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The Deception

Page 32

by Kat Martin

  “I’ll be there.” Her hand trembled as she ended the call and made the next one. She still had the private number Special Agent in Charge Quinn Taggart had given her the night of Denny Reyburg’s arrest. She punched it into the phone and waited impatiently for him to pick up. “Come on...come on.”


  “Agent Taggart, this is Kate Gallagher.”

  “Kate. This is a surprise. I hope everything’s all right?”

  “Everything’s fine. I’m calling because I may be able to help you get the information you’re looking for on Briton, Inc.”

  “That’s FBI business, Kate. I told you that before.”

  “Yes, you did. Are you any closer to bringing charges against them than you were then?”

  Silence fell. “All right, I’m listening.”

  “As you probably know, Schram and Wiedel are getting ready take the company public. Victor Markum just phoned my office. He wants to hire Gallagher and Company for a management consulting job. He wants us to write a report they can use in their prospectus. That gives us an in. It means I might be able to find information that will help you.”

  “You’re getting yourself involved in what could be a dangerous situation, Kate.”

  She thought of her sister and Emanuel Vargas, of Los Besos, and the sniper who’d shot Jason. She’d learned a lot about danger. “I’m well aware of the risks.”

  “We need to talk, Kate.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “The FBI can’t have any official involvement.”

  “So it is a yes.”

  “It’s an unofficial maybe.”

  “I’m meeting Markum today at two.”

  A sigh whispered over the phone. “I’m checking the location of your office on Google Maps as we speak. Looks like there’s a Starbucks just down the block. I can be there in twenty minutes.”

  “I’ll see you there.” Kate hung up the phone. She had lost Jason, but she was a survivor. She had a different life ahead of her now.

  * * *

  Another week slid past. Jase had just taken a contract with A-1 Bail Bonds to locate a skip named Porter Emerson. The guy had dodged a hit-and-run charge. He was no hardened criminal, so it should be an easy retrieval—which was the reason he’d taken the job. He was still only 90 percent. Mostly he just needed something to do.

  It was after four, getting close to the end of the day, at least for some of them. He was in his office tracking down leads on his laptop when Harper walked in. Chase was still there, but instead of heading for her husband’s office, she spotted Jason and started walking toward him.

  He stood up to greet her. “Hey, Harper, what’s up?”

  “I know Chase isn’t going to like me sticking my nose into your business, but I think this is something you should know.”

  His chest tightened. “Is it Kate?” Harper sat down in the chair beside his desk, and Jase sat back down beside her.

  “I have a hunch you’ve been dying to ask me about her. Maybe I’m crazy, but I think you’re in love with her.”

  Jase glanced away.

  “What, no denial?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “I think it does. So I’m going to tell you what’s going on.”

  Worry trickled through him. “Is she all right? Tell me.”

  “Kate has decided to become a private investigator.”

  He stiffened. “No way.”

  “She’s taking PI classes. She bought a pistol, applied for a concealed carry permit. She’s expanding her company to include business security investigation, which she will personally handle.”

  He just shook his head. “I’ve got to talk to her, make her understand.”

  “There’s more.”

  His head came up. “More? What do you mean there’s more? What else could there possibly be?”

  “Kate’s working undercover for the FBI. Special Agent in Charge Quinn Taggart.”

  Jase shot up from his chair. “Son of a bitch! I’ve got to find her. Get her to see reason. She’ll be heading home soon. she...ah...seeing someone?”

  “No, Jason. I think after you, she decided she’d had enough of men for a while.”

  He closed down his laptop and yanked it off the desk. “I’ve got to go. Thanks, Harper. I really appreciate it.”

  Harper just sighed. Jase took off for the parking lot. He still had a key to Kate’s apartment. He’d meant to give it back. Now he was glad he hadn’t. If he was already inside waiting for her, she’d at least have to hear him out.

  Knowing how stubborn she could be, it wasn’t going to be an easy conversation.

  So why the hell was he so damned eager to get there?

  * * *

  It had been a long but fruitful day. The main office of Briton Incorporated Real Estate Group was located in a six-story, historical brick building in the 900 block of Jackson Street.

  Kate had been given carte blanche to move freely inside the building, even given after-hours access. Amazingly, it had never crossed anyone’s mind that she might be there for anything other than to review their existing systems, give management advice on how to improve efficiency, and increase corporate profits. Her job.

  The VPs believed she would write a report suggesting a few simple changes, which they would implement. She would write the report, and Briton would have a solid sales tool to use in their public offering prospectus.

  Instead, Kate was going to find a way to nail the bastards. It couldn’t be more perfect.

  She was tired as she rode the elevator up to her apartment. The broken window had been repaired, but the place no longer held any appeal. Memories of the time she’d spent with Jason seemed to linger in every room, along with the sharp memory of the shooting and how close he had come to dying.

  In what little spare time she had, she’d been looking for a new place to live. Anything to get rid of the aching loss she still felt whenever she thought of him.

