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Spirit (Legend of the Dragons Book 1)

Page 19

by Denelle Elison

  “I wouldn’t put it past her,” Liam laughed.

  Atira scraped some food from her plate and tossed it at Liam. “I would never do that. Not even to Enielle.”

  “Who is this Enielle?” Ahnna asked, eyeing the two of them.

  “A woman who doesn’t know how to keep her nose to herself,” Desmond said, walking in and sitting at his place.

  Everybody stopped.

  “What are you doing here?” Liam asked.

  “I have to eat also,” Desmond said, waiting patiently for his food.

  Liam nodded. “Yes. But you usually have your food brought to your room.”

  Desmond blinked slowly and looked at Atira, who was glaring down at her plate. “Usually. However, someone decided to have my room redecorated and I’m finding it hard to relax.”

  Atira stood abruptly and slammed her plate down in front of Desmond. “You can have the rest of mine! I’m no longer hungry.” She turned and left without another word.

  Desmond looked down at the plate and then caught Briahnna glaring at him. “Well, Princess,” he said, “aren’t you going to go after her?” He gestured to the door.

  “Unlike Her Highness, I have a rather large appetite this morning, and I am still hungry,” Briahnna said, reaching for Atira’s plate and sliding it in front of her.

  Briahnna looked up and saw Desmond staring at her with an incredulous look on his face. Then she looked at Liam who had a large grin on his face. She began eating again like nothing was amiss. But really, she was mortified. She had to start thinking before she acted.

  She heard Desmond clear his throat. “Is that my shirt?”

  Briahnna paused for half a second and then shoveled the rest of the food into her mouth. She finished Atira’s plate in a few large bites, gulped down her drink, and stood. “I think I’ll attend to the princess now,” she said, bowing slightly and rushing out of the dining hall. In her wake she heard, “and my trousers?” With that she sped up without a backward glance.

  . . .

  Desmond struggled back to his room after he ate. He had been out more in these past few days than he had in the last three months. His body was screaming at him.

  “You went to the dining hall this morning?”

  “Brinson!” Desmond started. “You startled me.”

  Brinson was observing the pull-up bars and equipment strewn haphazardly throughout the room. “She is rather beautiful isn’t she?”

  “What are you babbling about, Healer?” Desmond laughed.

  “I heard word of Princess Atira’s new lady’s maid,” Brinson said, scrutinizing Desmond with his ever-watchful eye. “Beauty not of this world. Eyes chiseled out of emeralds. I went to see for myself.”

  Desmond let his breath out through his teeth. “My room is full of junk. I thought it would be nice to eat with my sister.”

  “Who happened to have her lady’s maid with her?”

  “What are you looking at?” Desmond asked, exasperated.

  “It’s a good idea,” Brinson answered, with a gesture toward the equipment.

  Desmond shook his head. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  Brinson picked a weight up off the floor and handed it to Desmond. “Start with this.” He turned to walk out of the room and stopped. “Don’t forget to drink your herbs.”

  . . .

  “What time do your tutors arrive?” Briahnna asked Atira. She was attempting to style Atira’s hair. She had watched Gabriela do her own so many times that she was sure it couldn’t be that difficult. Yet here she was, combing it down one more time in an attempt to braid a single braid around Atira’s lose hair. Maybe she should just comb it and be done. Once Atira’s tutors arrived, Briahnna was going to visit the fields to see how Gabriela and her mother were holding up. Maybe she could try to sneak some food down to them.

  Atira looked at Briahnna strangely. “Did you just say tutors?”

  Briahnna stopped combing Atira’s hair. “Yes. Don’t you have tutors come to school you?” she asked.

  “Tutors are people who come to teach you in your own home right?” Atira asked.


  Atira scrunched her eyes at Briahnna. “Didn’t Desmond bring you in from the fields?”

  “Yes,” Briahnna answered, unsure as to where this was going.

  “Why would you think that people come and teach me here?” Atira asked her. “I’ve always gone to the school with everyone else.”

  “Oh,” Briahnna said.

  “How long were you in the fields?” Atira asked her.

  “About a month,” Briahnna answered playing with the comb in her hand.

