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Previously published essays in this collection originally appeared in the following publications, to whose editors and publishers thanks are due.
“The Voyage to Far Metaphor and Elephant India: A Preface.” Developed from an original essay entitled “Metaphor Is Everything,” Windows, Summer-Fall, 1986.
“Art and Science Fiction.” The Universe, ed. by Byron Preiss. Bantam, 1987.
“The Girls Walk This Way; The Boys Walk That Way.” West: The Los Angeles Times Magazine, April 5, 1970.
“The Aesthetics of Lostness.” Designers West, November 1988.
“Who Owns What and Which and Why.” Designers West, December 1990.
“To Be Transported.” Designers West, December 1988.
“The Great American What Am I Doing Here and Why Did I Buy That? Hardware Store.” Designers West, June 1987.
“The Aesthetics of Size.” Designers West, September 1987.
“Yestermorrow Place.” Designers West, March 1987.
“Yes, We’ll Gather at The River.” Designers West, June 1988.
“Go Not to Graveyards.” Designers West, November 1987.
“Day After Tomorrow.” The Nation, May 2, 1953.
“Renaissance Prince and the Baptist Martian.” Horizon, July 1979.
“Frederico Fellini.” The Los Angeles Times Book Review, Sunday, November 27, 1977.
“The Hipbone of Abraham L.” Developed from an original essay entitled, “Why Disney Will Live Forever,” first published in Mickey Is Sixty, August 1988.
“Beyond 1984: The People Machines.” Cities: The Forces That Shape Them, ed. by Lisa Taylor. Rizzoli, 1982.
“A Feasting of Thoughts, A Banqueting of Words.” Performing Arts, October 1975.
“Science Fiction: Before Christ and After 2001.” First published as an introduction to Science Fact/Fiction, ed. by E.J. Farrell and others. Scott, Foresman, 1974.
“Grand Tour 2484.” The Los Angeles Times, March 25, 1984.
“An Afterword by Jon A. Jerde, AIA.” Designers West, July 1989.