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Page 15

by Roger Hastings

  Undoubtedly, the other; a bountifully-bodied, huge-breasted woman was for me. She carried extra pounds, but—damn!—how beautiful they were positioned on her warm, cushioned body. Her chest bore the number ‘F-0696’, but I recognized her as Rosa Ignazio, our restaurant’s sexy Italian cook. From her wink and covert smile I realized she was absolutely crazy about fucking, and was delighted to have a cuffed and helpless male for a sex partner, especially me, the director of the facility, now stretched out and defenseless against her voracious carnal appetites, my cock held prisoner for her predatory pussy.

  She beamed with joy. “Hello, sir. Big dick has graciously given me permission to sexually service you.”

  “You don’t have too, Rosa. He can’t...”

  She gave me a look of smug triumph. “You don’t get it, do you, Sir—I want to fuck you—many, many times. My pussy can’t wait to feel your cock inside it. This was my idea! I begged him to let me fuck you and he said, ‘yes.’ That’s why the robot brought you here. This is my cell.”

  “Get up on top of male M-0001,” the robot said to her.

  “Gladly!” She squealed, and scrambled up, straddling my hips, grinning down at my apprehensive face. Oh-h-h-h,” She squealed again. “Oh, I hope this never ends!”

  “Lift you arms above your head,” the robot said.

  Rosa perched on my hips with a huge grin as she gleefully stretched up her arms, impatiently eager to have the robot lock her cheerfully surrendered wrists in the ceiling chain’s cuffs. After the robot secured Rosa’s wrists to the overhead chains, she actually nodded her thanks to him. It turned and left the cell, locking the door. I tilted my head back to watch it through the steel bars as it strode away. I kept hoping for rescue until I heard Rosa giggle.

  She smiled down at my helpless body as she deliberately jerked her torso from side to side, making her luscious oversized breasts jiggle and bounce. With her arms stretched above her and chained, her twin charms swayed above me so vulnerable and unprotected. If my hands were free I would reach up and squeeze them until they were purple with my finger marks.

  Rosa was obviously thrilled with the opportunity to fuck me as hard and as long as she desired, and no matter how long, or what her sexy imagination dreamed of doing to my body, even chained, she was in control of my cock. I couldn’t stop her.

  I moaned silently, imagining what it would feel like to have her beautiful, bulky body continuously whomping down on my hips, hour after hour, frictioning my cock raw while she shrieked and squealed with orgasm after orgasm.

  Rosa gleefully squirmed her hips as she shifted her legs, caressing my hips with the soft, warm nakedness of her thighs. She read the thoughts in my face and eyes. “I wish you could touch my breasts, Sir, and feel your teeth biting them. I want to feel your hands all over me, every inch of me.” Her voice cooed, “Oh, Dr. Trent, this is the happiest day of my life! You never noticed me watching you as you sat eating in the restaurant. How I have yearned for a night with you in your bed. Every second I watched you sitting there in front of me, I was stripping you naked with my eyes, wishing your cock was sliding back and forth inside my pussy. Now that we are both captives in this strange and wonderful sex prison, all of my naughty dreams about you will come true.”

  Rosa flexed her knees and rose up, gyrating her pussy lips, and making her silky black pubic muff tickle my cock’s shivering head. She sucked in a quick breath, clenching her fists as the tingling sensation rocketed through her belly. My nose prickled with the spicy aroma of her moist secretions. With astonishing swiftness, my manhood sprang up in full, obedient erection.

  Like a giant, wind-starved kite, Rosa lowered her torso, her already self-lubricated pussy slick-sliding down my manhood, greedily engulfing my cock. She blissfully settled her warm thighs on my hips. With a buoyant grin, she closed her eyes, tilted back her head and shook loose her long, glossy mane of black hair. I heard her exhale a blissful, quivering moan.

  “Oh-h-h-h-h-h, that feels so good… just like it did in all my wet dreams!”

  I reeled in a sensation of exquisite anguish, my defenseless body trapped under the weight of her torso, with my cock wrapped in the moist blanket of her hot pussy clenching my manhood. I groaned out loud against my will, unable to suppress the spinning lewd whirlpool sucking all the rational control out of my mind. My universe shrank down to only the quiver of my cock shimmering in her steamy lair, the caress of her buttocks on my hips, and the velvet embrace of her thighs. I was a prisoner of the surfing sighs of her breath, and her pussy’s powerful grip.

