Friends Lovers and Family

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Friends Lovers and Family Page 10

by M. A. Innes

  Yep, manager.

  The towering heels had her at almost Hayden’s height, so she would have been incredibly short without them. Her smile looked forced as she approached us, but I was glad she was trying. Maybe we’d actually get a car this century.

  “Anita Glass, nice to meet you. I’m the manager here. I was told there was something I could help you with?” I couldn’t decide if they hadn’t explained the problem or if she was playing dumb.

  Hayden gave her a shallow shrug. He thought she was playing dumb. “I would have been happy dealing with one of your salespeople, but they didn’t seem to want to take my money. I’ve had three in a row very politely push me toward the used cars in the back lot and that’s not what I’m looking for.”

  She glanced between us quickly with an appraising look. I wasn’t sure if we were going to have a problem because we were gay or not, but I was ready if she started to say something to Hayden. However, in seconds, her smile widened and it was like we had a totally new person standing in front of us.

  “I would be glad to help you. Which vehicle were you looking at?”


  Hayden beamed, pointing to the black one. “I want to take it for a test drive, but I think it will work.”

  “That’s not a problem.” She glanced back toward the building. “I need to grab the keys, but that will only take a minute. While we’re driving around, do you want me to have the finance manager pull up some options for you?”

  Hayden shook his head. “No, it will be cash.”

  She didn’t seem surprised at all, which was fishy as hell. I was missing something.

  “That’s fine. I’ll go get the keys and be right back.” As she headed back toward the building, heels clicking on the blacktop, I looked at Hayden and raised one eyebrow.

  He played dumb. “What?”

  “That was too easy.” I glanced between the manager and Hayden again. “Every single one of those salespeople was sure we were too stupid to know how much these cost.”

  Hayden blushed and looked away, studying everything from the flag at the front of the parking lot to the fly buzzing around us. Oh yeah, I’d missed something. “Do we know her?”

  Shaking his head, he sighed. “No, but I think she saw your watch and realized that money probably wasn’t a problem.”

  My watch?

  I glanced down. It was simple looking, a gift from Hayden for my birthday, and we’d agreed not to go overboard on presents. Of course, I might have blown his a bit, but I was buying for Hayden and Hailey, so that meant I could double any budget we agreed on.

  “What about it?” He was still looking very uncomfortable. “How much does it cost?”

  Yeah, there was no way he’d stuck to the budget.

  Hayden sighed. “How about we say you don’t want to know and leave it at that? It’s not a Rolex or anything crazy, but I’m assuming she’s enough of a shopper that she realized it’s not a knockoff.”

  Hell, I was walking around with a cheap car on my wrist or even worse.

  I closed my eyes and took a long breath. “I don’t want to know.”

  Hayden’s arms came around me and his head rested on my chest. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “Brat.” I chuckled. “That was the apology one.”

  He giggled. “How about I apologize even better later when we don’t have an audience?”

  “Deal.” He owed me.

  But I wasn’t going to look up exactly how much—I liked the watch too much to do that.

  Opening my eyes, I kissed his head and gave him a quick hug before letting him step away as the manager got closer. “We’re going to talk about gift rules. We had a deal.”

  He snorted. “We’re not going to talk about impractical gifts or money when I’m the one who paid the bills at Christmas.”

  Oh yeah, pot meet kettle.

  “We’ll see.” If I refused to admit how badly I’d cheated, he couldn’t tell me how badly he had.

  Hayden gave me an innocent smile and batted his eyelashes at me. “Then, while we’re exchanging sins, I’m just going to point out that you don’t want to look up how much those shoes cost either.”

  Shit. I liked the shoes.


  The little brat was waiting for me to break down. But if he really wanted to know what I thought of the truck, he would have to ask. I wasn’t going to gush that it was incredible and better than I’d ever imagined. Nope, he’d have to work for that information.

  “It holds a lot of groceries.” Hayden beamed as we carried in the last few bags.

