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Page 35

by P. C. Cast; Kristin Cast

  “Holy shit!”

  Aphrodite’s shout had me changing my focus to Neferet’s body. In its place, a girl sat up and turned to blink at us in surprise.

  She was young—probably barely sixteen—and she was wearing a simple white dress. Her green eyes were Neferet’s, as was her thick, wavy auburn hair. But little else about her looked like the world-weary High Priestess who had just sacrificed herself for love. Her face was beautifully cherubic—and her forehead was newly Marked with a crescent moon in scarlet.

  “My lady!” Lynette staggered to her, still holding the big cat. When they reached Neferet, the cat—who I swear was the absolute twin of Skylar, who had been our Neferet’s familiar before she’d denounced Nyx—jumped out of Lynette’s arms and began purring magnificently and rubbing against Neferet.

  The girl smiled and stroked the cat. “Oh, hello!” she said in a pleasant voice that sounded so much like Neferet that it was shocking. “I know you! Your name is Skylar—and aren’t you handsome!” She ran her hands through his fur as she looked up at Lynette. “I—I feel like I know you too, but I can’t seem to remember your name. I’m s-sorry.” Her full bottom lip quivered, and she looked like she was going to burst into tears.

  Lynette fell to her knees and took the girl’s hands in hers. “Oh, dearest, that’s okay. My name is Lynette.” She smoothed back the girl’s hair and kissed her forehead softly. “I am your family.”

  “Who am I?”

  “Emily,” said Lynette. “But the truth is, you can be anyone you wish to be now.”

  “I—I wish to go home, but I don’t know where that is,” said Emily.

  I went to them and crouched down, smiling at Emily. “You are home, Emily. You’re at the House of Night.”

  Emily gasped and a tentative smile lifted her lips as she gingerly touched the crescent on her forehead. “You mean, I’m a vampyre? Like you?”

  I grinned. “Well, you’re a fledgling right now. But someday you’ll be a vampyre—and I’ll bet you’ll be a wonderful one.”

  Above us, clouds began to form. They roiled and billowed and then parted to expose a full moon that I was sure hadn’t been there when the night had started. On a fat moonbeam, Nyx appeared in full regalia. Her hair was silk brushing against the generous curve of her waist. She wore a headdress of stars so brilliant that it was difficult to look directly at. She rode the moonbeam down to us and stepped lightly off of it.

  “Merry meet, Nyx!” I said. I was already crouching, but I went to my knees. All around me everyone, including the defeated soldiers, took to their knees and shouted, “Merry meet, Goddess!”

  Kalona strode to her, dropping to his knees in front of her and bowing his head. “My Goddess, my love! Forgive me for being absent so very long.”

  Nyx bent and put one slender finger under his chin, lifting his face. It was hard to look at him too, as his love shined as brightly as Nyx’s headdress.

  “There is nothing to forgive. What you did for your brother was worthy of my Consort and his great capacity for love, and I thank you for it—though I do hope you never have to leave my side for so long again.”

  “It is my greatest wish to spend eternity beside you, Goddess.”

  Her smile was the full moon, brilliant and bewitching. “You should seal that oath with a kiss.”

  He stood so quickly his body blurred and he took her into his arms. As he kissed her passionately, his wings spread and then wrapped around her, shielding their love from our prying eyes.

  Finally, cheeks bright with color, the Goddess moved from his embrace. “Merry meet, children,” she said as she approached the Warriors, who followed Dragon’s lead and bowed their heads reverently.


  They did as commanded, and she smiled at the Sons of Erebus. “You have been faithful and true. Your Goddess appreciates your strength and courage.”

  “Thank you, Nyx,” Dragon said.

  Nyx turned her head to look across the ground to where Anastasia had somehow dragged herself to her knees. Her head was bowed, though she had to brace herself with her hands on the cold ground, as if she might fall over at any moment.

  “Beloved High Priestess, know your Goddess loves and appreciates your wisdom and compassion as well.”

