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Cougar's Victory: Pacific Northwest Cougars: (Shifter Romance)

Page 14

by Moxie North

  As his cougar crept towards the cabin, his mate’s scent washed over him. She was here. His relief and anger were fighting for control. He needed her in his arms, his cat needed to mark her with his scent. The stench of her ex was mingling with her fresh clean smell and it pissed him off.

  His cat wanted to howl his rage. But he needed to assess the situation first. He circled the cabin, it was mostly dark with a shadowy light flickering in the window.

  He listened and didn’t hear anything. He didn’t know if this man had a gun or knife. What if he rushed in and this asshole panicked? Dax’s cat wanted to tear the door down, Dax needed to be sure Effie wouldn’t be put in further danger first.

  Creeping closer to an open window, he could hear breathing. It was Effie, her heartbeat matched his. She was sleeping or unconscious. He also heard a man’s breathing. There was another noise that sounded like someone flicking playing cards.

  Dax forced his cat back so he could take on his human form. In a shimmer he was standing peering through the window. Effie was on a small cot by the window. She looked to be asleep, all of her clothes were on, and Dax thanked the universe for that.

  The man, Chris, was sitting in a dirty chair in front of an unlit fireplace, flicking cards into the empty grate.

  Dax didn’t see any weapons, so he let his cat fold back out into his fur. Circling back around the house, he knew he could take out one measly human, but his human brain told him as long as Effie was breathing, he should wait for Cash.

  Time ticked by incredibly slow, his cat was roaring to get their mate. Dax was about to head back to the window when he scented someone new. Coming out of the woods was a huge grizzly bear. Dax’s cougar walked back into the shadow of the tree line and waited for the bear to follow.

  As he saw the giant shape join him in the trees, a shimmer of sparks flashed around the great beast and standing at least six feet-five-inches was a dark haired man with a full beard that looked not surprisingly like the Rochon brothers.

  Dax followed suit, his cat protesting being so close to an unknown bear.

  “Cash Rochon,” the large man said and held out his hand.

  Dax grabbed it. “Dax, thank you for coming.”

  “Cage said you’re family. I’m glad I was so close. That your mate I smell in there?” he asked gesturing towards the shack.

  “Yes and her ex-boyfriend, I’m not sure why he grabbed her, I really don’t care. I just need to make sure he hasn’t got any weapons before I tear him a new one,” Dax said with a growl.

  Nodding Cash asked, “Where do you want me?”

  “Out front, I’m thinking my cat can make it through the back window. I don’t want him bolting through the front door.”

  “Well I think my big bear ass sitting in front of the door might stop him,” Cash laughed without humor.

  “That should do it,” Dax agreed. Both men shifted back into their animals and took position.

  Chapter 35

  Inside the cabin, Effie had woken up a while ago but didn’t want to let Chris know that yet. That asshole hit her in the head! She could feel the lump as her head lay on the mattress. She took stock and knew all her clothes were on, not that she was overly concerned.

  From the smell of alcohol in the cabin, the chance of Chris being able to get it up were slim to none. Plus she knew he was a lazy jerk, but she didn’t think he was a rapist. Of course she wouldn’t have guessed he’d try and choke her or kidnap her either.

  Turning her head and wincing at the pain that caused, she saw him sitting in the chair by the fire. He wouldn’t have thought to light it, that would have taken effort.

  The cabin smelled from lack of use. The bed was uncomfortable and totally gross. Effie knew that Dax must be worried. She’d had enough of this bullshit.

  “Chris,” she called quietly to not startle him.

  His head whipped toward her. “Bout time, bitch,” he slurred.

  “Why am I here? We are over, did you think cracking me over the head and dragging me to this shit shack would make me take you back?” she scoffed, as she gingerly sat up in the bed.

  “I don’t want your fat ass back. I heard you hit it big though, Ms. Fancy Pants with big paying clients and all. I figured you could loan your poor old boyfriend some cash. But then I remembered you never gave me nothing!” he barked at her, spittle dribbling down his chin. He stumbled to his feet, almost falling over.

