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Claiming Love

Page 2

by Holly J Gill

  “Look how he was when I tried teaching him line dancing,” I said, thinking back to how he had two left feet.

  “Yeah, but he had fun on the day, pulled through, even if he was tipsy. He isn’t out of your league, there is no such thing. Hell, you could be the one to mellow him,” Sophie said seriously.

  “No way, he’s…” I pictured him in my head, sitting opposite me ten minutes ago. I swallowed, aware I couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to have him. “I just can’t have him.”

  “He’s a good guy Donna. I’m certain Ross would …”

  “Ross would what?”

  I heard his dreamy voice.

  Sophie and I looked at each other, before turning to face him, and holy pants was he delicious. Those eyes pierced me, sending pulses to my core. I wanted to make babies with that guy.

  “I just came out to see where you’d both disappeared to. I’m about to go to the bar and order some drinks, and Calvin is moaning that he wants pudding,” he laughed. He smiled, and my tummy swirled. “So, Ross would what?” Of course, he wouldn’t allow the original comment to rest, he was a damn lawyer.

  “We were just saying how you come out with big words and talk about stuff we don’t understand,” Sophie explained as I stood mortified. Did she have to be so honest?

  “Oh, just kick me, or ask. I have a bad habit of doing that. Comes with the territory, I did swallow a dictionary.” He chuckled. “Are you two re-joining us?”

  “Yeah, two minutes,” Sophie replied.

  Ross furrowed his brows before turning to walk back to the pub. I watched his every move, loving the way those jeans hung on his arse.

  “He isn’t all that bad, and see, he’d explain.”

  “He said that because it was you. You’re his best friends wife, he’s going to say that, and anyway he isn’t my type,” I added.

  “So what is your type?”

  “I don’t know. Just not him.”

  “Sounds like you’re fighting your feelings towards him.”

  Sophie walked away, leaving me pondering about what she said.

  I chewed my lower lip, unsure I could sit opposite him and pretend to not be infatuated with him.

  Chapter Two


  “Did you find them?” Calvin asked as I went back to the table with the drinks placing them down.

  “Yeah, gossiping. I caught them talking about me. Apparently, I use big words they don’t understand,” I added, taking a seat, reaching for my drink to take a sip.

  “Yeah, you can be a dictionary at times, but I guess I’m used to it,” Cal chuckled.

  “What are my chances with her, Donna, I mean?” I asked Calvin that the day after their wedding and they both laughed. Only I was serious about it. “She seems to tense up when I’m around. How do I get her to feel comfortable around me, and not threatened? How do I achieve that?” I asked.

  “Just relax more around her.”

  “What, like change…”

  “No, always be yourself, Ross! Look you don’t need her thinking you’re acting weird around her because then she might get the wrong impression, like that you don’t like her. Take her on a date, ask her out for a drink, she might say yes,” Cal added, taking a sip of his coke.

  “She might say, ‘no’ too, then I’d be left a fool.”

  “What did we discuss before Sophie came back into my life when in London? That we need to get back on the market, get out there and meet women. That was before Donna whooshed into your life, and well…” he laughed. I lifted my brows. “The evening when she first tried to teach us how to line dance, and she ended up putting you in your place. That was hilarious. Do that again with her, ask to be in her life, show her you’re a decent man, and not all serious and unapproachable.”

  “Am I?” I questioned.

  “You can be. Not to me, obviously, but Sophie had mentioned it at some point. She said you were ‘intrusive and not diplomatic’, her words, not mine,” Cal added.

  “Yeah, but I had my reasons for that,” I defended.

  “You did, and I know why. You were protecting me. But you cannot keep putting up this wall around Donna. Let her in. Let her know you.”

  I stopped to think for a second. I had a certain bravado to hold, but I never meant to make Donna feel uncomfortable around me. A thought came to me.

  “Is this why you invited me tonight? You never mentioned that Donna was coming,” I added.

