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Page 8

by Alexandra Anthony

  “Anna!” I groaned, dropping my face into my hands. “I'm going to say this once. Once! And I will never admit I told you anything.” I set my gaze on Anna. “Yes, he’s ‘packing.’ And yes, he knows how to use it. Multiple times.”

  Georgia and Anna looked at each other and squealed in delight. Georgia clapped her hands together like she just found out she had the winning lottery ticket.

  “I knew it!” Anna said smugly, smoothing her curls with her hand. She finished her coffee and stood up. “Let's go. We have places to go.”

  Draining my coffee cup, I pushed away from the table. Where was Stefan when you needed him?

  We piled into Georgia's sedan and made the short trip into town. There was a small market that sold fresh produce and farther in was a small row of shops. We split up, each doing our respective shopping. I made sure my shields were in place and enjoyed the first alone moments that I'd had for the last few days. I was deep in thought and contemplating buying a dark purple silk dress with a halter style neckline when Anna rejoined me.

  “That would look fabulous on you. You should get it,” Anna said, turning her head to the side and admiring the dress. “Look, I don't know what's going on with you and Stefan and I'm not going to bug you about it. I think it's long overdue that you met someone. Does he know?”

  Nodding to Anna, I took the dress down from the hook it was hanging on, double checking the size. I carried the dress to the clerk, waited for her to ring it up, paid and grabbed the bag. Anna was hot on my heels as we left the store.

  “He knows. He's very observant.” I shrugged as Anna linked arms with me. We walked slowly to Georgia's car, content in idle conversation and people watching.

  “He's something. Sex on two legs for sure. Wanna know what I noticed last night? For the first time, you looked really happy.” Anna smiled at me. I gave her another shrug and we leaned against the car, waiting for Georgia to join us.

  “I like him, Anna. A lot,” I said quietly and paused, watching Anna's reaction briefly. I could feel Anna’s happiness for me. “So we'll see what happens.”

  Anna laughed, waving her hand. “Lukas is under the impression that Stefan is ready to ride off into the sunset with you. I can only imagine the size of the horse that would take to hold him. One more thing. Please tell me that Stefan has a twin, or an equally gorgeous friend that's not gay. Lie to me if you have to.”

  I didn't have a chance to answer as Georgia decided to make her appearance, her arms loaded down with bags.

  “Y’all ready to go?” Georgia didn't wait for an answer. She unlocked the doors and we piled inside again, this time heading towards home.


  It was early evening when Georgia pulled into my driveway, much later than I'd intended to stay out. Stefan was pacing the front porch, almost a little too quickly to appear human. I was going to have to remind him that I had human friends. Very perceptive human friends.

  “It looks like someone is nervous,” Georgia observed, glancing over at me. I pursed my lips and shrugged. I had no experience when it came to nervous boyfriends. Did you call a 975 year old vampire a boyfriend?

  I couldn't help but smile when I saw the look of relief flash across Stefan's face when he saw me in the car with Georgia. He stepped off the porch and had my car door open before the she'd completely stopped.

  “Hey, stranger,” I whispered as Stefan grabbed me to him impatiently. Pulling back to look at him, I realized that now that he knew that he knew I was safe, he was angry. This sort of behavior was not going to work with me. The last thing I needed was a vampire bodyguard.

  “I was worried. I came back and you were gone. Perhaps if you had left a note, I would have known where you were, Josephine."

  Georgia was out around the car quickly, her arms crossed. “Perhaps if you weren't up her ass 24 hours a day and had something productive to do you wouldn't need to worry about her. She does have a life outside of you, Mr. Hunky McHunkerson.” Georgia was just getting warmed up, taking her index finger and poking him in his chest. “You showed up on the scene two, count them, TWO days ago and now you think you need to know where she is at all times? Not happening. You obviously think you're much more important than you really are. I think someone needs an attitude adjustment.”

  “Georgia!” I looked at Georgia sharply. I'd unfortunately seen this side of Georgia before. She was full of anger and was ready to come out with guns blasting. I was usually able to diffuse the situation since I could normally see it happening and could easily divert the situation. I was wondering why I didn't see Georgia doing this. She's normally easy to read although I'd been blindsided again.

  Stefan raised up to his full six-foot-four height and leaned in close to her, his upper lip curled up into a snarl. To give Georgia credit, she stood her ground but she was looking at me for help out of the corner of her eye. I could feel the panic rolling off of her in waves as she tensed beside of me. Snorting, I grabbed Stefan's hand to try to get his attention.

  Leave it to Georgia to start something she couldn't finish.

  “Stefan,” I soothed, concentrating on staying as calm as possible. His gaze was still focused on Georgia. I waited a moment and squeezed his hand again. “Stefan, please.”

  Stefan snapped his head around to look at me, his lip still curled up in a snarl. Managing a shaky smile, I squeezed his hand again. Only his lip relaxed, anger still darkened his handsome face. The swooning romance novel heroine inside of me was already thinking of the angry sex we would be having soon and was mentally clapping. I needed to get a grip on my hormones, since it was obvious Stefan was close to snapping.

  “Please, Stefan. Help me carry my bags in?”

