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Heart and Revenge: Slayer Academy (Book 2)

Page 6

by Cassidy Summers

  “Holy shit,” he whispers in shock as The Guard official steps in to call the fight. By this stage, the crowd is going nuts as Rylan stands motionless with me still clinging onto his back. Our breaths come in deep and fast as I uncurl my legs and let my body slide down his until I reach the ground.

  Rylan turns to face me, his dark eyes looking into mine with pride. “You really have been learning some new tricks,” he smirks. “I don’t know whether to be impressed or pissed that you beat me in front of all these people.”

  The overwhelming need to kiss him comes crashing into me and I watch as the same emotion takes place in him. Words escape me and all that’s left is to beam up at him. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s get you checked out.”

  He leads me out of the ring, holding the ropes up for me as I climb out. I jump down to the ground on shaky, exhausted legs with Rylan following right behind me.

  He sits me down in the same chair I was in yesterday and allows some unnamed Guard official to check me over. “Are you okay? I hit you pretty hard,” he says, indicating towards my ribs where we both know is bound to have a nasty bruise come tomorrow.

  “Please,” I laugh. “I should be asking you the same thing. I think your ego took a nasty hit.”

  Rylan smirks then raises an impatient brow in annoyance, demanding an answer.

  “I’m fine,” I sigh, giving him what he needs.

  I look up into the crowd to find mom and Millie watching me intently and I wish they were allowed to be here, but due to the weapons that have been placed out in the open, there are a lot more security measures put in place for today.

  The official puts more cream into my rope burns after Rylan subtly suggested he wasn’t doing a thorough enough job, though this time, I only raise my shirt just enough for the burns to be visible, rather than strip it off, which gets me a smug look from Rylan.

  When he’s finished doing first aid, the official ushers me up and out of my seat, indicating for me to join the rest of my teammates and for Rylan to head back over so they can commence preparation of the next fight. I give Rylan one last smile and turn away to join my classmates.

  I’m welcomed with mixed reactions as I make my way over to drop down between my two favorite losers who give me the most awe-inspired grins imaginable as if I’ve just saved the world from an alien invasion. My other classmates, not so much. Luke and Alex scowl at me and comment that Rylan let me win, which is just ridiculous while a few of the other guys look as though I have just put them all to shame…which, I guess is exactly what I just did.

  I zone out during the next few fights, just waiting for the examinations to be over, though I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Rylan’s last fight as he easily took down Luke. It was very comical if you ask me. It’s not long after that we’re all excused and I hastily make my exit. I spend about an hour chatting with mom and Millie before heading straight for my dorm room to collapse on my bed as exhaustion takes over.


  Jacinta comes barreling into our room. “What the hell are you doing still sleeping?” she screeches, startling me out of my afternoon nap.

  “Go away,” I curse, burying my head deeper into my pillow.

  “Nu-uh, no way,” she says with attitude. “The dance starts in an hour. I’ve let you sleep the afternoon away, but now it’s time to get sexy.” Damn it. I forgot about The Guard Annual Dance in all the excitement, which really is just going to be a big show of how much money The Guard has and some over the top announcement of our rankings, rather than just posting it on the electives notice board, like everything else.

  “No,” I groan, but she clearly doesn’t take it seriously as she grabs my leg and starts to drag me from my bed. I hit the floor with a thump and let out another groan as all my muscles protest at the movement.

  “Oh, good, you’re up,” Jacinta smiles, throwing me a brown paper bag. It hits me on my chest before dropping into my lap. “I figured now that you’ve finished midterms, you can splurge a little,” she says as I open the bag to find my favorite large chocolate muffin and I silently thank the heavens above.

  “You’re a cow,” I whine as I get to my feet and head over to our small kitchenette to put my muffin in the microwave, as the only way to eat a muffin is slightly warmed. “Thank you,” I grumble as an afterthought.

  “I know, I know, take your bad mood out on the one person who’s actually trying to look out for you,” she murmurs, rifling through my closet.

