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Friends Lovers and Family

Page 6

by M. A. Innes

  Oh yeah, they didn’t hide a thing and Daddy loved it.

  As Daddy zipped up my pants and finished buttoning them, he smiled up at me, giving my dick a slow stroke through the fabric. “You look incredible.”

  How could I complain when he made me all gooey inside saying things like that? It wasn’t like I was going out in public naked. It was just to the restaurant, and the pants really weren’t that much tighter than the jeans Daddy loved best.

  “Thank you, Sir.” I shivered as Daddy stood, trailing his fingers up my body.

  “Now I want you to tell me if the restraint gets too uncomfortable.” His hand rubbed over the bottom of the toy before moving to stroke along my erection. “I know it’s going to be distracting, but if it hurts, you need to tell me.”

  “I will. I promise.” Daddy had made it clear the first time I’d put it on what would happen if I got hurt because I didn’t tell him how I was feeling. No orgasms and early bedtimes for a month were just the start of the list. But I wasn’t worried. Even though I’d worn it at home for longer and longer periods, it was more weird than anything.

  I didn’t like pain enough to play the martyr, so I wasn’t worried, but Daddy was always careful.

  “Good boy.” He leaned in close and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips as his fingers slowly teased my cock. “Now let’s finish getting you ready. I’m starving and I bet you are too.”

  I was pretty sure he wasn’t talking about food, but I nodded and moaned quietly against his lips anyway. Dinner was going to drive me crazy, but I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter 3


  “Hands down, boy. You don’t want to look like you’re playing with your cock, do you?” Pausing in the parking lot, I pulled him close and pressed a sweet kiss to his lips that was completely at odds with the sexy words. “If you want a reward for being good later, you can’t play with yourself.”

  Ryland’s cheeks heated and he pressed his face against my shoulder, but he nodded and his hands fell to his sides. “Yes, Sir.”

  He was so cute.

  Just enough of an exhibitionist to have fun dressing up sexy for me as long as he didn’t have to admit it. It also helped that he was comfortable with William and actually liked Jonathan, so while I was taking things up a notch, everything was familiar already.

  “That’s my good boy.” It wasn’t dark enough in the parking lot for me to tease him too much, but I casually brushed my hand over his erection as I stepped away, loving the needy moan that escaped as he straightened.

  Ryland didn’t mind the restraint around his cock, but knowing he was trapped and that it was at my decision was what seemed to push him closer to subspace. He’d been worried as we’d left the house, but all the teasing and touching I’d done on the drive over had chased every fear from his head. Now my boy was just needy and embarrassed…a beautiful combination.

  Taking his hand again, I led us toward the door as I stroked his fingers with mine. Ryland’s free hand seemed to be itching to cover his groin, but that would have only drawn attention to his sexy package. When he ignored it, his erection wasn’t as visible as he seemed to think. Yes, once someone’s eyes dipped low it would be hard to miss, but most people kept better eye contact than he thought.

  And really, anyone who was staring at his cock to begin with couldn’t complain.

  William was waiting for us with a big grin on his face as we came in the door. I hadn’t lied to Ryland, but when I’d spoken with William earlier, I’d been the one to ask how busy they were expecting to be. I had a surprise for my boy later, and I wanted it to be a night he’d always remember.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” William chuckled as I shrugged.

  “We’ve been busy.”

  William gave us both a mock frown. “Too busy to visit me. I’m hurt.”

  Ryland blushed faintly but smiled as I leaned in and gave William a quick one-armed hug. “You’re the one who’s busy. I tried to get you guys to come over for dinner, but no, you had important things to do.”

  They’d already had plans to spend the evening at a puppy playgroup event, so I hadn’t been offended, but we weren’t the only ones who had a lot going on.

  William chuckled. “Well, you’re here now and we’ll take good care of you.”

  “I have no doubt.” Then I squeezed Ryland’s hand and gave William a teasing grin. “I’m assuming our usual table is ready? We’re looking forward to seeing Jonathan.”

  William nodded, his eyes sparkling. “Of course, it’ll be a nice surprise for him.”

