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Touching Frost (A Crack in the Ice: Post-Apocalyptic Tales of Man-Love Book 2)

Page 7

by Harde,Leigh

  Grant held Cole’s other hand and sat down in a chair opposite Jessie.

  “Sit down, baby,” the Mayor told Elijah. “We’ll be here awhile.” There was a chair near him, and Elijah sat down at the end of the bed.

  He was close enough that he could watch as the Mayor worked. He put a towel under Cole’s butt, and he put on a surgical glove. He scooped up some of the lard-like substance. He started with just one finger then slowly added two more. He used a lot of the lard on his fingers and inside Cole. Eventually he was able to add a fourth finger. Elijah looked at Cole, and he had his eyes closed. He didn’t appear to be in any pain.

  The Mayor removed his fingers and scooped up more of the thick lubricant. He fashioned his hand into what looked like a bird’s beak. All of his fingers were tight together with his pinky and thumb touching forming a point. He pushed his tightly formed fingers a small way into Cole then removed and re-greased them. He continued like that moving in small increments until his fingers and thumb were all the way inside him to the beginning of his knuckles. He pulled out and got more lard, then pushed in again. This time he used a little more pressure, and his knuckles popped inside. Elijah’s eyes jumped to Cole’s face, but he appeared to be asleep. The Mayor didn’t pull out again. He just continued very slowly until his entire hand was all the way inside Cole to his wrist.

  “Hey, buddy,” the Mayor said quietly. Cole opened his eyes and lifted his head.

  “You did it,” the Mayor’s eyes were shiny. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “You’re all the way in?” he asked surprised. Cole felt a huge amount of pressure, but no pain.

  “All the way,” the Mayor said. A big smile split Cole’s face, and he laid his head back down. Grant and Jessie walked to the end of the bed to see. Jessie lightly rubbed a hand over Cole’s distended abdomen.

  After a few minutes, the Mayor began to slowly withdraw. Jessie and Grant went back to holding Cole’s hands, and Elijah kept watching, fascinated. After the Mayor’s knuckles popped back out, the rest of his hand just seemed to slip from Cole’s body. The Mayor adjusted the bed with a remote so Cole’s upper body was lifted up some instead of flat.

  “Ok, Grant. You’re first,” the Mayor said.

  Grant stepped to the foot of the bed. He was semi hard already, but he stroked himself until he was erect. Cole legs were still raised in the stirrups, and he easily slipped inside him. Their faces were almost even, and they looked into each other’s eyes as they made love. When Grant came, they kissed. They said how much they loved each other before Grant pulled out of him.

  “Ok, Elijah,” the Mayor said. “It’s your turn. Just this once, I won’t ask you to pay my price.” Elijah stepped up to the bed. He was already hard from watching what the Mayor had done to Cole. There was no resistance as he entered Cole’s hot body. Even stretched though, he still felt amazing. Just like Grant, Elijah kept eye contact until he came. They kissed. Cole pulled back and held his scarred face between his hands. “I love you, Elijah,” he told him for the first time.

  “I love you too,” Elijah said tenderly and pressed in for another kiss.

  When they broke apart, Jessie took his place. They never made love like that without the Mayor’s prompting—Jessie preferring to be on the bottom and Cole on top. They held each other tightly, Jessie’s body undulating against Cole. They were kissing and whispering how much they loved each other. Jessie stayed inside him a few minutes after he came, and the Mayor allowed it.

  When they finally parted, the Mayor stepped up. His penis was much easier to take after their session, Cole thought, and he loved the way it felt as he tunneled deep inside him even further than his hand. They too stared into each other’s eyes while the Mayor stroked Cole’s erection and made love to his ass. Once Cole came, the Mayor gave a few more thrusts inside him and flooded him with cum.

  “You’re mine, Cole,” the Mayor told him. “Forever and always.”

  “Forever and always,” Cole solemnly agreed.