  I get busy eating my muffing when Jacinta squeals out in a tone that I’m far too tired to handle. “Uh-huh,” she beams, pulling out a sexy black dress. “Throw this bad boy on with your knee-high black heels then come out here and I’ll do your hair and makeup.”

  I groan once again as I annihilate my muffin and grab the dress. I head into the bathroom and strip down, catching sight of my body in the mirror and taking note of all my injuries. The nastiest, apart from my rope burns, being the deep purple one that now lays across my ribs, courtesy of Rylan. Though, I will take that knowledge with me to the grave.

  I widen my perspective, taking in the whole image and decide the only thing for me right now is a shower. I jump in and quickly wash my long hair, basking in the joy of the scalding water running down my back. I hop out, towel dry my hair, and squeeze into my little black dress.

  A half-hour later, after my hair is blown out and my makeup is fresh and smoky, my knee-high boots are on and this sexy dress is working wonders for my cleavage. I’m finally ready to go. “Yep, you’re going to have Rylan drooling and breaking all sorts of rules tonight,” Jacinta says as she reapplies her lip gloss, pushes up her boobs and grabs my hand before hauling me out the door, giggling behind her.

  We make our way across campus where we meet a very handsome looking Trey. “Woah,” he whispers in a low tone taking in Jacinta’s red, curve-hugging dress and black heels. “You are one sexy lady,” he says in a seductive tone.

  “What happened to Daniel?” Jacinta asks as she takes control of the blush that has crept over her face.

  “Nora dug her claws in tonight,” he says with a shudder as we head off towards the Great Hall.

  We walk through the doors to find the room, completely over the top, set up with tables and decorations. There’s a massive dance floor in the center of the room and the lights have been dimmed to create a party atmosphere. The room is packed with bodies as the whole senior class lingers around.

  Trey breaks off as one of his friends call him over to discuss his epic win over me yesterday, leaving Jacinta and I to dive further into the room. We push through the scattered seniors towards the drinks table. I hear my name whispered by my fellow classmates as I make my way through.

  “Looks like you’re the new school celebrity,” Jacinta says as we finally reach the table. I groan at her comments as I grab a cup and scoop some punch into mine and then hers. Jacinta shuffles me away from the table and hides me in a corner, digging a small bottle of vodka from her purse and pours a shot into each of our cups.

  “What the hell has happened to my good Jacinta tonight?” I ask in shock.

  “What?” she says with a smirk. “I’ve just finished midterms too. I want to let loose.”

  I shake my head and lift my drink to my lips, taking a long, well-deserved swig. Jacinta drags me onto the dance floor as my phone vibrates in my purse. I pull it out and quickly scan the message from Rylan.

  Rylan - You look incredible.

  Heat floods my cheeks, I go to glance up to find him in this busy room as another text comes through, forcing my eyes back down to the small screen.

  Rylan - I know what’s in your drink.

  Rylan - Don’t get caught.

  A grin spreads over my face and this time, I finally get to look up and find his intense eyes locked on mine from across the room. I intentionally take another sip of my drink and watch as he shakes his head in exasperation while struggling to keep the grin off his face.

  Jacinta grabs hol
d of my hand and pulls me the rest of the way onto the dance floor and immediately starts shaking her ass. We dance together for ages and I make sure I put on a good show for my man. Before long, Trey and Daniel come and join us and we dance the night away.

  What feels like a lifetime later, my third drink is empty, Daniel has ditched us to dirty dance with Nora, and Trey and Jacinta are playing hockey with their tonsils.

  I make my way across the floor to grab myself a glass of water and am pulled into a small supply room with Rylan holding me up against the back of the door.

  He runs his nose along the length of my neck, his breath bringing shivers to my skin. “Did I mention how good you look?” he groans.

  “Yes, but you can tell me again,” I whisper as my hands begin roaming over his strong torso.

  “God, this is so stupid. Anybody could catch us here, but I couldn’t resist. I had to have my hands on you. Watching you dance like that with Daniel rubbing up against you was enough to drive me insane,” he admits.

