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Apollo's Protection (Gods Reborn Book 2)

Page 7

by Anna Edwards

  “Keep a hold of him,” he instructs his guards, holding up a syringe. “I don’t want to waste a drop.”

  Rough hands grab my shoulders and legs, keeping me pinned down. I hiss at the sting shooting up my arm. Darting a peek, I see my blood being drawn up into the little vial.

  “If you aren’t a suitable match for the sea goddess you’ve paired yourself with, then we’ll find you both new playmates,” he tells me.

  No. I can’t let them separate us. Where the hell is Apollo? Please, please let Eva be safe. I know how stubborn she can be. I don’t want her to put herself at risk for me.

  “Remove his shorts.”

  The cold command has me struggling with growing desperation as my shorts are shoved down my legs. With no other clothes on, I’m now naked and at their mercy.

  Ambrose stares down at my cock with a raised eyebrow. When his latex covered fingers encircle my flaccid member, I flinch.

  “Now be a good boy and come for me,” he encourages, slowly working my length up and down.

  There’s no way that’s going to happen. His touch fills me with disgust and loathing. The guards still have me held in place, their weight keeping me trapped on the wooden floor—its coolness spreads up my spine. It’s then I feel the wisp of magic. It coils upward from beneath me, wrapping itself around my body. Eyes widening in shock, my cock hardens, surging into life with a will of its own.

  “No!” The word is torn from me in a raw cry. I suddenly have no control over my body. Realization that I’m trapped in the spell that shrouds this place sends bile rising in my throat.

  “That’s it. Feel the pleasure … give into it.” Ambrose's voice is thick with lust as he jerks me off faster. “I can’t wait to examine your pretty little friend, and when I’m done, I think I’m going to fuck her. It’s always fun to break the feisty ones. They’re never that way for long. I’ll strip her of her fight and turn her into one of our top breeders.”

  Crying out in confusion, my hips thrust up, demanding more. The need to come is a primal urge. Images flood my head. Eva strapped to an examination table while Ambrose forces himself on her. Other men taking her over and over, covering her with their cum. Instead of feeling abhorrence at the scene, it sends my excitement spiraling. With a harsh groan, I cum all over my captor’s gloved hand as well as decorating my stomach in white pearly ribbons.

  Slumping in defeat, I keep my eyes closed. The sick, warped enchantment was playing with my mind. I know that, but it doesn’t stop me from experiencing terrible shame and guilt.

  Wiping sweat from my face with the palm of my hand, I lick my dry lips. I’m not sure what time it is. Somewhere above, the sun is hidden by a canopy of branches and vibrant green leaves. The jungle is alive with wildlife. Fruits of all description hang in abundance, including some that shouldn’t be able to survive in this climate.

  This island is an enigma.

  Its origins are a mystery, and I keep questioning how it can even exist. Why have we never known about it? After centuries of living on this planet, why has it never been discovered? How long has Pluto kept it a guarded secret? What else does he have we don’t know about?

  These thoughts send a chill through me. Sinking down onto a sturdy, fallen tree trunk, I take a moment to gather my bearings. I’ve been walking for miles. The trees seem to stretch endlessly with no sign of a break. How big can this place be?

  I need to turn back soon. A sense of foreboding has been churning in my gut, but I’ve been choosing to ignore it.

  Eva and Fontus.

  Somehow I know it’s linked to them. Even with this distance between us, I haven’t been able to shake the certainty that they're both mine. It’s deep in my bones. A knowledge that’s kept me worrying about them every second we’ve been apart. It scares the hell out of me. I don’t understand what it means or if it could even work between the three of us.

  Pushing myself up onto my feet, I tread forward. Just a little bit farther, and then I’ll return to them. Next time I venture out, they’ll be at my side.

  One second, I’m surrounded by trees, and the next, I’m standing on a rolling hill. It dips down into a rocky valley. Encircling either side are breathtaking mountains capped with snow. Blinking in astonishment, I take in the scene. Beyond I see azure water glistening far in the distance and a stretch of green grassland.