  Stefan followed me to the back of the car, where I pointed out my four bags. I started to grab two of them and he brushed my hand away impatiently, grabbing all four of them and stalking into the house, his posture stiff.

  “Shit, Josie. I think I pissed Hunky off,” Georgia whispered, one of her hands shaking as she tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

  I looked at Georgia incredulously. “You think, Georgia? I thought I was going to have to referee for a minute.” I was panicking because I had no idea how this was going to work out. Georgia's future was black.

  “I'm sorry. Maybe I should leave and let you two work it out,” Georgia offered quickly, starting to turn to walk to the driver’s side of her car.

  “No.” Both of Georgia and I jumped at Stefan's silent return. I could hear how heavily accented his voice sounded in that single syllable. I went to stand in front of Stefan, hoping that I would be enough to keep Stefan away from Georgia.

  “Listen to me, Georgia Turner. I may be 'new on the scene' in Josephine's life. However, I was concerned when she was not here when I returned. You may find it acceptable and humorous to chastise other men for their shortcomings. You will not stand here and do that to me. Perhaps I did overreact, that I will agree with. Under no circumstance do you get in my face again. Do we understand each other?”

  Georgia nodded, swallowing hard. I knew my mouth was gaping in awe. I'd never seen Georgia surrender without a fight. Of course, she'd never had to face the wrath of a six-foot-four angry vampire either.

  Stefan let a small smile break over his face, combing his fingers through his hair and his posture visibly relaxing. He placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them softly. I let out a sigh of relief that he'd calmed down and Georgia was safe.

  “Good. I am going inside to let the two of you say your goodbyes. Georgia.” He inclined his blond head and I watched as his broad shoulders disappeared inside the house. Georgia looked at me, her eyes wide. I stifled a laugh despite the seriousness of the situation. I'd never felt this kind of remorse from Georgia before.

  Georgia hugged me quickly in goodbye, started her sedan and was down the driveway like a bat out of hell. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath before heading inside of the house to face Stefan.

  Walking into the ho
use, I quietly closed the door behind me. I wasn't looking forward to this discussion with Stefan and my stomach churned in disapproval. I felt him move to stand behind me and I kept my back to him, my body rigid.

  “I am sorry,” Stefan admitted, his voice soft. “I am an idiot.”

  “Yes, you are an idiot.” I spun on my heel and brushed past him, walking to the kitchen and began unpacking my bags. I chose to ignore his brooding, intense stare as his eyes followed my movements. I hummed as I put away produce, opening and closing cabinet doors as I finished putting groceries away. His large frame was leaning in the doorway, watching me intently.

  “I've been alone for a long time, Stefan. The last thing I need is someone to tell me what to do and babysit me. Did you ever think that I don't bother to leave notes because no one has been around to read them for a long time?”

  “I apologized, Josephine. Now you are supposed to accept my apology and we move on.”

  I couldn't hold back my barking laugh. “Really, Stefan? Is that how this is supposed to work?” I made a back and forth gesture with my hand between us. ”You get to act like a jackass and I'm supposed to accept it and we just move on?” I walked up to him, craning my neck to look into his eyes. “I'm not sure which cheesy romance novel you are getting your information from but that's not always how it works. I get to be pissed off.” I pointed to my chest and pushed him out of my way, stomping past him into the living room. I sat down on the couch and tucked my legs underneath me, my fingertips tapping out an angry rhythm on my leg.

  Stefan was silent as he walked to the sliding glass door that led to the back patio. His eyes were focused on the landscape outside, his posture rigid. I watched him for a moment as his jaw clenched in frustration. I let out a small sigh and felt my own anger wane. I was beginning to realize it was going to be impossible to stay angry at him.

  "You are human, Josephine. You are fragile and breakable and at any moment I could lose you. I am sorry that I overreacted, but I cannot lose you. Not now. Not ever."

  Rising from the couch, I crossed the living room to stand behind him, wrapping my arms around his narrow waist. He stiffened slightly as I pressed up against him.

  “I'm fine and I have the right to be pissed off, Stefan. Sometimes I think we're miles apart in the way we think.”

  He relaxed slightly, his chest rumbling with his responding chuckle. “Ah, Josephine. That we can agree upon.” He took one of my hands and led me back to the couch, sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. I rested my head on his solid chest, waiting for him to continue.

  His voice was steady and deliberate when he spoke. “I am ready to move on with my life now that I have found you, Josephine. I have searched, waited and loved you for two centuries. I have been patient,” Stefan paused, drawing in an unnecessary breath. “I have found you and I do not want to play games. Be with me, love me and let us progress. Is that too much to ask of you?”

  Was it too much to ask? I'd been alone a long time, even prior to my adoptive parents’ death four years ago. I'd never been normal, so why would my first and possibly last relationship be normal? I was still attempting to baby-step my way into this situation instead of blindly jumping into the deep end like he was expecting me to do with no reservations.

  “Stefan, let me tell you what my life was like prior to meeting you and letting you turn it upside down.” He rhythmically began stroking my hair and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands in my hair. “I was alone, with the exception of Georgia and Anna. My adoptive parents died four years ago in a car accident. I can't locate my birth parents no matter how much money I spend or how hard I search. I move from place to place and I never settle down. I'm used to being alone and then you sweep in and I'm supposed to just go with the flow? That's sort of is the opposite of how I operate.”

