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A Twist of Fate

Page 25

by Donna Raider

  “Mother, she seems to be truly changing, but I’m afraid to trust her,” Leah frowned. “I wish she would go back to New York. I’m afraid she will find out for sure that we are expecting.”

  Mika walked to the ball return and picked up her ball.

  “Jezebel,” Mika addressed her mother-in-law, “we’re taking out the boat this weekend. I hope you will join us.” She threw her bowling ball and made a strike.

  Jezebel watched Mika as she bowled. She could see what her daughter saw in the blonde. She was devastatingly gorgeous with a body to die for. She has the nicest butt I have ever seen ; she thought as Mika bent to pick up her bowling ball. Jezebel licked her lips, finding that all moisture had left her mouth. She had never been attracted to a woman, but she…

  “Why, Mother,” Leah chided her, “I do believe you’re coveting my wife.”

  The priest whirled around as if someone had thrown boiling oil on her. Mika’s eyes were wide with alarm.

  “Foolish girl,” Jezebel snorted, “don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Drinks for everyone,” Richie announced as he placed a tray of drinks on the table. “Wine for Grandmother, water for Mom and Dr. Pepper for Mika and me. He smiled as he handed everyone their drinks. He was very aware that Jezebel’s presence was making his mother uneasy.

  “Thank you, Richie,” Leah patted his arm. “Mika was just inviting Mother to go boating with us this weekend.”

  “Yes, you’ll love it, Grandmother,” the boy beamed, “We can fish for striped bass. I will teach you how to bait a hook.” Although Richie knew from experience that fishing for striped bass was done with chunks of mackerel, he decided to describe the experience as negatively as possible.

  “I will help you dig worms in the woods behind our house. There are a lot of fat, wiggly ones in the dirt under the decaying leaves.” He beamed as his grandmother turned a lighter shade of pale. “We will get only the biggest ones so we can impale them on the large fish hooks we use to catch stripers.”

  Jezebel’s hand involuntarily went to her lips as she tried to calm her urge to vomit. “I think it may be time for me to return to New York,” she exhaled sharply. “I’ve taken advantage of your hospitality for too long.”

  “Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight,” Leah smiled. “We can discuss it then. I am cooking your favorite lasagna.”

  “That sounds wonderful, dear,” Jezebel sipped her wine, noting that her daughter had water.”


  Before her mother arrived for dinner, Leah called Mrs. Worth and arranged that Jezebel would have the penthouse in the tower not occupied by their penthouse. “Please be certain she has everything she needs,” the brunette instructed Mrs. Worth, “tickets, dinner reservations, the town car, and Mrs. Worth, please, immediately let Mika or me know if she leaves town.”

  After dinner, the family discussed Jezebel’s return to New York. Leah handed her mother a business card for Mrs. Worth. Leah had written her name on the back of the card. “She is the manager of Cross Towers. I spoke with her this afternoon. She is expecting you and will take care of all your needs. Here is a credit card. Feel free to purchase clothes, meals, theater tickets, whatever you need.”

  Jezebel placed the two cards into her purse.” I believe I am ready to bid you all adieu.” She smiled at Richie then turned a glare on Leah. “Darling, have you given any thought as to how I am to get back to New York?”

  “I will escort you, Mother” her daughter smiled coyly. “It will give me a chance to introduce you to Mrs. Worth.”

  “I would prefer that you simply transport me to the lobby of the apartments,” Jezebel grimaced. “I have taken up enough of your time, and I would like to be alone.”

  “As you wish,” Leah barely nodded her head, and Jezebel found herself in the lobby of Cross Tower number two.

  Jezebel had a lot of preparation to make for the arrival of Him.

  CHAPTER 13 - Operation Leah Watch

  “I am thinking about beginning my leave the first of June,” Leah informed her wife, as Ruth placed their lunch on the table. “The twins should come sometime in late June or first week of July.”

  “Whatever you think best, darling,” Mika touched her hand.

  “That will be so great,” Richie couldn’t stop wiggling in his seat. “I will be out of school so I can help.”

  “I appreciate that,” Leah smiled at him.

