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Wrangling the Cowboy (Circle B Ranch Book 3)

Page 16

by Kennedy Fox

  I read his text message a few times. I think about Maize and the way she looked at me with disdain today. Her words repeat in my mind, and how she’s said several times she wants me to just go away. Regardless of what I think, Maize believes we were a mistake, and it only fuels the fire burning inside me. Closing my eyes, I set my phone down and lean my head back.

  I weigh the good and the bad. I loved rodeo life, but I hated how dangerous it was, and I won’t be risking myself. If Cooper wins, I get a percentage of his money. He’s a good rider, and he has learned quickly, taking all my instruction to heart.

  My mind is made, and I know what I have to do. After finding the right words, I send a text to Cooper, lock my phone, and then go to bed. I don’t wait for his response because I already know what he’s going to say. Tomorrow is a new day, a new beginning, and I know I made the right decision.

  There’s no going back now.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Rowan shows up carrying a bottle of tequila, and it makes me smile wide. She knows exactly what a girl with a broken heart needs, and it usually starts and ends with Patrón. In her other hand is a bag of limes, salt, and shot glasses.

  “The traveling bartender. I love it!” I exclaim, helping her with the items. I move some things from the top of my dresser and set everything down. A minute later, Kenzie bursts through the door with cookies, popcorn, and a giant ass bowl of M&M’s. Elle’s trailing behind her, and she looks exhausted.

  “This should do the trick,” Kenzie tells me.

  Elle nods. “Booze, snacks, and reality TV. You literally can’t be upset after all that.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I say, sucking in a deep breath as Rowan pours the shots.

  Elle kicks off her shoes and sits on the bed, and Kenzie follows her.

  “So, catch me up.” Elle waves her hand. “I need to know all the details of what happened, considering we’re having a drinking party over a man.”

  I let out a huff and roll my head on my neck. I’ve been cautious to keep everything to myself—except for Kenzie, but she’d never spill my secrets. I’m grateful I had someone to talk to. Otherwise, I might’ve driven myself crazy over the past year while dealing with Gavin’s shenanigans.

  “You’re stalling,” Elle sing-songs and Rowan snickers, then turns around and hands us the tequila. She goes back to the makeshift bar as we shoot it down, then takes our glasses.

  “Just needed a little liquid courage first,” I admit, then start from the beginning. I tell them about the one-night stand and how it was the best sex of my life, how we kissed, the stolen glances, and unspoken words we’ve exchanged over the past few months. Then I go into detail about the rodeo and how elated I was to spend time with him.

  “So what’s the problem?” Rowan asks.

  I suck in a deep breath. “I overheard the twins asking him about traveling with Cooper full-time, and he hadn’t made up his mind at that point. So I pushed him away and stupidly brought a date to his birthday party. I honestly didn’t know it was his birthday, though, so I wasn’t trying to be a bitch. Anyway, he confronted me about it, and I told him I’d moved on, and he should too. So what did he do?”

  I glance at them. “He brings Sarah motherfucking Cooke to the Fourth of July party. She was so hateful to me growing up and did some messed-up things just because she could.”

  Rowan shakes her head. “Maze. You told him to move on, and he did.”

  I throw my hands up in the air. “I know. I’m a damn idiot, and now I don’t know what to do to fix this. I’ve messed up big time, and I’ve realized this entire time that he deserves better from me, but I’m scared.”

  “I was actually pissed when I saw Sarah there,” Kenzie admits. “And she was being so flirty and touchy. I wonder if they had sex afterward.”

  Elle throws a pillow at Kenzie. “That is not helpful. Gavin is a gentleman, so I bet even if she begged him, he would’ve denied her. I’d bet money on it.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think he did either,” Rowan says, bringing us more shots, then continues. “Gavin’s more mature than that. He didn’t seem like he was that into her. After you two had your little confrontation, I watched him. Each time she tried to make a move, he tensed. He was playing games with you, Maize. It was so obvious.”