  Ryland made an embarrassed little sound and blushed but didn’t deny he was excited for the evening. Of course, his nervous wiggle drew attention to his erection. William gave him a knowing smile, which had Ryland biting his lip and tucking himself closer to my side.

  “Let’s get you two seated. I bet you’re ready for some privacy.” He grabbed two menus and stepped back to start leading us through the restaurant. “Lucky for you, it’s a quiet night.”

  If it was quiet too often I’d worry for him, but they’d been running ragged after some good reviews on a regional food blog. “We’re looking forward to it.” I leaned over and kissed Ryland’s head. “He’s very excited…for dinner.”

  The pause was just long enough to have Ryland’s blush returning, but he managed to keep his hand at his side and not hide against me, so I was proud of him.

  William chuckled as he led us toward the back corner of the restaurant. “I can see. I’m glad he’s so excited. You’ve got a good boy there.”

  Stopping at our usual table, William gestured for us to sit down as he laid the menus on the table. It wasn’t a surprise that most of the other diners were seated at the opposite end of the room, so I didn’t have to whisper as I stopped Ryland from sitting down.

  “What do you say? I think I heard William give you a nice compliment.” Ryland’s eyes widened and he bit down on that sexy lip again.

  He made a cute little noise and swallowed several times. Leaning into me, he turned his head and peeked over at William. Ryland probably thought he looked silly hiding, but it just made him look sweet and innocent. “Thank you, sir.”

  William gave a low groan. “Such a good boy.” Smiling at me, he nodded. “I expect you two to have a wonderful evening.”

  Ryland’s blush flared again at William’s words, but he didn’t look too overwhelmed as we sat down. The small, round booth gave us a lot of privacy and the pristine white tablecloth added even more, so I kept Ryland tucked close as we settled in.

  The first time we’d come there on a date I hadn’t been sure if I was pushing Ryland too fast or not, but he’d loved every embarrassing minute of it. I rested my hand on his thigh and stroked it with my fingers. “He’s right. You’re a very good boy.”

  I inched my fingers closer to his groin and nudged the cock ring. “My sweet, sexy boy.”

  Ryland made a needy sound, then took a deep breath. If he was going to say something, it was lost as I heard footsteps getting closer. As Jonathan came around the corner and saw us, his smile widened. “My favorite customers. How are you doing?”

  “Wonderful.” I smiled and looked at Ryland, who was trying to make his brain work. That would have been easier if I’d moved my hand, but it wouldn’t have been as much fun.

  He finally squeaked out a quiet “Good” and smiled at Jonathan. But the shiver that ran through him as I eased my hand between his legs had the server’s eyes twinkling as he fought to keep a straight face.

  “Great.” His overly happy smile said he was losing the war on hiding his reaction. “Would you like a few minutes to go over the menu or would you just like your usual?”

  Stroking my fingers over Ryland’s balls under the table, I smiled evenly up at Jonathan. “Our usual would be great.” I shrugged, giving him my best I’m-bland-and-boring expression. “We’re creatures of habit.”

  The muscles around his mouth tightened, and he swallowed hard before smiling
sweetly at us. “There’s nothing wrong with that. Not everyone has to be wild and crazy.”

  Ryland let out a little squeak as I nudged the restraint, and I couldn’t decide if he was reacting to the conversation or my touch. Jonathan couldn’t seem to decide either. His gaze flicked back and forth between us quickly before settling back on me. “What about drinks? Anything from the bar tonight?”

  He asked every time, but I always declined. “No, having a clear head is important.”

  Moving my fingers away from the base of Ryland’s cock, I started making small circles over the head of his dick. He was so sensitive I knew it would only be seconds until he started to squirm. So did he because every muscle in his body went rigid.

  Jonathan nodded, but I could see a look of longing come over his face before it smoothed away just as quickly. “A clear head can be very important.”

  “Besides, there are so many other ways to find…relaxation.” I smiled as Ryland made a needy sound and then tried to cover it with a cough.

