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Masters of Art - Albrecht Dürer

Page 10

by Dürer, Albrecht


  On the Sunday after St. Bartholomew’s, I traveled with Herr Tomasin from Antwerp to Mechlin, where we lay for the night; there I invited Master Conrad and a painter with him to supper, and this Master Conrad is the good carver in Lady Margaret’s service. From Mechlin we traveled through the small town of Vilvorde and came to Brussels on Monday at midday; I gave the messenger 3 stivers; I dined with my lords at Brussels; also once with Herr Bannisis, and I gave him a “Passion” on copper. I gave the Margrave Hansen of Brussels the letter of recommendation which my lord of Bamberg wrote for me, and I made him a present of a “Passion,” engraved on copper for a remembrance.

  I have also dined once more with my lords of Nuremberg. I saw in the town hall at Brussels, in the golden chamber, four paintings which the great Master Rogier did; and behind the King’s palace in Brussels, the fountains, labyrinth, zoological garden. Anything more beautiful and pleasing to me, more like a paradise, I have never seen.

  Erasmus is the name of the little man [Editor’s note: not Erasmus of Rotterdam, but a clerk of Bannisis] who wrote out my supplication at Jacob Bannisis’ house. At Brussels there is a very splendid town hall, large and covered with beautiful stonework, with a noble open tower. I have made a portrait of Master Conrad of Brussels by candlelight; he is my host. At the same time I drew Doctor Lamparter’s son in charcoal, and also the hostess.

  Also I have seen the things which they have brought to the King out of the new land of gold: a sun all of gold, a whole fathom broad, and a moon, too, of silver, of the same size, also two rooms full of armour, and the people there with all manner of wondrous weapons, harness, darts, wonderful shields, extraordinary clothing, beds, and all kinds of wonderful things for human use, much finer to look at than prodigies. These things are all so precious that they are valued at 100,000 gulden, and all the days of my life I have seen nothing that reaches my heart so much as these, for among them I have seen wonderfully artistic things and have admired the subtle ingenuity of men in foreign lands; indeed, I don’t know how to express what I there found.

  I also saw many other beautiful things at Brussels, and especially a great fish bone there, as vast as if it had been built up of square stones; it was a fathom long, very thick, weighs up to 1 cwt. (15 centner), and it has the form as is here drawn; it stood behind on the fish’s head.

  I have also been in the Lord of Nassau’s house, which is so magnificently built and so beautifully decorated. I have again dined twice with my lords. Lady Margaret sent after me to Brussels and promised that she would speak in my behalf to King Charles, and has shown herself quite exceptionally kind to me: I sent her my engraved “Passion” and such another to her treasurer, Jan Marnix by name, and I made his portrait in charcoal. I paid 2 stivers for a buffalo ring, and also 2 stivers for opening St. Luke’s picture. When I was in Herr von Nassau’s house I saw in the chapel the fine painting that Master Hugo has made, and I also saw two large beautiful halls, and all the treasures in various parts of the house, and the large bed in which fifty men can lie. And I also saw the great stone which the storm cast down in the field close to Herr von Nassau. This house lies high, and there is a most beautiful view at which one cannot but wonder. And I think that in all German lands there is not the like of it.

  Master Bernhard, the painter, invited me to dinner, and had prepared a meal so costly that I do not think 10 florins will pay for it. Three friends invited themselves to it to give me good company, to wit, Lady Margaret’s treasurer, whose portrait I made, and the King’s steward, de Metenye, and the town treasurer, Van Busleyden; I gave him a “Passion” engraved on copper, and he gave me in return a black Spanish bag worth 3 florins. And I also gave a “Passion” engraved on copper to Erasmus of Rotterdam; likewise one to Erasmus, the secretary of Bannisis. The man at Antwerp who gave me the “Child’s Head” is called Lorenz Sterk. I took the portrait in charcoal of Master Bernhard, Lady Margaret’s painter. I have taken Erasmus of Rotterdam’s portrait once more. I gave Lorenz Sterk a sitting “St. Jerome” and the “Melancholy,” and I made a portrait of my hostess’s godmother. Six people whose portraits I painted at Brussels gave me nothing. I paid 3 stivers for two buffalo horns and 1 stiver for two Eulenspiegels.

  So then on the Sunday after St. Giles’, I traveled with Herr Tomasin to Mechlin and took leave of Herr Hans Ebner, and he would take nothing for my expenses while I was with him seven days; I paid 1 stiver on behalf of Hans Geuder; I gave 1 stiver as a tip to the host’s servant; and at Mechlin I took supper with the Lady Nieuwekerke; and early on Monday I traveled from Mechlin to Antwerp.