  That night, they all slept together in the Mayor’s bed. It was the first time since Elijah had been at the Colony that they were all together like that. Elijah was next to the Mayor with Grant beside him. Cole was on the other side with Jessie wrapped around him from behind. Elijah slept peacefully surrounded by pleasant dreams.

  Damn it! he thought. It had been a few days since the trust session, and Mitch had just finished working on the cistern again. It was integral to their water supply, and he had managed to keep it running this time. But he wasn’t sure how long it would last. He wasn’t a mechanic, and the rest knew even less about it than he did.

  He stopped by his quarters. Mitch wanted to decompress and grab some lunch before he joined the others. He was surprised when he walked in and found Jessie kneeling in the middle of the living room floor. He was naked, and his head was bent. Mitch’s breath caught in his chest, he was so beautiful.

  He had been worried about Jessie. As his feelings for Cole grew, so did his resentment toward the Mayor’s treatment of him. He had never shown any outward signs of defiance. He was too well trained for that. But Mitch knew that he had been struggling, and he wasn’t sure how to help him.

  He had met Jessie at a conference he was speaking at five years ago. Jessie was only twenty-one at the time and in need of a firm hand which the Mayor was more than happy to provide. When he left the conference, he took Jessie with him.

  The Mayor was pleased as he walked toward his kneeling form. His sweet little one had come back to him.

  Jessie had been kneeling for over an hour. He knew he deserved it and so much more. If only he had trusted the Mayor. He was wrong, and he saw that now. Cole was happy for the first time since Jessie had known him, and it was thanks to the Mayor. Ever since he completed the trust session, he seemed so much more comfortable with his role in their group relationship. It was actually Cole who suggested that he go see the Mayor.

  Goosebumps broke out on Jessie’s skin as the Mayor approached him. He grabbed his pretty blond hair and pulled his head back to look in his face. Jessie didn’t know what he saw in his expression, but he released his hair and stepped back.

  “Stand,” the Mayor ordered. Jessie kept his head bowed and painfully rose to his feet. “Follow me,” he said.

  Jessie walked behind the Mayor as he led him to his bedroom. He knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant, but he was prepared to face up to his punishment. The Mayor pulled the padded chair to the center of the room. He instructed Jessie to kneel on the arms of the chair and hold onto the back. This had him leaning slightly forward with his legs spread wide and his butt out and exposed. The Mayor walked to the chifforobe and opened the doors. Jessie watched as he pulled out a large string of anal beads. He cringed inside when the Mayor walked back toward him.

  The Mayor knew how Jessie felt about the large anal beads which is why he chose them. There were five huge beads all connected with a ring at the end. He lightly coated them with lube just enough to ease their way but not so much that it would be comfortable. He pushed the first bead inside Jessie’s ass.

  “Why are you being punished?” the Mayor asked him.

  “Because I didn’t trust you to take care of us,” Jessie said. The Mayor slid another bead in. After only two beads, Jessie was already feeling full.

  “But you were wrong,” he told him and another bead disappeared inside his butt.

  “Yes, Mayor,” Jessie said sounding strained. He was overfull and trying not to push. The Mayor shoved the fourth bead inside him.

  “Please,” Jessie said. He didn’t think he could take anymore.

  “Yes, little one,” the Mayor told him. “You will beg.” He forced the last of the anal beads inside Jessie leaving only the plastic ring outside his body.

  “Please.” Jessie felt like he was going to explode. His stomach was cramping like he had to go to the bathroom. “Please,” he begged. The Mayor answered with a hard slap to his creamy white butt cheek. It made his body tighten pai
nfully on the beads, and he moaned.

  The Mayor stepped back to the chifforobe and took out a braided leather riding crop. He swished it through the air, and Jessie began to tremble.

  “Do you deserve this?” the Mayor asked as he approached him.

  “Yes, Mayor,” Jessie replied his voice wavering.

  The Mayor landed a stinging blow across his backside. Jessie gripped the chair and managed not to jump. The Mayor lightly ran a finger along the red welt that he had created causing Jessie to shiver.

