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The Rebound (One Night Stand Series Book 2)

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by Toni J Strawn

  I’d been fooling myself, thinking I had escaped the confines of my past life. In fact, meeting Cole had doomed me to sit between two worlds—and I didn’t fit into either. I was no longer the pampered princess who barely contributed to society, but it was obvious I didn’t belong in Jess and Cole’s world either. I wasn’t real enough. And I still had ghosts in my past that needed to be exorcised.

  “What would you know?” Bitterness nipped at the back of my tongue. Cole would never understand. It was easy for him to lie here and judge me. He had his sister who cared about him. No one expected his every action to be about making the family look better. He was loved for who he was.

  “I know more than you could ever guess, but I was hoping you were different.” The bed dipped and shifted as Cole got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

  The shower hissed and I lowered my head to my hands. Even if I wanted to change my life, I couldn’t. I’d made a promise to my mother that I wouldn’t jeopardize the life she had. Despite her tough exterior, she was fragile underneath, and I didn’t want her back on that knife-edge, where she’d claimed she would rather not exist at all than live in squalor and poverty. There had been times when I had come home from school, terrified of what I might find…

  Sharing myself with Cole had only complicated things. I’d wanted the opportunity to reignite the spark of desire that tripped into flame whenever he was near. But instead of being able to let my guard down and enjoy a morning of sensual pleasure, I had never felt more alone.

  Worse still? I couldn’t find it in myself to regret one moment of it. Why else had I clung to the dream of being in Cole’s arms, knowing full well it’d been anchored in delicious reality? Cole might not like who he thought I was, but for those times he treated me as someone to be adored, I wouldn’t change a thing.

  He barely glanced up when he came out of the bathroom. I put on my robe, sifting through my closet for the day’s outfit, while he moved around with practiced economy. Packing his bag.


  When he finally did turn to look at me, heat flared between us for a moment, then cooled as his stare settled on my face.

  Needles of ice danced down my spine and I opened my mouth, wanting to say something—anything—to dispel the distance that had sprung between us. Need must have shown in my face, because even as his remote demeanor tore me to shreds, his hard expression faltered. Softened.

  He gathered me roughly in his arms and kissed me hard, fast. “Look after Jess,” he said, letting me go just as abruptly as he’d grabbed me up.

  “Will you come back here?” I couldn’t stop from asking.

  We both knew I meant more than just coming back to Wellsford. Back in my bed…in my life?

  God, if my mother could see me now—practically groveling at the feet of someone like Cole Langford.

  “I don’t know.” His voice was raw. He stopped mid-turn to give me one last look.

  Then he left.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “How’s Madison?” I lasted two full days until I had to ask.

  “Why don’t you talk to her yourself?” Jess retorted.

  The sharpness in her voice brought me back to the real reason for my call. It was physiotherapy day—never a good day in Jess’s book. Today, she was even more out of sorts.

  I tightened my grip on the phone. “Everything okay?” I fought to squash the spurt of panic. Anger generally meant pain for Jess. I’d thought she’d been going well, but she had been so secretive lately…

  Her short laugh nudged my unease up another notch. “If you call being surrounded by a bunch of douche therapists okay.” I heard a thud as if she’d kicked something and winced at the thought of all the expensive items in Madison’s apartment.

  “So, just the usual?” I fought to keep my voice light.

  “Yes,” Jess replied, sounding much more like the sullen sister I knew and loved.

  I breathed out a silent sigh of relief. She didn’t like going to physio. And who could blame her. It hurt. I got that. Better Jess take it out on me than someone else, like Madison.

  “And Madison?” I asked again. “She’s okay?”

  “What, you want to know about all the guys she’s seeing while you’re away?” The imp came back into Jess’s voice.

  I closed my eyes against the ragged surge of jealousy. She was ribbing me. Right? Finger by finger, I loosened my death grip on the phone. And felt a momentary pang of guilt. I should be more interested in Jess’s welfare from Madison’s point of view, not the other way around. Except I wasn’t ready to talk to Madison yet. I was still angry she didn’t trust me to take care of her, that she had to lie to her mother.