  He scrunched up his nose. I knew the answer, the scheming toe rag.

  “Ask her out,” Cal said.

  “I can’t just ask her like that,” I remarked.

  “Why not? If you don’t ask, you don’t know, and then I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  He had a fair point. Maybe I did, no I did, need to grow some damn balls and ask her out. But life was so hectic with work and - now I was making excuses.

  “I’m still worming myself into her life. It takes time and precision,” I informed him.

  “Seriously Ross, just do it!” Cal frowned.

  I had to change the subject even if he was right. I had no idea how to press forward, how to show Donna how I felt about her. Yes, I’d had many women, but none I was ever serious about.

  I’d worked long hours because I dedicated my life to work, I was married to the job. I hadn’t spent all these years studying for a woman to tell me I should turn all my attention to her. Selfish, maybe, but I enjoyed my work. I’d given my everything to be where I was and had no plans of a woman ever getting in the way.

  But with Donna, it was different. I knew it was crazy and sudden, but she made me feel like I was now ready for the next stage in my life. I didn’t think I was until she came dancing into my life like a whirlwind. I spent most days and nights thinking about her, wondering where I could take her, what we could do as a couple, and the adventures we could have.

  “Are you still trying for a baby?” I asked, curious but more to change the focus from me.

  “Yeah, we are. I don’t get it, Sophie fell pregnant easily enough for Sabastian, Kacey, and…well the little one we lost but this time…even though she’s not on any birth control, it appears to be taking forever,” he told me.

  “Maybe she’s stressed out, or scared,” I added, aware when she miscarried it crippled her, even if the timing was wrong and things were seriously messed up at the time. It was tough, and all I wanted to do was support her and help her get through the agonising time Cal lost his memory. The thought that I came so close to losing my best friend was still heart stabbing.

  Cal and I grew up together, we had many fall outs, argued over girls, but never once did I ever think something so horrendous would happen to him. I guess you shouldn’t take life for granted. My mother always said, ‘this is your life, the real journey and no dress rehearsal’, she was so right.

  I stood by Cal like he stood by me, keeping each other sane.

  “Maybe. I just worry about her. I love her so damn much that it hurts, and to think about what we have been through…I don’t think I’d ever survive if any harm came to her,” Cal told me, and I knew he meant every word.

  Sophie and Donna joined us. I could not keep my eyes off Donna’s backside. I looked across at Donna. The leggings and mustard top she wore suited her, her long dark brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. She wore a minimal amount of make-up and had beautiful curves, nicely shaped boobs which suited her. Her eyes blue was like Topaz, shinning in their own purity.

  “Everything all right?” Calvin asked.

  “Yeah,” Sophie slurred then shot out of her seat and rushed away. Donna took after her.

  Cal and I turned to one another totally puzzled, unsure what was going on.

  “Is she ok?” I asked.

  “I have no idea.” I watched as Cal turned in the direction the women raced off in. I reached for my drink and took a few sips and moments later they returned.

  Sophie sat down, looking pale. I looked at Donna as she held her head low, I got a sense
there was something wrong. I glanced at Cal as he stared at Sophie.

  “What is going on? Are you ok?” Cal asked.

  Sophie sucked in a breath. I looked at Donna as she chewed her lower lip.

  “I’ve missed two periods,” Sophie informed Calvin.

  His eyes shot open. My mouth hung open, not believing that only minutes ago, we were talking about the topic.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was afraid, that we’d get our hopes up, and then we’d just get it dashed,” she explained. “I’m sorry,” she said as tears welled in her eyes.

  “It’s fine…would you like to do a test now?”

  “I think I should,” she replied.

  “Ross, Donna would you mind if we just disappeared for a tiny while?” Cal asked and winked at me.

  “No, go for it. Go and find out if you’re going to be a daddy,” I said full of enthusiasm. I couldn’t be happier for them. Their time had finally arrived.

