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The Deception

Page 24

by Kat Martin

  The website popped right up, a three-story building on Bissonnet, which, in the webpage photo, looked slightly run-down. Jase remembered hunting a skip in the neighborhood a couple of years back. It was an area known for prostitutes.

  He started working ownership files, but it looked like the building was leased from a corporation. He needed to know the names of the owners. He dug out the disposable he was using and phoned Tabby’s number.

  “Hey, hot stuff,” he said. “You got time to give me some help?”

  “Sure, stud muffin. Whatcha need?”

  He laughed. “Okay, I deserved that. I need to know the ownership of a building on Bissonnet off the Southwest Freeway in Houston. The lessee is Paradise Massage. I think whoever is running the business may be involved in sex trafficking. Can you get me some info?”

  “I’ll call you right back.”

  “Be sure to use this number.”

  “Okay, will do.” The line went dead.

  Kate wandered over and stood looking down at the photo of the building on the website. “I wonder if they keep the women there.”

  “Could be. Area’s known for prostitutes.”

  “We’re getting close, Jase. It feels like it’s all starting to come together.”

  “Unfortunately, the closer we get, the more dangerous it is.”

  “I know.”

  He continued to dig around on the net while Kate checked in with her office, and the day slipped past. “I could sure use something to eat,” he said.

  “I noticed a coffee shop down the road. Why don’t I go get us a sandwich and bring it back?”

  He couldn’t stay with her every minute, he told himself. Still, he didn’t like leaving her alone. “Why don’t we both go?” he said.

  They ended up eating there, a nice little café with great pastrami sandwiches. On the way back, they stopped at a grocery store to pick up some food: bread and lunch meat, some pastry and a fresh bag of coffee. Long as they had leads to follow, they wouldn’t be leaving Houston.

  The disposable rang as Jase walked back into the apartment. It was Tabby. He put the phone on speaker. “Hey, Tab, what have you got?”

  “Building’s owned by the Atrias Corporation. Which is owned by the Winman Company, which is owned by Briton, Inc.”

  “I’m guessing these guys don’t want to be found.”

  “Wait a minute,” Kate said. “Briton. I know that name. Briton has offices in Dallas. They’re on our potential client list. One of my employees, Robin Murdock, had a meeting with the VP of Mergers and Acquisitions a few months back. They were thinking of going public, wanted to be sure they had all their ducks in a row.”

  “What happened?” Jase asked.

  “They postponed the offering. They never ended up hiring a consulting firm, as far as I know.”

  Tabby spoke up. “I’ll see what I can find out about that. Also, I figured you’d need names, so I cross-checked some other info and dug a little deeper. Two names popped up, connected to all of this in some way. Maximillian Schram and Arthur Wiedel. I’ll send you their bios. That’s it for now.”

  “You’re the best, Tab. Thanks.” Jase ended the call and looked up at Kate. “Your connection to Briton might come in handy.”

  “I’ll call Robin, see if she knows anything useful.” While Kate used the burner phone he’d given her, Jase brought Paradise Massage back up on the screen and found their phone number. He dialed it and waited while the call rang through.

  “Paradise Massage,” a female voice answered.

  “My name’s Tom Wilford. I saw your website on the internet. My back’s killing me. Any chance you could fit me in sometime today?”

  “Just a minute, let me check.” The receptionist came back on the line. “We only have one opening today. You can have it if you can be here in thirty minutes.”

  “I can make it. I’ll see you then.”

  Kate caught the back end of his phone call. “You’re going there today?”

  “I’ve got an appointment at four o’clock. If they’ve got Callie Spencer, the sooner we figure this out, the better.”

  Striding into the bedroom, he stuffed his little .380 into his jeans pocket. Digging the .38 out of his gear bag, he carried the revolver back to the kitchen and set it on the table.

  “I’ve got to get going if I’m going make it in time. Lock the doors and don’t let anyone in but me.”

