The Rhythm of Love

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by Hussein Farah








  Copyright © H.Farah 2020

  The right of H. Farah to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act, 1988.

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the author’s prior consent in any form of binding of cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchased.

  First published in Great Britain in 2020

  To those who saw it in me,

  Those who believed in me,

  Those who taught me love,

  And those who held me up.

  I dedicate this to you.



  Before We Get Started


  Chapter 2: The Rhythm of Love

  The Love Story

  The Art Of Seduction

  The Six Attributes of Seduction


  The Love Story

  The Pursuer

  The Desired

  A Victory of Seduction


  Confidence Is key

  The Mind of The One You Desire

  The Love Story

  Taking Their Sense of Power

  Why Do You Take Their Sense Of Power?


  Make Real Changes and Surprise Them

  Attractive Value and Uniqueness

  Pull In and Pull Away

  Absence To Miss Your Presence


  Self Actualisation

  Internal Transformation


  When Doubt and Fear Gets A Hold of Us

  Two Forms Of Confidence

  The Gift From Within


  Your Spirit

  The List Of Negatives

  The Sources of Negatives

  The List Of Positives

  Positive Affirmation

  Affirmation Schedule

  Confidence Exercise


  Keep Your Cards Close To Your Chest

  Bad Advice



  The Love Story

  The Right Way To Message

  Before You Receive The Message

  Composing The Message

  Timing Your Response

  After You Send The Message


  The Way Of Seduction

  Forms Of Contact

  The Attributes In Depth


  The Love Story


  The Love Story

  Love Without A Rhythm

  Maintaining Your Attractive Value

  How To Get An Ex Back

  The Love Story


  Being in love with someone is a whole new dimension, a whole new experience and a whole new depth of passion. It is an experience that shakes the soul to the core. There is nothing like it and you will not feel as alive before or after the event.

  It is magical, it is wonderful, it is beautiful, magnificent and elevating. It is an unworldly experience. You feel high, excited, hyper, as if you are flying amongst the clouds, close to the heavens. You will break your rules for the person, and you will not be ashamed to show it.

  The Rhythm of Love aims to enlighten you in the ways of attracting the person you desire, in hope of forming a romantic relationship with them. The winning formula is the effort, time and patience you are willing to invest.

  Effort is the blood; sweat and tears you are prepared to shed to do the necessary work in attracting the person you desire.

  Time is how long the change you need to undergo will take and what stage of attraction you are in, in the eyes of the person you desire.

  Patience is nothing but having confidence in your complete self, no matter what is thrown at you or the challenges you face, even if the results are not clearly visible. You know that eventually you will get what you deserve as a result of your effort and time.

  Before We Get Started

  The stage of change you are in determines how much devotion you will need. Studies have shown we are only able to retain 7-10% of what we read. Repetition therefore is the mother of invention; the more you read, the more you will remember and the more you will re-program how you feel or think.

  If you are new to self-improvement, I recommend that you read the book eight to ten times so that you not only retain the teachings but most importantly, replace doubt and anxiety with self-confidence.

  For someone with ample experience, six to eight read-throughs are recommended, and for pros, two to four times will do.

  Whatever your level, consider this book a companion in your journey.

  The journey of love begins.


  The Love Story

  It was the beginning of 2012, and the aftermath of December’s bitter cold season lingered. The noise and blanket warmth of family gatherings had faded into the backdrop, leaving sentiments of uncertainty and downheartedness about the future. Yet another calendar event, the celebration of love, was around the corner. The pressure of it all was too much to bear. Maria had drastically taken a decision: she stood up and marched towards changing her life.

  In 2012, things had to be different from the previous year. She had arrived over an hour early, eager to snatch a front row seat for better viewing. The hall, with over 800 seats or so, had been empty. She took a seat and patiently waited for the life changing event to begin.

  “I couldn’t help but notice the contrast of your blonde hair against the red seat,” a deep voice whispered behind her. Maria jumped and gasped for air as she quickly turned behind her.

  “Oh, God, you scared the hell out of me!” she said with a startled voice.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” the man replied with a grin on his face. “I saw you as I walked in. I thought, there is someone who I have something in common with,” he said as he leaned over. He had strong facial features, the sort that leaves eyeballs staring.