  AT ANTWERP (September 3 - October 4, 1520)

  I breakfasted with the Portuguese factor, who gave me three porcelain dishes, and Rodrigo gave me some Calicut feathers. I spent 1 florin and paid my messenger 2 stivers. I bought Susanna a mantle for 2 florins, 10 stivers. My wife paid 4 florins Rhenish for a washtub, a bellows, a basin, a pair of slippers, wood for cooking, stockings, a cage for the parrot, 2 jugs, and for tips; she spent, moreover, for eating, drinking, and various necessaries, 21 stivers.

  Now on Monday after St. Giles’ I am back again at Jobst Planckfelter’s, and have dined with him as many times as are drawn here-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. I gave Nicolas, Tomasin’s man, 1 stiver; I paid 5 stivers for the little frame, and 1 stiver more. My host gave me an Indian cocoanut and an old Turkish whip; then I have dined IIIIIIIIIIIII more with Tomasin. The two lords of Rogendorf have invited me; I have dined once with them and made a large drawing of their coat of arms on wood, for engraving. I gave away 1 stiver; my wife changed a florin for 24 stivers; I gave 2 stivers as a tip. I have dined once in Focker’s house with the young Jacob Rehlinger, and I have also dined once more with him. My wife has changed a florin for 24 stivers for expenses. I gave to Wilhelm Hauenhut, the servant of my lord Duke Frederick, the Platzgraf, an engraved “Jerome,” and the two new half-sheets, the “Mary” and the “Anthony.” I gave Herr Jacob Bannisis a good painting of a “Veronica” face, a “Eustace,” a “Melancholy,” and a sitting “Jerome,” a “St. Anthony,” the two new “Marys,” and the new “Peasants.” And I have given his secretary, Erasmus, who wrote my supplication, a sitting “Jerome,” a “Melancholy,” an “Anthony,” the two new “Marys,” and the “Peasants,” and I have given him also two small “Marys,” and all together what I have given is worth 7 florins, and I have given Master Marc, the goldsmith, a “Passion” on copper, and he gave me 3 florins in payment; besides this I have received 3 florins, 20 stivers, for prints. To the glazier Honigen, I have given four little engravings. I have dined with Herr Bannisis III. I paid 4 stivers for carbon and black chalk; I have given 1 florin, 8 stivers for wood, and spent 3 stivers more. I have dined with the lords of Nuremberg IIIIIIIIII. Master Dietrich, the glass painter, sent me the red colour which is found in the new bricks at Antwerp. I made charcoal portrait of Jacob von Lubeck; he gave my wife a Philip’s florin. I have again changed a Philip’s florin for expenses.

  I presented to Lady Margaret a seated “Jerome” engraved on copper. I sold a woodcut “Passion” for 12 stivers, besides an “Adam and Eve” for 4 stivers. Felix, the captain and lute- player, bought a whole set of copper-engravings and a woodcut “Passion” and an engraved “Passion,” two half-sheets and two quarter-sheets, for 8 gold florins; so I gave him another set of engravings. I have taken Herr Bannisis’s portrait in charcoal. Rodrigo gave me another parrot, and I gave his boy 2 stivers for a tip. I gave Johann von den Winckel, the trumpeter, a small woodcut “Passion,” “St. Jerome in his Cell,” and a “Melancholy.” I paid 6 stivers for a pair of gloves. I paid 3 stivers for a bamboo rod, and George Schlaudersbath gave me another which cost 6 stivers.

  I have dined once with Wolff Haller, who is employed by the Fuggers, when he had invited my lords of Nuremberg. I have received for works of art, 2 Philip’s florins, and 6 stivers. I have again dined once with my wife; I gave 1 stiver to Hans Denes’ boy for a tip. I have taken 100 stivers for wo
rks of art.

  I made a charcoal portrait of Master Jacob, Lord Rogendorf’s painter, and I have drawn for Lord Rogendorf his arms on wood, for which he gave me seven ells of velvet.

  I dined once more with the Portuguese; I took the portrait of Master John Prost of Bruges, and he gave me 1 florin; it was done in charcoal; 23 stivers for a fur coat of rabbit- skin. I sent Hans Schwarz 2 golden florins for my picture in a letter sent through the Antwerp Fuggers to Augsburg, I gave 31 stivers for a red woolen shirt. I dined once more with Rogendorf. I gave 2 stivers for the colour which is found in the bricks; and I paid 9 stivers for an ox horn. I made a charcoal portrait of a Spaniard. I have dined once with my wife. I gave 2 stivers for a dozen little pipes; I gave 3 stivers for two little maplewood bowls, two such Felix gave my wife, and Master Jacob, the painter from Lubeck, has given my wife another; dined once with Rogendorf. I paid 1 stiver for the printed “Entry into Antwerp,” showing how the King was received with a splendid triumph; the gates were beautifully decorated, and there were plays, much rejoicing, and beautiful maidens in tableaux vivants, whose like I have seldom seen. Changed 1 florin for expenses.