  She nodded, for once didn’t give him any flak. He couldn’t resist leaning down and kissing her. “Last night shouldn’t have happened, but I’m not sorry it did.”

  Kate looked up at him, her gaze steady on his face. “Neither am I,” she said softly.

  Jase forced himself to turn away and head out the door.

  * * *

  Jase was gone. She prayed he’d be okay. Her mind went back to the self-defense lessons he was giving her. She hadn’t thought she would enjoy them, but she had. It gave her a feeling of confidence unlike she’d known before. It felt good to know you at least had a fighting chance against someone trying to hurt you. When this was over, she might just take some professional courses. Though it wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without Jase.

  A thought that brought down her mood.

  Needing to focus, Kate phoned Robin Murdock’s direct line again. She hadn’t picked up the first time. Robin wouldn’t have recognized the number, probably thought it was some kind of telemarketer.

  This time she answered.

  “Robin, it’s Kate. Have you got a minute?”

  “Hey, Kate. You get a new phone?”

  “No, this is a friend’s. I called to ask you about a company you talked to a few months back in regard to a consulting job. Briton, Inc. Do you remember?”

  “I remember making a sales call, but the VP I talked to said they’d decided to postpone going public. He kept my card, though. I’m hoping he’ll call me back when the time comes.”

  “Do you remember his name?”

  “I talked to Victor Markum. He’s VP of Mergers and Acquisitions.”

  “Did they say when they’d be ready to move forward?”

  “Let me take a look at my notes.” A drawer opened and closed, papers rustled. Digital had its benefits but also its drawbacks. “Looks like they may be ready to move ahead soon. Maybe I should follow up, see if they need our services. It could be a very big job.”

  “I’d appreciate if you’d hold off a few days, Robin. If it looks like it could turn into something, the project is yours.”

  “All right. Thanks, Kate. Just let me know.” Robin hung up and Kate paced the apartment. She had no idea how a company as reputable as Briton could be involved in human trafficking, but in the world today, you never knew what could happen.

  She glanced at the kitchen clock. Jase should be at Paradise Massage by now. A smile touched her lips. She envied the woman who would be running her hands over that magnificent body.


  “Right this way, Tom.”

  Jase followed the masseuse down the hall, a woman in her late thirties with short dark brown hair and slightly plump curves. She was wearing a black skirt and a long-sleeved white blouse cut low enough to show plenty of cleavage. She wore makeup, enough to cover the dark circles beneath her eyes, false eyelashes and red lipstick.

  She might have been pretty once, but Jase figured if he pulled up her sleeves, he’s see the track marks of a user.

  He let her lead him into a narrow room on the first floor. A massage table sat in the middle. There was no window, just a single fluorescent casting dull white light. The room smelled of cheap perfume and rubbing alcohol. The sheet on the table was more gray than white. He could hear people moving around overhead, and wondered if they were servicing customers upstairs.

  The woman smiled. “I’m Rena. I’m going to take care of
you today. Why don’t you take off your clothes and get comfortable? When you’re ready, just wrap that towel around your hips and lie down on your stomach on the table.”

  Not unless he absolutely had to. Jase surveyed the confining space that made him feel like he needed a shower.

  “You know, Rena, the truth is I came here for more than just a massage. A friend of mine told me one of you ladies took real good care of him when he came here the last time he was in town.”

  Rena flashed her impression of a seductive smile. “We’re all qualified massage therapists. Some of our customers require more specialized treatment, and of course we like to keep them happy.” She moved closer, ran her palms over this chest and down his arms. “You’re in real good shape, honey. You aren’t a cop, are you? I don’t need any trouble.”

  “Ex-military. Same needs as every other guy.”

  “All right. How much would you like to spend? Everything here is billed separately.”

  He pulled out a fifty-dollar bill and Rena frowned. “A massage is sixty, hun. There’s a sign right on the front desk. Anything more is another hundred.”

