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Devil's Dilemma: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4

Page 7

by Manda Mellett

  I roll my eyes. “I was getting to that. Very well. Seem to have some common ground with Jeannie as I admired her kitchen, and Vi’s easy to get along with. Didn’t see much of Jay.”

  “Nah, you wouldn’t. I passed her and Pal’s room earlier, seemed they had an early night.” He winks, suggestively, making me laugh.

  “Sindy came in. She’s quiet but friendly enough.”

  “What did you discuss?”

  “Cooking and babies.” Women shit in other words. But I’d enjoyed it well enough. I’d shared a few recipes.

  He frowns for a moment. “Can you make sure you get on with Violet, Mel? Do me a favour and become her friend, will you?”

  I glance at him strangely. “I’m hoping to get on with everyone. Why are you singling her out?”

  “Oh come on, Mel. She’s the prez’s old lady. You get close to her, and you’ll be a shoe-in with the club. She’s the one you should keep on the right side of. Can’t tell you much, but before she came here, she had it rough. Reckon she could use a sympathetic ear from time to time.”

  Oh. He’s starting to make sense.

  “She’s our queen, Mel. Upset her, and it wouldn’t be good.”

  I start to tell him I don’t intend to upset anyone, that I go out of my way to avoid things like that. At work, I’m usually the peacemaker. But I don’t get a chance, as Skull hasn’t finished.

  “Making yourself indispensable, giving her a shoulder to lean on, well, that would probably count for a lot.”

  Over the next couple of weeks, I try to do just that.

  Remembering this is my opportunity to see if I could live his life, I spend most weekends at the clubhouse, but return to my own home during the week. With working, I like to follow the routine I’ve fallen into. Skull pops around between Monday and Friday and always ends up staying the night, but we don’t officially move in together, even though he alludes to us doing so in the near future.

  Skull and I don’t refer to our accident again. As time goes on, I feel no different, and after a couple of weeks, nature runs its normal course, letting me know I’m not pregnant. I feel slightly disappointed. Skull, when I tell him, just nods. Whatever he feels he keeps hidden.

  What seemed to have gotten to Skull most, however, hadn’t been the fact we might have started a family, but that his reaction had given me cause to question his commitment. Since that day he’s been going out of his way to make sure I feel loved and wanted.

  Sometimes I’m embarrassed by his show of affection in front of the other members and women, but secretly I’m pleased that he’s not trying to hide our relationship. It amuses me that this strong biker isn’t ashamed to declare his love for me publicly, if not with words, then by the kisses and caresses.

  I suppose it was a little test for him when I asked if he’d like to meet my parents. Like any man, it didn’t seem a suggestion he found thrilling, but he had the right answer. “Anything for you, babe,” he’d replied.

  So we drove one Friday to Denver and spent the night there, my mom putting us in separate bedrooms which Skull accepted without complaint. He acted politely enough, refrained from overt PDAs, and chatted to my father. Before we’d left, Mom pulled me to one side.

  “Not thrilled about what he does, Melissa, but he’s pleasant enough. Seems to hold you in high regard and is respectful. We won’t stand in your way if you’ve found what you’re looking for.”

  “I think I have Mom.”

  “Then you have our blessing.”

  After hugs and goodbyes, Skull and I make our return trip to Pueblo and resume our routine.

  Friday nights I drive to the club with a weekend bag beside me, nowadays arriving feeling pleasure at being here instead of afraid, occasionally remembering the first time I was let in the gate and had parked my car at the rear of the compound. Now I’m more likely to greet the prospect with a friendly wave and join in the ribbing when someone gets out shot when they go target shooting. It doesn’t bother me at all when they come in putting rifles I’ve not once seen used in anger away.

  Club members and women have all been so welcoming, genuinely pleased to see me each time I’ve arrived. More often than not they show they’ve adopted Skull’s shortening of my name, and I feel it’s like they’re accepting me. The only females I don’t have much time for are the sweet butts, but they stay out of my way, and I out of theirs.

