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Berlin 1961

Page 69

by Frederick Kempe

  communist ideology

  conciliatory gestures

  on Cuban invasion by U.S.

  Cuban Missile Crisis

  ability to strike U.S. targets

  Kennedy’s weakness in

  linking to Berlin issue

  nuclear buildup


  surprise at Kennedy’s resolve


  domestic shortfalls and failures

  East German border closure

  approval of

  Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  Clay’s plans to breach

  plans for

  proposal to Warsaw Pact states

  restriction of operation to East German territory

  satisfaction with

  East Germany

  economic assistance to

  exodus of refugees

  proposal for treaty granting control of access


  Camp David meeting

  lack of respect from

  Paris Summit

  ultimatum to

  on “free city” status for Berlin

  on German reunification

  on Germany’s frontier and revanchism

  on Iran


  back-channel communications with

  confidential correspondence with

  on early negotiations with

  impatience with

  negotiation positions

  perceived weakness of

  role in election of (1960)

  ultimatum to

  Laotian policy

  linking of Cuban and Berlin issues

  Mao, strained relations with

  military buildup

  military cuts

  NATO, threats against

  nuclear testing and capability

  ouster from power

  peaceful-coexistence policy

  physical features

  political standing


  Potsdam accord, intention to abrogate

  psychological makeup

  repressive measures

  Siberian science city

  space program

  Stalinism, repudiation of

  UN, outburst at

  UN, proposals about involvement in Berlin negotiations

  leadership vacancy

  protection of West Berlin

  on U.S. U-2 spy mission

  Vienna Summit

  agreement to meet

  arrival at and first encounter with Kennedy

  casual conversation

  on communism

  control of conversation

  on Cuba

  determination to discuss Berlin

  on Iran

  on Laos

  on nuclear test ban

  report on outcome

  threat to sign treaty with East Germany

  on West German importance to Soviet economy

  Khrushchev, Sergei

  concern for N. Khrushchev’s health

  on N. Khrushchev’s intentions about nuclear strike

  on N. Khrushchev’s preoccupation with Germany

  on N. Khrushchev’s satisfaction with border closure

  on threat to demilitarize West Berlin

  Kissinger, Henry

  alternative Berlin plan

  on Berlin issue

  as White House consultant

  Kohler, Foy

  Berlin deliberations

  on border-crossing escorts

  order for retreat from Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  Konev, Ivan

  demand for end of Autobahn patrols

  doubts about loyalty of East German forces

  intelligence on U.S. preparation for hostilities

  job responsibilities

  on U.S. tanks at Checkpoint Charlie

  World War II service

  Korolyov, Sergei

  Kosygin, Alexei

  Kozlov, Frol

  Kramer, Erwin

  Kreisky, Bruno

  Kroll, Hans

  Krone, Heinrich

  Kulbeik, Helmut

  Kuznetsov, Vasily

  Kvitsinsky, Yuli

  Lamphir, Bob


  as base for attacks on South Vietnam

  communist goals in

  Geneva conference on

  Macmillan’s recommendation on

  neutrality agreements on

  as test case for Berlin

  Lawford, Peter

  Lazai, Hans-Joachim

  Lazarev, Colonel

  Leibing, Peter

  LeMay, Curtis E.

  Lemmer, Ernst

  Lemnitzer, Lyman

  Leonhard, Wolfgang

  Leuschner, Bruno

  Lightner, Dorothy

  Lightner, E. Allan, Jr.

  anticommunist stance

  defiance of border procedures

  and first report of border closure

  on show of resolve in Berlin

  as West Berlin diplomat

  Lincoln, Evelyn

  Lippmann, Walter

  Litfin, Günter

  Lochner, Robert H.

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.

  Los Angeles Times

  Lünser, Bernd

  Macmillan, Harold

  acquiescence to border procedures

  on Adenauer’s response to border closure

  Berlin strategy

  “Grand Design” proposal

  on Kennedy’s youth and character

  on Khrushchev’s linking of Berlin and

  Cuban issues

  on negotiations with Khrushchev

  offer to mediate with Khrushchev

  relationship with Kennedy

  on Soviet demands at Vienna Summit

  Malenkov, Georgy

  Malinovsky, Rodion

  Mansfield, Mike

  Mao Tse-tung. See China

  Maron, Karl

  Matern, Hermann

  Mautner, Karl

  McCart, Sam

  McCord, Thomas

  McGrory, Mary

  McHugh, Godfrey

  McIntyre, William T.

  McKone, John

  McNamara, Robert

  Berlin deliberations

  on Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  on Soviet declaration of missile expansion

  war planning

  Mende, Erich

  Menshikov, Mikhail

  Mielke, Erich

  Mikoyan, Anastas

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  Muller, George

  Murphy, David

  Murrow, Edward R.