  I gazed at Donna as she turned her head away. I wasn’t too sure if she was happy with being left alone with me. I had to change that train of thought.

  “I guess that leaves you and me. I promise not to use big words?” I said as she smiled sweetly at me.

  “They deserve happiness,” she said, nudging her head in the direction they left.

  I agreed. It had been full steam ahead since Sophie and Calvin got back together. The wedding was so beautiful and elegant. A day I would never forget, especially when I looked at Calvin when she walked down the aisle. He cried. I almost cried with him. She was breathtaking, even I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  The whole day had been perfect. I wouldn’t have expected anything less from those two. Maybe one day I’d get a day something like it, well just getting married would be fabulous.

  I turned to Donna, and her eyes glowed, but each time our eyes met, she turned her head. She was pretty and extraordinary all in one.

  “How did you meet Sophie?” I asked to try and make conversation.

  She turned to look at me, her cheeks were shaded pink. “She was looking for a childminder for Kacey while she worked, and we ended up becoming close,” she told me.

  “Kacey is adorable,” I said. “Scares the hell out of me at times, but she’s cute.”

  “She is absolutely sweet. You should give it some time. Kids take a lot of getting used to.”

  “What about you and Sophie?” she continued.

  “I wasn’t so keen on her at first, but after hearing the full story, I started to understand her. I have a lot of respect for the way she handled everything that happened.” I said.

  “So what’s it like being a lawyer?” she asked, resting her chin on her hands.

  “What’s it like being a childminder?”

  “I asked first,” I laughed.

  “Yeah true, you did. I guess being a lawyer means you have to have your wits about you, good communication skills, and be a good listener. We have to have the ability to judge a situation, so analytical skills are key.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Both the study and practice of law involves absorbing large quantities of information, then having to distil it into something logical. You also have to have some good research skills. I’m always doing that, it never stops. People skills and perseverance are a must. When working on a case, you’re aiming for a successful end for your client. We have to be creative too, be able to solve problems by thinking outside the box. That kind of thing. Did that make sense to you?” I asked, not wanting to intimidate her.

  “Sounds, pretty cool, smartass.” We smiled. “So being a lawyer is what, you’ve always wanted to do?”

  “Yep, studied law at college, then University. It’s deep stuff, but keeps the brain active.”

  Have you ever lost a case?” she asked, chewing her lip.

  My eyes were mesmerised by her mouth, being driven to naughty thoughts.

  “I hardly lose a case. But of course, I have! You can’t win them all. You’d be surprised what I find out, and the lengths people will go to pull the wool over my eyes. You have to find every loophole, as trust me…finding what’s hidden under rocks, and not knowing the truth, can make you look a fool.”

  “And you wouldn’t want that,” she joked, lifting her brows.

  “Hell no, but then it depends on what would make me look a fool,” I added.

  “Meaning?” she tilted her head to the side.

  I rested my elbows on the table and gazed deeply into her desirable green eyes. I inhaled a deep breath.

  “I recently, well, how do I word this? I have this burning desire for something that can’t be sated. Do you get those?” I asked, really hoping I wasn’t the only one feeling it. She was doing things to my body that hadn’t happened in a long time, and when I say long, I mean long, like eight months long, and even then it was nothing serious. No way was I giving my heart to any woman but Donna.

  “I have, and I’ll admit it was after a really long time.”

  “Have you ever questioned your own sanity?”

  “Every goddamn day,” she laughed, taking a sip of her drink.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “I guess,” she said in a tiny voice.

  “Do you think a lot about sex?” Hell Ross, what the hell. I could kick myself or shove a damn gag in my mouth.

  “Yeah, I think about it. Do you have time to think about it?” she laughed. Her laugh was a melody to my ears.

  “I do think about it! I’m a bloke, full of testosterone,” I informed her, smiling and wagging my brows.

  “Yeah, and I’m a hormonal woman.”