  “May I tell Emily and Ruth we’re having a boy and a girl?” Richie said softly to his mother. “They will be excited.”

  “Of course, dear,” Leah grimaced, knowing the sheriff wouldn’t welcome the news.

  “Emily, Rubes,” Richie bounded to the pair. “Our twins are a boy and a girl. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “Yeah, like an instant family,” the sheriff turned to look at Leah, “all you add is…”

  “Love,” the priest cut in. “Lots of love.”

  “Yes,” the boy grinned. “Lots of love.”

  “Have you selected names yet,” Ruth refilled their drinks and sat down in the seat vacated by Richie.

  The sheriff was talking in hushed tones to her son, but Richie wanted to be in the middle of any discussion about his brother and sister, so he quickly moved back to their table.

  “We have,” the Richie answered. “Sara and Adam.”

  “What, no Jezebel and Ahab,” the sheriff snarled. “After all, they were the first to…” she made a gasping sound and fell off her stool, hitting the floor hard.

  Mika felt the slight movement of her wife’s hand on her leg and knew she was choking the sheriff. Mika reached under the table and gripped her hand. Leah slowly released her hold on Emily’s throat. She tossed her lovely head, moving long raven locks back from her face. “What?” she glared at her wife.

  Mika put her lips right against Leah’s ear and whispered, “You are so hot.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” Leah smiled.

  No one in the diner even moved to help the sheriff. If she was choking on her burger, she deserved it. The mayor didn’t warrant the hurtful statement she had made to her. Even Richie was motionless as Emily gasped for breath and pulled herself up by the barstool.


  They were counting the days until the twins made their appearance. The nursery was decorated in pinks and blues. Ruth had given a baby shower the sheriff didn’t attend, but everyone else in town did.

  They were thankful Jezebel had disappeared from their lives. She loved Cross Towers and decided to stay in New York.

  Richie and Mika’s favorite pastime was placing their hands on Leah’s stomach and talking to the babies. They were overjoyed when their conversations elicited a kick from the twins.

  Mika had thought her wife would want to skip their usual anniversary vacation aboard The Leah, but she had insisted that they simply postpone it until the first week of August. “We will probably be coming off a two or three-month abstinence,” Leah smiled knowingly. “We will need to be at sea.”

  Mika gulped audibly and nodded her agreement. Leah had informed her, four weeks ago, that they should refrain from intimate relations until after the twins were born. They had celebrated their wedding anniversary having dinner and watching a movie at home with Richie.

  Mika watched Leah as she dried her hair. She had let it grow longer, shoulder length and Mika loved it. Leah had always had incredibly beautiful breasts. Now they were fuller, firmer and sensitive. Just breathing on them had resulted in the most delightfully gentle lovemaking. Most of the time Mika felt like she would explode with the feelings she had for Leah. She couldn’t kiss Leah often enough or hold her tight enough. They had celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary June first. Mika was just beginning to scratch the surface of the woman she had married.

  Strand was right; except for the slight outward curve of her stomach and her voluptuous breasts, she didn’t look like she was about to deliver twins any minute.

  “The babies,” Mika blushed, “you will be breastfeedi
ng them. How can we leave on the boat?”

  “I have spoken with the pediatrician, and she assures me I can store breast milk for eight days in the refrigerator and freeze it for up to six months.” Leah explained. “So, I think we can be gone a week or ten days.”

  “We’d better go. Richie is meeting us at the diner,” the priest said, moving to kiss Leah before she applied her lipstick. Mika approached her lips with great reverence, holding her breath until Leah pulled her head down to press her lips against Mika’s. “I hope you know how much I adore you,” Mika murmured against her lips.

  “And I, you, darling,” Leah whispered.

  They met Richie at the diner for lunch. It was mid-June, and the twins were due at any time. Mika had to go over some things with the church staff. She was taking leave when the babies arrived, so Richie had Leah Watch . Leah had laughed at the two when they had informed her, two weeks ago, that she would not be left alone until the twins were born. Richie had named their constant surveillance of his mother, Operation Leah Watch.