  Nyx raised her hand and flicked her wrist. Diamond stars from her headdress flew across the ground to engulf Anastasia, who gasped in surprise. When their brilliance faded the High Priestess lifted her head as she smiled beatifically while she straightened, her leg fully healed.

  “Thank you, my wondrous Goddess!”

  I heard Dragon sob softly in relief, and Nyx touched his head gently. “All will be well, Warrior. All will be well.” Then she faced the soldiers that had fought against us. “You disappoint me. You grasp for power cruelly, selfishly.” She held out her hand to Kalona, saying, “Your spear, my love.”

  Kalona gave it to her without hesitation. She struck it on the ground, and the soldiers cowered in fear as she commanded, “Begin anew!” Light flashed from where the spear touched the earth, temporarily blinding me, and when I blinked the spots from my eyes I saw that the entire group of Warriors had lost their vampyre Marks and youthened—and I don’t mean turned into newly Marked teenagers. They were little boys, probably all about five years old, sitting in pools of clothes and blinking up at the Goddess with happy faces that were chubby with youth and innocence as they grinned.

  Nyx turned in time to greet Anastasia as she hurried up and curtsied deeply to Nyx.

  “High Priestess, these young ones will be the first of the humans to mix here at your House of Night. End the conflict with the community. Now. Raise these children to be kind, compassionate young men. Some of them will be Marked. Some will not. All of them will be important to mending what has been broken in this world.

  Anastasia bowed her head. “Yes, Goddess.”

  Then Nyx approached us. “Rise, children.”

  We did as she commanded.

  “I recognize you, Zoey Redbird. Your twin from this world and I talk often in my realm.”

  I bowed my head and then smiled. “Your twin in my world and I talk often as well.”

  She returned my smile. “I expect that your Nyx will be happy when you return.” Her gaze took in the rest of my group, lighting on Kevin. “Ah, Kevin, it is lovely to see you again.”

  My brother blushed ferociously and bowed. “You too, my Goddess.”

  She walked to him and touched his chest gently, over his heart. “I am glad you have decided to allow this to heal.”

  Kevin had to clear his throat before he was able to speak, and still his voice sounded gravelly. “Me too.”

  The Goddess’s gaze found Shaunee. She was staring in open wonder at Nyx. Nyx crooked a finger, gesturing for her to come to her, which Shaunee did instantly.

  The young fledgling curtsied deeply. “Merry meet, Nyx.”

  “Merry meet, young fledgling. I approve of your taste in men.”

  I wanted to fist pump and say YEA, but didn’t because it would’ve been totally inappropriate.

  “But remember, you must be equally as wise in your taste in friends. Part of how we define ourselves is through those who we allow close to us. Be wise, Shaunee. Be strong. And know you cannot save everyone in your life.” Then Nyx kissed Shaunee’s forehead and an amazing adult vampyre tattoo made of sapphire flames bloomed across her face.

  “Wow!” Kevin said. “That’s incredible.”

  Shaunee’s hand shook as she touched her forehead and happy tears washed her cheeks. “Thank you, Goddess.”

  Nyx turned to James, who was standing beside Kacie. They both bowed deeply. “I forgave you before you asked it of me, James Stark. Now my wish is that you forgive yourself and allow love to fill your life.”

  James was crying openly. “Yes, Nyx. I will.”

x smiled at Kacie. “Little Ice Cream Shoes.”

  Kacie dimpled. “Merry meet, Goddess!”

  “I see your heart. Know if you decide that is truly your wish I shall allow it. I will add one thing to perhaps help you in your decision—this world does need a prophetess, and you are, indeed, a Prophetess of Nyx, along with your other gifts.”

  I felt a jolt of shock—though it was happy shock.

  Nyx nodded at Aphrodite, who smiled as she curtsied. “Merry meet, Goddess.”

  “Merry meet, Aphrodite from another world. You were wise today. I understand why you have been gifted so greatly.”

  “Well, I tend to mess up, but—like my gift—I also get to try again and again, and I seem to, eventually, get things right.”

