seductively against his cool chest. At any time he could have easily broken away from my tentative hold. He remained still, his jaw tight as my lips brushed against the corner of his mouth.

  “Please. I want to do this,” I begged, gently squeezing his hands and slowly nibbling my teeth against the soft skin of his neck.

  His low growl of approval vibrated against me as my lips blazed a trail down his throat and across his collarbone. I released his hands and placed them beside his legs, giving him a look that warned him to keep them there. He sat motionless, still watching every move I made with his piercing blue eyes.

  Moving to stand between his legs, I leaned over to palm his thighs and whispered quietly against his ear. “Lean back.”

  He moved his hands and braced them behind him. I traced my eyes over every inch of his long hard body, sweeping across his sculpted chest, down his finely muscled arms and finally stopping to rest on his toned abdomen.

  He was magnificent. And he was completely mine.

  Sinking to my knees, I swirled my tongue over his hip and dragged my lips across his stomach, gently kissing the head of his cock.

  “Josephine,” he groaned.

  My eyes flickered up, watching as his blond head fell back against his shoulders and his fingers dug into the covers behind him. His broad chest was heaving with panting breaths. Drunk with power, I licked my lips and sank my mouth down over his cock, my hands still gripping his thighs.

  His hips involuntarily thrust against me as my lips moved over him, pulling him deeper and faster inside of my mouth. I groaned around him as I felt him twitch against my lips.

  “Nog! Enough!” He growled deeply through gritted teeth. “Vackra, I do not want to come this way.”

  Releasing him with a light pop, I let him fall from my mouth. Pushing lightly against his chest and forcing him back against the bed, I crawled slowly up the length of his body. Every inch of our skin was touching as I pressed against him. “Do you want to be inside of me when you come?”

  He swallowed hard, his throat bobbing. “Yes.”

  “Do you want to make me come too?” I asked, nuzzling my nose against his cheek.


  “Answer me. Do you want to touch me?” I brushed my lips against his as I spoke. His mouth parted and his tongue flickered out to lick across his lower lip. I knew all too well what that tongue was capable of and I'd had enough of trying to control him. I wanted to lose myself in him and everything he had to offer.

  “More than I can tell you. Jag vill begrava min kuk i dig. Jag vill att du ber för mig att sluta,” He muttered softly as he switched to speak in his native tongue.

  Instead of kissing me, he opened his mind to me, revealing exactly what he wanted to do in explicit detail. He wanted to devour every part of me, bury himself inside of me until I screamed his name and begged for him to stop.

  “Don't just show me what you want to do to me with your mind. Do it,” I whispered in challenge.

  His large hands blurred to cup each side of my face, capturing my mouth in a kiss that was as raw and unapologetic as it was seductive. In a blur, he had flipped me on my back on the bed, his pale body looming over me.

  “Josie!” I heard my name being called from a distance. The offending voice wasn't his, it was garbled and distorted. Choosing to ignore it, I focused back on him. My lips sought his again, his smile brief as our lips reconnected, wet and filled with need.

  I felt a hand grasp my shoulder, slightly shaking me. He began to disappear around me, fading away before my eyes. I already mourned the loss of his mouth against mine and my skin cried out for him.

  “Josie, wake up.” The insistent voice was back and was much clearer this time.

  “No, come back. Don't leave me,” I murmured, frantically grasping at his fading form.

  “I will see you again soon, vackra.” With those parting words, he completely disappeared.

  My eyes flew open and I sat straight up with a strangled gasp and I felt as if my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Running my hands through my hair, my eyes darted around the room in search of him. I was disappointed to see my neighbor sitting on the edge of my bed, her face twisted in concern as she watched me hesitantly.

  “Josie, you scared the crap outta me. Are you okay?” Georgia asked quietly. She leaned over to place her hand on my trembling arm.

  “Uh, yeah. Give me a sec,” I stammered. I rubbed my face with my hands and tried to sort out my jumbled thoughts. I'd dreamed of him again. He was a beautiful, perfect fragment of my imagination.

  When my head cleared, I focused my attention back on Georgia. She was still watching me nervously from her perch at the end of my bed.

  “What are you doing here?” I snapped at her. She flinched at my tone and I felt horrible that I was taking my frustration out on her. I wasn't used to having such vivid dreams. Especially the kind I'd been having lately. “Shit, I didn't mean to snap. I'm still not awake.”

  “Pfft, I've had worse. You should meet my sister.�
�� She waved me off and her face relaxed into a smile. “I was stopping by to see if you wanted to go out tonight. Anna called me earlier and she wants to meet us at the Echo Beach Club. I think she misses us.”

  Georgia Turner was a fellow American who had relocated to live in Bali to run a local charity, a fireball of a woman from the state of Louisiana. She was in her late thirties, a tall brunette with dark blue eyes. She had a light southern drawl to her speech and was blessed with a wicked sense of humor. She was also extremely perceptive and had an uncanny way of seeing through you with her sharp, observant eyes.

  “Georgia, I don't know-” I began, tucking a piece of my long, reddish-blond hair behind my ear. It was a waste of time arguing with her because Georgia didn't take no for an answer. I could already feel the smugness emanating from her. She knew she'd won and I knew I'd be going out tonight.

  “No if's, ands or buts,” Georgia said as she cut me off. She turned smoothly on her heel and headed down the hallway. “Now get your behind into gear before I need to kick it.” I watched Georgia's ponytail bobbing as she bounced away.

  “And I'll be back at eight. Be ready,” She yelled over her shoulder as if an afterthought.

  Glancing at my watch, I let out a groan when I noticed it was already almost seven. I guess it was time to get my ass into gear since Georgia wouldn't be late.


  Humming to myself, I dabbed on lip gloss and pivoted in the mirror, giving my tight black wrap dress and wedge sandals a silent nod of approval. I walked down the hall into the living room and plopped down on the couch to wait for Georgia. Closing my eyes, I took in a calming breath, concentrating on getting my mental shields in place. It had been a while since I'd been in a crowd of people and unless I was prepared, it was going to be a long night for me.

  I avoided going out a lot because of my 'gift'. And most days my 'gift' of being a psychic empath seemed to be more of a curse than a blessing. It gave me a front row seat to see the intimate details into the lives of strangers and their emotions. I told very few people about my abilities. I'd learned the hard way that most people either viewed me as a shiny new toy to play with or chose to avoid me at all costs.


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