  He drew back the crop and rained multiple blows across Jessie’s butt and hips. He didn’t stop until his upper body had fallen forward onto the back of the chair, and he was sobbing uncontrollably.

  He grabbed the plastic ring protruding from Jessie’s anus and asked, “Tell me, little one, do you deserve mercy?” Jessie was crying too hard to answer. The Mayor let go of the ring and cradled his face in his hands. “Do you deserve my mercy?” he asked softly looking into his tear-stained face.

  “No, Mayor,” came Jessie’s weak tearful reply. The Mayor let go of his face and stepped behind him. He grabbed the ring and in one hard motion ripped the beads from his body. Jessie screamed in pain. The Mayor took his giant unlubricated cock out of his pants and shoved it into his abused anus. After he was inside him though, he stopped. He could feel Jessie’s ass muscles convulsing around him trying to recover from the beads and his invasion. He wrapped his arms around Jessie’s small body as he shook and cried.

  “It’s ok,” the Mayor said and kissed his ear. He leaned back up and began gently rubbing Jessie’s lower back with his hands. He told him how proud he was and that he forgave him. When the Mayor felt Jessie’s body relax, he slowly started moving inside him. He spit in his hand and stroked Jessie’s growing erection while he made love to his painfully abused butt. Jessie pushed back into him meeting his thrusts. He was raw and still cramping slightly, but the Mayor’s big cock felt so good. It had been over six weeks since they had sex, and he’d missed it. Not just the sex, but his emotional connection with the Mayor. It wasn’t long before Jessie came in his hand. The Mayor gave one last stroke and emptied himself inside his butt. Afterward, he drew a bath and carried Jessie into the bathroom. He tenderly bathed him then carried him back to the bed for a nap. Jessie clung to him when he tried to leave so the Mayor laid down beside him and held him. “I love you,” the Mayor said. “I’ll always take care of you.”

  “I love you too,” Jessie said and snuggled in close to him.

  Chapter Nine

  Mitch was in his lab when Grant and Cole returned to the Colony looking for him. They had been to trade with the Compound, and they rushed to meet him without changing from the cold weather wear that they had to put on to go outside.

  “Major Reese came back with us,” Grant said slightly breathless and a little alarmed. “He insisted on speaking with you.” The Mayor stood up. Major Reese was the leader of the Compound. No one from the Compound had ever been to the Colony and vice versa. The Mayor preferred it that way, and he assumed Reese did too.

  “We weren’t sure what you wanted us to do.” Cole sounded uncertain. “We put him in the breakroom.”

  “Well,” the Mayor said. “Let’s not keep him waiting.”

  Major Reese was standing when the Mayor entered the breakroom with Grant and Cole on his heels. He was sipping a cup of coffee.

  The Mayor smiled and held out his hand. “Mitch Reid,” he introduced himself. “Nice to me you.”

  Reese sat his coffee cup on the counter. “Major James Reese,” he said and shook his hand. “I’m sorry to show up unexpectedly like this, but I need to talk to you.”

  “Of course,” the Mayor said. “Have a seat.” The Mayor indicated one of the three small tables in the breakroom. Reese glanced pointedly at Cole and Grant.

  “It’s alright,” the Mayor told them. “Go change.” He kept his eyes on Reese. Grant and Cole exchanged a look and reluctantly left them alone.

  “What’s on your mind Reese?” he asked. Actually the Mayor had been wanting to talk to him as well.

  “We’ve recently rescued a young man—a victim of the Marauders. I don’t think that the Compound is the best place for him, and I wanted to know if he could stay at the Colony.” No small request, the Mayor thought. It had been eighteen months since Cole had joined them, eight since Elijah. Each new person brought new challenges for him and his husbands. It was a hard fought battle maintaining everyone’s happiness.

  “I’ll have to consider it and let you know,” the Mayor told him.

  Major Reese’s steel grey eyes narrowed. He obviously didn’t like Mitch’s answer. “I need to know now,” he said.