  That made the Goddess laugh, and the sound was so fantastical that it made the night shiver around us and the stars blaze in the dark sky above us.

  “Stevie Rae—Rephaim, merry meet.”

  They bowed to the Goddess together, saying, “Merry meet, Nyx!”

  Stevie Rae looked up, grinning. “You look just like our Nyx.”

  The Goddess returned her smile. “That is because we are all really one.” She turned to Rephaim. “And as such I release you from your penance. Spend your long life together creating joy.” She touched Rephaim’s forehead and it blossomed into a fully formed adult vampyre’s tattoo in scarlet—in the shape of a raven’s wings spreading from the crescent.

  “Oh, Goddess! Thank you!” Rephaim fell to his knees before her. With a happy cry, Stevie Rae dropped to his side, laughing and hugging him joyously.

  I had to blink the tears from my eyes so I wouldn’t miss what happened next.

  With Kalona at her side, the Goddess walked to where Emily Wheiler still sat on the ground with Lynette. They both bowed their heads as she approached them.

  “Children, your love for one another did not simply save you, it also saved two worlds. Know that you shall forever be family. Lynette, I task you with helping Emily, who finally found herself today, not to make the same mistakes again.”

  “I gladly and gratefully accept that task, Goddess.”

  “Good. Then you shall need this so that you will not leave her side too soon.” Nyx kissed Lynette’s upturned forehead and the sapphire tattoo of a fully Changed vampyre appeared in the shape of interlocking knots that created hearts.

  “Oh!” Lynette breathed in awe, touching her forehead. She bowed, and in a voice filled with happy tears she said, “Thank you, my Goddess!”

  “Young Emily, welcome back to my service. I look forward to what you shall do this time around with the new gifts you have been given.”

  Emily’s voice was shaky, but she bowed her head and said, “Th-thank you, great Goddess. I will do my best to serve you.”

  Finally, she faced the body of our Neferet. The Goddess sighed sadly. She lifted her hand, and a form raised from Neferet’s body. It had a vague outline of a person, and if I squinted hard, I saw the resemblance to Neferet, though even her spirit was twisted, deformed. “You chose vengeance when you could have chosen to heal. You chose cruelty when you could have chosen mercy. You chose hatred when you could have chosen love. Had you also chosen to remain mortal, you might have been redeemed, but you chose to become immortal, so I must judge you on scale with the gods. I judge you unredeemable.”

  Nyx raised both hands and drew a circle in the air. Within that circle I saw a terrible, unending blackness. “And now you will cease to exist. Begone!” At her command, Neferet’s spirit was sucked into the blackness as it shrieked in anger one last time.

  Nyx turned to us, and there were tears in her eyes. “Remember, my children, you are powerful. Your choices matter. You matter. It is my greatest wish that you choose love, always love. Until we meet again, may you blessed be.”

  Nyx, the Goddess of Night, stepped into Kalona’s arms, and he lifted her into the sky, holding her tightly, lovingly, until they disappeared in a shower of diamond sparks.



  We spent what was left of that night helping Anastasia and her House of Night figure out where to put the several dozen soldiers who were now little boys, and who definitely needed dinner and then bedtime.

  The school’s fledglings helped a lot, but it was Grandma Redbird who swung into high gear and fixed everything—because even High Priestess Anastasia admitted to being out of her range of expertise when it came to human boys who were barely older than toddlers.

  “Of course I will stay and help you set up a nursery,” Grandma said, holding one chubby boy on her lap while another played with her long, silver hair. She sent a smile my way and said, “I find that in this world I am short at least one child, and they shall do my heart good.”

  Anastasia actually went to Grandma and kissed her soundly, which made them both laugh.

  When the little boys were finally asleep, tucked into dorm rooms with fledglings nervously watching over them, I would have been happy to lead my circle in calling the elements and returning to our world—but we were just too damn tired. Instead, I sank into bed beside Stark and fell fast asleep in his arms.

  The next day we met in the dining room just after the sun had set. We’d pulled together several tables and were just finishing breakfast when I stood. My circle went silent and gave me their full attention.