  We gulp down the tequila, and I try to think back to Saturday. I was in a blind rage and didn’t notice the way he reacted to her. I just saw the two of them together, and that was it. Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. “If he did that…”

  “Wait, so is he going to travel with Cooper?” Elle asks. “Did you ask him?”

  “I’m pretty sure he is because Uncle Jackson mentioned he was looking for another trainer. Why would they need someone else if Gavin wasn’t planning to leave? I thought about it, and that’s the only solution. It’s not like I can just come out and ask him because we’re not really on speaking terms at the moment,” I explain.

  “That does make sense, but it could be coincidental.” Elle places a hand on mine. “I’m sorry. Men are dickheads.”

  “Speaking of dickheads, how’s that boss of yours?” Kenzie asks.

  “I am not talking about him tonight. This is about Maize, not me,” she announces.

  “He’s just so hot. I literally thought about getting an assistant job just so I could stare at his tight ass in those jeans all day long.” Kenzie grins, then shrugs. “It’s not a lie.”

  I snort, and I’m so happy to have them as my support system. “Maybe you should apologize,” Rowan suggests. “Tell him how you feel. You won’t know what you’re missing out on if you don’t give him a chance. You have no idea if he’s going to break your heart until he does. Sometimes, finding love is worth the risk. I know you’re asking yourself, what if it doesn’t work out? At least you would’ve had a good time. The flip side of that is, what if it does? What if he’s your match, and you’re so determined to push him away that you lose that opportunity?” Rowan stares at me, waiting for my answer.

  I have nothing, though. She’s right.

  “When did you become so logical?” I ask.

  She gives me a small smile, and I see her glance down at the gigantic diamond on her finger. “Love does that to a person, I guess. If I hadn’t given Diesel a chance or allowed him to explain himself, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I was convinced marriage wasn’t in my cards too, and the whole time the man of my dreams was right in front of me.”

  “I’m so damn happy for you,” Elle exclaims, and Kenzie pipes in too.

  “It was the sweetest proposal I’ve ever seen,” Kenzie tells Rowan.

  I look at her as she grabs our glasses and the tequila, and that’s when I realize she hasn’t drunk a sip. “Are you gonna have some Patrón, or are you trying to get us all drunk for a reason?”

  The alcohol streams through my blood, and my face is starting to feel numb. “Well…” She hesitates.

  My eyes go wide, and my mouth falls open. “Are you pregnant?”

  A hint of pink meets her cheeks.

  “You are!” Elle says, and Kenzie gasps.

  Immediately, we stand and move to her, then exchange a group hug.

  She places her finger over her lips. “Shhh…I don’t want your parents finding out before mine do.”

  “You haven’t told them yet?” Kenzie asks.

  “No, and I was hoping I’d get you all trashed before you noticed I wasn’t drinking.”

  “This is so amazing!” I admit, really meaning it. “More Bishop babies!”

  She places her hand on her belly and laughs. “Told you they’d love you.”

  “Diesel knows?” Elle asks.

  She nods. “After he proposed, I took him off to the side and told him. He’s ecstatic to give Dawson a little brother or sister and so am I. Diesel’s already an amazing dad, and I’m so happy he’ll get to experience all the nuances of having a pregnant wife. He’s already excited for the doctors appointments and making me tacos w
henever I demand them.” She laughs, and I notice how she’s glowing. “You all better keep that secret because if Grandma finds out she didn’t know before you three, she will kick my ass.”

  “You’re right.” Elle nods. “She’d lose her shit.”

  “But, back to you, Maize. Time to admit you were wrong and give the man a chance. Also, what did he say to you when he pulled you to the side?” Rowan asks.

  I roll my eyes again. “He said he tames wild horses, and he’ll tame my attitude too.”

  Kenzie slaps her hands together. “That’s fucking hot. If you pass up the opportunity, I might let him tame me.”

  I playfully smack her. “You are too much sometimes.”

  “You need some grand gesture to show Gavin that you’re sorry for being an asshole,” Elle suggests as we move back to the bed. “You were literally being an asshole because of your insecurities, and that’s not fair to him.”