  He was right. “We shouldn’t have let the cabinets get this empty to begin with.”

  Hayden snorted, setting the groceries on the counter with the rest of the pile. “We were busy. You know, if we had more than one car it would be easier to find time to run errands.”

  With his back turned to me, he didn’t realize I was so close until I had him pinned to the counter with my arms wrapped around him. Kissing up his neck, I bit down on his ear. “You’re feeling very brave.”

  He tried to laugh but moaned instead as I started licking around his ear. “You…can’t…cheat…”

  “Oh no.” I moved back down to his neck and started nibbling along the fragile column. “Cheating is expensive watches and shoes. Cheating is bribing Vinnie to say the car is done and we need a new one.”

  Laughter burst out of Hayden before he gasped as I sucked on his neck. “Cheating is trying to pout and get Daddy to let you finger paint when you knew we had to leave to run errands.”

  “But…I…” He took a deep breath as I continued to mark his skin. “Paints are fun.”

  “You need to remember to use your pout for good, not evil.” Grinding my cock against his ass, I licked over the tender pink skin. “Naughty boys have to be punished, don’t they?”

  He groaned, arching his back to rub his ass against my dick. “Daddy, I’ll be good.”

  That didn’t mean he was trying to get out of his spanking. No, the way his body trembled and writhed against me said he was more than ready for it. “But it’s my job to remind you how to be good. Cheating and pouting aren’t how a good boy behaves. What do you say to Daddy?”

  A shiver raced through him as he rocked back and forth between my cock on his ass and the counter where he was trying to not-so-subtly hump the cabinets. Pinning him more tightly, I bit down enough to get his attention. “Are you supposed to be doing that, naughty boy?”

  “Sorry…I…” Hayden whined as he realized that he couldn’t get off against the cabinets any longer.

  “You were a very naughty boy.” I blew a gentle stream of air over the tender skin I’d just teased. “What do you say to Daddy?”

  He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.

  “Daddy…I…” A shiver raced through him, and I knew if I were to grab his cock he’d probably come in seconds. “Daddy, please punish me.”

  “Good boy, you need to learn to be a sweet boy for Daddy.” The fun had both of us nearly orgasming right there in the kitchen, but he’d be pissed later if all the frozen groceries melted because we’d gotten distracted.

  He was upset every time that happened.

  “You’re going to have to wait for your punishment, though.” I kissed the sexy pink mark on his neck and smacked his ass as I stepped back.

  Hayden mumbled something low as he braced his elbows on the counter and took several long breaths. I was pretty sure he was plotting my murder, but my dick wasn’t any happier than his as I started putting the groceries away.

  Straightening, Hayden started taking pasta over to the pantry and shot me a dirty look. “You’re evil.”

  “Me?” I chuckled as I took the milk over to the fridge. “I’m not the one who needs to be punished.”

  Grumbling as he set the boxes down, Hayden turned and reached down to stroke his cock through his pants. His slow movement as he cupped his erection and carefully adjusted it was designed to drive me crazy.

>   It was working.

  “You’re itching for a punishment.” The nervous sub who hadn’t been sure what I would make of all his fantasies had given way to the strong, confident man who stood before me. Every time I thought I couldn’t love him more I was proven wrong.

  Hayden trailed his fingers over his cock as he started walking across the room, hips swaying just enough to make me picture him in one of the sexy little nightgowns that were laid out in the dresser. As he closed the distance between us, Hayden leaned into me. “Because my Daddy takes such good care of me. You always know when I’ve been naughty.”

  Did we really need to put the groceries away?

  Hayden grinned as he rubbed against me one more time before he pulled away. “I love you, Daddy.”

  That was definitely the warning version…warning me how much he was going to love his punishment.

  Chapter 4


  It had to be the longest day ever, some good moments and some frustrating ones, but knowing he would be right there beside me always made me grateful for each day. I knew how differently things could have gone if he’d been a slightly different person. There were so many parts of our life that could have ended in tragedy that I knew I would always be thankful for every moment we had together.