  “I owe some not so nice people money and I think you should help me pay that bill. Since I racked it up when I was with you and since you were the reason I needed the damn distraction,” he accused.

  “What the hell are you talking about? I let you sleep at my apartment, you ate all my food, you never contributed. How in the world do I owe you?” she sputtered.

  Chris wobbled a bit, his face looking confused, then angry. “You’ve got the money, I need it. Simple,” he declared.

  Sighing, Effie reached up to gingerly touch the bump on her head. “Do you think the woods have an ATM, moron? How am I supposed to give you any money even if I even thought that was a likely thing I would do. Which clearly it isn’t because I don’t owe you a goddamn thing!”

  Chris started laughing. “Easy, your rich ass boyfriend is going to pay a ransom. I sent a letter to his wine making place. Even cut out each letter from a magazine like they do in the movies. I figure he’d be happy to pony up a few bucks for you. Then I can pay off who I owe and keep my kneecaps.”

  “Why am I not surprised you owe someone enough money to think that kidnapping was a valid option. What’s funnier is that you could even think up a plan to ransom someone. News flash, you aren’t smart enough to pull something like this off. How did you think you were going to keep me here?”

  “Bitch, there is one door. You think you can take me?” he taunted.

  Outside Dax had heard enough, he let his cat launch himself through the window. The glass was at least single pane but it still cut into his fur. He landed just past the bed putting Effie behind him.

  He let out a loud growl, letting his cat’s full voice roar out of him. He watched the shocked horror pour over Chris’s face. Then he smelled the distinct aroma of urine as the man wet himself.

  Coming face to face with a full grown cougar was probably not on his expected outcomes of his grand kidnapping plan. He watched as Chris scrambled backwards and fumbled for the door.

  Dax’s cougar wanted to tear him from limb to limb, but they both needed to see to their mate. They knew he wasn’t going to get far with Cash waiting for him.

  As soon as Chris managed to get the door open, Dax let out a hissing yowl baring his teeth at the man.

  The drunk man literally fell out of the door on his ass.

  Dax turned around and saw Effie sitting on the cot with a gleeful look in her eye.

  “Now that was a dramatic entrance, bad kitty,” she said laughing.

  Dax’s cat was scenting the foul drunken smell of the man that dared hurt his mate. He was loathe to let Dax take back over. Dax forced him and soon he was standing naked in front of Effie.

  “Really, calling me bad kitty at a time like this? Are you hurt? Did that asshole hurt you?” he asked, kneeling in front of her.

  “Well he did bash me over the head with something. That was a dick move, I’ve got a big lump,” she said with a pout.

  Dax felt for the lump and growled when he saw her wince. “I’m going to kill him,” he said in a dangerous rumble.

  “He’s not worth it, he’s pathetic. I’d much rather see him in jail. At least he wouldn’t be taking up space on some poor girl’s couch,” Effie laughed. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt jumping through the window?” She could see red seeping from the cuts on his torso.

  “It will heal, shifter thing,” he said, sighing, letting the tension settle a bit knowing she was in his arms.

  “How are you not more upset? Shouldn’t you be crying or shaking or something? I’m feeling like my big rescue is kind of a letdown,” h
e said, frowning.

  “Sorry big man. Takes more than my asshole ex-boyfriend to get me to shake in my boots. Besides, I figure I could probably give him a good shove and it would take him a while to get up so I would just walk out the door. I knew you were coming for me. I was just waiting and imagining Chris sitting in a jail cell until you got here,” she explained.

  “You know sending him to jail is not going to appease my cat,” Dax warned.

  “Well maybe I can distract your cat long enough for him to forget his need for vengeance.”

  “Doubtful,” Dax murmured, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. He took a deep breath, soaking in her scent, calming his beast.

  “Besides the whole kidnapping thing, this is kinda romantic. Rustic cabin, you on bended knee, naked…” she teased.