  This evening, like so many others, I spend time helping in the kitchen alongside the other women. We’re all good at multi-tasking when it comes to cooking a meal and talking. My contribution tonight are apple pies, and knowing how much the men like them, I make extra.

  Skull snatches me away after we’ve eaten, and we make love, tonight so tenderly. It’s after, when we’re snuggled up together that he asks a question.

  “Saw you talking with Vi, earlier. What did you discuss?”

  “Theo’s new tooth,” I say fast, smiling as I remember the way he’d toddled over to me and proudly showed me his mouth, his chubby finger pointing to the new addition.

  Skull stiffens. “Nothing else?”

  “What do you mean?” I’m confused. I recall he’d asked me to get close to the president’s wife, but what better way could there be than to show an interest in her son? It’s not contrived, either, I’m growing to love that sassy little boy. I’d even offered to babysit for her if she ever needed someone. Not that she has a shortage of volunteers, but she’d accepted with genuine pleasure. I feel I’m doing exactly what he wanted.

  “You’re missing your chance, Mel. Look, I want us to be together. Permanently. Which means you need to understand the club from a woman’s point of view. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. You have a laugh with the women? Cook in the kitchen? Play with the kid? That’s fine as far as it goes. But there’s a darker side to an MC, and you’ve got to know you can live with it. If you can’t accept everything, the good, the bad and the downright ugly, well, you’re not going to make a good old lady.”

  I hadn’t thought about that. I know the Satan’s Devils have a reputation, but from what I’ve seen, they’re about nothing more than their legitimate businesses. Sure, they play hard too, sometimes, in my view, too much out in the open in the clubroom with the sweet butts, but that’s just their way of life. I, as a newcomer, have no say in it.

  Now Skull’s suggesting that there is a side to the club I haven’t yet seen and that might not settle so well with me. Inside, I feel a trickle of fear. What is it he’s alluding to, and should I try to find out? Before I get in any deeper. Who am I kidding?

  “Skull. I don’t know if I want to know. What if there’s something I don’t think I can accept?” I sit up, looking down at him. “What if I discover something I can’t live with? Would I lose you?”

  He pushes himself up, and his hands hold my upper arms, stopping just short of giving me a shake. “Told you before, Mel. It’s you I want. You can’t take the club, then I’ll leave it. I can get another job working security or some shit like that. It’s you and me. For life.” He stares at me, intently. “Sure, I worked hard to get my patch, and I’d love to hold on to it, but now I’ve found you, I don’t want to lose you. I’ll leave if I have to. Do me a favour, Mel. Ask Vi what really goes on. Then we can make our decisions. Do it, for me, babe? Look, I’ve claimed you, okay?”

  How can I refuse? The way he’s putting it, I can’t. Every word out of his mouth makes sense. If Vi, the wife of the president, can’t give me the lowdown on what goes on behind the scenes, and what really will be asked of me as an old lady, who else could?

  The next afternoon I offer to bake. As normal, bikers start hovering before the muffins are even made. A tray of chocolate chip cookies disappears as soon as it comes out of the oven. When Jeannie finally has enough and chases them out, I get my chance.

  “So, what’s it really like to be an old lady?”

  The kitchen door opens. In walks a biker I haven’t met, and he’s got a woman with him who he introduces as S
tevie. It’s immediately apparent she’s blind and is accompanied by her service dog. She seems to have been here before and knows everyone, as she addresses Violet by name. She hasn’t met me though, so I introduce myself.

  “I’m Melissa. I’m with Skull.”

  Beef, as it appears his name is, asks whether Skull’s at last claimed me, and Jeannie replies, putting her arm around me, yes. Which seems strange, but I don’t question it. If he has, that wasn’t what he told me, or not that it was official. Maybe he’ll tell me tonight. He might be waiting until I report back I can take whatever happens in the club.

  “Melissa likes cooking,” Violet explains. “Especially baking. Get ready to put on some weight when you taste her muffins.”

  Max, the newcomer’s dog is introduced. He’s a big Labrador retriever who I fall in love with on sight, though he seems to be injured. Within a few moments there’s an altercation between Bitch—the huge cat who’s put in an appearance to put the canine interloper in his place—and Max. The dog gets a scratch on his nose, and cuddles from Jeannie.

