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Once Upon a Time

Page 3

by Cleveland, Eddie

  Those last memories certainly got my blood pumping. I’m awake and ready to make some fresh memories as I kiss a trail over her lean neck and suck her earlobe into my mouth. Charlotte’s eyes flutter open, a sweet smile kissing her lips.

  “Mmm, good morning,” she grinds her ass back against my cock and I roll her onto her back, pinning her to the bed with my hips, hovering my face over hers.

  “I’m about to make it a great morning,” my voice is raspy with need. Grabbing the base of my cock, I can’t help the groan that escapes my lips as I tease her slick clit with the tip. She’s already so wet for me. Charlotte throws her head back, moaning.

  “You like that, baby?” I whisper, nipping her earlobe.

  “I love it. I need to feel you again, Connor. I need to feel your cock stretch me out.”

  “Yeah? Well, this time I’m gonna take my time with you,” I circle her wrists in my hands, yanking them over her head and kiss a trail down to her breasts. I take a dark nipple in my mouth, rolling my tongue over the tip.

  Thump! Thump! Thump!

  “Charlotte? You in there? It’s time to get ready for church!”

  I jump up, watching her face transform from passion to fear as her eyes grow wide.

  “Is that your roommate?” I whisper, trying to piece this interruption together.

  Charlotte throws her finger over her lips and looks at me with wild-eyed panic, “Shhh! No, it’s my brother,” she hisses at me.

  Thump! Thump! Thump! The banging at the door continues.

  “Charlotte! You hear me? You told me you’d fill in for Ms. Douglas at Sunday school, remember? You gotta get it in gear, you know I can’t be late,” the voice rumbles through the door.

  “Yeah! I’m up,” she yells back.

  That’s her brother? Fear runs cold in my guts as I study her face again. Shit! “How old are you?” I eye her suspiciously. Did I go home with jailbait last night? I jump out of her bed and locate my boxer briefs in a strewn pile of our clothes and put them on.

  “Shhh,” she begs for my silence as she looks from her bedroom door to my face. “I’m not a kid, Connor. I’m twenty-seven. Relax,” her voice is hushed.

  Thump! Thump!

  “Lottie! Don’t you fall back asleep on me,” her brother persists, “you need to run Sunday school. You promised me. If you don’t show your face at this door in five seconds I’m dragging you out of that bed!”

  Wait, my stomach flips and it has nothing to do with the booze I drank last night. “Lottie?” I barely breathe the name I haven’t heard in forever. Now it’s my eyes that are wide as I study her features again, scrutinizing the details of her face.

  “Five!” Her brother’s voice booms.

  There’s only one girl I’ve ever known who went by “Lottie” and that was my best friend’s little sister. I squint into her eyes.


  “Shit, I need to get dressed!” Her voice squeaks as she jumps from her bed and begins tossing clothes on so fast the fabric colors blur together. I can’t move. I’m stunned and stuck to the spot, standing in my underwear trying to process if I just spend my night with a girl I haven’t seen in the better part of fourteen years.


  A girl I knew my entire childhood. The one with kinky short hair and terrible teeth. The one who then grew taller and had slightly longer hair and braces.


  My former best friend’s sister. Lottie King. I can’t believe my eyes as I realize it is her. And she ain’t a little girl anymore. She’s most definitely a woman. A sexy, beautiful, mesmerizing woman.


  A woman who is definitely off limits.

  The door creaks open and Lottie, I mean Charlotte, starts screaming for her brother to get out. I turn and stare at the guy I once called a blood brother. I haven’t seen him since he was eighteen. Since just before I left this town and didn’t look back. He’s barely aged at all, not that I have a ton of time to analyze his face because his dropped jaw clenches as tight as his balled-up fists do at his sides and his black eyes narrow down.

  “Connor McLean! Lottie, you can’t be serious right now,” his eyes briefly flit over to his sister before staring me down.

