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Page 5

by Alexandra Anthony

  “He's not from around here and I'd keep that one on a short leash, girlfriend.” Georgia grinned, standing up and heading for the front door. “I'm heading into town. Call me later?”

  “Absolutely,” I agreed, watching the door close behind her and releasing the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. I was exhausted from my conversations with Stefan and Georgia. I was going to take a shower, eat lunch and take a nap and not feel the least bit guilty about it.


  The feel of fingers trailing up my legs, soft and cool stirred me out of my sleep. Stretching, I opened my eyes to see a very naked Stefan stretched out beside me on the bed like a giant lion, his eyes and hands focused on my exposed legs.

  I couldn't resist just staring at him for a moment, noticing all the little things I'd missed last night. His flawless skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones and his nose was slightly crooked. His lower lip was slightly fuller than the top and currently his teeth were biting into it, as if the task at hand required all of his concentration. His golden blond hair had fallen over his forehead, shielding his eyes. My attention focused on the dip between his collarbones and I suddenly had the urge to put my mouth there. Or possibly my tongue.

  “Someone is awake.” Stefan's voice jerked me from my thoughts. He lifted his head and smiled slyly at me. I sleepily smiled back, stretching like a cat.

  “Hey. You're back already,” I murmured, my head still thick with sleep. Running my fingers over the skin on his arm, I lightly scratched him with my fingernails and watched as his eyes flickered from the sensation.

  “I could not stay away for long. You have made me an addict and I can only think of you,” he replied, lowering his head to brush his lips against the skin on my legs. “You have on too many clothes.”

  My body jolted, going from groggy to wide awake in the matter of seconds. Desire slowly spread over my body and wetness began to flood between my legs. He noticed my arousal and he blurred into action.

  He yanked the sheet away from the rest of my body, eying my tank top and boy cut shorts with displeasure. He pulled the shorts off of me with one swift tug and his hands moved up my body to slowly roll the tank top over my breasts and head, tossing it across the room. He reclined on his side next to me, his muscles flexing as his fingers drifted around the circle of my breast, sliding down my stomach to the swell of my hips. His head leaned down to pull my nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it until it pebbled tautly. A delightful shiver of wanting ran through me as his mouth moved to the other, repeating the sensual dance.

  “What should I do with you? There are so many choices.” Stefan looked me over seductively and a tiny moan escaped from my lips. He spread my legs open wide, his fingers rubbing against my clit and spreading the wetness over my folds.

  “I could do this.” Two long fingers disappeared inside of my wet pussy, slowly slipping in and out, his darkened eyes fixed on my face as he watched me writhe from his touch. I let out a sharp gasp as he slowly continued his ministrations, his movements deliberate and determined.

  “Oh god. Don't stop,” I whimpered, clutching his muscular arms with my hands. I heard his ragged sigh of satisfaction from my response. He lowered his mouth to my neck and his lips moved down my throat, his tongue cool and wet against my heated skin.

  “Never,” Stefan whispered. My hips frantically rocked against his hand, his fingers stroking and curling inside of me while his thumb rubbed tight circles around my clit. My inner walls clenched around them and I boldly cried out in pleasure, begging for his cock.

  Even though he was the one that had mentioned addiction, my need for him was like a drug running through my veins. I didn't care about anything right now except wanting more of him.

  “You never have to beg,” Stefan murmured, his voice deep and raspy. He moved between my thighs and my leg wrapped around him, guiding him to me. With one quick thrust he buried himself inside of me, his hips thrusting slowly as he lowered his body against mine, my aching nipples pressing against the hardness of his chest.

  He sucked my lower lip into his mouth, nipped it with his teeth, then closed his mouth hard over mine. My other leg moved to wrap around his hips and a growl rumbled in his chest, hissing as his cock slipped deeper inside of me, our bodies moving together in a frantic rhythm.

  He raised his mouth from mine and gazed into my eyes. “Josephine.” His soft lips descended down my neck, his tongue swirling over the pulsing hollow at the base of my throat.

