Kiss Cam (With A Kiss Book 1)
Page 14
“Oh, I didn’t see you bring in a bag.”
He swallowed and then replied. “I didn’t bring one. I don’t plan on wearing any clothes to bed, and I don’t have any meetings until nine tomorrow, so I was going to go home when you left for work.”
“Oh,” I repeated, feeling the relief wash over me that he would be staying.
“Don’t want to spend a night away from me, do you?” His smile was so big and obnoxious, but it was impossible not to smile back. I decided not to dignify his question with a response, so I continued eating.
For the rest of the meal the electricity between us crackled. The seconds sizzled. Every time my eyes wandered his way he was looking at me, lust darkening his eyes and turning up the corner of his mouth into a sexy grin. He knew he’d gotten to me, that I was practically trembling in anticipation.
When we’d both finished our meals, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and then said in a very lawyerly tone, “I’d like to propose an adjustment to the agenda.”
Fuck me. Lawyer talk.
“What is your proposition, counsel?”
“I’d like to strike shower from the schedule and move directly to the bed.”
“Motion granted,” I said on a breath. It was only a second before he pounced on me.
Chapter Twelve
Riley’s alarm went off way too early the next morning. I felt her move to silence it, but when she tried to roll out of bed, I reached out and brought her back against me with an arm wrapped around her waist.
“Cam,” she said with a laugh, her voice gravelly from sleep. “I have to go to work.”
“Five minutes,” I mumbled, my face buried in her hair. Two words were all I could muster. She made a noise like she was going to argue, but then I felt her relax against me and snuggle back.
Good girl.
I would have loved to drift away to sleep again, but Riley in my arms was distracting.
I’d been with my fair share of women before, some serious and some not, but never had I experienced the type of connection I shared with Riley. Yeah, the sex was amazing, but it was a whole different kind of sex. Normally when I was with someone, I found them attractive and that was arousing. With Riley, it wasn’t only her body that turned me on, it was the way I felt privileged to even touch her, the way her body felt precious to me. Being with her was a gift.
As corny and ridiculous as it sounded, being inside of her felt like coming home. And it wasn’t just any home, it was the one place in the world you felt safe and comforted, the best place in the whole fucking world. Every time I slid into her it was as though she’d been waiting for me to come back, like her body had missed mine and my body was grateful to have her back.
In fact, I’d been home twice last night. And if she didn’t have to leave for work soon, I’d go home again.
When she slid out of my grasp again a few minutes later, I let her go. I watched as she stood from the bed, naked and gorgeous, and walked into the hallway. Her hair was messy and falling down her back, her perfect ass moving in a sexy rhythm with her steps. She disappeared from sight and I heard the water turn on, making a rushing sound, but over it I heard her humming. I smiled, letting my head fall back to the pillow, loving that she felt comfortable enough around me to walk around naked and hum to herself. Perhaps I’d get a full karaoke show when she showered.
The thought of Riley in the shower was enough to make me hard, so I decided to focus on something else.
I threw the blanket off and swung my legs over the bed. My boxer briefs were on the floor next to my suit pants, but I wasn’t ready for full pants yet, so I pulled on the briefs and made my way to the kitchen. I found her coffee and started a pot, then looked in her fridge, trying to scrounge something up for breakfast. If she was anything like me in the mornings, she probably got something at a Starbucks on the way in, but I had a few minutes to spare. She had a full carton of eggs and half a loaf of bread, so breakfast was decided.
Fifteen minutes later when Riley came into the kitchen, using a towel to dry her hair, she wore a big smile.
“Did you make breakfast?”
“Yeah, but just for me. Get your own.”
She dropped her towel on a chair by the table, but I kept my eyes on the eggs. The heat of her body warmed my back as she pressed against me, her hands sliding around my waist and meeting right over my naval.
“If you make me come at night and then cook me breakfast in the morning, I might keep you around forever.”
I tried to keep my heart from racing at the mention of forever, but it was useless. Could two people fall in love—a real kind of soul mate love—in less than two weeks? I didn’t know, but I was sure I felt things for Riley no woman had ever come close to eliciting from me.
“I made toast too,” I mentioned, my voice flat, the complete opposite of the way I was feeling.
“Mmm. You’re saying all the right things, Camden.”
I couldn’t help the smile spreading across my face. The eggs were done so I moved the pan off the burner, turned off the stove, and scooped them onto two plates already loaded with toast. I turned slowly, loving the way she kept her arms around me, and when we were chest to chest I took her face in my hands. I brought my lips to hers, but before they touched, I whispered, “There’s hot coffee in the pot.” Our lips were so close, they feathered against each other with each word.
Instantly, she closed the minuscule gap between us, pressing her lips against mine. She opened immediately, her tongue slipping into my mouth on a moan, her arms wrapping tighter around me. I walked her backward until she was pressed against the counter and then lifted her ass and sat her on top of it. Her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, my erection pressing right into her core. I pressed into her, making sure the ridge of my cock moved slowly over her, and I practically beat on my chest when her mouth fell away from mine on a moan and her whole body shivered.