  “Marcus, let’s not get crazy,” I hold up my hands. “I had no idea this was your sister, man. It’s not like that.”

  “Oh, I see how it is,” his voice booms as he lunges at me.


  I scoot out of the way and Marcus thuds into the wall. He stands up and gives his head a shake before coming at me again, “Sandra wasn’t enough? You had to hit even closer to home? Huh?” He yells, chasing me around in a circle while I try to pick up my pants from the floor. My feet slide out from under me and I hit the carpet but manage to grasp the edge of my jeans in my fingers. Marcus lands on top of me just as I try to get back up and my head hits against the floor.

  “Marcus! Leave him alone! I didn’t tell him who I was. This is my fault. You have to remember your temper,” Charlotte screams.

  “Lottie, you stay outta this. It’s between me and him. Get your ass ready for church. You’re gonna make me late for my service,” Marcus answers her through gritted teeth and swings at me. I move my head and he hits the floor as he yowls.

  His service? “You’re a priest?” I twist my hips hard to the left and shimmy out from under him. “Look, you’re a man of God, aren’t you supposed to be all about forgiveness?” I give it my best shot as I spring up and pick up the last of my things from the ground.

  Marcus shakes his hand in the air then stands back up. “I’m a Pastor, not Jesus. And if you don’t get out of my house right now, I’m gonna be praying for my own forgiveness when I go grab my bat,” he swings at me again, rage blinding his sight.

  That temper. I remember it well. I’ve felt the sting of its bite in the past. If Marcus says he’s gonna beat me with a bat and work it out with God later, I believe him.

  With an arm full of my clothes, I race past him out the door of Charlotte’s room and take the stairs from the basement to the main floor two at a time. Behind me, I can hear Marcus breathing heavy as he tries to chase me down. He’s not far from my heels and I only hope he doesn’t lunge forward and grab my ankles, throwing me down the stairs.

  Luckily, I make it up without incident and rush for the front door as Marcus lumbers after me like an angry grizzly bear. I don’t have time to stop and put on pants. I don’t have time to try to calm him down. I hastily yank open the front door to the house and rush through the other side, racing down to the sidewalk as Marcus yells at me.

  “I better not see you around here again, Connor. Or next time I’ll break your face. And Lottie is off limits. I know you don’t know what that means, but I’ll be happy to teach you!” He alerts the entire neighborhood with his thundering voice.

  I scoot down the sidewalk, trying to avoid the stares of people I can see peeking out their windows at me. I’m just grateful for the underwear I managed to put on. The last thing I need is a public indecency charge on top of everything else.

  Little Lottie King is all grown up, and she just landed me in a heap of trouble. Now the question is, how can I see her again?



  Marcus shuffles his papers at the pulpit. He still won’t look at me. Not since I watched the flame of rage engulf his dark eyes as he glared at me this morning while poor Connor ran from the house half naked.

  My brother clears his throat and smooths his hand down over his tie. “If the children would make their way to Sunday school with my sister,” his voice grows tense, “Charlotte King, please. She will be filling in for Ms. Douglas today.” He points across the full pews to me, finally acknowledging my existence for the first time since he lost his mind this morning.

  I stand up at the back of the church and the children run, hop and skip down the aisle toward me. Bright smiles are on their faces and I can’t help but grin back, even though I can feel Marcus bore
a hole through me with his angry glare. They just look so cute all done up in their church clothes.

  As I lead them out into the lobby, I look over my shoulder at my big brother, still confused about what exactly happened this morning. When we were growing up, Marcus bossed me around like he thought he was my second father. He’s always been a protective brother, even more so when our parents were killed in the car accident. Even though I wasn’t a kid when they passed, he still treated me like one. He seemed to double down on his whole Dad routine, often asking me where I was going, who I’d be out with and when I’d be home. It’s only been in the last two years that he finally seemed to realize that I’m a grown woman who can spend her time how she wants.

  Until today, that is.