  I wasn’t that much of an asshole I didn’t understand why she was doing it, and I felt shit about the way things had ended.

  Silence stretched all the way down the phone line. “You like her, don’t you?” Jess ventured.

  “No.” The word shot out quickly, but the full fire of my denial was missing. I rubbed a hand through my hair. “It’s not that simple, Jess. Madison is…she’s…” I sought for the words to describe her.

  Privileged. Impractical. Naïve.

  “Beautiful. Elegant. Kind.” Jess chipped in with all the words I refused to acknowledge. Not when it came to Madison. “She’s perfect, like a freakin’ cake decoration.” Jess’s voice softened. “You deserve someone like that.”

  I bit back a harsh laugh. She thought I was scared to be with Madison because I wasn’t good enough? Madison moved in circles I had nothing but derision for—circles frequented by Russell Langford, the uncle who’d ripped away my chance at a better future. Had ruthlessly ripped my sister’s future from her too.

  No. Jess had it wrong.

  I had nothing to prove to Madison. She had everything to prove to me. And Jess.

  I wanted to explain all this to Jess, but had to bite my tongue. I didn’t intend for Jess to find out why I’d been expelled from the prestigious school my uncle had sent me to. How I’d been forced to take the rap for drugs found in Thomas Langford’s locker. “It’s for the good of the family.” That was what Russell had said, while Thomas stood by and watched it all happen.

  I had tried to fight the expulsion, but when I’d protested my innocence, Russell had been quick to remind me who had paid for me to attend the school. He’d called in the debt and there was nothing I could do about it.

  “Life isn’t always fair,” Russell had explained at the time. “But if you’ve got money, you’ve got power…do you have any money, boy?”

  I could still see the ugly, twisted smile on my uncle’s face when I’d been humiliated, marched out of school, sent home to the wrong side of town—my side of town—without a second chance. I had told my mother I’d changed my mind about the school. That I didn’t fit there. She’d loved me enough to never question my story.

  Marcus had stood by me, just like he had through all of the bullying, the name-calling…being shunned as trailer-trash. When I left school, my misery ended. Marcus had been left to finish alone and he carried scars just as brutal as mine.

  “When are you back in town?”

  I refocused as Jess cut through my bitter thoughts and almost laughed. The last six months I’d chased after my sister, trying everything to get her to include me in her life. Now she thought she had something on me—Madison—and all of a sudden I was chocolate flavored.

  “Tomorrow.” I tamped down the flare of excitement at the thought of seeing Madison again. Thank God Jess couldn’t see me in all my pining glory. “Something’s come up with the building site, so I’ll be spending a lot more time in Wellsford. For a while at least.”

  “Something came up? Mmm-hmm.” Jess hummed out her suspicion.

  “Actually, it has,” I said, dragging my thoughts back to business. Marcus had phoned earlier to voice his concerns over a shell company causing trouble for my mall development. I hoped to sort it quickly. But not too quickly. I wanted time in my
temporary lodgings, getting to know my new roommate.

  “Anything I can do?” Jess offered, concern pricking at her voice.

  “Just look after yourself, do your exercises and give me one less thing to worry about.”

  There was a sizeable pause. “I don’t need you to babysit me, Cole.” Her tone took on an arctic chill. “I’m old enough to vote, you know. And drink.”

  I ignored her barbed response. All I wanted was for Jess to concentrate on building up strength in her leg. The rest I could take care of. “Suck it up, little sis,” I teased lightly. “This is who I am and I’m all you’ve got.”

  “I’m all you’ve got too.” Jess huffed in my ear. “You might want to remember that.”

  She hung up, leaving me to frown at my phone. As if I didn’t think about that every day. With an effort I shrugged off her comment. I didn’t have time for Jess’s tanties now. Despite my sister thinking I spent all my time checking up on her, I did actually have a bloody big deal hanging in the wind. And according to Marcus, someone might be about to kick up a shit-storm of trouble.

  I called him next for an update.

