Friends Lovers and Family

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Friends Lovers and Family Page 14

by M. A. Innes

“Tighter.” He growled out the words like I was a dog who couldn't follow orders.

  It had me thrusting frantically into my fist as I jerked my cock as fast as I could. Pleasure began to build, but it was the touch of Ford’s hand and his condescending words that threw me over the edge. His fingers shoved mine aside and he roughly grabbed my dick, chasing my breath away as I started to explode.

  “I have to do everything myself.”


  I cried out as the waves of painful pleasure pulled my orgasm from me like he was ripping off a bandage. Before they had come into my life, this type of thing would have never occurred to me. But it was like he could look into the dark corners of my mind and find wonderfully dirty fantasies I never would have found on my own.

  I was almost as wobbly as Cody as the pleasure faded. I realized my eyes had closed as the water turned off, and I had to blink them open to see what was happening. Ford was smiling, giving me that same loving, indulgent expression he’d worn for Cody.

  But this one was for me.

  Cody and I were so different, he shouldn’t have been able to love us both, but he did. I could see it every time he aimed that tender look at me and with each date where he did everything he could to make me feel special. He was incredible in the most unexpected ways.

  “Come here.” Ford wrapped the towel around me as I stepped out of the shower. It took all my focus to put one foot in front of the other, but as his arms held me tight, I felt safe and steady. “So beautiful. Let me take care of you.”

  He probably wanted to tuck me into bed too, but I wasn’t ready for that, no matter how enticing it sounded. Kissing him tenderly, I smiled. “Just hold me for a few minutes. Then I want to go sit with you and relax for a while.”

  There was nothing like cuddling on the couch with him in the dark quiet of the house. It wasn’t a lonely time any longer; it was full of promise and the incredible future I knew was ahead of us. “I love you.”

  There should have been better words to express how he made me feel, but my love was all I had, and I knew it would always be enough for this patient, tender man and our sweet, funny boy.


  Chapter 1


  “This is the last time you get to pick the restaurant.” I shot Sean a dirty look as he started to laugh. “We’ve had Mexican the last four times it was your turn to choose. I’m not sure which waiter you have the hots for, but just ask him out before we all turn into tacos.”

  Avery shrugged, giving me his best you’re insane expression. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I like Mexican, and you don’t have to keep ordering tacos. There are a lot of things on the menu.”

  That wasn’t the point.

  “No more. Either ask him out or you don’t get to pick anymore.” I glanced around the busy restaurant, but I couldn’t figure out who’d caught Avery’s attention.

  That was the only thing it could be because he wasn’t really fond of Mexican to begin with. He’d always picked steak when it was his night, and we’d been going out to weekly dinners for years. At this point, I knew his habits almost as well as I did Sean’s.

  Sean snorted. “You’re lying to the wrong person. You might as well confess and save us all the time. Because that’s the only way you’re going to get him back here when it’s your turn next.”

  Damned right.

  “There are a lot of things on the menu. It’s not my fault he picks the same one every time. Hell, they even have a kids’ menu with burgers and nuggets if that’s what he wants.” Avery kept up the innocent routine, but it was getting silly.

  “You don’t even like Mexican food.” I glanced around the room again before settling on Avery. “You even made them sit us in the same section as the last four times we’ve been here. The waiter is starting to know us on a first-name basis.”

  He was a nice older gentleman, but that wasn’t the point.

  If Avery hadn’t wanted to talk about it, he’d have been more subtle about his stalking. And he wouldn’t have dragged us into it, so I didn’t feel guilty about that either. As I reached for another chip, I gave him a stern look like Daddy gave me when I’d pushed him too far.

  He finally sighed. “Maybe. I’m getting mixed signals. I don’t want to talk about it yet.”

  “That’s fine.” I popped the salsa-laden chip in my mouth and chewed as I grinned.

  “Was that hard?” Sean snorted. “Couldn’t you have confessed ten minutes ago so we could’ve ordered faster?”

