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Friends Lovers and Family

Page 13

by M. A. Innes

  Yeah, not sorry enough.

  But Ford knew what he needed—a chance to let everything go.

  “You need to remember how to be a good boy.” Ford’s low words went straight to my dick, and he wasn’t even talking to me.

  I could never tell if he understood how sexy he was when he let his Dom side out and took command of the situation. He wasn’t drawn to sex like we were, but the look on his face said the control just did it for him.

  And Cody loved giving his Daddy a chance to take control.

  “Arch up higher.” Ford closed the distance between them in two long strides. Stroking down Cody’s back and over his ass, Ford gave it a little pat. Cody let out a low moan and pressed his chest to the desk so he could offer it up even better for his Daddy. “Good boy.”

  Fuck, he really was hot when he said things like that.

  When Ford’s hand came down for the first time, Cody jumped and a gasp escaped that had me wanting to moan with him. “You knew you weren’t supposed to be working anymore.”

  He brought it down again, making Cody’s pink ass look like it was begging to be kissed and licked. Cody moaned and gave a jerky nod. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “If you can’t follow instructions, I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on you.” I wasn’t sure if the low, firm words were supposed to be a threat or a statement of fact, but Cody didn’t seem to think it was a bad idea. “I can’t have my boy disobeying. I have to take care of you.”

  The shiver that raced through Cody was so strong I thought he’d come tumbling off the desk. Ford pressed a hand to his back, steadying him, and I could see the spark inside Ford that loved the idea of even more control over his boy.

  Several more smacks rained down on his ass as Cody moaned and shook, his cock swinging hard between his legs as he jerked. When Ford stopped and started stroking over the flushed skin, Cody looked like he was seconds away from begging to come.

  “Are you going to be a good boy?” Ford kneaded the tender skin and watched as Cody fought to get his breathing under control.

  “I…Yes…Daddy.” He had another table-shaking shiver as Ford trailed a finger down his ass, over his needy hole. “Daaaddy.”

  “It’s time for a shower.” He gave the beautiful muscles one last pat and moved back as Cody gave a quiet, frustrated huff. “Is that how a good boy acts after a spanking?”

  Cody could see his chances of orgasming quickly deteriorating, so he stood up and shook his head. “No, Daddy. I’m going to be a good boy.”

  For long enough to come—then there was no guarantee.

  “Then show me you can be a good boy.” He cupped Cody’s cheek, but the look on his face was more predatory than sweet. Cody moaned again from the tender touch and wicked expression. “Now, go into the bathroom and help James take off his clothes. He’ll help you get clean.”


  Ford looked over at me with the same possessive gleam in his eye as we headed into the bathroom. “Cody clearly needs a lot of supervision tonight.”

  “I would have to agree with you.”

  But what was Ford going to do?

  As Cody walked over to me, reaching for my shirt, I glanced back at Ford. He smiled, a wicked grin that promised control. He knew my unspoken question. “I’m going to direct.”

  That should have been obvious.

  In my defense, Cody was distracting and the spanking hadn’t helped my concentration.

  As he tugged my shirt over my head, I reached for my belt, only to have Cody’s soft fingers stop me. “Let me. Daddy said I had to help you and I want to be a good boy.”

  I was so hard my cock was digging into my zipper and his sexy words weren’t helping. Especially when he proceeded to slowly guide the metal over my erection. I gritted my teeth together and gave Cody a stern look as I let out a breath and forced myself to relax. “Is that how your Daddy wanted you to help?”

  Cody squirmed, his cock bobbing up and down as he shook his head. “No, Sir.”

  That didn’t stop his wandering fingers and tender caresses as he stripped off the rest of my clothes. I had a feeling it was more of a reward for him than any attempt to learn patience or obedience. Ford was a sucker.

  But so was I.

  When I was finally naked, Ford walked around us and turned on the water. As it heated, he ran a possessive hand down our backs but focused on Cody. “James is going to clean you, but if you’re naughty and try to touch your private parts, I’ll put the cock cage on you again.”

