Devil's Dilemma: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4

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Devil's Dilemma: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4 Page 11

by Manda Mellett

  Then he comes back. Dropping to his knees he takes hold of both my hands, and gazes into my eyes intensely. “You are not doing this alone. You’ve got me and the club behind and beside you. This baby will have all the love it could have, whether or not Skull’s here to take up his responsibility. Think I told you before, you’re club, and so is your baby.”


  I’m pregnant.

  Even though I had suspected it, the result comes as a shock.

  “Skull couldn’t have known,” I explain, trying to justify my man’s actions more to myself than to Pyro. “It wouldn’t be the reason he’s gone.” Though it could be the reason he won’t come back. “We talked about having a family, Pyro. The first time it happened…”

  “Man’s a fuckin’ idiot,” Pyro snarls. “Forgetting once is one thing. A second time? Sheer fuckin’ carelessness. If he likes it bare so much he should be prepared to deal with the consequences.”

  “He was drunk, Pyro. I didn’t think to remind him.”

  “This is not on you, Mel.”

  I glare. “I think it is. I was the one in bed with him. I was fully into it when we made love.” And Skull had gotten me so aroused and in such an orgasmic haze, I didn’t know which way was up, and certainly not capable of realising he’d forgotten the condom. But I was a fully active participant, and to be truthful, had I realised, I might not have minded. My body clock is marching on, if I’m going to have a baby I want to be in my prime. I want to see my child grow while I can be active along with it.

  My child.

  Oh my freaking God. I’m pregnant.

  Pyro’s face has gone tight, then it relaxes. “When we find Skull, he might be over the moon. You’ve got enough on your plate without second guessing his reaction.”

  One thing is for certain. However much I feel I need it, I can’t have that drink now.

  He understands. And, as the tears start rolling down my cheek, looks around and takes some tissues from the box I keep handy, passing them to me.

  Then, he hesitantly puts his arms around me, pulling me in close. I rest my chin on the leather cut which smells slightly different to that of my man. But, I take comfort from the warmth he’s emitting and his strong arms, trying to ignore the little voice that reminds me they’re not the right ones.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Today started off as normal. I’d gone to the auto-shop and put some hours in, then, having left my fucking phone of all things back at the compound, took a break to go retrieve it. Got suckered into a game of pool with the VP—well, I manage the shop, who’s going to criticise me?

  That’s why I’d been there when the day took a downturn with Mel’s revelation that Skull was missing.

  This was news that none of us like hearing. We’ve heard it too often before, only a year or so ago, Ingot, our old enforcer, had been run off the road and killed. My first thought, and still the favourite, although unthinkable, is that we’ll find that’s the answer to Skull’s disappearance, he hasn’t returned as he’s not able to. This life we live is not without risk, either death dealt out by our enemies, or from the simple fact that we ride around on motorcycles. The fact that medical staff view us as potential organ donors on wheels isn’t too much of an exaggeration.

  I’ve also had to deal with the stress that comes with disarming potential explosive devices. Trying not to shake or cut the wrong wire, dealing with something designed not to be interfered with all carries a strain of its own. While a hundred percent concentration is required, at the back of my mind is always the question, will I know? Will I feel my body disintegrating? Will it hurt? Or will I simply cease to exist?

  Now, I’ve got a pregnant weeping woman in my arms. Today seems never-ending.

  But she’s Skull’s. I hadn’t misled her. Whatever has happened to him, he claimed her, which makes her the responsibility of the club.

  I wasn’t particularly close to Skull. Would give my life for him as he was one of my brothers, but he hadn’t sat around the table long enough for us to become friends. Nevertheless, something drives me to take personal responsibility for his woman.

  Doesn’t hurt she’s exactly the type of woman who’d attract me.

  But being Skull’s, she’s completely out of bounds.

  My hand moves up and down her back, rubbing gently. Contradicting what’s going through my mind, I repeat in what I hope is a soothing tone, “It will be okay. It will work out. You’ve got us, you’re not alone.”

  Gradually her sobs start coming less often. She pulls away, sniffing loudly then blowing her nose. She stares at me, then looks horrified.

  “Your tee shirt’s wet, I’m so sorry.”

  “No matter.” That’s the least of my worries.

  “I’ll be okay. You don’t have to stay.”