  Avery shrugged. “He always orders the same thing anyway. He could’ve picked and interrogated. He multitasks very well.”

  As I swallowed, I stopped smirking. “So is this new or hasn’t even started yet?”

  Avery dated off and on, in the scene and out, but it’d been a while since he’d gotten serious with anyone. Every time I thought he’d found the perfect guy, it hit a snag. He didn’t seem frustrated, but I was starting to get frustrated on his behalf. He was a great guy though not everyone could see it.

  “Hasn’t started yet.” He reached for a chip even though he’d sworn he wouldn’t. “I’ve just got to figure a few things out.”

  “Well, we’ll eat Mexican until you figure it out.” I grinned as he groaned.

  “Couldn’t you have been this accommodating ten minutes ago?”

  “You shouldn’t have lied about it.” He’d known better.

  “Yeah, you set yourself up.” Sean chuckled as he glanced around for our confused waiter.

  The man had known exactly what we would order, but with Avery being so evasive, I wouldn’t let anyone talk to him. My constant smiles and apologies about not having decided yet had left him unsure about what to do. The fact that Sean kept laughing and covering it with a cough hadn’t helped.

  If we’d been younger, the waiter probably would have thought we were up to something.

  Avery didn’t seem ready to talk about his mysterious man, so I changed the subject. “How was work this week?”

  The summer was always hard. The campus was quieter, but the heat made some people do questionable things. He shrugged, but his voice dropped lower as he spoke. “Mostly easy stuff, but there are a few interesting ones I might need your help following up on.”

  “That’s fine. Just let me know what you need.” I couldn’t think of any of my patients who could have gotten tangled up in something. There were always surprises, though, like the time Kevin and Jeremy had shown up at the office worried that the police were after them.

  Luckily it had just been Avery following up on some unfounded accusations, but I think we’d all realized it could have gone worse for them if anyone else had been sent to check on it. Avery wasn’t like anyone else on the local police force.

  “Just not this weekend.” Sean waved his chip at me. “No work.”

  “That’s right.” Avery grinned. “You have friends coming over tomorrow.”

  “Yes, and I promised Sean the rest of the weekend would be quiet.” That wasn’t an easy promise to keep, but he was correct—it was time for a break.

  Avery had understood why I couldn’t talk about the friends who were coming over, but it hadn’t been hard for him to guess that it was something about my role. He’d known from the beginning of our friendship that I was a little, but it wasn’t my place to out anyone else.

  Especially people he knew casually.

  He raised his hand like he was taking an oath. “I swear to do my best not to interfere with your quiet time.”

  “That doesn’t mean a whole lot when the times you do drag him off to work are usually emergencies and nothing anyone could predict.” Sean scoffed as Avery shrugged innocently. “And that cute act only works on Miles.”

  I grinned. “You need more practice.”

  Avery threw a chip at me right as the waiter walked up. The man’s eyes widened and he gave us a nervous smile as he backed away quickly. “I’ll give you more time to look at the menu.”

were never going to get dinner.


  “Do we need to have another conversation about throwing food in restaurants?” Sean wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close so my back was against his chest as soon as we walked in the door.

  “He threw the chip at me.” I turned my head and gave Sean wide eyes.

  Sean laughed, a low sound that went right to my cock. “I meant the bean from my plate that you threw at him and the piece of tomato from your taco.”


  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I was good even after he made us eat tacos again.” I turned in his arms and kissed him sweetly. “I wanted steak.”

  Daddy chuckled. “That innocent act works too well. But I know you. I saw that food go flying when you thought I was in the bathroom, and you shouldn’t have grilled him over who he was watching at the restaurant.”

  Maybe not.

  “But Daddy, if he didn’t want to talk about it he shouldn’t have dragged us there so many times in a row.” I was going to stand by that logic no matter what. “He wanted to talk about it.”