  He hadn’t missed the sign. “This is all I brought with me. Anyway, we can make some kind of deal?”

  Rena shook her head. “Sorry. Management has very strict rules.”

  Jase stuffed the bill back into his pocket. “I didn’t think it would cost so much. I’ll have to get some more cash and come back later.”

  Her hand slid over the fly of his jeans and cupped him through the heavy fabric. “I’ll tell you what. I’m just filling in down here for a friend—I usually work upstairs. If you can come up with a couple of hundred, you can join our little party tonight. I can make you feel real good, Tom. Or if you prefer, you can choose one of the other girls.”

  Exactly what he had been hoping. He knew how a brothel worked. He’d been stationed in Okinawa when he was a young marine. “That sounds good, Rena. What time?”

  “Any time after ten, honey.” She handed him a plastic key card. “That’ll get you in the front door.”

  “Thanks.” Jase flashed her a smile and walked out of the dingy room. As he stepped into the hall, he took note of an elevator up to the second and third floors, a set of stairs at the far end of the hall, then went back the way he had come.

  The receptionist looked up as he passed. “That didn’t take long,” she said with a knowing smile.

  “Been a while.” Jase winked. As soon as he got outside, he inhaled deeply, grateful to be breathing fresh air. Unfortunately, he would have to come back. Looked like his hunch could be right, and they were keeping women in the rooms upstairs.

  Before he headed for the car, he circled the perimeter of the building, locating ways in and out, best place to park for an easy getaway. When he reached the parking lot of the Briar Forest apartment, he pulled out his burner phone and punched in the number for The Max.

  Mindy answered. “Hi, Jason. Chase has been looking for you. Your phone doesn’t seem to be working.”

  He rattled off the number of the disposable as he got out of the car. “I’ve got some trouble. Be careful who gets that number.”

  “Okay, I’ll be careful. I’ll put you through to Chase.”


  Chase picked up on the second ring. “Hawk. I’ve been trying to call you. What’s going on?”

  “Had to switch to a burner. Don’t want them tracking me.” He explained to Chase about his conversation with Detective Castillo and Los Besos, about the truck stops and the raid that went south.

  “Somebody tipped them, Chase. We got at least one dirty cop, which means they know my name.”

  “Not good.”

  “I got a lead on a brothel Los Besos runs, got an invite to sample some of the merchandise tonight. It could be the break we need, but I hate leaving Kate alone. The apartment feels safe, but I still don’t like it.”

  “Listen, Jase, Reese is in Houston on business. He keeps an apartment just down the hall from the one you’re staying in. My brother has skills. He may not be ex-military, but he learned plenty during his black-sheep years before he wound up in juvy. He’ll have a weapon and he knows how to use it. I’ll call him, bring him up to speed.”

  Jase knew the brothers’ story, knew that after their parents divorced, Chase and Brandon had been raised by their mother and her Irish cop family, while Reese had been raised by their megarich dad. Bass Garrett had spoiled his middle son rotten. Expensive cars and too much cash had been the formula for disaster. Reese had started running with a very bad crowd and wound up in trouble with the law. Even Bass’s millions couldn’t get him out of a year in juvenile detention.

  Afterward, he had moved in with his mother, grandparents and brothers. His juvenile record had been sealed, and his family had helped him turn his life around.

  “You’ve got Reese’s cell,” Chase continued. “He’ll be glad to help.”

  Jase figured he would. Since the end of his marriage, Reese had been at loose ends. Plus, like Bran and Chase, Reese was a friend.

  “Thanks. I’ll talk to him.”

  Jase rode the elevator up to the third floor apartment. He found Kate anxiously pacing back and forth in the living room. The worry on her face reminded him why a relationship would never work.

  “Thank God you’re okay,” she said. “I was so worried.”

  “I’m fine. Everything went according to plan.” He closed the door. “They’re definitely running women there. I’ll find out more when I go back tonight.”

  She frowned. “You’re going back?”