  Jonathan still did his best not to react, giving us a bland but pleasant expression. “Would your companion like water tonight?”

  I knew there was a story behind the careful smile, but it didn’t seem to be my place to ask.

  A shiver raced through Ryland. Aside from the teasing, hearing Jonathan ask me questions about what Ryland wanted was one of his favorite parts of the evening. Something about the reminder that I was his Master excited him. I couldn’t tell if it was because he liked hearing that I was making the decisions for him or if it had something to do with Jonathan acknowledging Ryland’s place in my life. Either way, Jonathan and I both did our best to give Ryland the teasing he wanted.

  “Yes, he would. I think he’s got something stuck in his throat.” The offhand comment about his cough had Ryland blushing. “Water will be fine for me as well.”

  “Very good.” Jonathan nodded and reached out to pick up our unopened menus.

  My hand was occupied, so I just pushed mine toward him. Ryland was having a hard time sitting still, but I wasn’t going to let him off that easily. I lifted one eyebrow as Jonathan reached for Ryland’s menu, stopping him mid-reach. “Help Jonathan and give him your menu like a good boy.”

  Ryland’s hand was shaking as he released his grip on the bench and grabbed the menu. His wide eyes were filled with desire and embarrassment, but it was the kind that sent him higher. His eyes glazed over as he fumbled with the menu, finally managing to pick it up after several long seconds.

  As he held it out for Jonathan, I could almost see the decision flash across his face. Then my sweet, shy boy turned to me. “Yes, Daddy. I’ll be good.”

  Jonathan and I both groaned quietly. Ryland’s gaze dropped to his lap. I thought seeing my hand might embarrass him more, but he glanced up at me and smiled sweetly. “I like being good for you.”

  He’d started out so shy, but my little butterfly was finally peeking out of his cocoon.

  “You’re a very good boy.” I squeezed down on his cock. “That’s why you get so many rewards.”

  Poor Jonathan was hard as a rock, but his pants left a bit more to the imagination than Ryland’s. I didn’t bother to hide my appraising glance as I brought my eyes up to his face. He was fighting for the blank expression he’d been trained to keep, but he gave both of us a wink as he stepped back from the table.

  “I’ll get your orders in and bring out your drinks.” His eyes darted to Ryland as his neutral expression slipped for a moment, revealing longing and something sad.

  Maybe William hadn’t been lying when he’d said that Jonathan could use something to lighten his evening.

  “Thank you.” Then just to play with them both for a minute, I looked over at Ryland. “What do you say to Jonathan?”

  Ryland swallowed hard as I started stroking down to his balls again. “Thank you…Jonathan.”

  The barest pause said Ryland wasn’t sure if Jonathan was a Sir or a sub, but since I couldn’t decide either, I didn’t correct him. “Good boy.”

  Jonathan swallowed several times and gave us both a heated glance before clearing his throat. “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

  I chuckled as Jonathan walked away. Looking at Ryland, I leaned in and whispered low. I didn’t need to, but I loved the way he shivered when my breath caressed his ears. “I think he needs a minute alone. Don’t you?”

  Ryland fought back the needy embarrassment enough to lean closer. “Sir…please…”

  He was very close…probably too close. Easing off, I kept my hand on his groin possessively but stopped teasing him. Orgasming this early in the evening would spoil my fun. “Is that better?”

  Ryland sagged against me and took a deep breath. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  My needy boy. I almost felt sorry for him. But I knew how much fun he was having even if admitting it was too hard. “What do you think? Is Jonathan going to try to steal a few minutes of privacy before he comes back?”

  “Daaaady.” Ryland’s whisper said he was trying to act shocked, but I had a feeling he’d be checking out the waiter when he got back to the table.

  I chuckled. “He thinks you’re sexy. Did you see how he reacted when you said you wanted to be a good boy for me?”

  Ryland hid his face against my shoulder, blushing a fiery red, but I felt the little shiver that raced through him, so I knew he wasn’t as shocked as he was acting. “That was your fault. You make me forget how to think.”