  An enchantment?

  Glancing over my shoulder, I find the beginning of the tree line. Someone’s deliberately woven a mirage to hide half of the island away, but why?

  Frowning, I scan the view for any signs of life. A herd of white horses graze in the long swaying grass. Birds swoop and dive overhead. All looks serene and peaceful.

  There has to be a reason. Why go to so much trouble?

  Torn between forging on and the lovers I’ve left behind, my heart wins over my head. Tomorrow, we’ll retrace my steps and investigate together, bringing water and all the provisions we need. The farther we’re away from the house the better. Maybe we’ll be safe from the sex inducing magic out here among nature.

  Decision made, I head back into the trees. I’m once more in a dense, endless jungle. Quickening my steps, my pace sure, I hurry back in the direction of the house. There’s no time to rest until I’m once more in their presence. I have some explaining to do. Eva will be annoyed I left them, and so will Fontus. Hopefully what I have to tell them will go some way to taming their anger. That and being able to touch them again. Anticipation at what tonight will bring between us makes me smile.

  “Coventina, please, you can’t tell anyone that Apollo is here. If Pluto finds out, it will be dangerous for him.” I beg the older woman, my hands clasped together in a prayer.

  “You don’t have to worry, child. Pluto will not find out from my lips. I don’t owe him anything. It’s this island that’s my home, not the person who brought me here.” Coventina smiles at me, and I warm with the sense of maternal love emanating from her. I pick up a tea towel and start to dry the dishes. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I want to.” I look around for where the dish goes. She points at a cupboard, and I put it away. “You said you had children taken from you, and they’re on the other side of the island?”

  “Yes.” Coventina hands me another washed dish.

  “How many do you think have been taken from you and the others over the years?”

  “Hundreds. They are powerful children, the offspring of demigods and goddesses. They are trained from birth to fight. They don’t know any differently.” Coventina looks forlornly into the soap suds of the sink. “I went to see one of my children. He was little more than eight but already dressed for battle. He wasn’t a boy any longer—his eyes were dead.”

  I go quiet, worried for my newfound friend’s offspring. It’s no way to be brought up. I don’t want a child born from my body to have to experience that.

  “Is it difficult to get to the other side of the island?” I question.

  “If you are one of Pluto’s people, then no. It’s designed to keep us away. Our job is not to care for our children. It’s to produce more.” She leans down and opens a cupboard. Inside is a tub containing a blue concoction of some sort. “Magic makes you procreate. It doesn’t make you forget though—that is the hardest part. Birth after birth, child after child all taken away. Pregnancy and then nothing to hold at the end. It damages you. This potion helps.”

  “Pluto gave you this?” I take the tub and examine it. It seems to be a natural mixture of herbs and flowers. Fontus would know more about it with his knowledge of mystical medicines. “I don’t understand why Pluto wouldn’t just use magic to make you forget.”

  “Because he’s a man and doesn’t have maternal instincts. It’s natural for a mother who’s carried a child to feel its loss. He didn’t give me this medicine—I made it myself. Memories of magical spells embedded in my head from my Celtic side gave me the ability. I place a little in all the food I cook. It helps those here from suffering as I did.”
A tear tumbles down her cheek.

  “But you don’t take it yourself.”

  “I did at first, but I no longer want to forget.”

  I feel my own eyes well with tears. My heart breaking for all this gracious and kind woman has suffered. A noise outside the door draws our attention away from our solemn reflection.

  “Where is she?” A deep voice asks as plates crash, and a woman screams.

  “We don’t know. We’ve not seen her,” another male voice responds.

  “If I find out you’re lying, you’ll be flogged.”

  “We’re not. I promise,” a female voice desperately pleads her case.

  “Eva,” the deep voice calls out, and I freeze. Coventina grabs the tub from me and places it back in the cupboard. “It’s time for your examination. Come out.”

  “Examination?” I whisper to my friend. She turns pale.

  “You need to hide.” She looks around the room.