  “Have you found out anything else about the consent?”

  “It should’ve passed easily,” Marcus answered tightly. “There’s nothing standing in the way, except it looks like someone is about to lodge a claim of historical significance on your site.”

  I closed my eyes and groaned. Marcus didn’t need to explain how bad this might be. Even if the claim wasn’t upheld, no construction work could be started until it was fully investigated. Which could take months. Years, even.

  “Who lodged it?” Three years I’d put into this project. Three years and nearly every single penny I owned. This couldn’t be happening. Not now.

  “Salamond Holdings.” The tightness in Marcus’s voice only increased my apprehension.


  “And I can’t find out a damn thing about them,” my friend said grimly.

  This was worse than I’d expected. Marcus was a big player in the market and if he couldn’t dig up details, this business really didn’t want to be found.

  Which made it all the more suspicious.

  “Keep searching,” I urged. “I’m heading to Wellsford now. I want to personally break the balls of whoever’s trying to shaft me.”

  And I had bad vibes about who that might be. If Marcus didn’t find anything soon, I fully intended to rattle the family tree and see who toppled from the branches.

  This was why I was right to be wary of Madison, to not let myself get sucked in. She had lain with the enemy a long time, chameleons who presented one perfect side to the world, while hiding their blackened hearts behind white, toothy smiles. I could never trust them. Not ever.

  Oh, I’d still enjoy seeing Madison. I was too much of a realist to fool myself into thinking I didn’t want her. But I would remember who she was. What she could be. And I remain vigilant. For me and for Jess.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When Cole showed up at the apartment again, I couldn’t quell the excitement dancing in my belly. Had that lock of hair always tumbled over his brow like that? How had I forgotten the smolder in the depths of his eyes? They were the purest blue, like being lost in the heart of an iceberg.

  Thank goodness Jess was out for the day so she wasn’t around to witness my tongue roll out as I panted after her big brother. Yes. There was no point denying I would spend time in Cole’s bed if he asked.

  And beg if he didn’t.

  “How’s Jess?” Cole barely looked my way as he threw his keys on the counter and leaned his delectable ass on a stool.

  I sank onto the couch, disappointment nipping at my chest as I shoved back any hopes of picking up where we’d left off.

  Naked. Needing. Naughty.

  “Ah. Good. Better than good.” I smiled brightly, forcing cheer into my voice. “Jess is great, isn’t she?” It had been a refreshing change for me to spend time with someone so unaware of their beauty, both inside and out. In fact, I felt bad Cole paid me to have her here.

  “Yeah, I can imagine you don’t come across people like her often,” Cole said dryly. He cocked his head. “She seems happy enough.”

  I shrugged, tamping back my irritation. “Prada shoes and silk dresses will do that to a girl.”

  Cole scowled. “Jess isn’t like that.”

  She’s not like you.

  He didn’t need to add the unspoken words. They were right there in his voice.

  But his eyes told a different story. Desire. Confusion. Guilt. He didn’t want to feel like this. To want me. The knowledge stung, then faded as he crossed the room and sank down in front of me. He cupped my face, saying nothing, just pressing his forehead to mine.

  “I’m sorry,” he breathed.

  His apology prompted me to make the first move. Truth was, I didn’t want to want him either. But I did. And it seemed stupid to deny it.

  I tilted my head to press my lips to his and unleashed the power behind the dam. With a growl, Cole lunged forward to return my kiss, his tongue flicking out to lick along the seam of my lips, catching me off-guard. I gasped and he took advantage, sucking on my bottom lip, biting down. My gaze flew to his and he pulled back, leaving me even more confused.

  A smile teased his mouth, his eyes filled with desire. Only desire. “Perhaps I should make you happy?” he suggested with a devilish grin. “Would you like me to make you happy, Madison?” He smudged a thumb across my cheek, following the line of my jaw, caressing the shell of my ear.

  I swallowed, trying to coat my tongue with enough moisture to speak.

  “Y-yes.” I nodded in answer to his challenge. Excitement caught at my breath, my skin tightening in expectation.