  She turned her key in the lock and walked into the living room, gasped and dropped her purse when she spotted the large figure on her sofa.

  Everything inside her melted into a puddle of yearning when Jason rose and started walking her. God, he looked so dear and she had missed him so much. Kate steeled herself against the pain that welled in her heart, straightened her spine and lifted her chin.

  “Jason. What are you doing here?”

  * * *

  It was exactly the greeting he had expected, and yet it made his heart ache. He held up her apartment key. “I brought your key back.”

  Kate walked over and snatched it out of his hand. “You could have mailed it.”

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  She didn’t budge. “What about?”

  “About your new career.”

  Her lips thinned. “I can’t believe Harper told you.”

  “You don’t think it’s any of my business?”


  He took a step closer, then wished he hadn’t when he inhaled her soft perfume. “I spent weeks protecting you, trying to keep you safe. Now you’re out there putting your life in danger.”

  “What do you care, Jason? You didn’t want me. You wanted your own life, and I wasn’t part of it.”

  His chest clamped down. “You think I didn’t want you? That’s what you think?”

  “Of course that’s what I think. We aren’t together. That’s the choice you made.”

  His eyes found hers, and he saw the pain hiding just beneath the surface. He’d told himself he had done the right thing, that it was the best thing for Kate. Now he wondered... What if he had been wrong?

  “You don’t understand,” he said. “I saw the way your sister’s death affected you. I saw the way you looked when you sat next to me in that hospital room, the pain in you
r face, the worry and fear. I didn’t want to risk making you suffer that way again.”

  “I see. By ending things, you were just looking out for me.”

  “Dammit, Kate! Can’t you see? I was trying to protect you!”

  Kate looked up at him. “Protect me? From what, Jason? Life? Well, I don’t want to be protected from life. I could have had that with Andrew. I want to live my life—every single minute of it. And that’s what I’m going to do.”

  The words hit him like a blow. She was going to go ahead without him. And he wouldn’t even be there to protect her. “I wanted you, Kate. I’ve never wanted anything more than I wanted you.” He couldn’t hold back the words. “I still do.”

  Tears sprang into her eyes. “Is that the truth, Jason? You really thought you were protecting me?”

  “I’d never hurt you, Kate. I’d do anything to keep that from happening. What if something happened to me? I could have died that night. The kind of work I do, there would never be any guarantees.”

  The tears in her eyes rolled down her cheeks. “Haven’t you figured it out yet, Jason? I love you. I would rather be with you for a few years, a few months, even a few days than never be with you again.”

  Something tore open inside him, something deep and fierce. He pulled her into his arms, drawing her so close he could feel the beating of her heart. “I want you, honey. So damn much. Being without you is killing me. I love you, Kate Gallagher. I’ve never said those words to another woman. I’ve never felt the things I feel for you. I’d do anything for you, baby. Anything. Even give you up.”

  Her arms went around his neck and a sob caught in her throat. “You don’t have to give me up, Jason. Not ever.”

  His throat swelled and he held her even tighter. She loved him. And God knew he loved her. “This is your last chance. If you stay with me now, I’ll never let you go.”

  Kate tipped her head back and smiled up at him through her tears. “I’m yours forever if that’s what you want.”

  Relief made his whole body lighter, as if the awful burden he had been carrying had been lifted off his shoulders. “I love you, Kate. I feel like my heart can start beating again.”

  And as the words spilled out, Jase realized it was the truth.


  Kate yawned as she padded into the kitchen the following morning. They had spent the night together, and it had been perfect. She was crazy in love with Jason, and now she knew he loved her, too. Deep down she had always believed that, but she had never imagined he would actually do something about it.

  There were still obstacles ahead of them. First she had to convince him that working with the FBI was the right thing for her to do. She wasn’t backing down, but she believed this time they would find a way to work things out.

  “Smells great,” she said, inhaling the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs. Pouring a mug of coffee, she carried it over and sat down at the table.

  “I figured it was my turn.” Jase turned off the stove and started dishing up the food.

  Kate sipped her coffee. “A guy as hot as you who also knows how to cook? I am one lucky woman.”

  He chuckled as he set the plates on the table, leaned down and kissed her. “I’m the one who’s lucky.” He took a seat beside her.

  “Okay, do we eat first and fight later, or fight while we eat?”

  He laughed. “How about I just agree with you now and we enjoy the meal.”

  She picked up her fork. “You mean it?”

  “You’re worried about your career. Now that I’ve had time to think about it, I realize you’re right. Just because we’re together shouldn’t mean you have to change what you want to do with your life.”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “Hawk Maddox, you’re even smarter than I thought.”

  He smiled. “In fact, I was thinking, maybe, under the right circumstances, there might be times we could work together. We made a good team before. No reason we couldn’t do it again.”

  Kate slathered grape jelly on her toast. “Actually, I was thinking the same thing.”