  “You have a seriously warped idea of romantic,” he said, kissing her again. “But since I’m down here, and I have every intention of handcuffing you to me so this doesn’t happen again, will you marry me?”

  Effie broke out in laughter, this was just how she imagined it. Naked boyfriend, stinky shack, head wound. “Yes, Dax, my partner, my mate. I will marry you.”

  Dax smiled and kissed her until she was dizzy from more than the head wound.

  Chapter 36

  Standing up, Dax scooped her into his arms, and carried her outside. As they made their way through the doorway, Effie sucked in a breath at what she saw.

  Sitting on the ground was the biggest bear Effie had ever seen. She’d only ever seen them on TV. But this one was very real, sitting on his butt in the dirt. One giant paw was pushed down on the chest of a petrified Chris. He hadn’t turned when they walked out; his eyes were on the bear with the giant claws and huge teeth, growling down at him.

  “Thanks, Cash,” Dax threw out. Cash’s bear tossed his head in an answer.

  “Do you know him?” Effie asked, really hoping the answer was yes.

  “Family friend, he was kind enough to help me track you down,” Dax answered as he walked down the dirt road to his car. Once he got her in and settled, he put his clothes back on and grabbed some zip ties from his emergency kit.

  He headed back to Cash and let him amble off into the woods to shift while he cuffed Chris with the ties. He might have thrown in a few punches to his ribs, and possibly when he rolled him over to tie his hands, might have crushed his face into the dirt. He’d be sporting at least a fat lip for a while.

  Chris still hadn’t said anything, Dax was wondering if Cash had scared him mute. Not that he gave a fuck.

  Squatting down beside him, he waited for Chris’s eyes to leave the tree line where he’d watched the bear enter.

  When the man’s terrified eyes finally turned to him he asked, “Do you know who I am?”

  Chris managed a quick jerk of his head indicating that he knew who Dax Hayes was.

  “Well, you may know me as Dax Hayes, and you may even know that I’m Effie’s boyfriend. What you don’t know is that I’m also going to be her husband. Which means I’m her protector. Remember that big cat you saw in the cabin? That was me too. We don’t like you Chris, we think you are a piece of filth that hurts and uses women. You’ve probably gotten away with it for a long time.

  That time is over. I love Effie, so she’s asked me to not rip your throat out for hurting her. I think it’s the least of what you deserve, but I’m willing to concede to her request. Mostly because I know you are going to spend a very long time in jail for what you did today. I’ll make sure of it. If you ever do get out, me and my big bear friend you met before, will hunt you down and gut you.

  Oh, also, feel free to tell the authorities all about the guys that change into animals. That will get you doped up on meds and locked in a padded room during your stay with the state. Be my guest,” Dax growled, letting his cat come close to the surface so his eyes flared bright.

  He heard the sad man whimper and he was pretty sure he wet himself again. Disgusted, he stood up and waited for Cash to return.

  Cash came back dressed and took up watch of Chris while Dax called the police. It took a few hours to sort everything out, get statements and get Chris firmly under the jurisdiction of the local police. He had finally started talking about mountain lions and bears, the cops chalked it up to him being drunk.

  They would later be able to match his prints to the letter found at the winery which took his assault and unlawful imprisonment to much harsher charges. He wasn’t going to be seeing the light of day anytime soon.

  Dax still wanted to take a chunk out of him for hurting Effie, but she needed him more than his cat needed revenge.

  Effie had fallen asleep after the police took their statement. Lucky for Dax since he was able to drive her straight to the emergency room with a police escort to have her looked over. Her head wound was minor, no skull fractures and the doctors assured him no long term damage. After the hours at the hospital, and the sedative the doctors gave Effie, which she tried to refuse, she was down for the count.

  Dax drove her home and put her straight to bed. Cassie came in and gave her hugs and cussed her out even though Effie was effectively unconscious.