  “Oh,” said Atira. “That would explain it. I stopped going to school about six months ago.”

  “What?” Briahnna exclaimed. “What have you been doing? Why haven’t you gone?”

  Atira shrugged. “A lot of my friends were being pulled out to work, and I don’t really like school anyway. If I’m not going to have anyone there that I like, I’m not going to go. It’s not like anybody could force me. My father and brother have been gone for over a year.”

  “You’re willing to go now?” Briahnna asked.

  “I heard that Desmond returned to the fields and set things right,” Atira said. “I assume that means my friends will be back. And we made a deal. Right?”

  “Yes we did,” Briahnna said, smiling into the mirror at Atira. “Thank you for keeping your end of it.”

  Atira’s eyes lit up. “We had fun this morning, didn’t we?”

  Briahnna scrunched her face slightly. “I guess you could call that fun.” She laughed. “I couldn’t really do anything. I’m not very strong.”

  Atira turned around and grabbed Briahnna’s hand. “Yeah, but you’ll get stronger. It will get easier. And soon you and I can start having pull-up contests,” she said brightly. “We should go back this evening.”

  Briahnna shook her head. “Princess Atira, you’re going to kill me. Let’s just stick with mornings for this week. Then perhaps next week we can go in the evenings as well.”

  “It’s a deal,” said Atira. “And just call me Atira.”

  After they finished getting Atira ready, Briahnna and Atira exited her room.

  “Princess Atira!”

  Briahnna turned slightly to see who had called Atira’s name but Atira grabbed her hand and pulled her quickly around a corner.

  “Hurry!” Atira said picking up her pace. “If we can disappear, maybe she’ll think that we just didn’t hear her.”


  Briahnna made Atira stop. Atira groaned and turned around. “You’re losing points fast Ahnna. I’m not sure I can forgive you for this.”

  Briahnna rolled her eyes and focused on the figure hurrying toward them.

  “Hello, Enielle,” Atira said, grudgingly.

  Enielle giggled a chime. “Oh, Princess Atira. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were unhappy to see me.”

  “Then you obviously don’t know any better,” Atira said under her breath.

  “Who is this?” Enielle asked, pretending that she hadn’t heard Atira.

  Atira looked up at Briahnna for half a second then grinned widely at Enielle. “This is Ahnna. My brother is looking for a bride and brought her here to court her.”

  Enielle’s eyes widened considerably, and Briahnna coughed hysterically.

  “No!” Briahnna exclaimed. “Atira! What are you thinking? No, no, no.” Briahnna waved her hand around and glared down at Atira. She looked at Enielle whose hands had landed on her hips and who eyed Briahnna from head to toe. Briahnna wanted to slap the look of disdain off of the woman’s face but chose to speak instead. “It’s Enielle, am I correct?” Enielle nodded slightly. “No. Atira is teasing you. I am her lady’s maid. Prince Desmond summoned me yesterday.”

  Enielle exhaled in relief and forced a laugh. “Oh Princess. You are such a funny child.”

  Atira’s smile was wiped from her face, and she ste
pped forward. Briahnna grabbed her arm and smiled sweetly at Enielle. “It was very nice to meet you. Atira was just on her way to school, and I’m afraid that if we don’t leave now, she will be late.”

  “Oh,” said Enielle. “In that case, you may be excused, Ahnna. I can take her from here.” Enielle winked at Atira, and Atira flared her nostrils.

  “I’m afraid that I need to take her,” Briahnna said, stepping forward again. “Since I just began yesterday, Atira needs to show me where she needs to go and when I need to get her. I’m still learning, you see.”

  “Atira,” Enielle said as if she was speaking to a small toddler and ignoring Briahnna altogether. “If you would like me to take you, I certainly can. We can show Ahnna her duties later.”

  “No!” Atira spat. “Ahnna is going to take me to school. I promised I would go. You don’t need to pretend like you’re going to take me when you’re not. Ahnna and I made a deal. No sneaking this time. You don’t need to come around anymore. I have Ahnna now.” Atira grabbed Briahnna’s arm, turned her around, and pulled her along.