  Rosa’s soft, dreamy voice purred in my ears. “Oh, Sir, I’m so glad to be here with you. I want to make you happy, Sir, so happy with me that you will forget our slavery and think only of the physical love we share with everyone.”

  I heard my rasping voice through the whirling confusion spinning wildly in my being. “And the pain?”

  Lynn opened her eyes and tilted her head forward, smiling into my face. “Relax, my love, there is no pain now. This will be a memory we both can return to again and again to help us endure the punishment.”

  My mind fragmented. One piece concentrated on the feel of Rosa’s hungry slit sliding up and down. A second piece heard her voice chanting dreamy erotic sighs and moans. A third piece of my mind huddled inside my belly, greedily sucking at every tingle and shiver of my sex-nerves. Another piece of me stared at the allure of her swaying breasts—large, soft, round, lush… Oh, my! Her nipples were so inviting. So tempting. If only my hands were free to grab them and squeeze hard! If only I could gnaw at them until Rosa was hoarse from shrieking!

  Still another part of my mind felt my wrists and ankles held captive, my arms and legs stretched tight and imprisoned in the binding cuffs at each corner of the cot. The physical sensation of sexual vulnerability triggered a tidal wave of hormones flooding through my body. I lay exposed and helpless; unable to move—terrified, but exhilarated by the absolute impossibility of protecting my cock from brutal torture.

  My eyes glued to Rosa’s jouncing, dancing breasts; my ears tuned to her moans and girlish, puppy-love sighs. Then I looked down at the arrow painted on the exaggerated fullness of her belly. It pointed at her pussy, shouting at my eyes, ‘Look! Look! See what she’s doing!’

  Rosa snapped her head back, her mouth gaping wide, her lungs straining to detonate her vocal cry. “E-E-E-AUH-H-H!”

  Her pussy’s bite clamped around my cock and triggered my simultaneous eruption. “Y-Y-Y-ENGH!” Wordless sounds rushed up my throat, as spout after spout of my hot cum geysered into Rosa’s frantically sucking pussy. My shuddering hips strained upward, crushing against her grinding crotch.

  My balls ached from being forced to churn out gobs of cum again and again and again. Horrendous pain and dazzling pleasure combined again. What a paradox!

  Finally, the maelstrom calmed and my mind returned to reality. Rosa’s sweat-drenched nakedness slouched on my hips, her head drooping, her chained arms taut with her weight. The raven swirls of her hair shadowed her face, giving it a dreamy appearance. Her eyes were shut while her breasts swayed from her panting breaths, and her lips parted with a weary smile. She moaned softly when her normal breathing returned.

  “Oh-h-h-h, Sir,” she whispered, “that was amazing! I never came so hard in all my life.”

  I groaned and rolled my head to the side. If Big Dick left her perched on my cock any longer she would fuck me again and again until I went insane!

  “No more,” I moaned. “Please, your pussy is punishing me!”

  “But Steve, I love...”

  “Love? This isn’t the kind of love,” I groaned. “We’re sex puppets on Big Dick’s strings. He jerks them and we punish and fuck each other. He’s living out his fantasies by gutter-crawling in our minds. It’s not just you fucking me, and me fucking you. Can’t you understand that? Big Dick is fucking—no—raping both of us. He’s a monster, and he’s turning us into nothing but horny animals.”
  “But, I’m enjoying it. I want to be like this. If Big Dick enjoys making me his sex-slave, I’m glad he is!”

  She inhaled a deep breath and let it slowly escape from her pursed lips. “Besides, I think I want to fuck you some more, and you have to let me ‘cause you’re lying under me and chained to that cot.”

  “No, Rosa, please!” I’m so tired and my cock is sore.”

  “Too bad, my darling. I want to feel more of your cum squirting into my pussy. Here I go!” Rosa giggled and began cycling her chubby torso up and down again, as her cum-smeared pussy lips sucked my aching cock.

  “Oh, I want to cum a thousand times before we are separated. I’m so happy Big Dick wants to keep your cock inside me. I only wish I could feel your hands mauling my breasts, your fingers pinching my nipples.”