  “And what is that?” she asked as she placed her hand on her chest. “Wait, how the hell did you sit behind me so quietly, I didn’t hear you walk or anything?” she asked with a squinted face.

  “It’s rude of me to speak to a lady from behind.”

  The man took hold of his leather bag, his raincoat and got to his feet. Maria had not yet fully recovered from the fright, and there he was heading her way.

  “Oh God, why is he coming here?” She quickly fixed her hair and adjusted her skirt.

  “May I?” the man asked.

  “Sure, why not,” she replied.

  Suddenly a breeze of exquisite aroma swept her senses as the towering figure took a seat beside her.

  “Two early arrivers, tells me that we are either eager to start the New Year with some inspiration or we are very punctual people,” he said as he stared down at her. His piercing eyes had rendered her speechless for a few seconds. She turned and smiled. “Why am I smiling at him? This is weird,” she thought to herself.

  He held his hand near her and said “I’m Bru
ce. And you are?”

  A while later, the auditorium had begun to fill with spectators, the long-awaited event started as the curtains shifted and the lighting dimmed.

  Love can be found in the strangest places, when we least expect it. Never lose hope.


  The Love Story

  Maria had met Bruce a couple of weeks before at the motivational event. They spent the entire day talking and laughing, and there was clear chemistry between them both. They could not keep their eyes off each other — well, she could not for the most part.

  Bruce was tall, dark haired, with gorgeous ocean-like blue eyes. He had a captivating smile, and he seemed successful too. “There was no way he isn’t married or with someone,” she thought. At the end of the event, they exchanged numbers and parted ways.

  Two weeks had past, and he still had not reached out to her. There was not a day that had gone by without a thought of him. Maria grew impatient; she could not bear living in her head anymore. She had decided that she would reach out. It was an uncomfortable decision; her previous lovers were the ones to reach out first. But she really liked Bruce, and she felt something special between them. She romanticised the way, the place and the time they had met.

  “Why hasn’t he called? Maybe he didn’t like me?” she thought. She knew that she could not help but break her rule of first to contact, after all she was 34 now and in need of finding a husband soon. She was ready for change, but how would she go about reaching out? The last thing she wanted was to come across as cheap or desperate.

  The Art Of Seduction

  Have you met someone you liked or maybe you have a lost love with whom you would like to rekindle? Do you want to hold the person in your arms, maybe forever? But how do you go about it?

  The answer is simple: your rhythm of love should be in sync with theirs and then some. Any missteps, any stumble, and any weakness, and they may develop negative feelings towards you.

  Your approach should be neither too slow nor too fast. Not forced nor careless. The timing should be just right, and it should captivate their minds. “Wow” should be the words that leave their lips.

  The rhythm of love consists of six attributes that form the art of seduction. These determine the attraction level the person you desire has towards you.

  The Six Attributes of Seduction

  Unpredictability – your rhythm should be unique so that the person you desire feels a sense of difference every time compared to others who have approached them.

  Challenging – your rhythm should demonstrate a sense of self control, leaving the person you desire feeling emotionally provoked.

  Exciting – your rhythm and lifestyle should make them feel a sense of joy, energy and purpose burning within you.

  Elegant – your rhythm should be dignified, graceful and classy in their eyes.

  Powerful – your confident aura should demand attention wherever you go, whatever you do and whenever you speak. It should leave them humbled.

  Enticing – you are able to present a complete package of who you are to persuade them to pursue a romantic relationship with you.

  Love has a rhythm; it determines how someone feels about you. Learn the rhythm and you will win over the love of your dreams.


  The Love Story

  Maria had finally decided to call Bruce. “I’ll call him after gym in the morning,” she thought out loud. “No! What am I thinking? That’s way too early! I’ll do it after lunch with my girls. No, no, no, it’s the weekend, he might be out with his friends. Okay, breathe, breathe.”

  She took a deep breath in, shut her eyes and gracefully exhaled. “I’ll call him after I visit mum and take Pooch for a walk,” she thought out loud before pausing. “Oh, God, I need to relax. Just the thought of calling him is driving me nuts. I don’t even know the guy, yet I can’t get him off my mind. Okay, I need to cool myself off. Cold shower time!”