  I just couldn’t decide who he’d been watching. I’d seen him scanning some of the waiters, but they were all cute, so it hadn’t necessarily meant anything. I’d only seen him react oddly a few times, but it’d been gone so quickly I couldn’t narrow down who he’d been looking at.

  “I wish he’d been ready to talk about it more. He doesn’t look happy.” Avery saw the dark side of life day in and day out like I did, but he didn’t get a chance to see how people changed and found their happiness. He also didn’t have anyone like Daddy to come home to.

  Sometimes when it felt like everyone around me was drowning in sorrow, Daddy was the only thing that made me see the light in the world. Well, Daddy and people like Bryan and Maddox or Kevin and Jeremy. They made everything worthwhile too.

  Daddy sighed and held me tighter again. “Yeah, but he’s got to be ready first.”

  “Why don’t you take him out to the bar tomorrow night?” I looked up to see him frowning, an automatic protest on his lips. “No, really. We’re going to spend all day together tomorrow and most of it when I’m little. You’ll have fun.”

  His face tightened. “I’m going to have fun with you and everyone else tomorrow.”

  “I know you will.” I hadn’t meant to offend him. “You’re the best Daddy, but even you need some time to hang out with your friends.”

  We did so much together that sometimes I forgot he needed his own space.

  Daddy didn’t seem ready to agree to that, so I shrugged and cuddled closer. “It was just an idea.”

  He was going to talk himself into going, but not if I pushed, so I put it aside and decided to change the subject. “I was also thinking about tomorrow…do you think we have enough—”

  Daddy barked out a laugh. “Yes, whatever it is, we have enough.”

  It wasn’t that funny.

  “But it might be good if we—”

  Daddy interrupted again. “We are not going to worry about anything. It’s all planned out and we’re going to have fun with your friends.”

  I didn’t say it wouldn’t be fun, but I wanted to make sure we hadn’t forgotten anything.

  Before I could explain that, he was kissing my neck. I knew it was a distraction, but I couldn’t work up the strength to point that out. All I could do was moan as he started to nibble at my ear. As his hands started to shift lower to cup my ass, I rocked into him, pressing my already hard cock against his thigh.

  Daddy chuckled, still licking and nibbling. “I don’t know if you were good enough to come. The poor waiter is scarred, and you were throwing food.”

  He should’ve seen what Avery had done while he’d been gone.

  “I…Daddy…” I wasn’t going to get to come if I couldn’t find my brain. “Distracting…Avery…good.”

  He’d needed to start opening up and I’d given him a way to relax. That should have earned me a reward, not a punishment. Daddy bit down again and gave a low, wicked laugh as he made me squirm and groan.

  “I don’t know if I believe that.” But he didn’t seem bothered by it because he started rocking me against his body, letting the pleasure build.

  “Yes…Daddy…good.” I gasped as he started nibbling along my jaw and kneading my ass, making me feel empty and aching.

  “I know better than to believe that. My boy looks so sweet, but he’s very wicked.” Daddy’s fingers moved closer to my hole as his husky words made me shake in his arms. No matter how many times he held me and touched me, he always sent me flying.

  As he caressed and played with my body like his own personal toy, I slid my hands up his torso and rubbed his chest. All the manual labor he did kept his body tight and muscular. He still looked every inch the sexy biker god I thought he’d been in the bar all those years ago.

  My fingers stroked over his nipples, and he moaned against my neck as his tongue trailed over me, tasting me. The sound only made me want to wring more from him. Pulling at his shirt, I shoved my hands under it and started caressing over his heated skin.

  I knew every inch of his body, but every time we made love it was like the first time all over again. Daddy said it was because we never took each other for granted. All I knew was that I loved him more than anything in the world and that would never change.

  As I started teasing his nipples again, Daddy growled low, swatting my ass as he pulled away. “Bed.”

  Giggling, I turned and started running through the house, tossing my clothes everywhere as I stripped. Daddy gave another low, dark laugh, and I heard the heavy thud of his footsteps following me through the house.