  When Beef is satisfied the dog is okay, he leaves Stevie with us, telling her he’s got to talk to the prez.

  “So, Melissa. You wanted to know more about the club.” I notice that the blind woman cocks her head toward us as though to hear better. I take it she’s new to all this too.

  For the next hour or so, the women let me in on the workings of the Satan’s Devils, and the dreaded term, club business. I come away with the view that yes, the club may very well get involved in some shady stuff, but only occasionally, and only when one of theirs is at risk. Old ladies are never involved, and actively kept away and, or, protected. Such as the protection they’re extending to Stevie right now. Far and away from worrying me, it makes me look more favourably on the club. Who wouldn’t want to align their stars with a group of men who’d do everything they can to keep you safe?

  “Max is adorable,” I tell Skull, later that night.

  “Did you find anything out?” he asks, tersely.

  “That I think the club is amazing. The way they’re rallying around Stevie.” Of course, I don’t know what’s going on, but surmised from all the activity that something was. And that it revolved around her.

  “Keep your ear to the ground.”

  A strange request from my lover. But I agree.

  Soon after I make the decision I’m all in with the club, Stevie goes missing. Beef is distraught, but it appears her handler has taken her somewhere safe, or that’s all us women can surmise. Max, the dog, has been left behind.

  It’s a worrying time, but, life, as it does, goes on. I find myself involved more and more in the activities of the old ladies. I’m dragged into cooking when a barbeque is arranged to celebrate the rough ground out back having been transformed into a beautiful yard. I’m even persuaded to drag out a lounger and relax along with Violet and Jay on the newly laid lawn. I don a two piece, well, Vi was very persuasive and, compared to the sweet butts, I’m overdressed. The light in Skull’s eyes is worth it, as well as the reward he gives me that night.

  Sheepishly Skull has admitted he had indeed officially claimed me. As I’d already felt like I was his, and he mine, it had made no difference to me.

  Stevie, no, Steph now, returns permanently to the clubhouse, after she’s testified against the bad guys and is accepted into our old lady clan.

  I happily cook for the celebration when Beef’s made VP.

  It’s an enjoyable afternoon and evening. As I watch Theo stumble around, the men and women all keeping an eye on him, then watching everyone having fun and laughing, I find it hard to remember how I ever felt satisfied spending every weekend alone.

  “Do you think Beef will make a good VP?” I ask Skull later that night when we return to our room.

  “Of course. He’ll be good. Now come here and love on your man.”

  Skull’s slightly tipsy, the bikers had partied hard to celebrate Beef’s permanent transfer to the club. He’s slightly clumsy when he rips off my dress, but I giggle, liking the feel of my man.

  He might be drunk, but he still makes me come before taking his pleasure himself.

  When he’s finished, he pulls out. And roars, “Motherfucker! Not a fuckin’ gain.”

  No condom. Again.

  “It’s okay, Skull. We got away with it before.” I sit up, putting my arms around him. “And you’ve claimed me now, it’s official. This shit flies? Well, it was going to happen sooner or later.”

  “Not the fuckin’ point, Mel. Timing is fuckin’ off.” He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. “Will you take the fuckin’ pill this time?”

  “Nothing’s changed, Skull, except our commitment is deeper. So, no.” I’m being stubborn. But to me, it may only have brought forward something that’s been increasingly on my mind.

  “Fuck,” he roars again.

  I hope it’s the drink driving him, but Skull abruptly stands and throws on some clothes. He walks to the dresser, fumbles in a drawer, then leaves the room carrying a phone which isn’t the one he normally uses. He doesn’t come back that night.

  The next morning I’m awakened by the sound of the door banging open.

  “Babe, I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”

  It’s Skull.

  Sitting up, I rub my raw red eyes.

  “It was the drink talkin’, not me.” He looks so contrite, it makes me want to take him into my arms.