  “No choice. We’ve got to figure out what’s going on. The longer it takes, the more likely they are to find us first.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Jase pulled the .380 out of his pocket and checked the peephole. He smiled as he repocketed the weapon, opened the door and welcomed Reese Garrett into the apartment.

  “That didn’t take long,” he said to Reese.

  “Chase called. Sounds like you got trouble.”

  “Big trouble. Reese, this is Kate Gallagher. Kate, Reese Garrett.”

  “Nice to meet you.” She extended a hand and Reese shook it. With his wavy black hair, blue eyes and Garrett good looks, Reese had females sighing all over Dallas, worse since his divorce. But the Garretts respected another man’s territory. Jase didn’t have to worry about Reese poaching his woman.

  He clamped down on the thought. Once this was over, he and Kate would be going their separate ways. Sooner or later, she would find someone else. He looked down, surprised to see his hand balled into a fist.

  “My brother gave me the basics,” Reese said. “What can I do to help?”

  * * *

  Kate had seen Reese Garrett’s photo in the Dallas Morning News more than once. The Garrett family was worth millions and known for their philanthropy. Articles were always being written about them. Reese was CEO of Garrett Resources, smart and talented, and according to the media, doing an excellent job of running the company.

  He was even better looking in person, tall, just a few inches shorter than Jase, built more like Brandon, with a lean, athletic frame.

  Jase filled in any holes Chase had left in the story he’d told his brother, and Reese volunteered to stay with Kate while Jase went back to the brothel.

  “Wait a minute,” Kate said. “I don’t need a babysitter. I’ve got a .38 revolver and I know how to pull the trigger. Somebody tries to get in here, they’re going to be very sorry. You’re the one who needs help.”

  “Reese can’t go with me,” Jase said. “Hardly fitting for the CEO of Garrett Resources to be caught in a whorehouse.”

  Kate looked at Reese. He wore confidence like an expensive shirt. The man was over-the-top good-looking, but it was Jason’s tough good looks, amazing body and protective nature she was drawn to.

u need backup, Jason,” she said. “Let me go with you. I’ll wait in the car. If you aren’t back by whatever time we set, I’ll call the police.”

  “No. Besides, we can’t trust the police.”

  “If it’s an anonymous phone call, the cops will show up to see what’s wrong. If you’re in danger, they’ll help.”

  “Yeah, and probably take me to jail.”

  “Better jail than dead,” Kate said.

  “Kate’s right about backup, Hawk. It’s a twenty-minute drive to Bissonnet. Twenty there, twenty back. You could be dead before we even know something’s wrong. I’ll drive the Rover, wait for you outside. You aren’t back, I’ll call 911 and leave before the cops get there. The distraction alone might be enough for you to get out.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Kate said. “I’ll go with Reese. You don’t want me here alone, right? I won’t be alone. I’ll be with Reese.”

  A deep breath seeped from Jason’s throat. Kate could tell he didn’t like it, but he didn’t have much choice. He looked at Reese. “You sure about this, bro?”

  Reese just smiled. “Why not? My life’s been a little dull lately.”

  Jase scratched his jaw. “Looks like I’m outnumbered.”

  They used the time to work out details. No matter what happened, it was always better to be prepared.

  Kate and Reese sat next to Jason in front of the laptop as Jase used Google Maps to familiarize them with the area on Bissonnet near Paradise Massage, and went over observations he had made when he was there earlier. Entrance, exit in the rear, second set of stairs to the upper two floors.

  It seemed as if it took forever for ten o’clock to finally arrive. At the same time, it seemed like a snap of the fingers. Since Jase was leaving ten minutes ahead of them, Kate walked him to the door.

  “Be careful,” she said.

  “Always.” His beautiful blue eyes locked on her face.

  When Kate leaned up and pressed a soft kiss on his mouth, Jase hauled her into his arms and very thoroughly kissed her. “Stay safe,” he said a little gruffly.


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