  I have seen the bones of the great giant at Antwerp; his leg above his knee is five and a half feet long, and beyond measure heavy; so were his shoulder blades — a single one is broader than a strong man’s back — and his other limbs. The man was eighteen feet high, and reigned at Antwerp and did great wonders, as is set out in an old book which belongs to the town magistrates.

  Raphael of Urbino’s effects have been all dispersed after his death, but one of his disciples, Tommaso of Bologna by name, a good painter, desired to see me, so he came to me and gave me a gold ring, an antique with a well-cut stone worth 5 florins, but I have been already offered twice as much for it; in return I gave him my best engravings, worth 6 florins. I bought a piece of calico for 3 stivers, I gave the messenger 1 stiver, and spent 3 stivers in company.

  I presented to Lady Margaret, the Emperor’s sister [Editor’s note: Actually, she was his aunt], a whole set of all my works, and have drawn her two pictures on parchment with the greatest pains and care; all this I have put at 30 florins, and I have had to draw the design of the house for her physician, the doctor, according to which he intends to build one, and for drawing that I would not willingly take less than 10 florins. I have given the servant 1 stiver, and I paid 1 stiver for brick colour; I have given Herr Nicolas Ziegler a “Christ lying dead,” worth 3 florins. To the Portuguese factor I gave a painting of a “Child’s Head,” worth 1 florin. I have given 10 stivers for a buffalo horn; I gave 1 gold florin for an elk’s hoof. I have done Master Adrian’s portrait in charcoal. I gave 2 stivers for the “Condemnation” and the “Dialogue,” 3 stivers to the messenger; to Master Adrian I have given 2 florins’ worth of works of art; bought a piece of red chalk for 1 stiver. I have done Herr Wolff von Rogendorf in silverpoint. Gave away 3 stivers; did the portrait of a noble lady at Tomasin’s house. I have given to Nicolas a “Jerome in the Cell,” and two new “Marys.” On Monday after St. Michael’s Day, 1520, I gave to Tommaso of Bologna a whole set of prints to send for me to Rome to another painter, who will send me Raphael’s work in return. I dined once with my wife; gave 3 stivers for the little tract. The Bolognese has painted my portrait, which he will take with him back to Rome. I bought an elk’s foot for 20 stivers, besides I paid 2 gold florins, 4 stivers, for Herr Hans Ebner’s little panel; dined out; changed a crown for expenses; dined out. Am taking 11 florins for my expenses to Aachen; have received 2 florins, 4 stivers, from Ebner; paid 9 stivers for wood; gave Meyding 20 stivers for sending my box.

  I have taken the portrait of a lady of Bruges, who has given me I Philip’s florin. I gave away 3 stivers as a tip; paid 2 stivers for fir cones and I for stone colour; paid 13 stivers to the furrier, 1 stiver for leather; bought two mussels for 2 stivers. In John Gabriel’s house I have taken the portrait of an Italian lord, who gave me 2 gold florins. Bought a portmanteau for 2 florins, 4 stivers.


  On Thursday after St. Michael’s Day, I journeyed from Antwerp to Aachen, and I took 1 gulden and I noble with me; and after passing through Maestricht we came to Gulpen, and from there to Aix on Sunday; there I have spent up till now, with the fare and all, 3 florins. At Aachen I saw the well- proportioned pillars with their good capitals of green and red porphyry and granite which Carolus [Charlemagne] had brought from Rome and set up there. These are made truly according to Vitruvius’s writings. At Aachen I bought an ox horn for 1 gold florin. I have taken the portraits of Herr Hans Ebner and George Schlaudersbach, and Hans Ebner’s a second time. I paid 2 stivers for a fine whetstone, also 5 stivers for a bath and drinking in company; changed 1 florin for expenses. I gave the town servant who took me up into the hall 2 white pf.; spent 5 white pf. With companions, drinking and bathing; I have lost 7 stivers at play with Herr Hans Ebner at the Mirror. I have made a charcoal portrait of the young Christopher Groland, also of my host, Peter von Enden. I spent 3 stivers in company, and gave the messenger 1 stiver. I have taken the portraits of Paul Topier and Martin Pfinzing in my sketch-book.