  A broken sob escaped my lips as he continued to plunge into me, filling me with full, heavy strokes. He lowered his mouth to my breast, his tongue circling my nipple and his sharp fangs scraping lightly against my skin.

  “Fuck, Stefan...bite,” I wailed hoarsely. The speed of his thrusts slowed for a moment as he raised his hooded eyes search mine. “Do it!”

  Stefan eyes locked with mine as his lips closed over my right nipple. I cried out when his fangs sank into my breast, the sting painfully exquisite. I exploded into a million pieces around him as he drank from me, my climax triggering his own. He shuddered as he emptied inside of me, his hips thrusting erratically as he rode out his orgasm. I clung to him desperately until he stilled against me and retracted his fangs from my breast.

  He fell to my side and pulled me with him so we were facing each other. His lips hovered over mine, his breath cool against my face. I kissed his lips, his chin and down his neck lazily. He hugged me tightly, nudging his head against mine like a cuddly, dangerous cat.

  We were lying in a tangled heap of arms and legs on the bed. My hands were absently stroking patterns on his muscular back, smiling as I felt the muscles ripple underneath the movement of my fingers. Closing my eyes, I snuggled against him and marveled at how he felt against my skin, cool and like velvet-covered steel.

  His voice was quiet and distant when he finally spoke. “I broke my promise. I said we would not do this again until we talked.”

  “Yeah, it was horrible how you took advantage of me like that,” I said sarcastically. ”It's not like I put up any kind of fight,” I murmured, running my nose against the soft skin of his neck.

  Stefan smiled against my temple, then placed a light kiss in its place. I closed my eyes and tightened my arms around him, mentally willing him to stay. I didn't want whatever we had to end.

  “Josephine, I do not want this to end,” Stefan whispered against my face. He pressed light kisses along my cheekbone and sighed with contentment.

  Shocked at his similar words, I turned my head to look at him and felt my face soften into a smile when I saw the honesty shining in his eyes. I moved a shaky hand up to stroke his face, the slight stubble scratching the tips of my fingers.

  “I don't either, Stefan. So it's time for you to tell me everything. Even the things I don't want to know.” I leaned in to place a kiss on his lips. He closed his eyes and brought his hands behind my head to bury them in my hair. I hadn't meant for the kiss to deepen, but I was powerless against him as he hungrily explored my mouth with his tongue. He slowly broke away from me, a satisfied smile on his lips. He knew the power he had over me already.

  Sneaky bastard.

  “I will tell you everything I know and answer any question you have, Josephine. But first you need to tell me why you are here in Bali. And then, you need to tell me what you are,” Stefan murmured, tightening his grip against my arms. He already knew me well enough to know that my first instinct would be to run.

  My eyes widened, my panicked mind a jumble of questions and emotions. How much did he know? And more importantly, how had he figured it out?

  Chapter 3

  “Why do you need to know why I'm in Bali? Why are you in Bali?” I asked nervously, hoping that diversion would work with Stefan. His eyes narrowed and he raised a single eyebrow in amused disapproval at my attempt to deflect his questions. I should have known I'd be wasting my time. Obviously he had planned on how this conversation was going to work and I just needed to get with t
he program.

  “That is an easy question for me to answer. To get away from vampire bullshit. Along with other reasons,” Stefan answered, his jaw tensing with annoyance. “I find it unfair that I am answering your questions, yet I asked you first. Let me ask you again, Josephine. Why are you here?”

  Shifting anxiously, I tried for nonchalance as I blurted out my standard bullshit line. “I'm a writer and I needed to get away. Why does it matter to you why I'm here?”

  Stefan released his grip on my arms and moved his large frame to sit against the headboard of my bed, crossing his arms and silently appraising me. I shifted under the weight of his stare and hoped that if I didn't answer, his questions would stop. I wasn't accustomed to answering to anyone, let alone a 975 year old vampire.

  I had a sinking feeling those days were over.

  “That sounds like the rehearsed version of why you're here. Let us try another avenue. Tell me what you are and I will tell you why it is important that I know,” Stefan paused, his face unreadable. “I had no problem telling you what I am and answering your questions. Can you not do the same for me?”