  “Coventina, why does that man want me?” I’m nervous. I don’t understand what is happening. Who are these men, seeking me out?

  “When you first come here, the principal, a man named Ambrose, carries out tests on you. Checking your blood and fertility—he’s not gentle or kind. If you think what Pluto has done to you is bad, then Ambrose is far worse. Can you curl up small?”

  I gulp. “Yes, and I can do this …” I place my finger into the washing up water, and it covers my body turning it to liquid and drawing it into the sink. I’m hiding in plain sight and won’t be seen. The water is dirty and bits of discarded food cover me, but it doesn’t bother me—I can see and hear everything.

  The kitchen door slams open, and two burly men enter. The looks on their faces promise malevolence if they find me. I just have to hope they don’t have magical abilities of their own and can see my spell. “Have you seen the new girl?”

  Coventina crosses her arms over her chest.

  “If you push that door any harder, it’ll come off its hinges.”

  “Then you’ll have to figure out how to put it back up, won’t you? Or you could spread your legs and let me fuck that saggy pussy of yours to earn my help.” One of the men comes over to my friend and places his face directly in front of her. “Where is she?” he spits the words at her.

  “Just left. Fancied a walk in the gardens.”

  The man places his hand under Coventina’s chin and grips it tightly. I know he’s hurting her by the expression of pain on her face.

  “You told her what delights were heading her way then?”

  “I know not to break the rules.” She shuts her eyes in subservience.

  “Bullshit! I bet you told her how big my dick is, and she’s scared.” Both the men laugh evilly.

  “I don’t think she’ll be impressed. She was telling me how big her partner is,” Coventina retorts, and the man squeezes harder. She yelps in pain.

  “What, the sniveling little whelp that Ambrose is currently getting sperm from? Yeah, I think his dick is probably shrunk inside at the moment. You know how good Ambrose is at getting what he wants.” The other man simulates his insides being pulled apart. “Argh the pain!! No, please, take my cum.”

  The men laugh again, and I want to jump out of the water and run to Fontus. He’s suffering again at the hands of these mad men, and I want nothing more than to protect him. Coventina moves her hand behind her back and dips it in the water. I wrap myself around her fingers to keep calm. I can’t win against these men. I can’t show my abilities to them. We have to play the long game, and that means hiding away, knowing Fontus is suffering.

  “If your done being imbeciles, then I have people to cook for. As I said, she’s in the garden.”

  The man holding Coventina brings his hand back and sends it flying into the older lady’s face. She sways but doesn’t fall.

  “You’ll pay for that rudeness later,” he snarls in her face and releases her. He nods to the other guy. “Let’s go. She’s probably heading into the jungle to hide. We can play cat and mouse.”

  They both leave the room laughing. I wait a few moments before coming out of the water and turning back into my human form.

  “Are you ok?” I check on my friend.

  “I’m good. I promise,” she replies, but when I inspect her cheek, I see it turning red.

  “I swear I’ll ...”

  “No,” Coventina interrupts my potent rage. “Go to your man. He’ll need you now.”

  I take her hand and squeeze it.

  “I will set you free from this.” I turn to make my way back up to the bedroom, hoping I can avoid the guards and this Principal Ambrose. As I head out of the door, I swear I hear Coventina respond with ...

  “Only death can do that.”

  Pulling myself up from the floor when Ambrose and his two guards leave, I stumble to the shower and turn the water to scalding. Climbing in, I allow the shame and guilt to be burned off my skin. I need to continue to be strong for Eva.



  Turning the water off, I go to step out of the shower as she runs into the room.

  “Fontus?” She slams her body into mine. “Are you ok?”

  I try to tell her I’m fine. However, the words don’t come out. I’m silent, my mouth opening and closing. I have to be strong for her, but I’m feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders at the moment. She turns the shower back on when I start to shiver. The water scalds her, and she jumps back to adjust the temperature.

  “Did they find you?” I eventually manage to ask.

