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The Iron Room

Page 11

by Sarah Himebauch


  I crumpled the paper, shoved it in my pocket, and started towards the school.

  “Mark!” My sister yelled my name, but there was no talking any sense to me right now. If Johnny was trying to start a war, he just did.

  “I’m going to take care of it, Amy!”

  I stomped into the school, sweeping the halls for Johnny, but alas no sign of him or anyone for that matter. Third period started, and I knew he was in Band, so I hoped this was the period he took it.

  Heading over to the band room, I made sure to watch out for any teachers, or worse, Sheriff Johnson. I didn’t need to get a late pass, not right now.

  Finally, I reached the room, and peered through the glass. He was sitting in the back room, looking gaunt as usual. He appeared to be slacking off as he was one of only students to not be actively practicing.


  I opened the door, and peered my head in. I pulled a blank white piece of paper out of my backpack and waved it loosely in the air at the teacher.

  “Sheriff Johnson wants to speak with Johnny Antin.”

  Mr. Gordon looked at the obviously fake note, at Johnny, and at me.

  “And he sent you?”

  “I was just in there.” I tried my best at creating a sad face, so Mr. Gordon would believe that this was nothing more than pure honesty.

  My luck seemed to be turning around because he gestured for Johnny to get his things. Johnny eyed me suspiciously, and I realized he probably knew something wasn’t right, but he chose to get up anyways.

  Why was everyone in this school so damn nosy?

  This kid was so incredibly lucky that my parents issued a “no more kidnapping” ultimatum, and that we only took girls. But his luck could always change. After all, I was the “wild card” in my family.

  We got into the hallway and walked in silence for a moment, before I pulled him into the boy’s bathroom.

  “Hey man, what is going on?”

  I shoved him against the wall and grabbed him by the throat.

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on. You’re going to keep your nosy ass mouth shut about those text messages. I didn’t see Katie that night. She never showed. If you start spreading rumors, not only will it create problems for me, but it will create them for you.”

  “Ah. I see your sister came running to her brother with my findings. I’m guessing that means you guys actually do have something to lose from this leaking. Would hate for that to happen…”

  “You’re lucky I don’t kill you right here, right now. Keep your mouth shut.”

  I released him and headed out of the bathroom. I went straight to the office and spun some crap story about how my stomach was upset and I was in the bathroom, so I needed a pass for class. The secretary bought that, and I strongly considered nominating myself for best liar, because I was getting good.

  I went to my class just in time to hear the History teacher drone on and on about The Declaration of Independence.

  Should I be taking notes? Nah.

  My thoughts of my girls at home took over. I really did have a good group. Perfect, untouched. Kim wouldn’t have been my first choice, but I have never been one to complain. Nevertheless, they weren’t only mine.

  I did worry about Katie. I was angry, sure, but my sisters and my parents had a whole new level of vengeance that they would without a doubt take out on her first. Due to my parent’s new rule of pairs down there only, I hoped whoever I went with could curb their anger when it came to her.

  I still love you, Katie.

  The bell rang, and it was finally time for lunch. I was starving. All this plotting, threatening, and scheming had taken a toll on my stomach and I was the first person in line to get the weekly bowl of Chili Mac.

  I was just about to tuck in when Sheriff Johnson came up behind me, with no other than Johnny Antin trailing behind.

  In the Sheriff’s hand was a paper, that I had no doubt was a second copy of Katie’s phone records.

  “Come with me son, and we can clear this up quick.”



  I sat, sulking, all morning. I was in a rut. How would I ever get out of this god forsaken place?

  Cameras. They have fucking cameras in here! I don’t know if they are for surveillance, or so these sick bastards can rewatch what they did to us on a constant loop. At this point, I had zero understanding of this family.

  I knew Amy was a pointless person, and that Mark was willing to sacrifice his family’s trust to help me. Granted, he did so as a way for us to be together and that was not a possibility in any way shape or form.

  Maybe I could do a convincing job of allowing him to believe that fantasy he orchestrated, even for a moment.

  Maybe Mark was still my ticket out of here…

  They may have cameras… but if I was able to get out for even a second, then I would be able to get through the forest. So, I needed a precise plan that would allow me to be freed, and Mark was the safest bet. Seeing the way that he treated me, the way he reacted when I agreed to be with him, it was clear…I had him wrapped around my finger. I knew he hadn’t written me off completely even after I attacked him.

  The odd thing about Mark was that he came off as a ticking time bomb. He seems to have followed his worst instincts, which have in turn been fueled by his family, and now struggles to find a balance between his needs and those of his family.

  The familiar noise of doors unlocking filled me with absolute panic. While I had thought I had a good strategy of getting out of here, I was only digging my own grave. I severed the friendship with Amy, and that was for two reasons. One, I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her which thanks to the place that she has me in, is impossible.

  Thanks to these damn chains.

  Two, I am so disgusted with the person she is that I truly want nothing to do with her ever again. I wouldn’t pretend to like her even if it was my ticket out. I rather die down here or take my chances with her creepy brother.

  So, who was the torturer today?

