Friends Lovers and Family

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Friends Lovers and Family Page 9

by M. A. Innes

  Managing the money had turned into a full-time job for me. I didn’t mind and I was better suited for it than Trent. Besides, someone had to do it. Turning everything over to lawyers and bankers to manage seemed like we would be begging someone to take advantage of us.

  I glanced back down at my list. “Is everything ready for this year’s scholarship fund?”

  There had only been a few donations Trent had been specific about. He’d wanted to make sure as many people as possible got scholarships from the money—full rides with no worries about where they would sleep. We were well hidden behind the nonprofit we’d set up to handle the funds, and so far they hadn’t connected the organization that paid for the scholarships to us. I was hoping we could continue that way, and so far the college seemed willing to let the nonprofit stay anonymous.

  Adam reached for another folder in the stack beside him. “Yes, and I also have everything ready for Dr. Shepard.”


  That had been my choice for donations. I’d always felt different from everyone else, but I’d never had anyone besides Trent to share things with. He’d been my lifesaver, but I knew a lot of young people wouldn’t have anyone to share their struggles with. I might not be able to help with some of it, but I could make sure they could afford a therapist.

  One of the first things the foundation had set up was a yearly grant to help fund access to mental health, specifically for young people who were a little unique and fabulous. Like me. So far we had contracts with Dr. Shepard and several other therapists throughout the state, but we were looking to take the program wider—there just hadn’t been time.

  I wanted to finish my degree and that wasn’t something I could ignore. Sometimes I felt a little selfish, but it had always been something I’d wanted. Trent had made noises about us finding someone else to run the foundation so I could breathe a little, but that was a frightening concept. Neither of us was ready to give up that much control.

  We’d seen too many nonprofits make the news because of mismanagement, and we didn’t want that kind of scrutiny. So far we’d kept under the radar, not drawing attention to us because of all the donations, but any minor problem could change that.

  Adam started spreading papers over the table. “Let’s start here.”

  It was going to be a long afternoon, but knowing how many people we helped, I couldn’t regret a moment. Especially since we were doing it together. Reaching out, I took Trent’s hand and squeezed it. He was all I really needed.


  “It’s going to be fine.” If Trent relaxed, I’d be able to. But as we walked out of Adam’s office, his stress levels continued to rise. Even spending all the time going over everything else hadn’t given him enough space to calm down.

  Trent forced a smile that didn’t make it all the way to his eyes. “Of course it will.”

  “There’s nothing he can do.” I squeezed Trent’s hand and tugged him closer until his arm brushed against mine. “There’s no question who the money belongs to, and if he tries to do something fishy, we have enough money to bury his ass.”

  We were no longer helpless kids who didn’t know where their next meal was coming from. We had lawyers and enough money to have the asshole squirming for years.

  Trent barked out a laugh. “You’re right. He hasn’t even thought of that.”

  “More than likely, he thinks we won a few thousand bucks and he wants a piece of it.” There was no way the man had enough of an imagination to picture the reality of how much we’d won.

  He probably couldn’t even count that high.

  Most of the time we were vague when people asked where the money for school came from. The few people from our past we talked to had assumed scholarships were paying for our college, and I hadn’t said any differently.

  We hadn’t lied. I just hadn’t corrected them.

  As we got to the car, I dropped his hand, wrapping my arms around him. “I’m not fragile. You don’t have to avoid confronting him for me.”

  Everything he did was for me, and this was no different.

  Trent started to shake his head, so I gave him a quick kiss, trying not to smile. He was so cute when he was growling at the world, trying to protect me. Finding it hot was probably weird, but I wasn’t going to question it. “I know wanting to keep my privacy was one of the reasons you wouldn’t go after him before, but I don’t care about that.”

  I’d have done anything to keep him safe. At the time, getting away had seemed like the best idea, but Bruce had smelled fear and now he was circling. I was honestly shocked he’d stayed away this long, but I had a feeling he’d been more worried about what he’d done to Trent than he’d wanted to admit.

  The only other option I could see was that Trent’s mother was making noises about finding him. She wasn’t as bad as the asshole who’d raised me, but she’d never win any parent-of-the-year awards. If she’d gone poking around and he’d seen the inconsistencies between our life and what we should have been doing, that might have made him curious. Who knew, maybe Grandma had left other letters and not just the one she’d given us.

  Trent kissed my forehead, his smile finally more genuine. “I love you.”

  I gave him a teasing grin. “I know.”

  He snorted. “Brat.”

  I stretched up and pecked his lips. “Just don’t let our private decisions about our personal life convince you that we don’t have options.”

  Nodding, Trent pulled me even closer and wrapped his arms around me more tightly. “I know. I just don’t want to give anyone a peek into our life. Once we open that door, it will get out of control. I don’t want every morning show in the country fighting to get an interview with the kinky young millionaires.”

  I chuckled. “We’d look great on TV.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You’d look great. I look like a thug.”

  “Because you won’t let me buy you enough new clothes.” The way he scrunched his face up made me laugh. Just getting him dressed up for the meetings was a challenge.