  Even moments when he was frustrated with me and thinking about pinning me to the bed.

  Especially moments when he was frustrated with me and thinking about pinning me to the bed.

  Or to the wall.

  Or the cabinets.

  Or the couch.

  As Daddy put the last of the groceries away, he stalked across the kitchen and wrapped me in his arms. His rough, need-filled words made me shiver. “I know exactly what I want for dinner.”


  We should both be too tired and too hungry to do anything, but any time he looked at me all I wanted was to throw myself at him. “Are you going to punish me, Sir?”

  The low growl that came out of Trent as he leaned down to take my mouth in a passionate kiss had my cock jerking in my pants. It felt like he was trying to turn me inside out and send me flying with only the touch of his lips. When he finally released me, he pulled back enough to look down at me with a heated, desperate expression.

  Cupping my face, he nodded. “I’m going to bend you over and spank that sexy little ass of yours and then I’m going to make you crazy. You’ve been a very naughty boy today.”

  Thank god.

  I thought I’d never get to come today.

  Especially once the dealership manager had complimented his watch as we’d signed the papers.

  She’d totally outed me.


  But I’d gotten even. I’d gotten such a good deal on that truck they’d basically paid me to take it. Guilt was a wonderful weapon. And I had a feeling she was going to have a long talk with the morons working for her about not judging a book by its cover.


  “Go to the bedroom.” Daddy’s low words were growled out, making it clear how long he’d been waiting to tell me that.

  My legs were slightly unsteady, but my cock was enthusiastically reminding them that they only had to work until we got to the bedroom. “Yes, Daddy.”

  I could feel his gaze following me as I slowly made my way through the house, swaying my hips just enough to keep his eyes glued to my ass. Daddy loved my ass.

  He was really going to love what I was wearing under the pants I’d put on earlier too.

  Looking professional for meetings didn’t mean I had to leave all my pretty clothes at home. I just wasn’t going to wear my pink tennis shoes to the lawyer’s office. Sexy panties were another story entirely.

  Walking into the bedroom, I felt Daddy getting closer, so it wasn’t a surprise when his hands stroked over my ass. “Get naked for me, naughty boy.”

  I knew what that order really meant…strip for him.

  Daddy walked around me and headed straight for the bed without looking back. He knew there was no question about whether or not I’d obey him.

  As he stretched out on the bed, leaning back against the headboard, one eyebrow went up as he stared at me. Even decked out in expensive slacks that he had no idea cost a fortune, he still had the rough look of someone who could handle anything.

  He was so sexy I couldn’t breathe when he looked at me like that.

  No matter how polished the veneer of civility was over him, he would always be the boy who would have defended me from Satan himself if it meant keeping me safe.

  My dick throbbed as I slowly drew my shirt up my chest and over my head, tossing it to the floor. Trent’s eyes followed every movement, and as I dragged my fingers up my erection, his muscles tensed like he was seconds away from speeding up the process.

  That would have been hot too.

  Releasing the belt and button, I inched the zipper down, taking my time caressing my cock as I eased the metal over my dick.

  Daddy’s voice was rough as he growled out. “Who does that belong to?”

  I peeked up at him through my lashes and gave him a pout. “You, Daddy.”

  “Then don’t play with it.” The flat way he said the words made it clear he wouldn’t be questioned.

  Fuck, he was so sexy.

  “Yes, Daddy.” That didn’t mean I would go faster, though.

  I wanted to earn my spanking.

  By the time my pants were sliding to the floor, Daddy’s hands were twitching on the bed, caressing the blanket like it was my ass. His eyes were glued to the tiny baby blue panties that barely covered my cock.

  As I stepped out of my shoes and pants, I toed off my socks and took a step toward him, running my fingers over the lacy edge of the panties. “These too, Daddy?”