  “Now that I’ll never argue with,” I teased.

  I smiled as she lifted the corner of her mouth.

  “Do you think they’re coming back?” Donna asked. I hoped she hadn’t asked because she was uncomfortable with the conversation, and rightly so.

  “I have no idea. Why, would you like to leave?” I asked.

  She gazed at me for a moment. “Not really, I’m kind of enjoying this.”

  Her words melted my heart. The truth was I wanted to stay here with her longer, learn all there was to know about this beautiful woman across from me because there was no doubt I was falling for her hard.

  Chapter Three


  He was a dream. Was I really sat opposite him having these conversations? Each time he spoke, it was like a sultry invitation, and I wasn’t in a hurry for Calvin or Sophie to return.

  All those doubts I had were slowly disappearing, replaced with a warmness I could not explain. He was such a kind-hearted man, not the impression I’d been left with these past few months. Ross was piercing his way into my heart, and I wasn’t sure if I would leave this place the same.

  I watched his mouth as he talked, my tummy swarmed with butterflies. I was falling head over heels, and Ross had no idea.

  “Hey!” I heard Sophie.

  She and Calvin walked over to us.

  “Well,” Ross and I said at the same time.

  Calvin wrapped his arm around Sophie’s waist, kissing her on the cheek, grinning so widely, it was obvious.

  “We’re having a baby,” Calvin cheered.

  “Oh, my goodness.” I jumped up from my seat and raced to the couple. I kissed Calvin on the cheek first and then moved to give my best friend a hug. I was so happy for them. When I turned around to go back to my seat, I bumped into Ross. We stood still for a second as he gazed down at me, his arms around mine, steadying me. The only thing I could feel was my heart thumping against my ribcage. He smiled, breaking the spell, and moved to the side.

  I took hold of Sophie’s hand when she was seated, feeling elated for her.

  Calvin and Sophie’s faces were glowing.

  “Right, I hope you don’t mind, but we’re going to pick up Kacey. Then I am taking my wife home to celebrate our style,” Calvin grinned cheekily at Sophie.

  “You do what you have to mate,” Ross said as they sh
ook hands.

  We all rose to hug goodbye. Ross and I watched them leave arm in arm.

  I sat back down, smiling.

  “That was such a precious moment. I am so happy for them,” I said.

  Ross gazed at me.

  “Absolutely,” The way he stared so intently at me made me shy. I turned my head away to watch a couple fighting to get a young child into a highchair. I looked back at Ross, his eyes were still on me.

  His phone started ringing and vibrating on the table. We both stared at it like it was possessed.

  “You should answer it,” I informed him.

  He stared down to see who called. “It’s my mother,” he informed me.

  “Answer it then,” I ordered him.

  “Hello, mum,” he answered and rose to move to a quieter area. I let out the breath I was holding.

  I checked the time and wondered how we could stay here talking. How I could keep him here that little bit longer?

  My mind was miles away, debating whether I should ask for his phone number. Would he want me to have his number? There I went again, doubting myself.

  “I’m so sorry, Donna, but I have to go, it’s my grandma. She’s fallen and been rushed to the hospital,” he said fearfully.

  “Oh, hell. You need to go.”

  He settled the bill, and we made our way quickly to our cars.

  “It was great chatting to you,” he said sweetly.

  “Same here.”

  “So did I manage to refrain from using the big words,” he teased.

  “You did. You were almost human,” I giggled.

  “Good, that’s a change for me. Well, this is me,” he said, standing at the bonnet of his Range Rover.

  I chewed the inside of my mouth, not knowing when I’d see him again.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask for his number…

  “Right, I’ll be seeing you around,” he said, moving around his car and jumping inside.

  “Ok. Take care,” I said and watched as he closed the door, fired up the engine and drove away. I was sure he was deeply concerned about his grandma. I regretted not getting his number. Then again, I could ask Sophie


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