  But then I remember the restless night he’d put me through. When he walked out without a word, I feared he wouldn’t come back. Thoughts had gone around and around my head. If I agree to take the morning-after pill, would he come back to me? That warred with did I really want a man who’d control me like that? Then it would circle to, decisions about kids should be made jointly, so maybe I should do what he wanted me to.

  He approaches, sits on the bed, and takes my hand. “You’re right. We’re a couple. You do whatever you want to do. If it happens? I’ll love him or her. If not? We’ll revisit this discussion. Okay?”

  I honestly don’t know what to think. “What’s on your mind, Skull? You said now wasn’t the right time.”

  He reaches across and taps the tip of my nose. “Club business.”

  I only wish I knew so I could help, but those two words are final. As an old lady, I’ll never know. It’s the one thing he can say that stops any further discussion.

  “You going to do laundry at home? Got some shit I need to take with us.”

  “Yeah, Skull.” We’ve been living together for weeks, half at the club, half at my house. I can’t remember the last time I’ve slept alone. And yes, I’ve gotten pretty used to throwing his dirty clothes in with my wash. I don’t mind. It’s what couples do.

  Chapter Nine


  “Hey, boy. Come to see your Uncle Ro?”

  “If you sneak him another cookie, Steph’s going to be mad,” Beef, our new VP, warns me.

  “They’re not the chocolate ones,” I reassure him.

  He shakes his head. “You’re trying to buy his affection.”

  I’m unrepentant. “It’s working.”

  Beef snorts. “Fuckin’ right. But he still prefers me. Max, down.”

  Max turns away from me with one last tail wag, takes a step toward Beef, and dutifully collapses at his feet, letting out a sound that suspiciously sounds like a humph. His master must think so too, as he grunts, “Fuckin’ dog.”

  I stare at the English lab for a moment, then pick up the pool cue again as Beef racks the balls. “Steph enjoying her job?”

  Beef breaks, then, after he’s sunk far too many balls for my liking, answers the question when the cue ball topples down a hole.

  “She loves it. She needs to feel useful, you know?”

  His face is interesting to watch. One moment he’s smiling, next, concerned, now he’s cautiously optimistic again, then his brow creases when I successfully sink a ball. I hear a sigh of relief when I eventually miss my shot.

/>   I’ve a sneaking suspicion that this time he’s going to clear the table. Damn. That will be a few dollars gone. Should have stayed at work rather than skip out to play pool.

  “You know,” Beef says thoughtfully, as the last ball disappears down the hole, “I think I’ll teach Max to play. He’ll probably be better at it than you.”

  On today’s showing, I don’t doubt it.


  “Huh,” I splutter. “Not until I find my form.”

  Beef grins, stacks his pool cue away, then slaps my back. “Beer?” After I nod, and we turn in that direction, he says, “I thought Cad might find it distracting being in the same room as Steph, but he seems to love it.”

  I soon learned once the VP has decided on something, he doesn’t wait for grass to grow under his feet. Cad, he had seen, needed an office as his computers were multiplying and spilling out, threatening to overtake the clubroom. What helped was that his wife, Steph, wanted one too. Though they are looking for a house together to put down roots in Pueblo, she enjoys being in the thick of things, and Beef saw a way to do that by having her work here too. Well, all it takes is a computer and she’s set.

  The old storeroom was cleared out in a couple of days, wasn’t difficult, most of the shit was old junk that could just be trashed. We got Beaver and Karl on painting it, and Sparky and Cad put new wiring and outlets in. A week after the idea was first agreed at church, Cad and Steph had moved in.

  “Cad’s used to the hustle and bustle of the clubroom around him. Steph’s talking computer is probably welcome background noise to him. And he doesn’t mind her being there, she can’t exactly look across to his screen and see what he’s up to.” Beef’s old lady is blind. But when she’s in a room she knows, you’d hardly be able to tell. Her eyes look just the same as anyone else’s, she can’t see out of them is all. I don’t feel sorry for her, though. Having been around her a while, I know pity is the last thing she wants or deserves.

  She always has to use a stick or rely on Max in the clubroom though. Brothers try hard, but we’re always leaving some shit lying around.


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