  “I hid.” She takes the soap and starts to wash me, her tiny hands dwarfed against my large body. She rubs away the dirt of shame and cleanses me in a way that only she can … with her pure kindness and love for me.

  “We need to leave the island. It’s too risky.”

  She shakes her head.

  “We can’t. There are children here.” She looks up at me with her sorrowful eyes.


  “The children who are born here. They live on the other side of the island. We have to save them.”


  “She’s right.” Apollo’s deep voice comes from the doorway to the bathroom. “I know how to get there as well.”

  “We have to save them. Stop Pluto’s plan, no matter what, Fontus.” Eva leans her head against my chest and presses a soft kiss to the center of it.

  Apollo strides across the room. He pulls the shirt off his head and lowers his shorts before stepping into the now cramped shower.

  The sexual tension in the room crackles again, the magic wrapping itself around us.

  “For now, though, we surrender,” Eva says as she removes her sodden sheet dress and stands naked between us. My body tingles with need despite the orgasm ripped from me by Ambrose not long ago. Apollo stands behind me. Eva lowers to her knees in front of me. “We’ll help you to forget,”

  “In every way.” Apollo runs his hands over the corded muscles of my back and down toward my buttocks. I lose myself in the feeling of their explorations.

  Eva takes my hardening cock in her hand and flicks her tongue over the tip. I groan out my appreciation. She wraps her mouth around the length and draws it into her perfect mouth, causing memories of Ambrose’s disgusting fingers touching it to dissipate. Apollo then lowers to his knees and pulls apart the mooned cheeks of my backside. I’ve never explored this sort of side of myself before, but it feels right in his hands. His finger circles at the bud of my hidden hole and tests the give there. I tighten involuntarily at the intrusion, but when Eva licks the entire length of my dick, I relax again, and Apollo is able to push a finger into my ass.

  “Tight.” He presses a kiss to my back. “Virgin. I’ll lay claim to your virginity, Fontus.”

  “It’s yours.” I push back, allowing his finger deeper within my channel. Eva brings my dick farther into her mouth and gags. I fling my arms out and brace them against the wet wall to prevent myself from falling over.

” I exclaim as Apollo twists his finger inside me and rubs against a part of my body that has my legs quivering. I can’t control myself. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’m going to come quickly like a fucking schoolboy.

  “Eva.” I try to warn her but before I manage to I’m coming, coming, and coming into her mouth and throat. She swallows as much of it as she possibly can, but it drips out of her mouth and down her chin. I’m flying so fucking high that nobody could ever bring me down. Bad memories vanish, replaced with only this.

  Apollo pulls his finger out and stands up. Eva moves aside and wipes her mouth as I bend and offer her my hand to help her to her feet.

  “Hands back on the wall.” Apollo orders me, and in my high state, I obey without thinking.

  “Beautiful,” Eva whispers as Apollo covers my body with his. His hard length nestling between the cheeks of my butt.

  “This excites you, Eva?” Apollo teases and pushes his dick toward my entrance. “Watching me fuck Fontus, would that make you come?”

  “Hell yes,” she lowers her hand down her body, skimming over the tight pebbles of her nipples and moving it toward the cleft between her thighs.

  “Stop,” Apollo orders, and she does before she’s able to touch herself down there. “Should we allow her, Fontus? To stroke that pussy of hers and to dip her fingers inside herself while she watches my dick disappear inside your virgin asshole?”

  “Please,” Eva whimpers with thick need. “You two together are a work of art. I want to watch it forever.”

  “Nothing on this island is forever,” I respond. “Nothing on this island is real. But in this moment, I want your fingers deep in your pussy, Eva, as you rub your clit and think about what Apollo is doing to me. And afterward, I want to watch him take you as well. We have this moment. Our moment, and then we fight or die … maybe both”

  As I finish my declaration, Apollo unceremoniously surges forward into my ass. It hurts like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. He’s big, so fucking big, and it’s tearing me apart, but I want him there. Every fucking inch. I’ll want him always. Shit, the realization hits me like a ton of bricks. What the hell is the island doing to our minds as well as our bodies?


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