  After convincing Cass that she was safe and okay, Dax got Cassie to head to bed. He stripped down and curled his mate into his arms. He stayed awake all night, watching her breathe.

  After two days, Effie finally convinced Dax that she was fine. Then she had to convince Cassie she was fine. Dax agreed to leave her alone for short periods of time as long as Cass was with her. They had to have a very uncomfortable conversation about why Effie had gotten out of the limo with his mother

  “I don’t want this to cause a rift in your family Dax,” she said, trying to impress on him how serious she was.

  “It’s not you, it’s her. Believe me I know that my mother can be stiff and hell, even elitist, but she had no right to speak to you that way. My father agrees and has sided solely with us on this matter. My mother needs to think about her priorities. My sister has even told her she can’t have someone who doesn’t accept new family members around her cub. That really ticked her off. I told her that until she was ready to apologize to you in person and make amends, that she is not welcome here,” Dax explained.

  Effie groaned, “That sounds bad, Dax.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m Alpha of our pack, I can physically make her apologize to you if I wanted. But I’d rather she do it on her own.”

  “Do you think she will?”

  “I give her a week,” Dax laughed. “My mother won’t be able to stand not being in our business for longer than that. I also gave my dad permission to tell her we are planning our wedding for here in Washington. That should sufficiently freak her out to get her to apologize so she can take over the event.”

  “Hmph, probably wants some big society shindig, huh?”

  “I don’t think my mother does shindigs, baby,” Dax laughed, kissing her loudly on the mouth.

  Sighing dramatically Effie, kissed him back. “Fine, but I’m still having my cotton candy machine. Those things are creepy cool.”

  “You can have anything you want, my love,” Dax assured her.

  “I want to meet the rest of the family. Let’s start with your sister. If those Rochon boys all look like Cash, I’m looking forward to watching that mancandy chop some wood!”

  “You will not be ogling the mancandy. They don’t chop wood, they cut timber, and yes, they all look like Cash,” Dax said with an exaggerated sigh.

  Effie snuggled into his lap. They’d been sitting on the couch watching reality TV as was their usual routine in the evenings lately. They both agreed that fighting families and kidnappings was more excitement than either of them needed.

  “Can we bring Cassie? Maybe she can hook up with one of the Rochons then we’ll all be related,” Effie suggested.

  “Oh sure that’s just what we need. Although it would be a way to explain the whole shifter thing to her,” Dax said pondering the possibilities.

  “Cool! We�
��re bringing Cass. Road trip!” she yelled throwing up her hand in devil horns.

  “What am I going to do with you Effie Parks?” Dax said laughing at her antics.

  Effie pushed back and wrapped her hands around Dax’s jaw. She kissed him, letting every ounce of love she felt for him pour out into her kiss. Dax pulled her tighter into his chest as he deepened the kiss.

  Making eye contact with Dax as they both caught their breath from the kiss, she whispered, “Love me.”

  Dax smiled at her, “Anytime, anywhere.”

  I hope you enjoyed my PNW Cougar’s Victory!

  There are more stories coming this summer so be sure to sign up for my New Release Newsletters or follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

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  For more shifter stories and to meet the Rochon brothers, check out:

  Pacific Northwest Werebears Series

  Bearly Cooking

  By Moxie North

  With a taste for adventure, a desire to feed people that would appreciate her cooking, and a need to escape her stodgy British family, Sophie Carlton takes a chance. When the opportunity appears to brave the wilds of the Pacific Northwest and become a cook in a remote logging camp, she thought it was the biggest and bravest decision she had ever made. Until she met Cage.

  Rochon Enterprises grew the trees, logged them, and milled them. For generations the family had kept close to home in the wilds of the Olympic Peninsula. Cage Rochon and his brothers loved the land and needed the protection it provided to keep their family secret.

  Cage has been waiting a long time for his fated mate and his bear was becoming restless. Then he locked eyes with Sophie, the curvy new cook for the camp. Their fates were sealed with one look.


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