  Cody started nibbling on his lip nervously and nodded, but his dick gave his desire away, bobbing again and leaking precum. The shiny head of his erection said how little the threat scared him. Yeah, his Daddy was entirely too easy on him.

  “Yes, Daddy.” He licked his lips and rocked side to side, swaying his hard length. “I’ll be a good boy.”

  Ford wasn’t stupid, but he smiled and nodded. “Do your best.”

  As steam filled the room, Ford nodded toward the water and pressed against us, steering us into the shower. “James?”

  As we stepped in, I looked at Ford. He watched every movement like there was nothing else in the world but us. “Cody needs to be washed thoroughly.”

  If I didn’t get to come, I was not going to be a happy…sub? Switch?

  Ignoring the odd question in my head, I focused on Cody and stroked my hand down his back as the water pounded over him. “Yes, Sir.”

  As Cody relaxed under the spray, I reached for the bodywash he preferred. Before I could grab a washcloth, Ford’s voice broke the silence. “Use the soap with just your hands.”

  He was going to drive us both insane.

  I squirted a large amount into my hand and set the bottle back on the shelf. As I turned to Cody, Ford spoke again. “Start with his chest, but pull him close so his back’s pressed against you.”

  Wrapping my arms around him, I moved Cody closer and started stroking over his chest in broad circles. Every time my hand skimmed over his nipples, he let out a low, sexy sound, and when my fingers swept lower toward his cock, he stiffened, silently praying for more.

  But that wasn’t Ford’s game.

  I’d just been told to wash his chest.

  “Concentrate on his nipples. Make sure you work them thoroughly. I wouldn’t want them to be dirty.” Ford’s firm instructions had Cody rocking back to rub his ass against my dick. “No, Cody. That’s not being a very good boy.”

  A desperate whine escaped Cody, but the rocking stopped, much to the frustration of us both. Luckily, my instructions made up for it. I loved playing with his nipples. Pressing my arms tight against his to steady him, I ran my hands up his chest, rubbing the soap into his skin in tight circles that had the needy whine getting louder.

  Ford made a pleased hum and I glanced over to see him leaning against the wall, watching with a satisfied expression on his face. “Harder, James. They need to be so clean you could eat off them.”

  Cody’s knees wobbled as I started to pinch the nubs, and for a moment, I thought he was going to slip. But he caught himself, bracing his body against mine as he shook and moaned. There was no mercy in my touch as I tugged and twisted and stroked the tender nipples under the guise of cleaning them.

  By the time Ford let me move away from them, they were pink and tender and Cody’s eyes were clamped shut like one glimpse of the pleasure was all it would take to get him off. “Now clean his penis. He’s a naughty boy, so it’s probably very dirty.”

  As often as Cody talked Ford into giving him a bath, the chances of anywhere on Cody being dirty were slim, but I didn’t point that out. That wouldn’t have been any fun at all. “Yes, Sir.”

  Cody groaned, but the frustrated sound faded as my hand wrapped lightly around his cock. His face pinched tight and he shivered, but he was still as I stroked over him, cleaning him softly.

  “That’s perfect.” Ford sounded a little like he was admiring the way I cleaned the windows; I knew that was just for Cody’s ben
efit because the needy sub shook harder and finally bucked into my fist at the dry words.

  There had to be fantasies running amok in his head, but Ford wasn’t going to let him rush the pleasure. “Slowly, James. He can’t come yet. I don’t know if he’ll earn it.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Maybe there was something sexier I could have said, but my simple responses seemed to please Cody because he whined and moaned each time. He liked being his Daddy’s little toy.

  A bit of objectification was clearly his thing.

  “Over the head as well. I want that little slit clean. It keeps leaking everywhere.” There was just enough judgment in Ford’s voice to send Cody so close to the edge I had to freeze to keep him from exploding. I looked over to see Ford smiling tenderly as Cody shook and fought to be good for us.

  His mind was scrambled because there weren’t words in the frantic sounds that tumbled from him as I held him. When his control seemed back in place, I moved my fingers up to the tip of his cock and started washing the sensitive head.