  The Pursuer

  As the pursuer, you possess the powerful ability of being able to change the situation with an element of surprise, while the person you desire has little inspiration or motivation. The change you seek should be unpredictable, challenging, existing, elegant, powerful and enticing. Craft your art of seduction before you make contact and adjust it thereafter to have the desired effect.

  Be mindful of the weak position you find yourself in; the powerless and uncomfortable position of the pursuer requires effort, time, patience and the dismissal of your pride. The internal battle of getting the approach right can be daunting and difficult, and it may cause you to sabotage your own success. But if you can reprogram your mind, change your habits, then you can overcome it.

  The Desired

  The person you desire is in a position of being the decider. They feel a sense of power, control and comfort while you do all the work. Their task is to simply accept or decline.

  The power, control and comfort leave them in a state of pride. Their pride makes them vulnerable to your changes and surprises. If your seductive rhythm and graceful adjustments are on point, you will be in a position to take their sense of power and control from them, leaving them in a state of discomfort.

  A Victory of Seduction

  The pursuer’s approach should leave the person they desired in a state of discomfort, evoking positive thoughts and emotions, leading the pursuer to appear attractive and valuable.

  The art of seduction is your ability to masterfully change roles from being the powerless pursuer to be the powerfully desired.


  The Love Story

  A few days later, Maria had yet to make the call.

  “What if he is married, and he’s in bed with his wife? Oh, God, I’ll look like a complete idiot,” she thought with a dreadful face. “Actually, I never thought of it,” she said delightfully.

  She quickly jumped up from the sofa. “He might be gay, yeah, that’s it. I mistook his charm, his gorgeous face, groomed hair and his broad physic for a man who likes women. Yeah, that’s it, maybe he just wanted to be friends,” she said as she walked towards the kitchen.

  She took a sip of a cold drink and continued, “Okay, calling him won’t be a problem then. I’ll call him, that’s right. Maria, you can do this.”

  A while later, she found herself pacing the living room with her phone clenched in her sweaty hand. She could not do it; she could not muster the courage to.

  Confidence Is key

  Are you ready to finally contact the one you desire? But your nerves are getting in the way? Are you questioning if you will be able to cope? Will you break down? The fact you have feelings of fear and self-doubt indicates that you are unsure of your approach before you make contact.

  Remember, any missteps, any stumbles, any annoyance or any sense of weakness will leave a trail of negative feelings towards you. That is the last thing you want. You want positive feelings, so that they want more of you.

  To successfully seduce them with positive feelings, you must dive into the mind of the person you desire. Only then, will you be able to remove fear and anxiety from your mind and replace it with confidence in your approach.

  The Mind of The One You Desire

  To seduce the person you desire, you need to:

  a) Understand how they think and feel.

  b) Use what you have gathered to carefully craft your seductive approach.

  The person you desire is naturally in a powerful position as the decider. They feel a sense of control, a sense of choice and a sense of entitlement as a consequence of you pursuing them. Such feelings lend them a sense of comfort.

  The Love Story

  Maria finally called Bruce, a week later. “Hello,” she said nervously.

  “Hey Maria, how are you?” he replied with a joyful tone.

  “I’m fine, I’ve been good, you know,” she said with a beaming smile. “I’ve been so busy; life has been really hectic. I finally f
ound some free time, so I thought I’d call and say hey. I didn’t hear from you. What have you been up to?” she asked. She slapped her forehead — she thought she had said too much.

  “I’ve been good, life is great actually. I’ve been busy. I am sorry, but I can’t talk at the moment,” he replied.

  “Oh, sorry, we can talk another time,” she said with a dejected face.

  “I gotta go, we can catch up another time.”

  “Yes sure, I have some errands to run myself. Anyway. Have a lovely day,” she replied, and quickly hung up.

  “Have a lovely day? What is wrong with me? Why in the world did I even call him? I should have stuck to my rule. Grr, why is dating so hard? I hate myself now,” she said with her hands in her hair, grabbing and pulling.

  Days later, he never called back. Maria was left feeling horrible. That week she went to work with a sour face.

  Taking Their Sense of Power

  The feeling of comfort may make the person you pursue careless; they may delay responding to you, they may play cat and mouse games to disrupt your rhythm, they may choose to ignore you or cancel dates. Comfort is not a place you want them to be in or else they will always be in a position of power and control.


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