  Stefan pressed his lips against the top of my head. “Yet I am over 900 years old and can change. Explain what you want from me, Josephine.”

  Laughing deeply, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “There are many things I want from you. But I need time. Time to adjust to us. I need to get used to being in a relationship.”

  He nodded. “Then I will give you time. You have to promise to meet me halfway, Josephine.”

  I swallowed the lump that had risen in my throat. My mouth was dry when I finally spoke. “I promise.”

  “Now is the part of the cheesy romance novel where we kiss and make up, yes?” Stefan asked, his eyebrows waggling and blue eyes twinkling with humor.

  “Kiss me, you big idiot.”

  I didn't have to ask him twice.

  Chapter 5

  I was listening to the rumbling thunder as I lay draped across Stefan's hard, muscular chest. His face looked peaceful and innocent as he slept, his long lashes casting shadows under his eyes. I lightly kissed his cheek and rolled out of bed, yawning as I stopped to grab clothes from the closet. My eyes took note of his large duffel bag that was prominently displayed on the chaise lounge in the corner of the room. This was going to be one of those moments where I was going to have to adapt and meet him halfway without panicking. I walked over to his bag and ran my finger across the handle. I just needed to keep reminding myself that he loves me and wants to be with me. That's all that should really matter.

  But there was more at stake than just knowing he loved me. He was making me break all of my rules, forcing me to do all of the things I said I'd never do.

  Like fall in love.

  Sighing deeply, I pulled on a tank and capri yoga pants and walked barefoot into the living room. I decided to take advantage of the quiet and the time alone to meditate and turn off my over-thinking mind for a little while. Unrolling my mat, I stretched briefly and settled down on the floor to clear my thoughts. It took much longer than usual for my mind to settle and relax.

  I'd lost track of time when I felt the hum of Stefan's presence in the room. I opened my eyes lazily to look up at him, my heart lurching wildly as my eyes roamed over his body. He was leaning his shoulder against the door frame, his straight blond hair sweeping across his forehead and his arms were crossed against his massive chest. He was completely naked, his blue eyes boring into mine.

  My eyes immediately drifted south to focus on his semi-hard cock, a delightful shiver of want running through my body. My mouth went dry and my panties flooded with moisture as I boldly stared at him from my mat.

  I could count relaxing any part of my body out of the equation now.

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I attempted to slow my breathing down. It took all of my strength to force myself to stay seated on the mat instead of wrapping myself around him like a human pretzel and having my way with him without any regret or remorse.

  “You are meditating?” Stefan questioned, his voice deep and thick with sleep. “I will join you.”

  “Uh-uh, Romeo. No naked mediation,” I whispered, opening my eyes to admire his naked body again. “Put on some clothes and then you can join me. Otherwise we won't be meditating.”

  “Explain why this would be a problem, Josephine,” Stefan said, his eyebrow arching in humor.

  “Clothes. Go. Now.” I commanded and closed my eyes again.

  Stefan muttered under his breath as he stalked away. He was back in less than 30 seconds, loudly clearing his throat to get my attention. I reopened my eyes and he was standing in front of me wearing a pair of tight black boxer briefs. I bit my lip to stop a moan from escaping.

  “This is better, yes?”

  He was obviously trying to kill me this morning. His choice of 'clothing' really wasn't much better since the snug boxers left little to the imagination.

  I could only watch with lustful eyes as he dropped down on the mat to face me and folded his long legs into the half lotus position. His knees were barely touching mine and his eyes slowly closed. He began to inhale and exhale softly, the rhythm of his breathing almost hypnotic. My lids lowered again, instinctively slowing my breath to match his. The energy passing between us was ch
arged and overwhelming in its power.

  I'd just started to relax again when I heard Stefan's voice enter my mind, soft and heavily accented. "You are sexy when you meditate. Watching your breasts tighten against your top is making me want to fuck you.”

  My eyes flew open in surprise at hearing his mental voice. I swallowed the lump in my throat as an irresistibly devastating smile broke over his face. “Ah, you heard me Josephine. Talk to me. Not with your sexy mouth but with your beautiful mind.”

  I felt by brow furrow as I concentrated on opening my mind to him and decided to tease him about his choice of clothing. “You and your fuckhot boxer briefs. Are you trying to kill me today?”

  I heard his audible chuckle, then his quiet, lilting voice entered my mind again. “No, Josephine. I only want to fuck your beautiful pussy and feel your hot little mouth on my body.”

  The humor and sexiness was even present in his mental voice. Our eyes locked and his blue eyes were piercing as they stared into mine, filled with a mixture of longing and satisfaction. He obviously was trying to kill me with extreme sexiness this morning.

  “Your mental voice has a heavy accent. Did you know that?” I shoved the thought to him again. I was starting to sweat, not only with the effort it took to communicate telepathically, but from his mental sexy talk. It was causing ripples of warmth to spread through me, the heat deepening to linger between my legs.


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