  “You take care of your Mom,” Mika winked at her son. “I should be home in about two hours. Gloria has a pretty good knowledge of how to run things, but I want to be sure she feels comfortable in my absence.”

  Mika leaned down and kissed her wife goodbye. The bell above the door announced the arrival of the sheriff and her girlfriend. They sat at the table next to Leah and Richie.

  “How’s it going, Kid?” Emily reached to ruffle Richie’s hair. He successfully evaded her hand and moved to sit next to his mother instead of across from Emily.

  Mika hesitated to leave, knowing the sheriff wouldn’t miss an opportunity to harass her wife.

  “Go on, Mika,” Richie smiled. “I’ve got this.”

  Leah nodded to the priest, and Mika left the diner, hurrying to complete her task and return to her wife and son.

  “So, you’re going to domino any day now, huh?” the sheriff scoffed.

  Leah looked questioningly at her son. She had no idea what Emily had just insinuated.

  “Crude way of saying the twins could come anytime,” Richie said softly, embarrassed that his birth mother could be so cruel to his mom. “Are you ready to go?”

  Leah nodded and stood. She wore a pair of light-colored blue jeans and a slightly darker blue, V-neck pull over. Emily couldn’t suppress her gasp as her former lover turned to face her. Leah was beyond beautiful. She was earth shattering. Her long black hair curled softly around her neck, resting on her shoulders. She didn’t look pregnant, much less as if she were about to deliver twins any day.

  The sheriff couldn’t tear her eyes away from the rise of Leah’s breasts. She licked her lips, to keep them from cracking. Cleavage had always been one of Leah’s weapons; now she possessed an overwhelming. Emily fought the urge to fall at Leah’s feet and worship her.

  “Come on, Mom,” Richie cupped Leah’s elbow and guided her out of the diner.

  “Richie, I’m sorry—” Leah began, but her son cut her off.

  “Mom, you have nothing for which to be sorry,” he smiled. “Now, let’s get you and our babies’ home.”


  Richie settled his mother in the family room and gave her the TV remote. He went to fix her a cup of tea.

  The teapot had just started to whistle when his mother’s scream shook the house. He turned off the burner and sprinted to her. She was doubled over on the sofa.

  “I think I need to go to the hospital,” she cried.

  Following the drill, he and Mika had practiced many times, he grabbed Leah’s bag from the foyer closet and helped his mom to the car. Heading for the hospital, he called Mika.

  “The babies are coming,” the boy fought to keep his voice calm when the priest answered the phone. “We are on our way to the hospital.”

  “Meet you there.” Mika put her phone in her pocket and nodded to the church staff. “Leah’s on her way to the hospital.” She was out the door before anyone could reply.


  “M-i-k-a,” Leah’s scream ripped through the hospital.

  Mika didn’t even ask where Leah was; she just followed the cries of pain. Mika quickly scrubbed and slipped into the hospital attire required to be in the delivery room.

  Mika gasped at the site of her wife’s face. She was perspiring profusely, her dark hair soaked, her lovely face twisted in pain.

  “Mika, you son-of-a—” Mika cut her off with a quick kiss.

  “Is she okay?” Mika anxiously asked Strand.

  “We may have a problem,” Strand had trouble remaining calm. “Her water broke, and everything is happening so quickly. It shouldn’t be. She is too far along to use an epidural block. She is going to have to do natural childbirth.”

  “Shush,” Mika soothed taking Leah’s hand. “I’m here.”

  “Mika,” she begged, “I have enjoyed as much of this as I can stand.”

  Gripping Leah’s hand, the priest placed her other hand on her wife’s stomach. The pain left Leah immediately. She relaxed, her head falling back on the hospital bed. Her wife leaned down and kissed her gently. “Ready?” She asked.

  Leah nodded.

  “You need to deliver our twins,” Mika nodded for Strand to get into position to do his job.

  “It’s a boy,” Strand grinned as he handed the first baby to the nurse, “and a girl.” The nurses took both babies aside to clean them up and present them to their parents.

  “You did it, Leah! We have two healthy babies.” Mika beamed leaning down to kiss her, lingering longer this time. She could taste the salt from Leah’s tears and chastised herself for letting Leah experience any pain.