  “If I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that communication is key. Apologize and put all your feelings on the table, then see what he says. You’re gonna have to talk to him, and it won’t be easy. Hell, it might even be a little humiliating, but you’re gonna have to humble yourself a bit and do it anyway,” Rowan says.

  “Do you think it’s too late?” I look at her.

  She shrugs. “I dunno, but you don’t want to look back five years from now with regret like that.”

  “You’re right. It’s just all so…”

  “Awkward?” Elle says. “I understand that.”

  Kenzie looks at her. “Because of Mr. Hot Vet, huh.”

  “Shut it.” Elle points her finger at her.

  “I have a lot of thinking to do,” I admit. “A lot.”

  Kenzie hands me the M&M’s, and the four of us sit on my queen-size bed and get lost in trashy reality TV. Rowan gets up to go to the bathroom every so often, then comes back and makes us shots. I lean against the headboard, not paying attention to anything on the screen. All I can think about is Gavin and how I’ll even begin that conversation. I feel lost and confused, and it’s all my own doing.

  After the girls leave, I lie down, unable to go to sleep. I toss and turn all night, thinking about Gavin and wishing I had the courage to text him, but I don’t. The things I need to say should be said in person, but after the way I treated him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ignores me. At least that’s what I deserve.

  It’s been almost a week since I hung out with the gang, and many of the things Rowan said have played on repeat in my mind. I know communication is key, but I’m also stubborn as hell. Half of me wonders what good it would do to talk to him about it, especially if he’s planning to go on the road anyway. Then I remember how he said he doesn’t regret retiring the night of the rodeo. My stomach is in knots thinking about it.

  All week, I’ve looked for him at the B&B, but I haven’t seen him once. I feel as if I ruined my chances by not giving him a fair one, and the thought crushes me.

  “Did you hear me?” Dad asks from the doorway of the kitchen.

  I was lost in my head again, something I’ve been doing a lot of this week. “No, sorry. What did you say?”

  “We need more tea out here, please,” he says with a smile.

  I nod and suck in a deep breath. Instead of turning and walking away, Dad comes over to me. The lunch rush is nearly over, and I was prepping for dinner while my employees washed dishes.

  Dad stands beside me as I grab the teabags. “What’s going on with you this week?”

  I shrug, not really wanting to talk about this with him, though he is a really good listener.

  Dad grabs the sugar. “Is it about a guy or something?”

  I could lie, but at this point, I don’t even have the strength for it. “Yeah, actually it is.”

  “Not that I’m an expert or anything, because I’m not, but I can tell you that when I met your mom, I pushed her away as much as I could because I wasn’t ready for a relationship. Sometimes though, you find the person you’re supposed to be with when you least expect it. Your mom was only supposed to be here for a little while, and I didn’t want to get involved with someone who didn’t have roots here. My heart did what it wanted, and I fell so madly in love with her that I couldn’t deny her anymore. The point is, you gotta be willing to give people a chance. I know Timothy broke your heart. I know it destroyed you, and I’ve also noticed how you’ve rejected every single man who’s been interested since then. But honey, in the long run, you’re only hurting yourself.”

  My eyes soften when I look at him, and I’m so emotional I almost burst into tears. He notices and opens his arms, and I fall into them. I’ll never be too old for my daddy’s hugs. “Thank you,” I tell him.

  “I love you so much, sweetie. And if your grandma doesn’t get more great-grandkids, she might freak the hell out. I’d like some grandkids of my own one day too. No pressure, though.” He gives me a wink and presses start on the tea maker.

  “I’ll bring it out once it’s done brewing,” I say, feeling the weight sitting heavily on my heart.

  Once Dad is out of sight, I know exactly what I have to do, so I text Gavin.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m knee-deep in mud and frustrated as hell. Jackson and I struggle to capture one of the new wild horses in the pasture that’s transformed into a playa lake. We’ve gotten a shit ton of rain lately, and it’s caused a huge mess for us. Doesn’t help this horse is an asshole and doesn’t follow instructions. “C’mon, Lacey. Let’s go,” I beg softly, ready to go home and shower.