  Imagine my surprise to see both Sharon and Paul walk in. The parents are feeling vengeful today. They didn’t even look my direction but walked straight over to Kim. Sharon delivered a punch before Kim was able to even process what was happening.

  While Sharon continued a beat down of Kim, Paul yanked off her top and threw it across the room. Kim was left in nothing but her bra and pants.

  Paul moved on to Tara, and repeated the same shirt removing process. He never lay a hand on her physically, which I found out. I was carefully observing the way each of them operated. Paul seemed to only be interested in sexualizing the girls, while Sharon went full blown nutzo.

  Sharon let off Kim, and walked up to Tara, grabbed her head, and kneed her right in the face.

  Jesus. What the hell was wrong with these people?!

  Tara was still luckier off than Kim, who was now dripping blood from her face onto her pants. My heart twisted in my chest, and I felt my stomach doing somersaults. I was never one who was able to watch people fight, because I hated watching others get hurt physically. To go from that, to now watching women get beaten daily was too much for me to bear.

  The absolute lack of respect for basic human life, and the enjoyment in inflicting pain on others was this family’s vice. It was immoral, inhumane, and made me feel a type of rage that I didn’t ever feel I was capable of until now.

  Paul had retreated to the corner of the room, simply watching. After ripping Tara’s shirt, he decided to silently observe rather than move on to me. Thank god.

  This couldn’t last long. They hated me too much to simply let me skate by. I knew it would come at any time if not being worse than the other girls received. Of course, mine would be personal. I attacked two of their children, and I had a gut-wrenching feeling they were starting to believe I was more trouble than I was worth.

  Sharon turned to me, and beelined straight over.

  This was it. You can take

  The blow she delivered to my head sent a ringing through my ears. It was a splitting pain throughout my head, but I knew better than to show she hurt me. She wouldn’t break me. This family wouldn’t break me.

  “Does that hurt Katie?”

  I didn’t answer Sharon but decided to go out on a limb and engage her in a stare. I wanted her to know I was standing my ground, and wasn’t afraid of her but on the inside, I was shaking like a leaf. This family had no bounds and were capable of murder. I had seen it.

  “How about this?”

  Sharon took that opportunity to step right on my clearly broken ankle. The pain was excruciating, and I couldn’t help myself from howling in pain. The scream seemed to satisfy her deepest cravings and her and Paul began to head back. Paul tossed the girls’ shirts back to them so they could put them back on, but Kim instead used it to clean up her bleeding face.

  How anyone could receive satisfaction after doing something like this to young innocent people blew my fucking mind. When I got out of here, I needed to include the other two girls in here as well. I was terrified that if I was able to escape again, Sharon would retaliate by killing both Kim and Tara and I couldn’t be responsible for that.

  I needed to save them too.

  Sharon headed up the stairs, and Paul turned around to face me. He didn’t say anything but rather mouthed the words, “Good job.”

  For what? Letting your psycho wife obliterate my ankle?

  Probably. Paul was full of alternate meanings and I didn’t have the time or the energy to try and decipher it.

  This ankle would be a surefire problem if I were to escape. I knew I would be able to put zero pressure on it. Maybe that’s what Sharon’s plan was. Break me enough that I have no chance of making it out of this room on my own accord.

  My ankle was throbbing out of control. I was so distracted by the pain that I didn’t hear what Kim was saying to me. Everything was being made to background noise. You ever hear those stories of people blacking out because they are in so much pain? I would actually opt for that right now.

  “Did you hear me Katie?”

  “I’m sorry Kim, what?”

  “I said we need to get out of here.”

  “I know. I have a plan.” I had finally decided on my safest bet out of here. I couldn’t take any more of this mentally, and physically draining hell hole. The Iron Room was draining the life and the fight out of me.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to seduce Mark.”



  I felt myself begin to panic. Then it turned to anger. I was seriously going to kill Johnny. Where he got off thinking he had the upper hand blew my mind. I had the ultimate upper hand. I knew where the girls where, whereas him and everyone else in this lame town were chasing their tail in circles.

  Useless, pointless people.

  Sheriff Johnson was the only redeemable guy in Prairie. He was really laid back, and he seemed to genuinely care about everyone here while everybody else was simply pretending. This wasn’t some close-knit town like everyone thought.

  If it was, why didn’t anyone offer to drive Anna home when she was stumbling drunk in the street? Why did they leave her to her own demise? I was the one who extended the kindness despite her spitting in my face every chance she got.

  I was a nice guy, turned sour from the treatment of these shitty townspeople.

  Prairie had never had a scandal like this before, ever. These people welcomed it. They didn’t really care about the welfare of Anna, Tara, and all the others. It was all a façade. They simply needed some fresh gossip, and this was the talk of the century. It was all thanks to me.

  Johnny was screwing with not only me, but my family. And that was dangerous.

  He’s done.

  “I’m sorry Sheriff. I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  “Well, Johnny here and I ran into each other as he came out of the bathroom. He said you attacked him. Is that true?”

  I looked over at Johnny, who looked smug. An idea came to mind.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I’m sorry?” Sheriff Johnson was clearly caught off guard, not expecting me to own up to it.