  I lead the flock of children down the hallway to the room where Sunday school is held. The kids all rush to their seats as I make my way to the front and pick up the vibrant children’s version of the Bible, flipping through it nostalgically.

  I remember when I used to sit in this class and listen to Ms. Douglas teach us about Noah’s ark or the Christmas story. Each class always ended with a song that we all cheerfully belted out in our off-key voices.

  Everyone except Janae has taken their seats, she’s too busy twirling around in her daffodil-yellow dress to be bothered.

  “Ms. King?” Janae briefly tears her eyes from the billowing ruffles of her dress to meet mine.


  “Where’s Ms. Douglas today? I miss her,” she stops in her tracks and suddenly pouts a little. It’s hard to keep a straight face at her theatrics.

  “That’s a great question, Ms. Douglas isn’t here today because her youngest daughter got married this weekend. She’ll be back next Sunday though. So, could you please take a seat so we can start our lesson?”

  Janae looks around the room and seems to realize, for the first time, that she’s the only one still standing. She scurries to her chair. “That’s so nice that her daughter got married,” she coos. “I already know who I’m gonna marry,” Janae smiles broadly, showing off the spaces where she’s recently lost a few baby teeth.

  “Oh, really?” I tilt my head, “And who is that?”

  “Billy!” She points over to the seven-year-old boy who immediately crinkles his nose in disgust.

  “Eww! No way! I’m not getting married!” He protests and wipes his face like he just got slime poured over his head.

  “Yes, you are Billy Cole. We are in love and we are gonna get married!” Janae puts her hands on her hips and gives him a pointed stare.

  “Okay, let’s get back to the lesson,” I interrupt and try not to laugh as I watch poor little Billy slump over in his chair, defeated. “Today we’re gonna talk about John the Baptist,” I begin to thumb through the pages of the well-worn Bible and the kids hush.

  I find the story I want to read to them as my mind wanders back to Connor and the insanity that happened this morning at the house. When I watched him get chased out, I felt like Billy over there. Like the wind had been taken out of my sails and that I would probably never see the man I’ve been craving my entire life again, just because of some unknown feud between him and my brother.

  After that, it’s hard to believe they were once inseparably close. Every weekend if Connor wasn’t sleeping over at our house, then Marcus was at his. I remember being desperate to hang out with them when they went on their epic adventures, riding off on their bikes with empty knapsacks slung over their backs, only returning hours later when those bags were full of fish.

  I could learn a thing or two from Janae. I can’t just give up because Marcus doesn’t like Connor anymore. That doesn’t have anything to do with me. Although, I’m definitely curious to find out what it does have to do with.

  I’m going to find out, I nod my head and open the book to my page. I’m going to go to his place tonight and get to the bottom of this whole issue. I’m not going to let some stupidity between Marcus and Connor steal away my happiness. I’m not a kid, I can see whoever I want and if my brother doesn’t approve, then too bad.

  I take a deep, refreshing breath into my lungs and look out at the children’s faces feeling more confident and more settled. “So, let’s talk about John the Baptist.”



  “You’re sure you don’t want to head out early tomorrow instead?” I watch as Rogers cinches down the straps on his bags he’s attaching behind the seat of his motorcycle. I don’t want to sound like a mother hen, but after retiring as the Lieutenant of our old SEAL team, I guess old habits die hard.

  “Nah, I like travelling at night. The freeway is less congested. There’s just something about ripping down the roads on my baby at night, I can’t explain it. It just feels like freedom,” he smiles down at his Harley wistfully. “Besides, Gabe is expecting me in the morning, I don’t want to crush his spirit and not show,” he laughs and I can’t help but join in. We both know that Gabe the Babe, as we called him, only cares about number one.

  My conscience twinges, is that still how he is? Even after the burns?

  I push the thought away. I can’t go there right now.

  “I think the real question is, are you gonna be alright after that humiliating defeat this morning?” He laughs even harder just like he did when I spilled the beans on why I was driving home in my underwear after our night out.