  Acheson’s role in

  Berlin security guarantee

  creation of

  instructions in event of Berlin blockade

  membership of West Germany

  nuclear capability

  Neue Zürcher Zeitung

  Neues Deutschland

  New York Times

  on Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  on contrast between Kennedy and de Gaulle

  on Johnson’s reception in Berlin

  on Kennedy’s ambiguity

  on Kennedy’s performance at Vienna Summit

  on Kennedy’s first presidential press conference

  on Khrushchev’s influence in U.S. presidential election (1960)

  on racial tensions in U.S.

  on U.S. involvement in Cuban invasion

  on West Berlin riot

  Newman, Larry


  Nitze, Paul

  Berlin deliberations and strategy

  Berlin military response plan

  on nuclear strategy

  Nixon, Richard M.

  as Adenauer’s choice for president

  anticommunist stance

  attack on Kennedy

  election loss (1960)

  Khrushchev’s role

  Nixon–Kennedy debates

, Lauris

  authorization to break through Wall

  on conventional military buildup

  NATO posting

  Novotný Antonín

  nuclear capability

  Soviet Union

  Cuban buildup


  exercises in East Germany


  striking range


  United States

  call for disarmament

  concealment of superiority

  constant state of readiness

  disclosure of details

  hydrogen bomb development

  NATO contingency plans

  Polaris submarine

  Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP-62)

  test ban treaty proposal


  war planning

  withdrawal of missiles from Turkey

  O’Donnell, James

  O’Donnell, Kenneth

  Olmstead, Freeman B.

  Owen, Henry

  Paolella, Joseph

  Paris Summit

  Pech, Ottomar

  Peng Zhen

  Pervukhin, Mikhail

  on difficulty and consequences of border closure

  and Khrushchev’s approval of border closure

  report on Vienna Summit

  on Ulbricht’s border-control measures

  Peter, Erich

  Peters, Gerhard

  Peters, Hans

  Petrovna, Nina

  Pike, Vern

  at arrival of U.S. troops in Berlin

  ascertainment of tanks’ origin

  military escorts across border

  observation of Wall construction

  police supervision at Wall

  and possibility of war

  return of U.S. tanks to Checkpoint Charlie

  Steinstücken outpost

  Poppinga, Anneliese

  Potsdam accord

  Power, Thomas S. “Tommy,”

  Powers, David

  Powers, Francis Gary


  Raskin, Marcus

  Rau, Karl Heinrich

  Reston, James “Scotty,”

  reunification of Germany

  as Adenauer’s goal

  Kennedy’s first mention of

  Kennedy’s lack of commitment to

  Khrushchev’s resistance to

  realization of

  skepticism about

  Stalin on

  U.S. policy on

  West German hope for

  RIAS radio

  Roos, Albrecht Peter

  Rostow, Walter

  Rudenko, Roman

  Rusk, Dean

  Berlin position

  on Brandt’s visit to Kennedy

  on Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  on Clay’s border confrontations

  fear of East German uprising

  on frankness with West Germany

  Gromyko meetings

  on Kennedy’s conditional agreement to summit

  on Kennedy’s Vienna Summit failure

  on moral responsibility of nuclear first strike

  on necessity of military buildup

  Soviet policy deliberations

  Sabolyk, Robert

  Salinger, Pierre

  as acquaintance of Bolshakov

  delivery of Khrushchev’s request for meeting

  Kennedy’s UN speech

  media briefing on Vienna Summit

  at start of Kennedy–Khrushchev private correspondence

  Salisbury, Harrison

  Saunders, Frank

  Schärf, Adolf

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

  alternative to Acheson’s Berlin strategy

  control of media

  on Cuban invasion

  Kissinger’s White House consultancy role

  Schmidt, Marlene

  Schorr, Daniel

  Schumacher, Kurt

  Schumann, Hans Conrad

  Scowcroft, Brent

  Seyr, Veronika

  Sherman, Tony

  Shuckburgh, Evelyn

  Sidey, Hugh

  Siekmann, Ida

  Sindermann, Horst

  Smirnov, Andrei

  Smyser, William Richard

  Sommer, Monika


  Sorensen, Theodore “Ted” on proposal of nuclear first strike

  speech on Berlin policy

  speech on Soviet policy

  stance on Berlin issue

  Soviet Union

  and arrival of U.S. troops in West Berlin

  Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  China, assistance to

  conventional-weapon superiority

  economic dependence on West Germany

  economic shortfalls

  foreign policy priorities

  military mobilization near Berlin

  nuclear capability

  Cuban buildup


  exercises in East Germany


  striking range


  See also Khrushchev, Nikita

  occupation of Berlin

  oil pipeline across East Germany

  Palace of Congresses

  Palace of Sports

  Pathet Lao support

  Potsdam accord

  Siberian scientific center

  space program

  under Stalin

  on UN directorate

  U.S. trade agreements

  U.S. U-2 spy plane, downing of

  Spender, Stephen

  Springer, Axel

  Stalin, Joseph

  Berlin blockade

  devastation of Soviet Union

  on German reunification

  on government of East Germany

  physical features

  on repression in East Germany

  Stearman, William Lloyd

  Steinstücken operation

  Stevenson, Adlai

  on Acheson’s influence over Kennedy

  on negotiation of Berlin issue

  opinion of Khrushchev

  position in Kennedy administration

  Soviet backing in presidential bid

  Stoph, Willi

  Strauss, Franz Josef

  Suburov, A. N.


  Sulzberger, Cyrus L.

  Symington, James

  Tagesspiegel, Der

  Taylor, Maxwell

  Thompson, Llewellyn E. “Tommy,” Jr.

  Berlin deliberations

  and Checkpoint Charlie confrontation

  discussions with Khrushchev on Berlin position

  invitation for Kennedy–Khrushchev meeting

  on Kennedy’s position at Vienna Summit

  linking of Berlin and Cuban issues

  on military buildup

  role in Kennedy’s mistrust of Khrushchev

  on Soviet policy

  on Soviet release of captive U.S. airmen

  Thompson, Jane

  Thurow, Rudi


  on Adenauer’s Germany

  on East German Miss Universe

  on Kennedy’s poor leadership

  on planning of nuclear attack


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