  Pulling my legs up on the bed so my chin was resting on my knees, I let my hair fall around my face, shielding me from the scrutiny of his eyes. Logically, I knew he was right but fear gripped my chest like a vice. A tear escaped from my eye and ran down my cheek.

  Stefan leaned forward, gently wiping the tear away with the pad of his thumb. “Tell me, Josephine. You can trust me.”

  I pulled in a shaky breath. He'd answered every question I'd thrown at him without any hesitation. My closely guarded secret about my abilities paled in comparison to his own confession about being a mythical creature.

  I could already tell I was going to hate it when he was right.

  “I am a writer. And I did need to get away. From people,” I said quietly. My eyes drifted to the bamboo floor before looking at him again. “I'm a psychic empath, Stefan. Being around a lot of people drain me. You're the only other person that knows about this in Bali besides Anna and I'd like to keep it that way.”

  “Can you read me?” He asked, motioning with his hand for me to continue. His face was still a stony mask.

  “No, you're a blank,” I replied, pulling my legs closer to my body. “Georgia doesn't even know. Usually when people find out, I'm either treated like a Magic 8-Ball or looked at like a freak. I know how someone feels and I know things about people I don't want to know. I have visions that play out in my mind like a movie. You were different though. You came to me in my dreams.”

  Stefan's eyebrow raised again and he leaned forward in interest. “You had dreams about me? Explain.”

  Sighing heavily, I lifted my head up from my knees to meet his curious stare. I could thank my verbal diarrhea for this slip since I hadn't wanted to mention my dreams to him. “I had a few dreams about a man that looked like you. They seemed real and in them you spoke to me. Don't be mad...I can't help what pops into my head.”

  His face relaxed into a dazzling smile. “Josephine, I am anything but angry. Let me tell you my story, the best I can remember it,” Stefan paused, running his tongue over his bottom lip and patting the bed beside of him with his large hand. I scooted to sit next to him, putting my head on his shoulder and laying my legs across his lap so I could look at him while he spoke.

  He wrapped his arm around me and his eyes took on a far away quality as he searched through his memories, his fingers absently trailing over my tops of my thighs. “I was much like you during my human life. I had visions of events that had not yet happened and like you, I told few of my ability. After my human death my gift remained intact. Instead of seeing the futures of humans I can see the futures of other vampires. The ability has gotten stronger as I age. I have also gained the ability to control my gift and can turn it off when needed. At times a vision will leak through. It is not an exact science.”

  I snorted sarcastically at his last statement and Stefan laughed dryly in response. The corners of his mouth lifted in a slight smile as he continued with his story.

  “It was approximately 200 years ago that I had a vision of a beautiful human woman on a beach. She would be a kindred spirit and her voice would call to me. I did not understand what that meant at the time, nor had I ever had a vision of a human after becoming a vampire. You can probably imagine the confusion I felt, knowing my destiny was to find her but having no idea where to begin looking for her or how to do it. After two centuries of searching, I found her. You,” Stefan paused and his face broke into a glorious smile. “I had to wait over 200 years to find you, Josephine. Now I have to convince you to remain by my side.”

  He was worried about convincing me to stay? As scared as I was of having any kind of romantic relationship, there was something about him that drew me to him. The attraction between us was so profound it was almost magnetic. My mind drifted over our conversation and I had more questions for him.

  “You mentioned ‘vampire bullshit.’ What exactly does that mean?” I questioned. Was there a network of vampires? And if so, I wondered if they were as annoying as humans that networked? I tried to envision vampires logging on to ‘VampBook,’ posting status updates and sending out friend requests. I inwardly laughed at the thought of vampires starting groups and 'liking' pages.

  “Yes to both. They are as annoying as humans that network and we do network. There is no ‘VampBook,’ yet I am sure the board would find the idea interesting.” Stefan hesitated, taking an unnecessary breath. “There are five members that sit on a Council. The Council answers to an Administrative Board of three. I assure you, it is boring and tedious.” Stefan rolled his eyes, his lips frowning slightly. “I work mainly with the Board, because of both my age and ability. The Board sends their requests for me through the Council. Their requests are non-negotiable.”