  “No.” His deep voice sent another shiver through me, and I could feel precum starting to dampen the fabric.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Making my way closer, I wasn’t sure that what I was doing could be called walking. Wearing just the scrap of fabric exaggerated the sway of my hips, and I loved how sexy I looked as I crossed the room.

  Daddy spread his legs and patted his thigh. “Over my lap on all fours.”

  I gave him big puppy eyes as I climbed up on the bed and knelt over him. Even after all the spankings he’d given me, I always came too soon when I was draped over his lap. “I can be good, Daddy. I won’t come.”

  I would come.


  “No, naughty boys don’t get to rub their dicks when they get their spankings.” Daddy’s fingers trailed up my legs, sending sensations flooding through me as he finally palmed my ass. “Naughty boys have to get spanked with their cocks swinging around begging for attention.”

  He was going to make me come before he’d even started spanking me.

  I was going to end up in the corner if I wasn’t careful.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Folding my arms, I lowered my head to the bed and spread my legs just enough to give him room to play. Given enough temptation, sometimes Daddy gave in and played with my hole while he spanked me.

  Those were the best.

  God, he was such a good Dom.

  As he slowly inched the panties over my ass, the sensation brought back memories of the first time he spanked me…the nerves…the desire…the questions…

  Was it really what I wanted?

  Would he understand?

  But he’d been the best Dom and the best Daddy from the first moment I’d confessed what I’d dreamed about.

  I felt a tender touch as his finger trailed over my hole, a promise of what would come later. When his hand finally came down on one cheek, I cried out and pressed my face into the mattress. It was too good. I was never going to last.

  “You’ve been such a naughty boy today.” Daddy caressed the tender area he’d spanked, stroking the heated skin. “Pouting and whining to get your way.”


  I moaned and shook.

  “Teasing Daddy by looking so sexy when we were suppose
d to be putting away the groceries.” Another spank had my cock jerking and precum leaking onto his lap.

  There was no way to miss how turned on I was and no way to miss how much I needed him.

  His hand came down again, moving back and forth, covering my cheeks in delicious pain. All I could do was fight to keep my ass up and breathe. I couldn’t come yet no matter how much I wanted to. As Daddy started to stroke me again, softly ghosting his hand over my sensitive skin, he chuckled as I groaned.

  “You were so naughty today I’m not sure if I should let you come or not.” The words were enough to make me crazy, but then one finger stroked over my hole and down my balls to tease my cock.

  “I’ll…be good…Daddy.” How was I supposed to beg and promise to behave when I could hardly breathe?

  Even thinking stopped working as he circled the head of my dick, making me shake and moan. It was a gentle touch, but it sent lightning through me, and it took every ounce of control I had left not to hump his hand.

  “Daddy…” Please let me come.

  The words wouldn’t escape, though.

  Moans and whimpers poured from me as one hand came down on my ass and he slowly tortured my dick with his soft caress. Pain and pleasure mixed in the most beautiful combination, drowning me in the sensations he knew I loved.

  Over and over he spanked me and his fingers teased. I was shaking, with everything in me focused on staying still for him, when his hand finally wrapped around my cock. It was the ultimate form of tunnel vision, and I almost didn’t hear the order I’d been waiting for since early morning.

  “Come.” Rough tugs to my tender dick had me gasping, but he pulled the air from my lungs as he spanked over my hole, sending waves of pleasure through me.

  I did the only thing I could at that moment, the only thing left in me. I obeyed.

  One more tug had cum flooding his hand as I cried out, shaking and riding out every sensation he was flooding through me.

  When my legs finally gave out, Daddy released my dick as I fell to his lap. I jerked as he gave me the last few spanks while I thrust against his legs, trying to keep the desperate pleasure going for as long as I could.

  Finally all that was left was aftershocks firing through my exhausted body. I was draped awkwardly across him, but Daddy slowly ran his hands over me, whispering softly how much he loved me…how beautiful I was…how much he needed me.


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