  I grin at his admission. “Feeling a little territorial?”

  He raises his head from my neck and looks deeply into my eyes. “Always.”

  “You know there’s nothing to worry about with Daniel, right? He only does it to get a rise out of you.”

  “I know. It worked,” he admits with a groan.

  I loop my arms up around his neck and bring his lips down to mine, giving him the most passionate kiss I’m capable of. “Better?” I ask when we finally break apart.

  “No, not until we're out of the Academy and I can really be with you,” he says.

  “Six months down, six to go.”

  “Mmhmm,” he groans as he returns to work on my neck, forcing a moan from my lips.

  I eventually sneak out of the supply closet, thankful not to get caught and make my way to find my table. I glance down at my name card and the ones surrounding it and realize this just won’t do. I pick up the few name cards surrounding my own and go in search of three certain names. Fifteen minutes later, I sit at a table next to Daniel and Jacinta with Trey on her other side. Perfect.

  The music dies down and a spotlight suddenly appears on Ms. Peterson, who’s standing behind a small podium in the middle of the stage. She starts rambling about what a marvelous week we’ve had and how everyone has done exceptionally well in their midterms and I take this opportunity to zone out.

  Jacinta suddenly squeezes my hand under the table and I glance up at the stage to notice Ms. Peterson indicating towards a table filled with what must be The Guard Council Members and realize this must be when the rankings are revealed.

  “Please, let's welcome the High Council Member of The Guard, Mr. Jackson Lewis. Without Mr. Lewis, this wonderful night would not have been possible.” The room erupts into applause as an older gentleman with thick silver hair in a dark suit makes his way up to the stage.

  “Ah, my beautiful children of The Guard, what a pleasure it is to stand here before you tonight,” he gushes. “I not only speak for myself but the entire council when I say that The Guard has been blown away by your amazing efforts in your midterm examinations. Now, I will keep this short. I’m sure you’ve already figured out what my role here tonight is and I’m sure you are all extremely curious about the results that I hold here in my hand,” he says, holding up a thick, golden envelope.

  “So, let’s get this show on the road.” He all but cheers as a projector screen lowers down behind him. “Let us begin with the current rankings for Alchemy Studies.” He grabs a remote and with a quick flick of a finger the screen lights up with the current standings for the Alchemy elective. “Congratulations to Mr. Adam Nelson, who is currently in the top ranking of this elective.” The room erupts into applause and quickly quietens down as Jackson continues on with the rankings for Vampire Studies, followed by Werewolf Studies.

  I find Jacinta’s hand under the table once again and lace my fingers through hers, knowing this moment would be causing havoc on her nerves. “Alright, moving right along,” Jackson announces looking down at his notes “Ah, Fairy Enchantment Defensive Skills, better known as FEDS. This one was close, separating first and second ranking by only one point,” he pauses for dramatics as Jacinta squeezes the life out of my hand. He flicks the button on the remote, lighting up the screen. “Congratulations Miss Jacinta Cooper, you have achieved the current top ranking.”

  Jacinta squeals beside me with absolute joy lighting up her beautiful face. Trey leans over and gives her the sloppiest kiss then she reaches over to give me a tight hug, narrowly missing my bruised ribs. She looks back towards the screen, studying the ranking of her classmates and gives a small scowl at the second rank being Nora.

  “Okay, okay, everybody calm down,” Jackson says. “Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. The current Combat rankings. As you are all aware, a lot more goes into the efforts for determining the ranking of the Combat students. Unlike the rest of you who have completed a written exam, the students of the combat class have quite literally fought for it. Their ranking comes from a combination of their written exam, a target exam, their classmate fights and their weaponry skills fight.”

  My legs shake under the table as nerves shoot through me.

  “This year, we have one student whose efforts have greatly stood out from the rest, achieving the highest target accuracy The Guard has ever witnessed. This student has showcased a high level of weaponry skills during combat and whose overall combat skills have blown away the thousands of spectators who witnessed the performance. Congratulations Miss Bianca Moore on your current top ranking.”

