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SUPERPOWERED: Are YOU a Superhero or Supervillain? (Click Your Poison Book 3)

Page 42

by James Schannep

  In an instant, a speck of dust on the lens becomes an incoming missile as the bunker-buster drops your way. Deep penetration, KABOOOOM!!!!


  3, 2, 1…Shoot!

  Catherine fires Widowsilk at this Earth’s version of herself, the villain known as Shadow Priestess. As the energy field surrounds the cloaked woman, Drillbit flings the vault door at your-Catherine with incredible force—a ferocity matched only by your own.

  You bound forward, intercept the projectile, and deliver a leaping uppercut punch to the vault door. It’s an incredibly athletic move that sends the massive door crashing up through the bank’s roof and into the sky. When you turn back, you see your-Catherine deliver the stolen powers to herself in a beam of spine-arching ecstasy.

  “Take his powers!” you cry.

  The genius-telekinetic shakes her head. In a breathless, post-climax voice, she says, “It’s only got two shots in the chamber; keep him busy while I recharge!”

  Drillbit takes a monkey wrench from his tool belt and swings it at your head. You bring up a forearm to block the blow and the wrench shears in half from the stress. The tool doesn’t hurt your perfect skin, but you can feel the strength the superpowered villain put behind it.

  You deliver a counterpunch and this-Nick stumbles back in a daze. It’s obvious he’s gotten used to his invulnerability, and you’ve shaken him. But then he smiles. The realization is all over his face: If you can hurt him, he can hurt you too.

  The now-powerless Shadow Priestess lets out a feral cry and charges at your-Catherine to take her revenge. Testing out her new power, the genius-telekinetic lifts her doppelganger in the air.

  “Nick, take over!” she cries.

  The telekinetic college student nods and steps forward. With an outstretched hand, he holds the Shadow Priestess in the air so your-Catherine can go back to the weapon.

  Drillbit comes at you with his head ducked down in a charge, and there’s no stopping this freight train. He smashes into you and plows you through the wall, out into the open street. The entire Mercury City Police Force draws down on you from behind their barricade, but can only watch in awe as two titans do battle.

  You deliver a ferocious kick to Nick from your position on the ground. He flies back toward the bank, smashing through a third-floor window. As he leaps back out to the street, your-Catherine emerges from the hole in the bank wall, Widowsilk at full charge and a smile on her face.

  Drillbit senses his demise and goes to run, but you cut him off and deliver a clothesline with an outstretched arm. He falls back and you kick him out to the middle of the street, where he’s blasted by the future-tech rifle.

  This-Nick screams in agony as his strength is sapped, a sound instantly counteracted by your-Nick’s moans of pleasure when he’s given a second superpower. Darkness clouds over his eyes as the telekinesis blends with super-strength to make the college student near-omnipotent. He floats into the air, strength rippling across his body.

  He raises his palms, and in response the police cruisers and news vans of the barricade float into the air. Your genius mind quickly deduces: Nick was once limited by his mental perception of his own strength when it came to telekinesis, but now that he’s gained super-strength—the telekinetic barrier just got smashed as easily as that bank wall. Nick raises the police officers and bystanders into the air as well, holding thousands of pounds afloat with ease.

  Then he destroys all of them with one thought.

  Gore and machinery splash against the buildings of downtown. Just like that, the whole police force, gone. He turns, looks at you and Catherine, his face drunk with power, and smiles a cruel smile.

  Then he raises his hands toward you.


  • “Nick! A god must be omniscient—all-knowing. What is power without knowledge? One more universe, right? Then we’ll truly be gods.”

  • “Catherine, quick, take his powers! He’s too strong! He’s gone mad!”



  Things not going so super? Not to worry. Unlike real life, here you get a chance to start over and try again. And now you’ve got the added bonus of re-starting the comic adventure with a few panels already laid out.

  Remember what the last chapter was called? Click it below. Don’t remember? Pay more attention next time and click here to start over from the beginning.

  Ace Up Your Sleeve

  Acme Portals

  Agent of Evil

  Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Supervillain

  Always Split Pairs

  And Then There Were Two

  Angel of Music


  An Offer Easily Refused

  Apex Predator

  Assault with a Super-Weapon

  As Seen on TV

  Ass Groove

  Balls Out

  Bank Shot

  Battle Royale

  Beat the Odds

  Beat Senseless

  Be Careful What You Wish For

  A Bigger Boat


  Birds of a Feather

  Blast It!