  He’d never be the suit-and-polo-shirt type, but he wasn’t as bad as he thought he was when he looked in the mirror. Trent would never lose the dark edge that clung to him, but it gave him an air of power and confidence I loved.

  “You wanted to buy me a suit.” He groaned, tugging at the neckline of the sexy button-up shirt that highlighted his muscles. “The tie was killing me.”

  “Yeah, I’m killing you to get the money all to myself.” It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Come on, drama queen. We need groceries.”

  “Uh, I’m positive we have enough money to pay for someone else to do that.”

  “You do, but if I hire someone to do it or sign up for one of those services, you’re going to lose your mind.” I chuckled when he grimaced. “See. Told you so.”

  He was so easy to rile.

  “I can buy my own cereal. I don’t need anyone doing that.” Trent was so serious I decided to let him keep thinking that way for now.

  But at some point, managing everything ourselves would mean that things like running errands would need to be done by someone else. There were only so many hours in the day, and we could spend them grocery shopping and picking up stuff from the drug store or we could help save lives. Right now just going to classes, keeping up with the paperwork from the nonprofit, and having a small social life took every second of the day.

  “Come on, then. Let’s go buy Froot Loops for the big boss man who always does his own grocery shopping.” I grinned as Trent’s eyes darkened.

  His voice deepened, sending a shiver through me. “I think I have a boy who’s itching for a spanking.”

  That sounded like a much better idea than grocery shopping.

  The parking lot was quiet, but it wouldn’t stay that way for long. I rubbed against him quickly, letting him feel just how much I liked that idea before easing back. I gave him a sweet, innocent expression that I knew made him crazy hard. “Have I been naughty, Sir?”
  Trent swallowed and I could feel his hands tense before he made a conscious effort to relax his hold. “Groceries. We need groceries.”

  If he wanted dinner tonight, we did.

  “But I’ve been naughty.” I tilted my head and looked up at him sweetly. “Are you going to help me be a good boy?”

  Trent groaned. “You’ve got to stop that or we’re going to get arrested when I bend you over in the car.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. We can pay the legal bills, so I’m not worried.”

  “Evil.” He shook his head and smacked my ass. “You’re evil.”

  I beamed, kissing him quickly before stepping back. “You’re so sweet. Now let’s go. I’m starving, so you have to feed me first.”

  “You’re a demanding little thing today. Feed me. Grocery shop with me. Run errands with me. Spend money with me.” Trent gave me a dry look, but I could see the smile in his eyes. “Yes, I think a spanking is in order.”

  That plan worked for me.

  “Yes, Sir.” I said it sweetly but raked my gaze down his body in a decidedly dirty manner. “I want to be good for you.”

  Trent huffed. “Groceries. We need to get groceries.”

  Then as I started walking around the car to the passenger seat of our small compact, he made another frustrated sound, mumbling under his breath. “Adulting sucks.”

  I grinned as we climbed in and Trent started the car…well, tried to start the car.

  “It sounds like dying squirrels are stuck in there. Turn it off.” I shuddered at the grinding noise that was supposed to be the sound of the engine.

  Trent’s head fell back against the seat and he closed his eyes. Poor Daddy, he’d had a long day already. Giving him a second, I pulled out my phone and checked the balance in our checking account. There was plenty to fix the car, but I think we both knew it was on its last leg.

  When Trent opened his eyes, he glanced over at me. “Are you calling the mechanic? Vinnie will be able to fix it.”

  The car had been in the shop three times over the last six months, so we were now on a first-name basis with the mechanic. Trent hadn’t wanted to hear there wasn’t much left the guy could do other than completely replace the engine, but I was a bit more logical. I wasn’t going to put that much money into a car this old unless Trent was dead set on it.

  I was hoping he wasn’t going to be that stubborn, but it could go either way.

  “You know what he said last time.” I let it sink in for a second. “I think it might be time to get a new car. This one has been great. You picked out an incredible car, but we might be ready for an upgrade.”

  At least a little.

  “We’ve been talking about doing some road trips. An SUV or a bigger car would make it an easier trip.” Trent was too quiet and the crazy stubbornness was setting in. “We could look at a truck. Then you wouldn’t have to pay the delivery fees when you buy stuff for the yard anymore.”

  He softened a bit at the idea of a truck, but then he looked down at the steering wheel and I could see I was losing him again. “Let’s see what Vinnie says. If it’s more than a thousand to fix, it’s not worth fixing it anymore. We’ll find someplace to donate it and buy something new for us. That way it will still help someone else.”

  Trent took a long breath and nodded. “We’ll see what Vinnie says.”

  Vinnie was going to tell him to give it a nice burial and find something new.

  “Deal.” Pulling out my phone, I found the shop’s number and started the call. If he could come get the car quickly, maybe we would still have time to buy a new car and get groceries.

  Just thinking about the list had me wanting to sigh and pout like Trent. But no, someone had to be the grown-up and I had a feeling it was my turn. It would be fine. How long could buying a car take?