I wasn’t prepared for it when she reached between us and slid her hand between my skin and the waistband of my briefs. I gasped against her when her delicate hand wrapped around me.
“Fuck, Riley,” I swore. Something about the picture we made turned me on. Her, sitting on the counter in her black trousers and purple satiny blouse, sophisticated and polished, with her hand moving up and down my shaft. Me, wearing only my underwear, thrusting into her grasp.
“We don’t have time to fuck, but I’ll gladly get you off.” Her words only made me harder. When she’d come into the kitchen, I thought I had control over the situation, but it was clear to me that she was in charge. Her hand twisted at the head of my cock, rotating and making me gasp. I wasn’t going to last long. Her thumb pressed right into the sensitive spot right below the crown of my cock and I saw stars. I moved my hand up her stomach, palming her breast, the silk of her shirt cool against my hand. I could feel the tight bud of her nipple through the soft material. I pinched it as I moved my mouth to her neck, nipping her there, making her gasp. Her breathy sounds made my balls tighten and I knew I was close.
“Faster,” I managed, the words whispered against the damp skin of her neck where she smelled like soap and flowers. She complied, moving her hand up and down my shaft even faster, squeezing me even tighter. It took only a few more thrusts until I fell over the edge, warm semen coating her hand and my cock, making me groan loud enough I was sure her neighbors could hear.
My breath was panting out, but when it slowed, I moved my mouth back to hers and kissed her softly, trying to ground us, bring us back to reality.
“Scooch,” she finally said, giving me a gentle push backward. I took a step back and she hopped off the counter, going to the sink to wash her hands. She came back with a warm paper towel and cleaned the mess off my dick and stomach, then gently tucked me back into my briefs. “Look,” she said, new excitement in her voice. “You didn’t even get any on me!” She gave me a brilliant smile and then took a step back. Sure enough, she was cum-free. “That’s talen
t,” she said with a laugh, throwing the paper towel in the trash. She opened a drawer and got out two forks, then placed one on each of the plates I’d prepared, then brought them both to the table. “Come on, let’s eat.”
I laughed a little, still trying to catch up after my monster orgasm, but moved to pour us each a cup of coffee. “Cream, no sugar, right?” I asked over my shoulder.
“Yeah, listen,” she said before swallowing a bite of her eggs. “You’ve got to tone down this perfect boyfriend thing you’ve got going on.” She said the words as she waved her fork in the air, motioning toward me. “There’s only so many tricks I can pull out of my girlfriend hat to pay you back.”
“You mean like jacking me off in the kitchen?” I said, sitting down next to her and placing her coffee in front of her.
“If it makes you feel any better, repeat performances of girlfriend tricks are always welcome. You don’t always have to come up with something new and original. If it wasn’t made clear by boyfriends before me, let me reassure you—anytime a woman takes our dick in her hand and makes us come is a good time.”
“Noted. Also, please be advised that morning-after breakfasts and coffee might bring forth those desired actions.”
“Ms. Smith, I think we’ve found the secret recipe to the perfect relationship.”
“Food, coffee, and orgasms. Sounds like a winning combination if you ask me.”
She winked at me and I almost dragged her back to the bedroom.
“Hey, man,” Justin said, walking into my office later that day. “That meeting this morning was brutal.” He collapsed onto the couch in the corner of my office.
“Yes. Yes, it was,” I agreed. But, to be fair, meetings in law offices were rarely anything except boring. A career in entertainment law wasn’t as exciting as some might think. It was glorified contracts law.
“You going to the game on Friday?”
“I’m glad you asked.” I pushed away from my desk and walked over to my door, closing it, then taking a seat beside Justin. I didn’t want some of the senior members of the firm to walk by and catch us being unproductive. “Riley asked me to some fancy restaurant, something to do with picking the food for my mom’s fundraiser, so we can’t go. I was going to offer you both tickets.”
“Both tickets? That’s awesome, Cam. Thanks.”
“No problem, I’ll bring them to work tomorrow. Who do you think you’ll take? Should be a good game.”
“I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it. What do I owe you for them?”
“Nothin’, man. But,” I paused, trying to find a smooth way to transition, but gave up when I couldn’t. Sometimes it was better to just be up-front. “Why don’t you take Hadley?”
“Riley’s friend, Hadley?”
“She was hot.”
I nodded, unwilling to offer my opinion on the matter. “I know she’s single.” I waited a beat before my next question. “Want me to ask Riley for her number?” Before he could answer, I reached into my pocket and dug out my phone. A smile spread across my face when I saw I had a text message from Riley. I opened it and immediately began laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Justin asked. I turned my phone so he could see the photo Riley sent, still laughing. “Why is your girl sending you a picture of her sucking on a straw?”
“She has a thing for sending me photos of her with phallic-shaped things in her mouth.”
“Marry her,” he said immediately, with no humor in his voice.
“Trust me, the thought has crossed my mind.”
“Are you serious?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, man. It’s different with her. I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”
“You’ve known her for, like, a week.”
“I can’t explain it. She feels like she’s already mine. And vice versa. The idea of being with anyone else after her is depressing. It’s never been this good and I’m afraid it will never be this good with anyone else.”