  Briahnna’s jaw dropped. “Atira,” she said in a whisper. “Turn around right now and say something. Apologize and invite her to dinner or something.”

  “No,” Atira said. “She was nice to have around when I needed a way to get out of school. But you’re here now, and I’m going to go. I don’t need her anymore.”

  “It doesn’t matter!” Briahnna insisted. “That was rude. And now she’s going to blame me.”

  “Why would she blame you? You were nice to her.”

  Briahnna sighed. “Because in her eyes, I’m a threat. You just told her that you don’t need her because of me.”

  Atira laughed. “Did you see her face? Honestly Ahnna, she’s horrible. She deserved it. It won’t keep her from showing up again. Believe me. She’ll find a way to make it seem like I never said anything.”

  Briahnna kept looking behind them as they made their way to the school. She just knew Enielle was going to be there, shooting daggers at her back.

  “You’re late.”

  “Prince Desmond,” Briahnna said with a low bow when they turned the corner to the school. Desmond was standing just outside the door waiting for them.

  Atira folded her arms over her chest and looked around Desmond into the school building. It was a large rectangle structure that looked like it held two levels within, from what Briahnna could tell.

  “We ran into some company,” Briahnna said.

  Desmond raised his eyebrows, “They took an hour of your time?”

  “We’re an hour late?” Briahnna exclaimed with an accusing look at Atira.

  Atira shrugged her shoulders, determined not to say anything with Desmond there.

  Briahnna let her breath out through her nose and looked again at Desmond. “I’m sorry, Your Highness. It will not happen again.”

  Desmond bit back a smile and nodded.

  Briahnna followed Atira into the school. Classes were held in different rooms that were obviously based on age. Desmond limped behind them and Briahnna cringed. He was following them.

  One of the classroom doors opened and a child appeared. “Prince Desmond!” the child cried, and Desmond grunted when the boy ran into his arms.

  “It’s good to see you, too,” Desmond said painfully.

  “What happened to you? You’re skinny!” the boy said.

  Desmond looked up to find Ahnna watching him, and he glanced down at the boy, unsure as to what to say.

  “Prince Desmond!” the rest of the children from the classroom filed out of the classroom, saving Desmond from answering. “Did you win? Are you here for good? Are you going to show us some tricks? Do you get to play at free time?” He was bombarded with questions until the teacher came out and herded the children back into her classroom.

  Briahnna looked at Atira who had a small grin on her face. Desmond seemed to be frozen in his spot.

  “It’s good to have you home, Prince Desmond,” the teacher said, bowing.

  Desmond nodded and the teacher returned to her classroom. He cleared his throat and looked at Ahnna and Atira expectantly.

  Atira sighed and rolled her eyes. “My classroom’s up the stairs,” she said, interrupting the awkward silence and leading the way up the staircase. Desmond stayed behind.

  Atira opened her classroom door and grinned at Briahnna. “You’ll be back this afternoon?”

  “When do I need to be here?” Briahnna asked. “And tell me right this time.”

  “At the fourteenth hour.” Atira answered.

  “Thank you,” said Briahnna.

  “What are you going to do without me?” Atira asked innocently.

  Briahnna snorted. “I’m sure I’ll find plenty of things to occupy my time without your help,” she said, pushing Atira through the door. Upon closing it she heard bursts of exclamation at the Princess’s return. Briahnna smiled and went back down the stairs pausing when she saw Prince Desmond casually leaning against the railing at the bottom.

  He looked up when he heard her. “She walks all over you.”

  Briahnna’s eyes widened and she glared. “I’m told that children learn through example. Don’t blame me if I haven’t been here long enough to rid her of yours.”

  “You are insolent!” he spat at her. “I should have you taken back to the dungeons!”

  “If that is your wish, then stop wasting my time!” she spat back.

  Desmond stepped toward her menacingly. “Is that really what you want?” he asked quietly.

  Briahnna looked at the floor, exhaled slowly, and shook her head.

  “I didn’t think so,” Desmond said. He turned and slowly limped away from her.

  Briahnna watched him leave. This was getting ridiculous. She had to start acting like the slave that she was.