  “I understand if you want to stay for a few days and help Anastasia,” I said with no preamble. “Personally, even though I love being here with Kevin,” I paused to grin at my brother, who returned my smile, “I’m eager to get home and let our people know they don’t have to be afraid anymore. But because of what we’ve all just been through, I wanted you guys to vote on it, and I’ll be fine either way. So, what do you want to do? Stay for a few days, or go home now? Stark?”

  “Home,” he said with no hesitation.


  “Home to my Warrior.”


  “That is up to my High Priestess,” he deferred to Stevie Rae.

  “Okay, Stevie Rae—what’s your vote?”

  “Home, definitely,” she said firmly.


  “You know my vote, Z. Jack’s there, stressing out while he waits for me.”

  “So, another home vote. Ice Cream Shoes?” I asked.

  She was sitting beside James, who—along with my brother—had joined us for breakfast. Kacie cleared her throat and stood. “I don’t get a vote because, with your permission, I would like to stay in this world—permanently. The red fledglings and vampyres over here have no red High Priestess. I want to be here for them.” She looked down and smiled softly at James. “Among other things.” His face flushed pink, but his smile blazed as he took her hand and kissed it. Then her attention returned to me. “Do I have your permission, High Priestess?”

  “You do, but you don’t actually need it. Nyx already gave it to you. And you’re right—they need you here.”

  Stevie Rae wiped tears from her cheeks and said, “You’re gonna make a great High Priestess.”

  “Thanks, mentor. I learned from the best. And I’ll still cast the circle with you guys—I just won’t go through the door with you.”

  “So, it’s unanimous. We leave today for home,” I said.

  Everyone nodded, and I felt the stress between my shoulder blades release. I really wanted to go home. As we finished up and gathered our stuff, Anastasia came into the dining hall.

  “We’ve decided to leave today—pretty much now,” I told her.

  “You know you are welcome to stay as long as you’d like,” she said.

  “Thank you, but we left our Tulsa terrified and wondering whether we’re alive or dead—not to mention whether Batshit was going to show up and eat everyone.”

  Anastasia nodded. “I can see how you would need to get home and a
ssuage fears. But I think it would be a happy thing if we remained in touch.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, and my friends fell silent around me.

  “Well, you had the elements open the veil between worlds—and you’ll do that again in just a few minutes. Why not plan on visiting once or twice a year?”

  “That would be cool!” said Kevin.

  “Do you think it’d be okay? I mean, with the universe or whatnot?” I asked.

  Damien spoke up. “I believe if it would cause a problem, Nyx would have forbidden it yesterday when she was here.”

  I grinned at my brother. “I believe he’s right!”

  “As usual,” agreed Kevin.

  “Wanta make a date?” I asked my brother.

  “How about my birthday?”

  “August second it is,” I said.

  “And don’t forget a present.”

  We all laughed and talked animatedly as we meandered from the dining hall and made our way out to the rear grounds. The school had already begun to transform. Little boys ran down the halls with fledglings chasing them as they giggled delightedly.

  Anastasia sighed and then whispered to me, “Are you quite sure you don’t want to take some of them with you?”

  I laughed. “No way! Nyx gave them to you! But I am leaving you with your first red vampyre High Priestess, who also happens to be a budding Prophetess of Nyx.”

  Anastasia’s eyes widened. “Ice Cream Shoes? Well, that’s lovely. She is most welcome here.”

  Kevin’s phone bleeped with a text, and then he was at my shoulder. “Hey, Z, would you come with me for a sec?”

  “I’ll meet you guys out by the tree,” I said, and then followed my brother toward the foyer. “What’s up?”

  “Don’t be mad, ’kay?”

  “Huh? What do you—” We turned to our left into the foyer and the guy who was standing there looking out the front window turned. The breath left my body as I staggered to a stop. “Heath?” His smile was unmistakable. “Heath!” I shouted and took off, running to him as my brother went out the back door, leaving us alone. Heath caught me as I sailed into his arms, hugging me as I clung to him while we laughed and cried together.


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