  I have seen the arm of the Emperor Henry, the shirt and girdle of Our Lady, and other holy relics. I have sketched the Church of Our Lady with its surroundings. I took Sturm’s portrait. Made the portrait in charcoal of Peter von Enden’s brother-in-law. Have given 10 white pf. for a large ox horn; gave 2 white pf. for a tip, and I have changed 1 florin for expenses. I have lost 3 white pf. at play, also 2 stivers; gave 2 white pf. to the messenger. 1 have given Tomasin’s daughter the painted “Trinity,” it is worth 4 florins; paid 1 stiver for washing. I took the portrait in charcoal of the Kopffrngrin’s sister at Aachen, and another in silverpoint. Spent 3 white pf. for a bath; paid 8 white pf. for a buffalo horn; 2 white pf. for a girdle: paid I Philip’s florin for a scarlet shawl; 6 pf. for paper; changed 1 florin for expenses; paid 2 white pf. for washing.

  On the 23rd day of October King Charles was crowned at Aachen; there I saw all manner of lordly splendour, the like of which those who live in our parts have never seen — all, as it has been described.

  I gave Mathes works of art worth 2 florins, and presented Stephen, Lady Margaret’s chamberlain, with 3 prints. Paid 1 florin, 10 white pf. for a cedarwood rosary; gave 1 stiver to little Hans in the stable, and 1 stiver to the child in the house; lost 2% stivers at play; spent 2 stivers, gave 2 stivers to the barber. I have again changed 1 florin; I gave away 7 white pf. in the house on leaving.


  And I traveled from Aachen to Julich, and thence to…; paid 4 stivers for two eye-glasses. I played away 2 stivers in an embossed silver medal of the king. I have given 8 white pf. for two ox horns. On the Friday before St. Simon and St. Jude I left Aachen and traveled to Duren, where I visited the church where St. Anne’s head is. Thence we traveled and came on Sunday, which was St. Simon and St. Jude’s Day, to Cologne. I had lodging, food, and drink at Brussels with my lords of Nuremberg, and they would take nothing from me for it, and at Aachen likewise I ate with them three weeks and they brought me to Cologne, and would take nothing for it.

  I have bought a tract of Luther’s for 5 white pf. besides 1 white pf. for the “Condemnation of Luther,” the pious man, besides 1 white pf. for a Paternoster, and 2 white pf. for a girdle, I white pf. for one pound of candles; changed 1 florin for expenses. I had to give Herr Leonhard Groland my great ox horn, and to Hans Ebner I had to give my large rosary of cedarwood. Paid 6 white pf. for a pair of shoes; I gave 2 white pf. for a little skull; 1 white pf. I gave for beer and bread; 1 white pf. for a “pertele” [braid]. I have given 4 white pf. to two messengers; I have given 2 white pf. to Nicolas’s daughter for lace, also 1 white pf. to a messenger. I gave prints worth 2 florins to Herr Ziegler Linhard; paid the barber 2 white pf. paid 3 white pf. and then 2 white pf. for opening the picture which Master Stephan made at Cologne; I gave the messenger 1 white pf., and spent 2 white pf. drinking in company. I made the p
ortrait of Gottschalk’s sister: 1 paid I white pf. for a little tract.

  At Cologne, on Sunday evening after All Saints’ Day in the year 1520, I saw the nobles dance and banquet in the Emperor Charles’s dancing saloon: it was splendidly arranged. I have drawn for Staiber his coat of arms on wood. I gave a “Melancholy” to a young count at Cologne, and a new “Mary” to Duke Frederick. I have made Nicolas Hailer’s portrait in charcoal; paid 2 white pf. to the door porter. I have given 3 white pf. for two little tracts, also 10 white pf. for a cow horn. At Cologne I went to St. Ursula’s Church and to her grave, and saw the holy maiden and the other great relics. Fernberger’s portrait I took in charcoal; changed 1 florin for expenses. I gave Nicolas’s wife 8 white pf. when she invited me as a guest. I bought two prints for 1 stiver. Herr Hans Ebner and Herr Nicolas Groland would take nothing from me for eight days at Brussels, three weeks at Aachen, and fourteen days at Cologne. I made the nun’s portrait, and gave 7 white pf. to the nun. I made her a present of three half-sheet engravings on copper.

  My Confirmation from the Emperor came to my lords of Nuremberg the Monday after St. Martin’s, the year 1520, after great trouble and labour. I gave Nicolas’s daughter 7 white pf. on departing, 1 florin to his wife, and again 1 ort to his daughter on leaving; and I started away from Cologne. Before that, Staiber invited me once as his guest, and so did my cousin Nicolas once, and old Wolfgang once, and once besides I dined as his guest. I have given Nicolas’s man a “Eustace” on leaving, and his little daughter another ort, as they took much trouble for me. I have given 1 florin for a little ivory skull, and I white pf. for a turned box, also 7 white pf. for a pair of shoes, and I gave Nicolas’s man a “Nemesis” on leaving.


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