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Mr. Too Big: BWWM Hitman Romance Novella

Page 13

by Jamila Jasper

  Me, stepping into the room. Starting at the realization that it was already occupied.

  The stiffness of my body language as Dane tried to seduce me. Then what appeared to be the melting of every muscle and every bone in me as I fell into his arms, tasting those perfect lips.

  My clothes being shed like a second skin.

  My panties coming down, and my dark round ass pushing out as he bent me over the desk.

  The boss's son mounting me.

  The moans of pleasure flowing up from deep inside me, making me sound like some sort of goddamn animal.

  It was so sexy, and I could already feel myself getting turned on by it even as the disgust and worry overwhelmed me.

  “Damn, that's hot,” said a voice over my shoulder, causing me to start with alarm. I looked over to see Dane watching the video behind me, his wide eyes locked intently on the screen of the camera.

  I watched him watching us for a moment. I thought of how gratifying it must be for him to watch his hard, wide body pushing down against me, making me so desperate for him with every move he made.

  I took in a deep swallow of air, feeling like the floor might suddenly give out from under me at any moment.

  “Did you do this?” I asked him. I knew, even as I asked him, that he hadn't. I don't even know how I would have responded if he had. Honestly, I think I would have been so relieved at that point that I would have forgiven him in a heartbeat. But there really wasn't any way I could hope to be so lucky.

  “Do what?” he asked innocently. “Screw you? I mean yeah, it definitely looks like me on the screen,” he said. As if to emphasize his point for him, the me in the video let out an embarrassingly loud moan at just that moment.

  I slapped him in the chest.

  “Ow!” he winced.

  “You know I mean, you idiot... Did you hide this fucking camera here?”

  My patience was growing thin. My language was harsh, but only because I was so afraid, so positive that my life had just drawn to its abrupt conclusion.

  “Wait, you're serious?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “Damn, I thought you set it up...”

  “What?!” I asked, shaking my head. “How- you were the one in here waiting for me when I showed up! How would I even-”

  “Huh,” he said, considering this. “That's kind of weird, don't you think?”

  “Oh God... We need to get rid of this...”

  I started clicking around through the camera menu, determined that there must be some way, any way for me to delete the carnal horror of what I saw onscreen.

  “Aw, you don't want a memento of our fun times together?” he asked, clearly taking this no way near as seriously as she was.

  “No I don't!” I snapped. “As far as I'm concerned these fun times together should never have happened!”

  “Awww,” he teased. “If I didn't know any better, I would say someone's just a little bit afraid of being caught with their pants down...”

  I was in such a state of unholy terror just then that the sensual gliding of his hands over my thighs, pulling me back into himself, was about the last thing in the world I really wanted to feel. I swatted an irritable hand back at him, aiming for his balls, and he kicked his leg back out of the way, annoyed at my efforts.

  “What the hell?” he asked, and I think it must have finally sank in for him how much I was freaking out about this right now. “Here, give me that...”

  I fought with him for control over the camera, and he managed with considerable effort to pry it from my grip at last.

  “Damn it, give it back!” I cursed him. I thought he was just taking it so he could keep on watching us fuck, and it was starting to get my ire up like you wouldn't believe.

  I have no idea what had changed in him to make finally start taking this seriously, but I soon realized that he was actually listening to my protestations. A few clicks, and the video got to the point where he finally took his final thrust inside me, and began to cum hard inside my body. Just as I began to scream the video disappeared, and the screen went totally black again.

  “There. It's done,” he said.

  I blinked at him, disbelieving. Surely he couldn't be telling the truth right now, could he?

  “Wait- what?” I asked. I took the camera back from him and tried to scroll through whatever other videos might be on it. There didn't seem to be any. Seeing this I then tilted the camera up and tried to look for a memory card slot, only to find, perhaps predictably enough, that there was none.

  I couldn't decide whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

  “It's gone, okay?” said Dane, trying to reassure me. “That horrible, awful video of us having sex is no more.”

  My mind raced. I should have been comforted by this fact, but it was like some sort of hydra-like monster- cut one head off, and two more grow back in its place. A million other worries seemed to suddenly cloud my judgment, and I felt as though I simply couldn't think straight.

  “Oh God... What if it isn't? What if it's uploaded somewhere, like on the cloud, and there's no way for us to even know about it?”