  My eyes widened in alarm as he talked. I hadn't asked him about networking vampires out loud, I'd thought about it! He's also a mind-reader?! I buried my head in my hands for a moment, trying to hide the blush that was quickly spreading. He'd been reading every thought that had I'd had about him and he hadn't bothered to share that information with me? I was so furious I could hardly put a coherent thought together.

  “Back up the train, Romeo. You can read minds?” I screeched loudly, feeling the burn of anger flush across my face.

  Stefan cringed and placed his long index finger over my lips. “We are in the same room, there is no reason to scream like a banshee. I can assure you my hearing is perfect. In fact, I can hear Georgia at her villa next door,” Stefan smirked, his eyes twinkling and his nose wrinkled in distaste. “Apparently she likes reggae.”

  “Quit avoiding my question. Can you read minds?” I asked through clenched teeth. Stefan's smirk deepened and I could feel my blood pressure rising. He needed to start talking and stop the sexy smirking before I exploded. I felt myself begin to tremble in anger and my heart was hammering in my chest as I waited for him to answer me.

  The amusement quickly faded from his eyes and he regarded me with a cautious smile. He took my hand in his, rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb. I watched him warily as he absently stroked my hand.

  “I cannot read all minds. Just yours and I cannot do that consistently. If your thought is strong enough or there is enough emotion behind the thought, then yes, I can read your mind. Some of your thoughts are quite amusing.” Stefan grinned widely. “Your thoughts about 'spontaneous combustion' was actually quite funny, Josephine. I promise I will try to avoid reading your mind if it makes you that uncomfortable. It could be quite valuable if we could learn to communicate this way.”

  My jaw dropped and I looked at him like he'd suddenly sprouted two heads. My mind was whirling as I replayed our conversation in my mind. He was a vampire, we shared a similar ability and he could read my mind? He's making comments like we're going to be some kind of super power couple, mind-reading and conquering the world together? Would we wear matching capes or costumes?

bsp; “Josephine, I cannot read your mind right now but I can tell that it is going a million miles a minute.” Stefan got up from the bed and extended his large hand to me. I looked up at him, my mouth still agape. “It is still early enough to go out. Shower, dress and I will be waiting for you in the living room.”

  Brushing Stefan's extended hand aside, I jumped up from the bed and stomped to the bathroom. I didn't look back at him. I knew if I did and saw that smirk on his face, I'd explode. I slammed the door closed and turned on the shower, stepping under the hot spray. Showering quickly, I dried myself off and pulled a comb rapidly through my hair. Wiping off the mirror with the towel, I rubbed moisturizer on my face and dabbed on lip gloss.

  I found that the more I went through my routine, the less angry was at him. I wasn't sure how I felt about this instant relationship I could feel myself sinking into with him. Was he assuming I'd give up everything to follow him around the world on his ‘vampire missions?!’ The more I considered it, the more I realized I probably would do just that. There was some sort of invisible bond I felt to the vampire that was waiting for me in the other room.

  Angrily stomping my foot in a very Georgia-like fashion at my thoughts, I opened the door to head back to my bedroom. I pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and an aqua sequined tank top, picking out a matching bra and panties and quickly dressed. Slipping my feet into a pair of low-heeled sandals, I walked over to the full length mirror on my closet door and stopped briefly to put gold hoops through my ear lobes. Even though I was irritated, I had to admit that I'd never looked better. My skin was glowing, my cheeks flushed a soft pink. If this was the side effect of hot sex with a vampire Adonis, I'd gladly sign on for more.

  Looking at my reflection for a final time in the mirror, I took several deep breaths and slowly walked down the hallway to see him sitting cross-legged on my couch. He was flipping through my first published book, 'Harnessing your Inner Psychic'. I stopped to take in the sight before me, feeling a giggle rise in my chest and deflating my remaining anger. It was funny enough trying to figure out how he'd managed to get his six-foot-four body in a cross-legged position on my couch. Seeing him reading a metaphysical self-help book was icing on the proverbial cake.


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