  “I did it. But only because he tried to grope Amy.”

  Johnny’s mouth dropped open, and I felt satisfaction bloom.

  Yeah, I can play dirty too, bastard.

  “Is that true, Johnny?”

  Johnny opened his mouth to protest but was interrupted by Amy.

  “It’s true, Sheriff. I was so upset that I came to Mark, and he flipped out.” Amy was leaning against the open office door.

  “They’re lying, Sheriff!” Johnny began to stammer apologies, and I knew we had him. Sheriff was already closer with Amy and I due to our tight family friendship. Two of us attesting to the same story was sure to dispute any bullshit that came out of Johnny’s mouth now.

  “I think I have heard enough. I will be informing the principal of this.” He began filling out the paper he had in his hand. I realized then that it was a report form that the principal used. It wasn’t the text messages. Johnny hadn’t gotten to that. And he never would.

  Sheriff Johnson dismissed all of us but held Johnny back so they could wait for the principal to figure out a punishment or course of action.

  “What the hell dude? You can’t go around assaulting people!” Amy shoved me.

  “I told you I would take care of it, didn’t I?”

  I didn’t want to listen to her anymore. It hurt because all this commotion surrounding Katie’s arrest was really tearing up my relationship with my sister. We had always been close, but that can easily falter especially when you feel like you are constantly being ostracized for your mistakes.

  Lately my entire family had been ripping me apart. People make mistakes. I always had the best intent through everything I did, and it was never enough for them. I was never smart enough, never mean enough, never calculated enough to satisfy my family, but more importantly Amy. I was tired of being treated like a liability and especially like a disappointment.

  If it wouldn’t hurt me in the process, I had half a mind to stop trying to fix everything. That would teach them. It would teach them just how much I do for them, and I would finally get the damn appreciation I desperately deserved.

  I stalked off, unwilling to listen to Amy anymore, and needing to get to my class.

  The rest of the school day dragged on by, and I was so excited to just go home, and let my worries drip away. Strangely enough, I felt an urge to see Katie. Rules were rules, and my mom had been extremely clear about them. Pairs only. I was the untrustworthy one, the “wild card”.

  I didn’t care. I needed to see her. She made me feel better.

  Katie was the love of my life.

  “Ready to go home?”


  I didn’t say anything but unlocked the door and climbed in the car. Amy followed suit.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I could tell Amy felt bad about earlier, but quite frankly, I didn’t give a single shit. If she wanted someone to criticize, she could look in the mirror.

  “To you? No, I’m not in the mood to feel fucking useless.”

  “Mark, I never want you to feel that way!”

  “What end result do you think stems from constant judgement from you and our parents? I can never do anything right. I’m always screwing up, at least in your eyes. I would rather be an “idiot” than a cold-hearted bitch like you.”

  She slapped me across the face, and I swerved the car slightly to the left.

  “Don’t do that when I’m driving! What are you, crazy? Oh yeah, you are.”

  “Turning on me Mark? We’re family.” Amy crossed her arms over her chest. She was such a hypocrite. We were only family when it was convenient.

  “Act like it then.”

  The rest of the car ride was silent, and it gave way for me to drown in my thoughts. I felt so conflicted. I loved K
atie. She made me want to be good, but I wasn’t. The truth is, I was similar to the rest of my family when I say that I loved watching those girls suffer. They deserved it. They were mean, nosy, and worthless. Katie was different.

  She didn’t deserve to be there. To wake up every day knowing she wasn’t out there walking free, broke my heart. A heart I didn’t know I had.

  She didn’t love me though. She hated me… so much so that she smashed a rock over the back of my skull. I knew that deep down she cared about me. This place we kept her in, the Iron Room, it messed with her mind. It was made to. I knew that given the chance, she and I could really be great.

  My mind drifted to Katie’s dad, Sheriff Johnson.

  He looked in real bad shape.

  The bags under his eyes were deep and purple, as if he hadn’t slept in weeks, but it hadn’t been that long since Katie had gone missing. His eyes were bloodshot, and his hair messy and uncombed. I felt bad for him. I knew how bad it felt to lose Katie. Him and I were in the same boat, really.

  I’ll get her out for both of us, don’t worry.

  I would see Katie tonight if it was the last thing I did.

  I parked the car after George waved me in. He had this smirk plastered across his face ever since he caught Katie.


  I would have to figure out ways around George from now on. He was my parent’s new lapdog.

  Amy got out and slammed the door, heading inside without another word. Her hair blew in the wind, and I could clearly see a bruise from where Katie had hit her, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “What’s funny?” Amy turned around.


  I locked up my car, as Amy continued her stomp into the foyer. She was a drama queen.

  My parents were already home, as evident by their parked cars in the driveway. My mom was dressed in pearls and a fancy dress as if that somehow hid the fact that she tortured girls.

  Appearances aren’t everything, and I see right through you.

  I saw through all of them, and I felt free for the first time in a long time. I would no longer be under their thumb. I would make my own decisions. I took Katie, and I could sure as hell release her. I didn’t need to ask for their permission or forgiveness.


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