  Chapter 3


  It was like watching a TV comedy or one of those old Who’s on First comedy sketches. I probably should have stepped in, but I was having fun watching Hayden trying not to shoot the sales guy.

  “No, thank you. I don’t want to look at the used ones.” He was still so polite, but this was the third salesperson who’d tried to push us toward the back of the lot where they kept the used beaters. Hayden was ready to buy the damned dealership and throw them all out.

  It would have been funnier if I knew he wouldn’t really do it.

  The SUV he was looking at wasn’t even the most expensive one on the lot, so I wasn’t sure what they were hyperventilating about. Even I couldn’t complain. He was picking out the base models and trying to be practical the same way we’d done when we’d purchased the other car.

  He’d bribed Vinnie.

  I just hadn’t figured out how.

  They hadn’t even finished getting the car off the tow truck when Vinnie had come out shaking his head, telling me he’d give my girl a good burial. Hayden had started doing a great impression of a laughing donkey and almost couldn’t breathe.

  Vinnie had simply looked at me and asked if I was ready to let her go.

  It was a car, not my first love.

  But I was the one getting the last laugh. I’d suggested searching online for another used one, but Hayden had said he’d wanted to go look at new cars first. He was starting to regret that decision. My idea wasn’t looking so bad now.

  But the smile he was giving the sales guy made him look like he was plotting his murder. No self-preservation instincts whatsoever. This was going to be fun.

  Hayden dropped his voice and gave the idiot a stern look. “If I have to repeat myself to another salesman at this company, I’m going to call the general manager or maybe even the owner.” My little fireball stepped closer to the now startled salesman, who was starting to realize he’d been patronizing to the wrong little cutie.

  “I, well, we’re trying to—” He started stumbling over his words as he stepped backward.

  It was never a good sign for a sale when the guy kept backing away.

  “No.” Hayden’s expression was still polite. Technically. But I knew better.

  “Every salesman at the dealership has assumed I don’t have the funds to purchase a vehicle or the smarts to realize that I have to be too poor.” Hayden cocked his head, giving the man an appraising look. “I don’t know if you think you’re saving me from myself and I’ll be grateful, but I’m getting tired of the attitude. I am going to be buying a car today, but you’re not getting the sale. I would like the sales manager, please.”

  When the wide-eyed man didn’t move fast enough, Hayden’s smile stiffened. “Now.”

  Maybe car shopping was more fun than I thought.

  The guy looked at me, probably hoping for someone to save him, but I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned. I wasn’t sure what their problem was. Hayden had insisted we dress somewhat professionally because of all the meetings, so it wasn’t because we’d shown up in baggy jeans and ripped T-shirts.

  The idiot swallowed hard, nodding once he realized I wasn’t any more pleased with him than Hayden was.

  “I’ll find him right away, sir.”

  Hayden actually grinned as the man headed back for the building as fast as he could without actually running. Turning back to me, Hayden walked over and rested his head against my chest. “I tried to be polite.”

  “You were more polite than I would have been.” I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around him. “You were very polite to the first two morons.”

  He huffed. “I don’t want an affordable little compact with a few miles on it.”

  I snorted. “That second one was stupider.”

  “I think next time we buy a car I’m going to do it all online. This is ridiculous.” Hugging me one last time, Hayden pulled away and glanced over at the blue SUV he’d been studying. “Okay, I need an honest opinion. Do you really want the truck, or do you not care?”


  “What do you want?”

  That wasn’t the right

  “Do you really want me to answer that honestly?” His smile was wicked.

  “No.” He’d pick out some kind of stupid expensive sports car just to give me hives. “I want the truck.”

  His smile widened. “Thank you and I love you.”

  I snorted. “Sometimes that expression feels a bit like a warning and others it’s an apology.”

  Hayden laughed, grabbing my hand as he started leading me back over to the trucks. “Come on. Let’s pick out a truck. I don’t like the red one, but what do you think?”

  “The black one.” There was no question. “The SUV might be more practical for traveling, though.”

  Squeezing my fingers, Hayden shrugged. “At some point, we’ll need two cars so we’ll do an SUV next time. I don’t care either way, so I’ll drive that one.”

  I knew he was right. Logically, I realized at some point we’d need a second car. Every house on the street with a couple had more than one car. Just because we did everything together now didn’t mean it was practical.

  That didn’t mean I liked the idea, though.

  Hayden chuckled. “It’ll be okay. One step at a time.”

  “Brat.” I smiled, tugging him close.

  As I wrapped my arms around him, I leaned down and kissed his neck. “I’m going to remember that when we get home.”

  Hayden shivered, pressing harder against me. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  I was starting to get warmed up to the idea of bending him over when a short woman started crossing the lot toward us. Releasing my grip on him, I nodded in her direction. “I don’t know if it’s the manager or another stupid salesperson, but you’ve got incoming.”

  Hayden chuckled. “Wuss.”

  “You keep adding to the list of things I need to spank you about.” I loved watching him try not to smile as the woman walked over.


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