“The sex?”
“The everything. The sex is, well, it’s off the charts hot, but it’s more than that. She’s fun to be around, smart as hell, independent, likes basketball, drinks beer, and she’s just good. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as decent as she is.”
“But it’s mainly the sex, right?” He kept a straight face for a moment, but then cracked a smile. Right as I moved to punch his arm, my desk phone buzzed.
I stood and walked over, hitting the button that would allow me to speak to the receptionist for the entire floor.
“Yes, Angela?”
“Mr. Rogers, there is a Sophia Greenway here to see you. She doesn’t have an appointment but was pretty insistent I call you.”
I took my finger off the call button so only Justin could hear me.
“Shit, it’s Sophia.”
“I thought you broke up with her.”
“Technically, she broke up with me.”
“Why do you think she’s here?”
“To be difficult?”
“Well, I’ll get out of your hair.” He stood and walked to the door. Before he left he gave me a sympathetic smile and said, “Good luck.”
“Send her back, Angela,” I said through the phone. A few moments later I heard the telltale sound of heels clacking on the tile floors of the hallway and I knew it was the ridiculously high heels Sophia wore. She entered the doorway, smiling from ear to ear.
“Hello, Camden. It’s so good to see you.” She walked toward my desk, but I made no move toward her.
“Sophia, I’m surprised to see you here.” She didn’t stop at my desk like I hoped, but came right to me, leaning in and pressing a kiss against my cheek. I pulled away, clearing my throat and adjusting my tie. I circled my desk until it was between us. “What can I do for you?”
“I wanted to stop by and speak with you.” She took slow and deliberate steps toward me, her finger tracing along the top of my desk. “The way we left things before was brutal, and I know we make a good couple. I think we can make each other happy if you’d give me another chance.”
Her eyes locked on mine and she batted her thick eyelashes at me, trying to appear coy.
“You think we can make each other happy?” I asked, the shock evident in my voice. “Sophia, we want completely different things out of a relationship.”
She shrugged. “I’m willing to make some concessions.”
“I’m not,” I stated flatly. “And I’m not interested in someone who feels they’ll be settling for me, either. I’m not sure what you’re after, but I don’t think it’s me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She had the audacity to look surprised by my observation.
“It means I think you’re only interested in me for my name, or the money you think I have—or will have. We were not a good match and you broke it off with me because I wasn’t giving you the kind of attention you need or want.”
She pasted another smile on her face and advanced toward me again. “I broke up with you because I was having a bad day and let myself get too emotional. I’m sorry for that, it was a mistake, but I don’t think it’s worth throwing away everything we had together.”
“Everything we had? We’d been on three dates, Sophia. We were hardly even dating.” I took a few steps back from her, trying not to seem like I was running from her, but not giving her the opportunity to get her hands on me either.
“Well, I think we should give it another shot.”
“I’m with someone else now. Sorry.” Not sorry.
Her face pulled back and lip curled. “With someone else? It’s been a few days.”
“It’s been two and a half weeks and yes, I’m with someone else.”
“Surely you can’t be serious.” She said the words as if it were preposterous. “Camden, come on. You can’t be exclusive with someone you met two weeks ago. Just have dinner with me. One night. I’ll make it worth your while.” She sang the l
ast part of her proposition, and I had to stop my eyes from rolling back in my head. I could think of absolutely nothing that would make spending an evening with Sophia worth it.
“We are exclusive and even at two weeks, I can tell I don’t want to fuck things up with her, so dinner with you is out of the question. In fact, I think it would be a good idea for you to leave now.”
Sophia stared at me for what seemed like a full minute, her eyes locked on mine, daring me to look away first, to give her a reason to think I wasn’t serious. To give her any excuse to pursue her mission further. When I didn’t look away, she finally relented.
“You’re making a big mistake,” she said as she walked toward the door. “The two of us together could make a real name for ourselves here. With both our fathers’ political positions, your status and career, coupled with my beauty and sophistication, we could take this town by storm.”
“Honestly, Sophia, that doesn’t sound appealing to me at all. You’re going to have to find someone else to fulfill that crazy and depressing fantasy with. I’m not interested.”
She looked at me for one moment longer, then swiftly left, slamming the door behind her. I stood still, listening to her heels echo down the hall again until the sound drifted away. When I was sure she was gone, I let out a large breath and collapsed onto the couch again, this time letting my elbows rest on my knees and my hands cradle my head.
Never would I have imagined that Sophia would come to me and practically beg me to be with her, not after the way our relationship ended. It felt odd to even call it a relationship. When I’d agreed to call her and ask her out, it was only to get Andrew off my back about it. He’d been talking her up for six months and I was sick of hearing it. So I took her out. And then I took her out again because, honestly, I didn’t have anything better to do. And I wouldn’t lie about it, Sophia was beautiful. But everything about her I tolerated before, only seemed to grate on me. The way she was obviously fake, putting on a show for everyone around her, for the sake of her image, was unattractive to say the least. I shook my head at myself and couldn’t believe I’d ever entertained the idea of dating her.