  Mika walked to the nurses who placed a baby in each arm. She turned to take them to her wife.

  As Mika entered the room Leah had to close her eyes. Her wife and their babies were bathed in the purest, golden light she had ever seen. Her golden lover and their golden children. Leah held out her arms for her babies. Mika gently placed one in each arm. Leah stared down at them in awe. They were the result of the love between her and her wife. They were beautiful. They nuzzled their tiny mouths against her. She looked up at Mika.

  “I think they’re hungry,” Mika laughed. she moved Leah’s hospital gown so the twins could find what they were seeking.

  Leah gasped as their tiny mouths found her nipples and began to nurse. A brilliant smile lit her face as she looked up at her wife.

  Mika was certain her chest would explode with all the emotion she was feeling. Every time she thought Leah couldn’t look more beautiful, she had always proven her wrong. It was one of those times.

  Mika pulled a chair close to Leah’s bed and laid a hand on each child and began to pray.

  After the babies finished nursing and fell asleep, Mika stepped into the waiting room and motioned her son to come in.

  “Mom,” Richie said reverently, “Look at what you did.” He stared at the babies as if they were the most wonderful things in the world.

  “Sara is on my left and Adam is on my right,” Leah smiled proudly.

  “Mom, they look like tiny angels,” Richie grinned. He pulled the blanket back to get a better view of Adam’s face. “Yeah, he’s going to make a great wingman,” Richie grinned.

  “What,” his mother laughed, raising a pair of perfectly arched eyebrows.

  Richie pulled back the blanket from Sara. He gently touched her pink cheek and gasped softly when her tiny hand curled around his finger. He looked up into his mother’s loving brown eyes. “She just stole my heart,” he smiled broadly.

  “Just as you did mine the first time you caught my finger like that,” Leah smiled wistfully.

  Mika heard a cane tapping in the hallway. She stepped into the hall to see Legion making his way toward them. Three long strides placed her in front of the menacing little man.

  “What are you doing here, Legion?” Mika demanded.

  “Just came to bask in everyone’s glory,” the man smirked.

  “Stay away
from my wife and my family,” the priest hissed.

  “And, if I don’t?” Legion poked a finger into Mika’s chest.

  “You will regret it.” The priest’s face was dark and menacing. For a brief second fear flitted through Legion.

  “Be careful who you threaten, Priest,” Legion snarled. “I do believe my god is considerably stronger than yours. Mine doesn’t desert his believers.”

  “Neither does mine,” the priest said with great conviction.

  “Who are you, really,” the fiend’s eyes narrowed.

  “The queen’s wife,” Mika said sinisterly. “For your sake, I hope you’re not fool enough to go up against her.”

  Leah and Richie were so enthralled with the twins that they hadn’t noticed the priest’s absence from the room. Her wife looked up as she stepped back through the doorway. “Where did you go?” she smiled at Mika.

  “Ladies room,” Mika blushed appropriately, hoping it concealed the concern in her eyes.


  The tiny mewls from the nursery jerked Mika awake. “I’ll get them,” Leah yawned sleepily.

  “No,” Mika murmured, “You get ready for them. I’ll bring them to you.”

  Leah was sitting against the headboard of their bed when Mika returned with a baby in each arm. She let her silk pajama top fall open exposing a breast for each infant. They quickly found a nipple and began to nurse contentedly. She exhaled thankfully, as they relieved the pressure of her swollen breasts. She blushed as she realized Mika was staring at her. Her eyes were moving back and forth between Leah’s lips and their nursing babies.

  “What?” She smiled as she asked the question to which she already knew the answer. She just liked to hear Mika verbalize it.

  “I love you, so much.” Mika shook her head side to side as if even she couldn’t believe how much she loved her wife. Mika leaned down and placed her lips gently against Leah’s. “You have given me the greatest gifts of all.”

  Sara and Adam were the images of their blonde mother. Golden skin with silky blonde hair. Leah could tell it was going to be thick and wavy like Mika’s hair. They had Mika’s dimples and piercing blue eyes. Richie was right. They did look like tiny angels.


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