  “The wh- the cloud? Damn, you are paranoid, aren't you?”

  “I'm serious!” I shouted.

  “I know you are!” he fake shouted back. “Honestly that's what freakin' scares me...”

  “Plus, what if this isn't even the only one? What if he's spying on me?”

  “What if who's spying on you?” he asked.

  “Alaric! Your dad!”

  “What if my dad is spying on you? In his office?”

  “Look, I don't know, okay! Someone obviously put it there, and someone obviously caught us screwing on camera!”

  “Yes,” he said patiently. “And someone just deleted the video. Namely, me.”

  “You aren't listening!” I said, growing more and more frustrated with every sentence that passed.

  “Look, I know you just got through explaining to me how you're the only one in the world who's ever had to work for anything in her life. And that I'm just some rich spoiled brat that doesn't understand a damn thing about anything. But I really think you're making way too big a deal about this. Just try to calm down, okay? Please?

  I bit my lip, and tapped my foot, growing more and more nervous with every second that passed.

  Finally I turned back to him, resolved to a decision.

  “You need to find out who put this here,” I told him.

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “You need to find out if your dad put this camera in his office to spy on us somehow. You need to find out what he's seen, and what he knows about what we just did. And if it's not him you need to find out who it was.”

  “I'm sorry, but I don't need to do anything, sweetheart. I don't know who you think you're talking to.”

  “I think,” I snapped, “that your dad put me in charge of you until you take over as vice president. And that means I have authority over you.”

  Dane just grinned at me. “Well,” he said, “as much as I like the idea of being underneath you, I'm not sure whether snooping into my father's business after we broke in and fornicated in his office is really what he had in mind when it came to my responsibilities...”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, having had it up to my neck with his bullshit.

  “Well then,” I said, swiping my clothes up from the office floor, “if you aren't going to bother finding out what's going on, I have every intention of figuring it out for myself.”

  I could tell that he was savoring the view of me sliding back into my clothes, if not as much as he'd like watching them come off of me. And it might have made me even angrier at him if it didn't turn me on as bad as it currently was.

  “I guess this means no round two, then?” he asked, and I shot him a dirty look.

  “Goodnight,” I said tersely, and pushed my way through the door of his father's office.


  I came in early the next morning after a night of interminable sleep
lessness. The last person out of the building next to Dane, I was the first one back in again next to the custodial workers. I hurried into my office the moment I was in, the thought occurring to me that there was a very real chance my own office might be bugged at that point.

  Was I being realistic, I wondered, or simply paranoid? I'll let you be the judge of that. But you try getting your bare behind plowed on camera without your knowledge or consent, and see whether you don't start wondering who else might be trying to sneak a peek at you, and where.

  I dug through my file cabinets, thoroughly swept every corner and crevice of my room. Hell, I even took all of my photos from their frames, like there was actually some chance there might be cameras hidden away in them as well.

  But no, thank God. It was just my craziness getting the better of me.

  Still, though, I was certain that I must be missing something. That somewhere, hidden away in some far reach of this office, someone, probably my boss, was still attempting to spy on me. I just hadn't been smart enough to figure out where just yet...

  Once my sweep of the vicinity was completed to my dissatisfaction, I leaned back in my office chair and stared up at the ceiling, letting out a deep breath. I was just going to have to confront Alaric as I'd planned, though it wasn't something I felt I could just barge right in and talk with him about first thing in the morning.

  And so I sat in my office, trying to kill time until the moment was right. I scrolled through my e-mail. I tried to open up the documents Mr. Caesar had forwarded to me, and pick up where I'd left off the previous evening before his son bent me over and screwed me. But my eyes kept blurring across the page, slipping and swerving over a million different thoughts. It occurred to me that, on top of everything I had on my mind, I really hadn't got even half a full night's sleep over the past forty eight plus hours, so it was surprised that I could still function at all.

  I got a coffee from the break room, and after a period of time that seemed to proceed both too slowly and too quickly, the clock rolled around to half past ten. A long enough period, I decided, to wait to go in and talk to Mr. Caesar about the possibility of him spying on me.

  I took a deep breath, steeling my nerve, and marched down the hall to his office. I knocked softly- so softly that I had some plausible deniability to turn around and run if he took too long to answer, or I ended up changing my mind.