  I moaned with the soreness and despair. Dark images and thoughts whirled in my brain. I rocked my head back and forth, trying to blot out what she was doing to me. I looked over at Vince and the naked girl straining to keep up the humping motion of her pussy.

  Her diminutive, slender arms tugged at her wrist chains above, trembling with fatigue and the unending effort to repeatedly lift her torso. Her head hung forward, with the silky tresses of her smoky red hair swirling over her face. I heard her gulping air and panting, her lungs working to feed enough oxygen to her slim body. Her dainty breasts flaunted their strawberry nipples—I could see the plain crimson pattern of a man’s teeth marks all over her breasts, revealing several bites inflicted on each one. She whimpered and shook her head, engaged in conversation with Big Dick’s voice in her head. “No! No! Please don’t do that to me. I promise, I’ll keep fucking him until he comes, but don’t hurt me like that again!”

  Rosa flung her head back and shrieked. “Cumming! Hot damn! I’m cumming! Yes—yes—YES! UNGH! UNG-G-GUH!” Her crotch hammered against me in short, rapid impacts. I was terrified she would crush my pelvic bone. Her breath surged in feral grunts. “UH!-UH!-UH!-UH!” She squirmed, grinding her crotch fiercely against my hips. My cock was snared, like in a noose, devoured by a woman gone berserk. I couldn’t believe it, I was cumming again, too.

  Her face grimaced, her eyes clamped shut, her lips pulled back exposing her gritting teeth. “YUNGH! MUH-H-H-UGH! UNGH!” Rosa lunged her torso against my helpless body. Even Vince turned his head to stare at her performance. When she finished, hanging limp from her wrist chains, Vince spoke to me.

  There was a glint of childishness in his eyes. “Was it good for you, too?”

  “Go to hell,” I said with a groan.

  Rosa panted chaotically, her body gleaming with perspiration. Her breasts hung over me, oscillating like the restless waves in a troubled sea. She wiped her sweat-dripping forehead against her lifted arms and blinked away the drops trickling into her eyes. She smiled down at me, still too out of breath to speak. She jiggled her breasts, a signal of how much she enjoyed being captive among horny men.

  She closed her eyes again and concentrated on catching her breath. When she calmed after about five minutes, she was recuperated enough to speak. “Hot damn, Sir. That was the most wonderful fuck I ever had! As soon as I’ve rested enough, I’m going to try a third.” She glanced up at her wrist chains, the concrete walls, and steel bars of the cell door. “Oh, god! This place is paradise!” She sighed and leaned back, closed her eyes and rested her weight against her chained wrists as she retreated into whatever lewd visions she was bringing to mind. A few minutes later, I could hear the soft, slow sound of her breathing and looked up at her face. She was peacefully asleep.

  I sighed with relief, and glanced over at Vince and his girl. Vince had his eyes shut, and was lying motionless with exhaustion. There was only the slow bobbing of the girl’s torso up and down, her pussy desperately coaxing one more ooze of cum from his still-erect, but weary and unresponsive cock.

  I heard voices from the next cell, the gasps and panting of a girl, and the groans and grunts of an aged man’s voice.

  “Stop, girl, stop! I’m exhausted and you’re hurting my cock!”

  “I can’t stop, sir. Big Dick will have me whipped again like he did last time.”

  “AUGH! Don’t shove so fast and hard. I’ve already been forced to cum four times! I can’t stand anymore slut-fucking!”

  “Slut! You dare call me a slut? You goddamned old fart, I’ll show you hard and fast!”

  The rhythmic squeak of the cot’s frame speeded up, and got louder from her violent jouncing.

  “AUGH! YAUGH! Stop, girl! Stop! OW! OW! OW! YEOW!”

  “Go to hell, you bastard. I’ll rub the skin right off your scrawny old ugly cock!”

  There were more feminine gasps of exertion, and cries and howls from the man, until she tired, and slowed down.

  Now the girl panted rapidly, and the male groans were much louder and continuous, measuring out the seconds into minutes, until at last Vince howled out the agonizing, involuntary cramping of his overworked erection.