  Cody wiggled and moaned as I teased the slit. Cleaning his dick was fruitless because it leaked more precum with every touch, but the desperate sounds that escaped were incredible. With every touch, he sank deeper into his imagination. The absolute bliss on his face made me wish I had even a percentage of his unique way of seeing things, but from the noises he was making, I wasn’t sure I’d survive the experience.

  “Don’t forget the underside of the head. If I want to play with it later, he needs to be clean.” Ford did casual assholery better than anyone I’d ever met and Cody ate it up.

  Cody knew how much Ford loved him. There had never been any question about it, and I knew it was that safety letting him soak up the fantasy. It was still incredible to see the trust he had in us. He knew there wasn’t anything we wouldn’t do for him, including giving him all the naughty playtime he could ever want.

  Running my thumb in small circles under the head of his erection, I kept him pressed tightly against me with my other hand. “He’s still leaking, Sir. There doesn’t seem to be anything I can do about it.”

  I might not have come up with the game on my own, but I could follow Ford’s lead pretty well. Cody didn’t see any problems in my performance as he whined and humped his hips. He couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted more or less of the overstimulating touch.

  Ford chuckled. “He must not want to come. He’s very naughty tonight.”

  His laughter rippled through Cody, and I could almost feel his orgasm pressing against him. He wouldn’t last much longer.

  He also might not be able to stand on his own anymore.

  I glanced over at Ford to see that he’d moved a few feet closer and was watching Cody intently. When he met my gaze, he nodded and mouthed “soon,” sending relief through me. I wasn’t sure I could hold out much longer either. The way Cody was squirming was pressing his butt directly on my cock, and while I wasn’t as lost as he was, I was fighting the urge to come too.

  “Make sure his ass is clean. I know you’re going to want to use that later.” Ford’s iron stare didn’t move from Cody as he continued to drive Cody to distraction with the crazy fantasy.

  Cody would never survive my fingering his ass without coming.

  Raising one eyebrow, I questioned Ford quietly as I moved my hand away from Cody’s cock. Another wicked smile and nod had me continuing my teasing caress over Cody’s hip and ass. Cody’s frantic sounds took on a desperate note as I left his cock begging for more. His brain wasn’t functioning enough to make real words form, so all I got were the most beautiful noises pouring from him as he attempted to beg to come.

  My hand wasn’t slick enough anymore, so I jerked my head at Ford and mouthed “soap” as I stroked low on Cody’s cheeks. I would’ve loved more room to play with his ass. But he wasn’t steady enough to stand on his own, and I wasn’t sure bracing him against the wall would be any safer.

  As Cody ground him ass against my thigh, trying to get enough friction from somewhere to come, Ford grinned, squirting bodywash into my hand. He might have thought it was funny, but I was the one holding a horny fish who was trying to hump my leg, all while doing my best not to drop him.

  It was like having to rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time I was trying to get myself off.

  He was evil.

  I was starting to sound like Cody.

  We both needed to come before I lost my mind too.

  Slick with soap, I brought my hand back to his ass and flicked my finger over his hole, sending a new wave of shivers and frantic sounds pouring from him. When I started fucking him with the tip of my finger, his body opened up beautifully, begging for more.

  He could have taken it all in one thrust, but I wasn’t going to rush the last few minutes. Slowly pumping in and out, eventually working it completely inside him, I carefully avoided any pressure to his prostate.

  “Really pound it into him. I know how much you like using the boy.” I wasn’t sure if it was Ford’s seemingly disinterested order or the series of rough thrusts, but something sent Cody flying.

  His entire body jerked and he screamed out a ragged, needy sound. Cum pumped into the shower as his ass clamped down around me. It was like it was trying to wring every drop of pleasure from the experience as his orgasm seemed to go on forever.

  When he finally sagged against me, he was unsteady but doing better than I’d expected. Looking over at Ford, I saw him holding a towel and watching us closely, but he shook his head. I got a silently mouthed, “Not yet.”