  “I make you forget how to worry.” I pressed my lips to his forehead and gave his erection a pat. “You react beautifully when you’re not worrying.”

  Ryland peeked up at me, still keeping his face close to my shoulder. “I love you.”

  I kissed him again and shifted in the seat so I could wrap my arms around him. “I love you too. I love how confident you’re becoming and I love how you trust me.”

  Ryland curled into me, a little sigh escaping as I hugged him tighter. “You make me feel safe and like I can tell you anything.”

  “Because you can.” There was nothing he couldn’t share with me.

  Pulling back, he grinned. “Even things like telling you the waiter is sexy.”

  I laughed quietly, nodding. “You’re mine, but you’re not dead. As long as we’re honest with each other, I see it as good communication.”

  Ryland chuckled softly, rolling his eyes. “You sound like Finn.”

  Since that was probably one of the best compliments I could get from him, I grinned. “Thank you.”

  Shaking his head, Ryland tucked back against me. “Are you going to start making me crazy too?”

  “If I think that’s what you want.” I stroked down his back, teasingly close to his ass. “I like giving you everything you want. Even when you can’t ask for it.”

  Because that startled, needy expression was so sexy and so cute.

  “Daaady.” Since that was the perfect example of a non-answer, I chuckled.

  “My naughty boy likes to pretend to be innocent, but he’s really a dirty sub who wants his Master to do all kinds of sexy things to him.” Ryland squeaked out a startled response, but the shiver that ran through him told a different story.

  I ran my hand around his hip, resting it inches from the head of his still-hard cock. “But it’s not up to you what happens, is it?”

  Ryland made another needy sound but shook his head.

  “Why is it up to me?” I stretched one finger over and started absently stroking his cock. “Why?”

  Ryland groaned but answered in a quiet need-filled voice. “Because I asked you to.”

  “You wanted me to be in charge of our dates and our sex life, didn’t you?” I chuckled as he nodded again, squirming against my hand, trying to silently beg for more. “You’re such a good boy for me.”

  I brought my other hand up to his pants and started inching down the zipper. “I think you need a little reward for being so good.”

  Ryland sucked in his breath but didn’
t say a word, no complaint, no safeword. Knowing that was as close as I would get to permission, I worked my hand in his pants and caressed his hard length through his silky briefs. The head of his cock was poking out of the top, making it easier to tease and reward my boy.

  Of course, that was when Jonathan brought the waters back. He always had impeccable timing. As he set the glasses down, he gave us a very professional smile before his eyes widened slightly.

  “Here are your waters. Ah, let me move them closer.” His gaze heated slightly as he pushed the glasses further across the table.

  Nodding, I didn’t bother moving my hand. Ryland’s needy shivers and embarrassed blush were too good to pass up. “Thank you.”

  Jonathan had to lean over just enough that he must have suspected what I was doing, but all he did was give Ryland a little wink.

  Turning to me, he spoke quietly. “You’re welcome.”

  Ryland was so still I thought Jonathan would just pretend not to see him, but instead he looked back over at Ryland and smiled. “You are a very lucky boy to have such a good Daddy.”

  Drawing in a shaky breath, Ryland surprised me by nodding. “I know. He’s the best Daddy ever.”

  I smiled and kissed his head. “I think I’m the lucky one.”

  Slipping back into his more professional expression, Jonathan stepped back from the table. “I’ll check on your food for you.”

  I shrugged casually but started rubbing Ryland’s slit, which was damp with precum. “We’re not in a rush. I have plenty of ways to keep my boy…occupied.”

  That earned us another little wink from the waiter. “I’m sure you can.”

  As he walked away, Ryland made a needy moan and bucked his hips up to thrust his cock harder into my hand. “Please, Sir. Please.”

  Giving his dick a squeeze, I shook my head and smiled sweetly. “We haven’t even eaten yet. I don’t want to rush through dinner. Just relax.”

  He groaned, letting his head fall back dramatically. “I love you.”

  Since it seemed more like a reminder to himself than a sweet declaration, I answered cheekily. “That’s why you’re such a good boy when your Master wants to play with you.”


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