  “Shut up, man,” I rub my hand down the side of my burning face.

  “I’m just saying, everyone would expect that story from me. But you? Bumping uglies with your old buddy’s sister and getting chased out with a bat?” He laughs so hard he starts to cough. “That shit is priceless.”

  “Well, it’s a real shame to see you go,” I answer loudly, waving toward his bike. “A real shame,” my voice is flat.

  “Ah, c’mon,” Rogers gets his fucking giggle fit under control. “Don’t be like that man,” he looks up at me to see if I’m being serious.

  I’m not.

  “Nah, it’s all good,” I smile. “I’m glad I could entertain you. It’s one of those stories I’ll laugh at in a few years, you know?”

  “Yeah, well, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna keep laughing at it now,” he chuckles as his boots scuff against the dirt driveway over to his motorcycle.

  “Yeah, yeah. Well be careful and all that shit. I don’t want to sound like your mom or whatever, but fire me off a text when you get settled at Gabe’s place,” I follow him to his bike.

  “You got it man,” he throws his leg over the seat and holds on to the handles as he straddles his Harley. “Hey, let’s not wait so long to see each other again, okay?” The smile drains from his face as his voice becomes serious. “A year is too long to go without seeing your brother, I missed you man.” His voice is suddenly heavy as the air around us swirls with the burden of his words.

  “I hear ya,” I clear my throat. “I promise, I’ll be see you again soon, maybe I’ll come up your way next time,” I clap my hand over his shoulder.

  He nods then wordlessly pulls his helmet down over his head and fires up the engine with a roar. “I’m gonna hold you to that,” he gives me a pointed look and I nod back at him. He knows I’m a man of my word. If I say it, it’s happening. Rogers holds up his hand in a motionless wave and twists the bike around before leaving a trail of dust behind him as he disappears into the night.

  I hope he’s careful getting out of here. My cabin is pretty far off the beaten path up here in the Willamette National Forest. At least it’s all just one straight road from here to Bend though.

  I head back inside, shutting the door to my renovated cabin behind me and take a deep breath. It’s been awesome having Rogers visit, but I’m looking forward to some peaceful nights that don’t end in me precariously making my way up my ladder to my sprawling loft bed before passing out drunk.

  I flop down in my comfy leather chair and let my mind wander back to Charlotte. She must have known who I was before we went home together. Why didn’t she tell

  Before this morning, I had pushed the beef between Marcus and me away. It was locked down into some kind of secret trunk in my brain. Now, the memories come flooding back, painfully rubbing my nose in a mistake made long ago and a friendship I destroyed.

  I lean my head back against the cool, comforting leather and close my eyes. There’s nothing I can do about any of that now. All I can do is try to push Charlotte out of my mind. Because I can’t see her again. It wouldn’t be right. Even if she is all grown up in the best ways. Even if she does smell like the sweet innocence of a field of lavender but fucks like a wild woman.

  My thoughts travel to her glistening body, lit by the moonlight, pulsing with pleasure, writhing beneath me.

  It doesn’t matter if I felt a real connection with her. None of it fucking matters, because I ruined everything long before she transformed into the stunning woman she is now.


  My eyes open wide as I hear the roar of Rogers’ motorcycle in my driveway. I wonder if he changed his mind about making the trip tonight. I jump up to my feet and fling open the door with a smile on my face.

  “Told ya I’d see you again soon,” I laugh but my lips tug down and my eyebrows knit together as I see the dual headlights on a small car illuminate her from behind like an angel.


  “No, no, no,” I shake my head. “This isn’t a good idea,” I make my way back into the house.

  “Wait Connor!” I can hear her run across the driveway and follow me to the door.

  “Charlotte, you can’t just show up here like this,” I step inside and she follows uninvited.

  “You think I’m just gonna let things end the way they did? Like I’m going to sit back and watch you walk out of my life for another fourteen years Connor?” Her brown eyes plead with me.


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