  Now what?

  Cody’s brain was almost mush.

  “He certainly didn’t have permission for that.” Ford’s fantasy words had Cody’s head falling back on my shoulder as he groaned.

  Evidently, we were going for complete oatmeal brain.

  “He’s also dirty again, Sir.” No point in not playing along.

  Hopefully, I’d still get to come at some point.

  Ford made a low tsking noise like he was disappointed in the quality of the dinner his waiter laid out. “We can’t have that.”

  I wasn’t sure where the crazy game was going, but I shouldn’t have been surprised it was devious. Ford sighed, a very aristocratic “put out” sound that screamed rich and bored. He was fabulous at role-playing. Part of me wanted to sit back and take notes, but a bigger part was curious about what would happen when he turned that devious brain on me.

  He and Cody teaming up would be a wicked combination.

  “The only thing to do is to make him come again. I want to make sure he’s empty so he doesn’t make a mess when you use him later.” The flat words even sent dirty images through my head. “Milk his prostate so we don’t run into this issue later. Dirty boys are so tiring to deal with.”

  Cody clenched down on me again, and I felt a shiver race through his exhausted body. His cock hadn’t even had a chance to soften completely before I started slowly fucking him again. With each stroke, I teased the sensitive bundle of nerves, playing with his overstimulated body.

  The sounds slipping out of him were low and rough, but his eyes were closed and the way he moved against me said the painful pleasure wasn’t too much for him. He was young enough he might come again if I kept him going, so I carefully increased the tempo and started focusing on his prostate.

  Because my orders had been to milk him.

  I wanted to chuckle and tell Ford that he wasn’t a cow, but I had a feeling this was some kind of BDSM-fantasy thing I hadn’t stumbled onto yet. For me, knowing the crazy sensations that were running through Cody and that he’d given complete control to Ford made it even more erotic.

  When he was hard and whining again, completely overwhelmed, I focused strictly on his prostate, circling and pushing at the small gland that made him crazy. His second orgasm was quieter, a swelling tide that slowly overtook him rather than a rough breaking wave.

  He shook and mewled as I caressed his gland, drops of cum dripping from his cock. When his le
gs started to quiver and he just seemed to be one large exposed nerve, I eased out of his body and wrapped my arms around my brain-fried boy.

  There was nothing left of the worries and frantic ideas that had chased him earlier. This Cody hummed with pleasure as his Daddy wrapped the towel around him and held him tenderly. Ford kissed his forehead as Cody slouched against him, barely balancing on his legs.

  Ford chuckled and wrapped him up in his arms, carrying him to the bedroom. Cody would be out before his head hit the pillow, and if he even turned over before morning, I’d be shocked. I listened close to Ford’s low voice coming from the bedroom as I grabbed the soap and started to scrub myself under the cooling water.

  My brain wasn’t much better than Cody’s at the moment, but I made a mental note to ask what size water heater we’d picked. I had a vague memory about endless hot water, but as I worked my hand over my erection, my brain couldn’t fill in the details.

  When Ford’s voice came from beside me, I almost jumped. “Did I say you could touch that?”

  Groaning, I turned and leaned back against the wall as I held my cock in a tight fist. “You didn’t say I couldn't.”

  Ford chuckled, but his eyes had the same loving control he’d aimed at Cody only moments before. Being the focus of that look made me appreciate how Cody had felt earlier. I stroked my hand slowly. “I followed all your directions with Cody.”

  “So you’re saying you deserve a reward?” One eyebrow went up and he leaned against the wall.

  “Yes, Sir.” Fuck, how did he always make me feel like this?

  “Do it slowly, but squeeze your cock tighter. Give me a good show.” His cutting remarks and dry delivery really shouldn’t have been that hot, but it was.

  When I could focus on Cody there was some insulation from the dirty game, but now it was just the two of us. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Spread your legs more. Don’t make me wait.” His tone said he had better things to do than get me off, which shouldn’t have been hot. But it was.

  Crazy hot.


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