  “Come in,” he said, almost right away.

  Damn it, I thought, and pushed open the door.

  He was at his desk when I walked in. A pair of reading glasses perched near the tip of his nose, making him look older than the youthful sexagenarian often appeared.

  “Oh, Jayla it's you,” he said, smiling a little too warmly at me. He held up the sheet in his hand, and added, “I was just looking through the work you left on my desk last night. You seem like you're making some progress in getting to the bottom of all this. Great work as always.”

  My face went hot, for no particular reason that I could tell.

  “That's sort of what I wanted to talk to you about,” I said, feeling jittery. “I mean, not exactly, but... Well... Could I please sit down?”

  I had the sensation that I might fall over on the spot if I didn't plant myself down soon.

  “Of course,” he said, gesturing to the chair on the opposite side of his desk. “What's on your mind?” he asked, after I'd spent several uncomfortable seconds adjusting myself in my seat.

  But what was on my mind wasn't there anymore. I was shocked, my mouth falling open, to see that the bookshelf behind him was now absent the hidden camera that had been there the night before, even though Dane and I had put it back where we found it as soon as we erased the footage of us having sex from the hard drive.

  I blinked in astonishment, then cleared my throat.

  “Well,” I said, feeling as though I was stepping out onto a tight rope. “I was working late, trying to figure things out with all of this, and...”

  “Yes,” he said, “and again, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your efforts.”

  “And I found a camera,” I blurted out, feeling ridiculous almost the instant the words passed from my lips. Mr. Caesar stared at me, grinning slightly, one eyebrow raised.

  “Did you?” he asked.

  “It was right here, in your office,” I said. “And well... I don't know, it's pretty ridiculous. But it's just gotten me wondering... Were you spying on me, or something?”

  “In my office?” he repeated, and it kept seeming dumber and dumber the more I thought about it. Then again, that look on his face, and the glint in his eye, kind of made me wonder whether it was as ridiculous as I told myself it was.

  I hesitated, my mouth kind of hovering over the words. I took a swallow of air, but it was too painful to try and get down.

  “I guess it does seem a little bit crazy, doesn't it?...”

  He laughed. “No,” he said calmly. “Not crazy. But why would I be spying on you, Jayla? In my office, no less. And what would you really have to worry about, anyway? Unless, of course you were doing something in here you really weren't supposed to be. And I know that couldn't possibly be the case, now could it?”

  Holly hell! Did he just wink at me? I swear to God I thought I just saw him wink at me!

  I was speechless. With that single question, he'd all but confirmed it for me that he had in spying on me, yet there was no possible way I could call him out of it. Had he seen the video? Had he manage to get to it before Dane and I had a chance to delete it?

  I just kind of sat there, gaping at him. Then I slowly sat back in my chair, feeling defeated, and shook my head as I stared out into space.

  “No,” I said, my voice cold and robotic.. “No, of course not. I was just leaving those papers on your desk, that's all. It was a late night. I guess I just saw the camera and started to overthink things.”

  He nodded his head slowly, like I'd given him the right answer.

  “And I don't see any cameras in here, do you?” he asked.

  I shook myself. “No. No cameras.”

  “Well then. I think it would be best if we forget about all of this, hm?”

  “Of course.”

  “You've done such a fine job on this project so far, but there's still so much more to go. Why don't you head back to your office and get back at it, hm? The sooner we get this solved, the sooner I can let you try your hand at my son, and see how things go between the two of you.”

  “Of course, sir. Of course.”

  I was too exhausted to even try and call him out on this one.


  And so I spent the rest of my day in my office, again. I didn't see a sign of Dane or his father for the next six hours or so, though I had the recurring suspicion, bordering on certainty, that at least one of them still had their eye on me.

  I stayed a little bit late again, though just enough to make sure I didn't run into anyone as I left the office for then night. Of course, given how my luck had been lately, it was very little surprise when that mission turned out to be an abject failure.

  Walking through the parking garage, I'd just pulled out my keys when Dane materialized, practically out of nowhere, nearly making me drop my bag and everything in it onto the concrete.

  “Hello there, bella,” he said, giving me one of those grins of his that I'd learned better than to try and resist. All the same, I did my best to ignore it.


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