  I think my jaw literally drops and hits the table. Jackson hits the magic button and I see the list appear before me.

  1. Bianca Moore

  2. Trey Carter

  3. Tom Parker

  4. Luke Watson

  5. Daniel Wilson

  6. Eric Hart

  7. Alex Doyle

  8. Simon Phillips

  9. Cameron Grace

  10. Jack Meyer

  “Holy Shit,” I whisper under my breath as the shock begins to register. Jacinta squeals in my ear before pulling me up out of my chair and jumping up and down as she hugs me close. “Oh my god, B. You did it,” she sings. “You kicked all of those boy’s asses, including Rylan’s.”

  Daniel wraps his strong arms around us. “Congratulations, Pretty Girl,” he smiles. “You earned it.”

  I wriggle out of Jacinta and Daniel’s holds and face Trey, who has a major grin on his face. “I thought for sure you were going to be first,” I tell him.

  He throws his arms around me. “No way, the moment I saw your target skills at the beginning of the year, I knew you would kick my ass. Not to mention, the way you smashed Rylan today was basically a guaranteed top ranking. That man is like a machine.”

  Don’t I know it.

  I let out a relieved laugh and squeeze him tighter. “Thanks,” I say to my small group of friends. I glance across the room to Rylan and as if sensing my gaze, swirls his eyes to meet mine. He sends me a discreet wink and the briefest nod before returning his attention back to his table, who by the looks of it are congratulating him on his training plan or for probably being able to transform a train wreck like me into the top-ranking student in his program.

  The room around us fills with mindless chatter as Jackson leaves the stage, motioning for the festivities to begin. A line of waiters dressed in black penguin suits come filing through the back door, holding trays upon trays of food and plonking a plate down in front of each of us.

  Two dinners and three desserts later, the music changes from the easy listening dinner music to the loud party music once again. Jacinta and I look at each other, motioning for the dance floor.

  As she grabs my hand, a tall dark and handsome figure appears at the table. “Bianca,” Rylan says in his usual stern instructor tone. “Follow me. Your presence has been requested by the High Council Members.”

  Chapter 7

  I walk al
ongside Rylan as he leads me toward the Academy’s meeting rooms within the administration building.

  “What’s this about?” I ask nervously.

  He glances towards me before letting out a breath. “I have no idea,” he says with a scowl. “But nothing good ever comes from a meeting with The Council.”

  “Great,” I mutter under my breath, wishing I could head back to the happy bliss of the party.

  He suddenly stops and turns towards me, placing both hands on my shoulders and demanding my full attention. “Just know that whatever they want from you, there’s always an ulterior motive behind it, so before you agree to anything they might be offering you, try and figure out what that motive is,” he says, removing his hands and starting up again.

  I follow quietly beside him while trying to figure out what these guys could possibly want from me. After all, I’m only eighteen and I haven’t even graduated yet. I’m a nobody to them.

  “Bianca,” Rylan says, bringing me out of my thoughts. “I know you’re a bit of a loose cannon, so please try to not say anything you’ll regret. These assholes quite literally hold your future in their hands.”

  Oh great. Send Bianca into a situation where she would have to watch her mouth, might as well throw me into the fiery pits of Hell. That would be easier.

  “So, you didn’t really seem surprised when I got the top ranking,” I state curiously, trying to keep my mind at ease.

  “I wasn’t,” he says as if it was a ridiculous thing to say. “You said you wanted to be ranked first and I knew you wouldn’t stop fighting until you got it, which is exactly what you did. It was never a question of who would be ranked first, but when you would be ranked first.” A wide smile comes over me as warmth fills my heart at his faith in me.

  “Jackson mentioned something about me having the highest target accuracy on record. That couldn’t be right though, I thought you held the record.”

  He lets out a low groan, fighting a smile. “Yes, I did hold the record. That is until you beat it on Monday. I graduated with a 97% accuracy, you just received 98%. But remember, that was five years ago. I’ve had a lot of practice since then.”


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