  “Why?” the Mayor wondered. “What’s the urgency?”

  “As I said, the Compound’s not the right environment for someone like him.”

  “Someone like him?”

  “You know…” Reese looked away. “Innocent.” The Mayor saw pain flash across Reese’s face. There was a lot more to this story, he thought, but right now he needed to change the subject. They had pressing matters to discuss.

  “You mentioned he was attacked by the Marauders,” the Mayor said. “There’s something I’ve been needing to discuss with you and your group. We’ve been monitoring and taking samples from the surface. Within the next few months, temperatures will be warm enough for the Master to send his people through the Drifts.”

  Major Reese’s eyebrows popped then he compressed his lips. “Are you certain?” he asked.

  “I’m afraid so,” the Mayor said his expression grim.

  It was too late in the day for Major Reese to try to make it back to the Compound after they had talked. Once the sun went down, the temperature dropped as well. The Mayor let him stay in one of the smaller quarters for the night. They had discussed the fact that the Colony had spied on the Master’s Camp. Reese wanted to see it for himself, and the Mayor agreed to let Grant take him there the next day. Mitch was working on the malfunctioning cistern again when they returned. Fortunately, Major Reese knew how to fix it since the Compound was equipped with the same system, but he ended up having to stay another night.

  Before he left, Reese cornered the Mayor to ask if he had reached a decision yet. The Mayor was good at reading people, and he could see how anxious Reese was about his young man. He wanted to test a theory.

  “I’ve thought about it and decided to take your man,” the Mayor said.

  Reese sighed and nodded resigned.

  “But in all fairness,” the Mayor continued, “I have to tell you that I require absolute loyalty and trust from my people. There’s a test that everyone must take. I guess you could call it my admission price to the Colony.”

  Once the Mayor explained his “admission price” i.e. fisting, it was almost comical how fast Reese withdrew his request. The Mayor had sensed that Reese’s feelings ran deep for this man. He hoped that they would be able to work out their issues. Reese was going to talk to his people about the threat from the Master. They were all going to need to work together to come up with a plan to stay safe. After Reese left, the Mayor sought some much needed some stress relief. He went looking for Elijah and brought him back to his quarters.

  Elijah was on all fours in the middle of the bed taking everything the Mayor had to give. He was honored that the Mayor had chosen him out of everyone to be with during the day especially since they spent most nights together. He spread his legs wider so the Mayor could have more access as he pounded into him from behind. It was a painful pleasure having the Mayor so deep inside him. He had to stiffen his arms to keep from collapsing forward.

  “Oh, Mayor. Yes! Yes!!” he exclaimed as the Mayor hit just the right spot, and Elijah came all over the bedspread.

  Once they finished, the Mayor let Elijah take a shower in the master bath while he used the small one in the hall. Elijah was humming as he exited the shower. He grabbed a towel from the closet and began drying off. When he glimpsed his reflection in the m
irror above the sink, he stopped. He almost didn’t recognize himself. He dropped the towel and stared for a moment. He looked older, he thought. His dark brown hair had grown out, but it was still short and kind of spiky. He had gained weight too—all muscle thanks to the Mayor’s workouts. He seldom thought about his scars anymore, but looking at them now with his new muscular body, he thought they gave him a sexy almost dangerous air. He chuckled as he realized, he was kind of into himself. A big smile cracked Elijah’s face, and he blew a kiss at his reflection. His reflection smiled down and kissed him back.

  The End

  Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it! Please consider leaving feedback to let me know what you think. You can also email me at Touching Frost is the second book in my post-apocalyptic series of man-love. If you enjoyed it, check out what the guys get up to at the Compound in my first book, Mounting Snow.

  Nick Snow is a straight virgin in a frozen post-apocalyptic world. Half dead and suffering from hypothermia, he is rescued by seven scorching hot men. Each will take his turn trying to thaw Nick’s icy inhibitions. But which man will be able to inflame his passions and ultimately melt his heart?




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