  “Yes!” the girl gasped with relief. “Yes, cum! Cum! Get it over with so I can rest. You old bastard, you kept me humping for hours to make you cum!”

  I couldn’t help grinning. She didn’t realize it, but she just tipped off Big Dick about what she hated the most. Big Dick’s idea of fun would be to make her hump the old man on a regular basis. I guessed she would be taken to his cell over and over again, and forced to fuck him.

  I sighed and turned my attention back to Rosa resting on top of my hips.

  The commotion next door had awakened her. “Oh, sir, I had the most wonderful dream. I dreamt I invented a machine that shrank people small enough to live in a doll house.” She smiled down at me. “I shank you down to six inches, and I made you my prisoner, stuffed in my pussy.”

  She giggled and shifted her crotch, making little movements that maneuvered my cock-hair against her love-button. “Um-m-m, Yum-m-m-m! You sure know how to show a lady a good time!”

  We both turned and looked at Vince and his girl. She tipped her head forward, her eyes shut, her mouth open with her lips curled out. Her torso cycled frantically as Vince rocked his chest in the throes of another gasping orgasm.

  I moaned, guessing Rosa was so inspired by their cumming that she would now demand more from me. But for once, Big Dick came to my rescue.

  “Playtime is over, F-0696.” Big Dick’s voice rumbled in the cell. “I said I would let you fuck the male, but I didn’t say I’d let you keep him. I’m sending him to another woman for her to test his endurance. And you’ve got another appointment to keep. It’s time for you to amuse me again. I have a sudden whim to watch your strapped-down body struggle and shriek while a male plays A violent game with you in the punishment building.”

  “No, please, Master Dick. Please let me fuck Steve again. You can hurt me all you want if you just let me...”

  “Not this time! My robots are coming for you.”

  “No! Don’t!” Rosa anxiously jerked her chains. “Please keep me here. Don’t unchain me! I waited so long to fuck Dr. Trent.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Please, Master Dick, at least give me one more time to fuck him...”

  The cell door swung open and two guard robots entered. A third robot pulled in another girl to force-fuck Vince. With silence and metallic strength one guard robot snapped a tether to Rosa’s collar, and the other one tethered my cock-collar. They released our chains and dragged us out of the cell.

  Vince called out as I stumbled down the corridor behind my robot. “Courage, Steve. Don’t let that big-brained blob of solder break your spirit!”

  “I won’t,” I answered. Hah! I’m so weary I can hardly walk. I’ll be easy meat for Big Dick’s next game. I wonder if he knows how frail human flesh is. What will he do if we start dying from these ordeals?

  I’ve got to stop this before it’s too late!

  Chapter Twelve


  I gave Casey a worried glance. “Are you sure the compu
ter implants are feeding Big Dick the false signal that we are asleep in our cells?”

  “I’m sure. I got lucky. A girl assigned to torment me was merciful enough to release me from the bondage bench once Big Dick finished watching her torment me. When his green eye went dark she and I sneaked into the maintenance robots’ repair parts warehouse and got some tools. We used the independent computer there to reprogram our chips’ transmitter circuits.” He scanned the area outside the administration building door. “We would never get this far if he knew where we are and what we’re doing.”

  Casey, Phil and I crept through the door and headed down the corridor toward what used to be my office. There, we could enter the elevator shaft leading down to Big Dick’s domain.

  “Maybe he just wants to find out what we’re up to,” I whispered.

  “No. He’d know that by now.” We were inside the administration building, the only place where we could get into the elevator directly to his brain’s location.”

  “At least the security robots didn’t detect us.”

  “So far. But we have to work fast. There may be some down in his underground computing chamber.”

  Casey looked back at Phil. “You sure those explosives are powerful enough to destroy his central processing unit?”

  Phil nodded solemnly. “I don’t have to think, I know. We’ll blow that bastard’s libido to silicon hell.

  I beckoned and moved silently forward. “Let’s go!”

  We sneaked around a corner and down the hallway leading to my former office. It was dark and empty. No human had been here since Big Dick enslaved us six months ago. The place seemed almost strange and alien to me now, a scene from a world that had ceased to exist for us. In our current state, I could imagine myself an animal, intruding into a world of god-like beings who wear clothes and live free lives.


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