  Jase set his knife on the edge of the plate. “So tell me about Briton and what you’re doing for the FBI.”

  Kate laughed. “I knew you had an ulterior motive for cooking me breakfast.”

  Jase chuckled but didn’t deny it. The man would definitely be a handful. Still, she liked that he challenged her. She also liked that he would be supportive, plus he was good at his job and she could use the help.

  For the next half hour, she filled him in on the consulting job she had taken, a job that allowed her to move freely though the offices of the Briton Real Estate Group.

  The company handled buyers, sellers, landlords, did asset management and mortgages. They were the principal investors in their own projects, including new home construction and apartment complexes. One of their divisions acquired distressed real estate, things like strip malls and shopping centers.

  Realistically, the job was far too big for one person. To do it right, she needed to bring in an entire consulting team. But Markum just wanted a superficial study and a glowing report on how well the company was being operated.

  A one-man job suited Kate just fine, since her goals were the exact the opposite of his.

  “So what have you got so far?” Jase asked.

  She took a sip of coffee. “I can’t say for sure, but what I think I’m looking at is a giant money laundering scheme. For example, their apartment rental records show a ninety-nine percent occupancy rate for a dozen big complexes. Hundreds of apartments, all the money accounted for, deposited in various banks. But when I drove by the units, I could see they were less than half full. They’re run-down and in undesirable locations. My guess is they’re banking drug money and paying the taxes on it.”

  “Whitewashing dirty money,” Jase said.

  “Exactly. I bet they’re using all sorts of businesses—strip malls, shopping centers, motels. There has to be at least a second set of books, maybe more. If I can get my hands on those records—”

  His big hand slammed down on the table. “No f-ing way!”


  “Dammit, Kate, think this through. We know these guys were involved with Los Besos. According to the FBI, Schram and Wiedel are into drugs and organized crime. That means fraud, racketeering, and God knows what else. If they even get a whiff you’re trying to bring them down, they’ll end you.”

  “I can do it without getting caught.”

  “Oh, yeah? How?”

  “I’ve been watching their routine. That’s what I get paid to do. Watch their systems at work and suggest improvements. While I was looking over their management operations, I noticed they’ve got two CPAs working separately in the accounting department. I have computer access to one set of bookkeeping records, but not the other.” She grinned. “But I know which computer they’re using to store that other set of records.”

  “Yeah, how do you plan to get them?”

  “My preliminary report’s due a week from Monday. I wait till Friday, stay a little late that night so not many people are around. I go into the accounting department and get into the second computer, download the files and I’m out of there.”

  Jason’s sigh whispered out. “That sounds good when you say it fast, but unless you’re a computer expert, odds are you won’t get past the password.”

  She sagged back in her chair. “I know. I’m still working on that. I’m no computer whiz. If I’m going to do this full-time, I’m going to need to find someone. In this case, I’m thinking maybe someone in the FBI might be willing to recommend someone who’ll help.”

  “The FBI can’t do jack without a warrant. I know someone who can help. She can do a remote connection and get everything you need.”

  Her eyes flashed to his. “Tabby.”

  Jason just smiled.r />
  * * *

  He hated it. Hated that Kate was putting herself in danger. But now he understood. Should have figured it out in the first place. Kate was who she was—the woman he had fallen for at the Sagebrush Saloon. She craved challenge and adventure, same as he did. And she wanted to make a difference. Her thirst for life was one of the things he loved about her.

  It was Saturday. They met with Tabby at her house later that morning.

  “You’re going to have to do some legwork,” Tabby said as she finished a Monster energy drink. “It’ll be after hours. The computer will probably be turned off, so you’ll need to turn it on. If you wear an earbud, I can help you get in and get us hooked up.”

  “That’d be great, Tabby.”

  “It’ll take too long to remotely download everything that’s on the hard drive, so you’ll have to look at the files, pick what you want. We’ll work together, get it done as fast as we can, then you can shut the computer back down and get out of there.”

  “Okay, that sounds good,” Kate said.

  Jase wasn’t so sure. One thing he’d learned—nothing ever went the way you planned.

  “If it works, it’ll be great for the feds,” he said. “Not so great for you. Unless you want to end up testifying—which would make you a walking target—you need to cut some kind of deal before you turn over the evidence. The FBI gets the files, but you’re out of it.”

  She looked at him with so much admiration he felt a fresh tug of love for her. Kate was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He’d been a fool to ever let her go.

  * * *

  The week slid past. Kate continued working at Briton. After hours, they continued to smooth out their plans. The inner office door was kept locked after closing, Kate had discovered, so Jase bought her a set of lock picks. He gave her lessons on how to use them, then badgered her relentlessly until she was good enough to satisfy his demanding standards.

  Victor Markum had been helpful all week, making introductions, giving her whatever information she asked for—within reason. He was an attractive man in his fifties with a toned, athletic build. Smooth, she would call him.


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