  “I think her foot is stuck,” Jackson says, sticking his arm down and reaching for her hoof. “Gimme just a second.”

  As I tightly hold her halter, Jackson tries to get her free.

  “Ah, I think I got it.”

  As soon as his words come out, Lacey becomes more agitated. Quickly, I tighten my grip before she hurts one of us.

  “Alright, girl. You’re okay.” I smooth my palm down her nose.

  Jackson stands and shakes his hand, whipping muddy slop all over me.

  “Ugh, thanks.” I wipe mud from the only clean part of my shirt. At this point, my clothes need to be thrown out.

  “Sorry.” He chuckles. “Hazards of the job.”

  “So I’ve learned.”

  Together, we pull Lacey out and take her to the barn. Like the other six we rescued this morning, she’ll need to be bathed. According to Jackson, that’ll be Knox and Kane’s job, which means they probably got themselves into trouble again.

  “I’m going to head home early,” I tell Jackson. “I’m gonna have to shower three times to get this smell out of my hair.” Taking off my hat, I brush my fingers through it.

  “I hear girls like that.” He smirks.

  “Very doubtful.” I snort. “See ya tomorrow.”

  I hop into my truck, and when I check my phone, I blink hard to make sure I’m not imagining a missed text from Maize. We haven’t talked since the Fourth of July party two weeks ago. Though I’ve seen her plenty at the B&B, she’s ignored me as though I don’t exist. She was so pissed when I showed up with Sarah Cooke, but I’m not sorry about it. She shouldn’t have brought a guy to my fucking birthday party. The moment she saw me with another woman, jealousy radiated off her.

  Before I drive off, I unlock my phone and open her message.

  Maize: We need to talk in person. Can you meet me at the B&B tonight? Around 7:30?

  What in the world would she want to talk about now, after weeks of this cat and mouse game she’s played?

  I’m too shocked to reply, so I decide to text Grayson since he’s the only one who knows about Maize and me.

  Gavin: Maize just texted me to meet up with her tonight. What do you think she wants?

  Grayson: *eggplant emoji*

  Grayson: *peach emoji*

  Grayson: *tongue emoji*

  Gavin: Wow, you’re a lot of help. Thanks, asshole.

  I shouldn’t be surpr
ised, considering Grayson’s basically a country frat boy. Though it did make me laugh a little.

  Grayson: My pleasure. Take condoms.

  Gavin: *middle finger emoji*

  Deciding to just man up, I respond to her.

  Gavin: Do I need to bring groin protection, or are you not going to bust my balls for once?

  Maize: Guess I deserved that. But no. I genuinely want to talk to you.

  Gavin: Alright, I’ll be there.

  Once I’m home, I take an extra-long, steaming hot shower. My mind races with the possibilities of what Maize wants to talk about. Considering her sudden change of tune, I’m half wondering if she needs me to donate a kidney or something.

  I put on a black T-shirt and blue jeans with boots. Making sure I don’t reek, I add cologne and put some gel in my hair. Once I’m finished, I grab a beer and eat something. With some time to spare, I decide to watch TV to keep my mind off her, but it’s no use. My thoughts wander as the memories of us together play on repeat. Talking and laughing at the bar and rodeo, then falling into bed together. Waking up with her next to me was a nice contrast to the first time, and I wished it weren't so short-lived.

  At twenty after seven, I jump in my truck and drive to the B&B. I’m nervous to hear what she has to say, but I don’t let her know that. Once I park, I walk in with all the confidence I can muster and look around.

  “Hey.” Maize greets me in the dining room. I hold back a smile as I take in her beauty. She’s in a sundress that makes her blue eyes pop, and I resist the urge to lean in and kiss her.

  “Hello,” I say, pushing my hands in my front pockets. “You look beautiful.”


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