  I wanted something real…

  And from the lust filled expression on Cole’s face, things were about to get very real.

  Exhilaration lit a fuse through my veins. He jumped up, pulling me with him as he rose. The momentum carried me until I was wrapped in his arms. He didn’t stop there. A quick twist and he’d yanked me up, carrying me into the bedroom just as he had the last time we’d ended up in bed. Except this time there wasn’t any protest, I was with Cole every step of the way.

  I pressed my lips to his throat, his cheek, his jawline, any sliver of skin I could reach as we fell onto the bed. He rolled so I ended up sprawled on top of him.

  “Take it off. All of it. I want to see every inch of you.” He pushed at the hem of my shirt while grappling with his own T-shirt.

  Within moments nothing lay between us but skin. He hadn’t even touched me and I was panting, hot and wet and ready. The last of my fractured thoughts melted away as his lips found mine and he thrust his dancing tongue inside, demanding. I braced myself against his shoulder, my hand curling about his face as our tongues skipped back and forth. Tasting, stroking, giving, until I had to break free, gasping for air.

  My hair swung to settle against his chest as I rose to my knees, straddling his thighs. Blood thundered through my veins, pulsing with the throb of desire.

  “What are you going to do now?” Cole’s breath quickened and I felt his muscles bunch beneath me, anticipating my touch.

  I wasn’t good at playing games. Not with Cole. But I would try. An exaggerated shrug lifted my breasts closer to his mouth, dusky pink nipples hardening into two inviting nubs which lay just out of his reach. Cole let out a groan, his hands tightening on my waist.

  I was in control. The surge of power set a fire in my belly, melting my insides, my confidence pulsing in tempo to my throbbing clit. His expression told me how much he was enjoying it—that like me, the moment was only filled with two things. Me and Cole.

  I smiled invitingly, edging my hips back until my breasts brushed his chest. My nipples were tight and achy, the sensation a delicious sting of pleasure that raced through me. The urge to crush myself to him and rub myself against him was overpowering, but I stopped just shy of touchin
g. I dropped down further, leaving a trail of pebbled skin across his stomach.

  All the time I kept my stare locked on the smoldering blue of his eyes. Nothing short of hypnotizing. I sank lower still, my nipples brushing against the smattering of hair trailing down to his navel. I dug my teeth into my bottom lip, my body so touch-sensitive I imagined I could feel each individual hair flicking against me. Just before I reached his cock, I wound my way back up his torso, intending to start again. Only my mouth would follow the path this time. I wet my lips, drunk on the rush of power sweeping through me.

  Cole saw me as confident. Capable. All the things I wanted to be. A strong, self-possessed, sexy, woman—everything I wasn’t.

  Even if it was a lie, I loved the fact Cole allowed me to pretend.

  “Let me.” I drew back on my knees and cupped my breasts. He grumbled when I pulled away, but breath hissed between his teeth as I squeezed my breasts together, rolling and tweaking on my nipples.

  My head fell back as each tug sent an arrow of heat straight to my pussy. Cole made another half-hearted attempt to grab at me, but his focus was more on what I was doing and he relinquished me easily when I wriggled out of his hold.

  “Careful, you don’t want me to bite,” I warned.

  His eyes fell to half-mast. “Maybe I do,” he teased, his voice a tangle of anticipation and desperation.

  His words had shivers of dark desire flaring along my spine. I bared my teeth and lowered my head to nibble at his chest, grazing at his nipples. He tensed, cock jumping to attention against my belly. Gravelly sounds rose from his throat, a low hum against my mouth.

  I ignored the throb of my sex, urging me to grind against his thigh, impale myself on the thick, male hardness just out of reach. Instead, I painstakingly inched down his body, following the scatter of hair with open-mouth kisses, just like I’d planned. I dipped to taste his navel, his skin like a sweet, spicy explosion in my mouth. My nipples grazed his cock, his velvet hardness brushing my peaks, tingles of warmth blooming between my thighs. Cole groaned and I did it again, licking and kissing at his belly.


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