  Blind Rage

  Bones, or Dominoes

  Boxed In

  Break it Gently

  Bringing Down the House

  Bring Me a Dream


  Bull in a Pizza Shop

  Cadmean Victory

  Caped Crusader

  Carved Out


  Catherine the Great

  Confused, if not Curious

  A Contagious Enthusiasm


  Control Freak

  Cosmic Irony

  Cowardice and Avarice


  Crazed and Confused

  Creature of Appetite

  A Criminal Mind

  Crisis of Infinite Earths


  Cut and Run

  Cutting out Early

  The C-Word


  The Dark Lord (or Lady)

  Darting In

  Dead or Alive

  The Death of ‘Supa-Gurl’

  Defender of Peace and Justice


  Diamond in the Rough

  Dimension Ex

  Don of a New Era



  Double Down

  Double Trouble

  Dun Dun Duunnnn…. (Super-Fiends–Part 2)

  A Dynamic Duo

  Dystopia Rex

  Edge of Tomorrow

  The Emperor’s New Plan


  End of an Era


  Evasive Maneuvers


  Feeling Lucky

  Fight Drillbit and You Get Screwed!

  First Day of the Rest of Your Life

  The First Martian

  Flight of Shame

  Flock Together


  Foiled Again

  Follow the Leader

  Force Choke

  Fortune Favors the Hungry

  Freedom Fighters

  Frightened Rabbit


  Gambled, Lost

  Get Bent!

  Getting the Drop



  GMO Nom Nom

  Godwin FTW

  Going Down

  Golden Hour, Drone Shower

  Goodnight, Bloodnight

  Grasping the Concept

  Hard to Believe

  Harsh Reality

  Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown

  Helluva Nosebleed

  A Heroic Sacrifice

  Heroism is Hard

  High Road or Low

  Holding Out for a Hero

  Honor among Thieves

  Hostage Situation

  House Arrest

  House Rules

  House Stark />
  The Human Elephant

  Human Interest

  Hungry Hungry

  Identify With

  Idle Hands

  If You Believe in Magic…



  In a Single Bound

  Into the Blaze

  Into the Fold

  Ironically and Erroneously

  Janitors…of Justice!

  Jingoism Unchained

  Joining Forces

  Juggling Act

  Justice Department


  Kansas City Shuffle

  Keep Your Head

  Kicking the Crap out of the Joneses

  Kid Stuff

  Kingdom of One

  Kings and Pawns

  Kissing Cousins



  Light of Life

  Like a Boss

  Like a Jedi

  Like a Lead Balloon


  Lucky You

  The Lying King

  Mad as a Hatter

  Manning Crisis

  Masked and Dangerous

  The Matador

  Mercy Me

  Might Makes Awesome

  Mind over Matter

  Mission Extremely Possible

  More Valuable than Gold

  The Most Dangerous Game

  Murder Schmurder


  A New Menace


  Nickless Wonder

  A Night on the Town

  Night Owl

  No Honor among Thieves


  Nothing but Net

  Objects May Be Closer than They Appear

  Occupy Superpowers

  Off with His Head!

  Oh, the Humanity!


  On a Super-Walkabout

  One-Hit Wonder

  One Option









  Players’ Club


  Poor Threat Assessment

  Portal Combat



  Profession Non Grata

  Public Enemy

  Public Image

  Pulp and Conspiracy

  Push It to the Limit

  Queen of the Dead

  The Quickening



  The Rainmaker


  Redefining “Superpower”

  Reign of Terror


  Resistant to Change

  Right Answer


  Rite of Passage


  The Rogues’ Gallery

  Role of a Lifetime

  The Rule of Threes



  Secret Identity

  Seeds of Change



  Shear Stress

  The Shocker

  Show Your Hand

  Sinking Feeling

  Sin & Vice

  Sky Battle!


  Some “Thing” Different

  Something Fishy

  Soon I Will Be Invincible!

  The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

  Spare Me the Spandex

  Splitting Headache

  Still a Fairly Tall Building….

  Super Apathy


  Superior Intel(lect)

  Super Murder!

  That Smarts

  There Can Be Only One!

  The Third Musketeer?

  This Is The End

  Tiger Trapped

  Trailer Trashed


  Trump Card

  The Truth Shall Set You Freedom Fighters




  Unlimited Government

  Up in Smoke

  Up, Up, and Away!

  Vaporization Commencing

  Vessel for the Soul


  We Are Hydra

  Welcome to My Parlor

  What’s in a Name?


  Who’s There?

  Wink and a Nod

  The World Is Your Oyster Bar

  World Police

  A World Untainted By Man

  Wrath at K-HAN

  Wrong Answer

  You’re Doing It Wrong

  Your Whole Life Ahead

  You’ve Probably Never Heard of Me….

  You’ve Seen Too Many Movies

  3, 2, 1…Shoot!

  *Or, if you’re the type who stays after the credits, click here for a bonus scene.




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