  She looked around the school she was in and started peeking in the classrooms. The children here seemed well kept. They were clean, happy, and well fed. They were so much different from the children in Mageia who weren’t born into higher society. Yet most of these children were slaves. If she didn’t know any better, she would consider the children in Mageia slaves and all of the children here nobility.

  Briahnna shook her head and left. Maybe it was the children here that didn’t really know any better.

  Briahnna walked down to the fields in an attempt to find Gabriela or her mother. They weren’t anywhere in sight. She started toward the housing for new slaves but was stopped.


  Briahnna turned to find Thomas heading toward her happily.

  “Thomas! How are you?” Brihanna asked, returning his smile. He would know where Gabriela was at least.

  He wrapped her in a hug and then held her at arm’s length to look her over. “You look tired,” he laughed. “Is the princess wearing you out?”

  Briahnna sighed. “I thought it would be neat to train with her. I’m not sure if she’s truly happy about it, or if she’s just trying to get rid of me in record time. Either way, you’re right. I’m exhausted.”

  “Don’t give up on her, Ahnna. She needs a good, womanly influence in her life.”

  Briahnna grinned slightly. “So I’m told. Don’t worry. I’m more stubborn than she thinks.” She paused and looked around. “Could you tell me where I could find Gabriela or Gweneth?”

  “Of course. Gabriela is in the infirmary,” he answered.

  “What?” Briahnna exclaimed. “Is everything okay? Did she get hurt? Is she sick? Is Gweneth with her?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he stopped her. “She’s fine. Everything is fine. I sent her there to work. She has a skilled hand at stitching and wrapping. She also knows a little about illness, and I am sure Healer Kelsere is teaching her more each day. He is grateful for the help.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry. I jumped to the worst conclusions I possibly could,” she said.

  Thomas nodded. “I don’t blame you. Things haven’t exactly been positive out here for you or her. But
it’s changed for the better. She and her mother have their own home now. Gweneth is there. She has the day off.” He smiled warmly at her. “I’ll take you to Gabriela.”

  Thomas led Briahnna to the infirmary. Briahnna thought it probably wasn’t just to show her where it was, for she already knew. Thomas beamed when he saw Gabriela, and Gabriela blushed furiously with a small smile when she saw him. In fact, Gabriela looked at Thomas long before she even noticed Briahnna standing next to him.

  Briahnna cleared her throat, breaking their connection. She was slightly offended that Gabriela hadn’t noticed her yet. Startled, Gabriela looked at her and squealed in delight. She ran to Briahnna and wrapped her in her arms.

  “I’ve been so worried about you!” Gabriela exclaimed. “I was going to appeal to the Prince, but then Thomas assured me that you were alright.” She pulled away and placed her palms on Briahnna’s cheeks, looking her over for reassurance. “Are you alright? Thomas told me that you’re Princess Atira’s new lady’s maid.” Gabriela turned to Thomas, who had turned to leave, and thanked him. He smiled and left them alone.

  Briahnna quirked her eyebrow at her lady’s maid. “You barely even noticed that I was here.”

  Gabriela smiled at Briahnna indulgently and Briahnna glared at her. “Briahnna…don’t look at me like that. I wasn’t expecting you to be down here, and I definitely didn’t expect you to walk in with Thomas.”

  “But, I was standing right next to him!”

  Gabriela’s eyes widened, and she looked at Briahnna incredulously, “I think you’ve been around the twelve-year-old too much.”

  Briahnna hung her head ashamed. “I don’t even know how to do her hair. I’m out of my element. I think she’s trying to get rid of me. And I’m too stubborn to give up.” She looked up at Gabriela, “Was I terrible to you growing up? Did you want to smack me every few minutes?”

  Gabriela laughed. “I heard the princess was a difficult child.”

  Briahnna shook her head. “She’s just lonely.” She raised an eyebrow and looked at Gabriela. “You avoided my question.”

  Gabriela looked around the infirmary and took Briahnna’s arm, dragging her to the healer. “Healer Kelsere, do you mind if I take my break slightly early. Ahnna has come to visit me for a bit.”


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