  I’d have beaten him to the bed, but I’d forgotten one key fact. Shoes had to come off before pants.

  Daddy’s arms wrapped around me, lifting me from the floor as I laughed. “Caught you.”

  But I was naked and had his hands all over me, so I was pretty sure I’d won. “You cheated.”

  He tossed me onto the bed and started tugging at his clothes before I’d even finished bouncing. As his pants slid to the floor, he gave me a heated look. “Did I cheat? Is that what my boy’s saying?”

  My dick thought the dark look in his eyes was sexy as hell, but my brain was flashing warning signs. Sometimes all I wanted was a spanking, but today I just wanted him inside me. Bringing one hand to my chest, I let it slowly caress down toward my cock. “I’m sorry, Daddy. You won fair and square.”

  I wanted it clear what his reward would be for winning.


  As the last of his clothes fell to the floor, Daddy reached for the lube on the nightstand before climbing onto the bed. When he was close enough, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down so his body was draped over me. I loved the way he felt against me, with his heavy weight making me feel wonderfully trapped.

  Daddy chuckled and set the lube on the bed so he could wrap his hands around my face. “I love you.”

  All I could do was hold him and moan as he took my mouth in a plundering kiss. His tongue stroked against mine as he laid claim to me all over again. By the time he pulled away, I was breathless and my cock was desperate for more friction.

  “Please, Daddy. Please.” He’d taken care of me since the first night we met and today was no exception.

  “Whatever my boy needs.” Then with his tender smile shining, he started kissing down my body.

  He found my nipples to be frustratingly distracting because he stopped to tease and lick them for what seemed to be hours. Sometimes he’d nibble and other times he suckled until it felt like I could come from just the sensation of his mouth on me.

  When I was right there and I could almost see my orgasm in front of me, he started the wandering path of kisses back down my body again. Curses just made him chuckle and nibble harder but never made him go any faster, even when I started squirming and pleading.

  His wandering exploration finally reached my hip, and as he worked his way
closer to my cock, I almost stopped breathing. When he sprinkled kisses around the base of my dick, I started to moan and thrust.

  I wasn’t sure if it was a punishment or a reward, but he spread my legs and completely ignored my erection to lick and suck on my balls. All I could do was squirm and plead as he licked and tasted and finally started fucking me with his tongue.

  The pleasure was so distracting I jumped as the first lubed finger started sliding into me. Daddy chuckled and thrust it in deep, chasing every remaining thought out of my head. When he added a second finger and started playing with my prostate like it was his own personal toy, my rambling turned to begging.

  I was so close to coming that relief and frustration were battling in me when he finally eased his fingers out. Relief won when he spread the last of the lube on his cock and stretched over me again.

  He was just as needy as I was because, as he slid in me, he started fucking me at a breakneck speed. Pounding into me, he kissed me again, swallowing my moans and cries of pleasure as he hammered my prostate.

  When I came, screaming into his mouth, his smooth, hard thrusts finally faltered and he arched up, cursing and moaning as I climaxed around him. He jerked, and I could feel him filling me as he kept the pleasure flooding through both of us as long as he could.

  Exhaustion hit as the fabulous sensations faded. Daddy eased out of me and rolled over to pull me into his arms as he collapsed on the bed. I knew he’d get up in a moment and grab a washcloth, but I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting the moment to end.

  Kissing him gently, I tucked my head against his chest. “I love you.”

  He kissed my head, whispering the words back to me, low and sweet. They were simple words I never got tired of saying to him. I saw so many people who, for one reason or another, thought they would never find love that I knew how special it was that I’d found him. Sometimes it seemed like fate brought us into each other’s lives all those years ago, but I knew it was love that would keep us together forever.

  Chapter 2


  “I’m not sure I bought enough cookies. Bryan was quite specific about how much Kevin ate when they were playing. I think that was more frustrating for him than anything else about their playtime actually.” Miles turned from the counter and looked across the kitchen at me. “What do you think?”


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