  I’m not surprised she’s embarrassed. I’m a virtual stranger, I’m here in her home. Yet I was the one to confirm she is indeed pregnant, and now the man whose clothes have been dampened by her tears.

  I’m also the man who’s got one more blow to deliver.

  “I do,” I contradict, wiping my hand down my face. “I’m sorry, but I’m not leaving you alone.”

  Her reddened eyes crease. “What?”

  “Until we know what’s happened to Skull, we need to take precautions.”

  “What?” she repeats. “What do you mean, precautions?”

  I breathe in deeply. “You know we’re a one-percenter club?”

  A little nod. “But I thought you weren’t into shady stuff.”

  My mouth quirks at the way she describes it. “We’re not, much, nowadays. In fact, we can’t name an enemy who’d want to hurt us.” Or not until Demon and Beef have their meeting with the Wretched Soulz. “But there’s always the chance someone is using Skull to get to us, which means we pull up the drawbridge just in case.”

  Her head moves side to side. “I don’t understand.”

  “Tonight, I stay here, sleeping on your couch. Tomorrow, you move to the compound.”

  Her head shakes more emphatically. “I can’t. Not without Skull. This is my home. And how long for? I’ve got work…”

  “Tomorrow you call in sick. Fuck, woman. You’re in no condition to go to the office.”

  “I’ve already told Beth I can’t go in tomorrow.” Before I can ask, she adds hurriedly, “Not why, not until I know more. I’ve told her a lie for me, that I’m sick.”

  “You’re worried sick about your man. That’s not a lie. No one can blame you. I’d stay off until after the weekend. If you want to go back then, we’ll make it happen if we’re still on lockdown.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, then, “You’re right, Pyro. I’ll not be able to concentrate. Hopefully Skull will be back between now and Monday, and if he’s not?” She gives a little shake as if she’s no idea what she’ll do. If he doesn’t reappear, she’ll have to start to come to terms with a new normal. Fuck, I’m hurting for her now.

  “But I’ll stay here. I’m not coming to the compound.” Her mouth sets in a stubborn line.

  How do I make her see sense?

  “Mel, look. Skull’s missing. You’re Skull’s woman. May not have had much trouble in the recent past, but if someone does have him, if someone’s starting a war with the club, then they’ll hit us where it hurts. You know what our weakest spot is? You know what would fuckin’ destroy us?”

  Again her head moves first to the left, then to the right.

  “Our women. Someone wants to hurt us, they’ll go after our women first. And you, being close to Skull, would be one of the first targets. Can’t leave you unprotected darlin’. Need you on lockdown at the compound.”


  “We call everyone in and stay for the duration.”

  “I can’t do that. I can’t afford to lose my job. I can’t let everyone down.”

  She’s feisty, and loyal to Skull and her colleagues. Now all I’ve got to do is get some of that loyalty the clu
b’s way. “Already said, we’ll make that happen. You’ll just have an escort there and back, got it?”

  Her lips press together. “You really think it’s necessary for me to move to the compound?”

  It seems she’s starting to listen to what I’m saying. “I do. If you don’t, then either I or a prospect will stay here with you. Look, it’s easier if we have everyone under the same roof. The compound can be protected. If we have everyone scattered all around, it spreads us thin and makes it harder to keep everyone safe.”

  She stands while I move out of her way and she starts to pace the room. It’s in the middle of her third back and forth that she stops. Her eyes come to my face. “Do you really think I’m in danger?”

  “No,” I say fast. “But we don’t take risks. Not with something so important. Fact is, we don’t know what the fuck’s going on, but want to be prepared for anything. Don’t want anything to blindside us.”

  “Sort of like taking out insurance. It’s just in case.”

  “It’s exactly that.”

  She takes a lungful of air, then comes, “Okay,” on a long drawn out breath. “But you don’t need to sleep on the couch. I’ve got a spare room.”

  “Couch is fine.” Give me the comfort of a bed and I might fall fast asleep given the stress of the day. A restless night also means I’ll have one eye open. Just in case.

  As if realising she’s got bigger battles ahead which she should save her energy for, she capitulates with a simple, “Goodnight.” Then disappears into what I assume is her bedroom.

  For a moment I stare down the hallway, my mind once again asking, where the fuck are you, Skull? I find it hard to believe he’s walked out on a woman like her.

  I already know I admire her body and love the food she bakes. While this evening’s conversation hasn’t been easy, I know now I also respect the way she thinks.

  It makes me believe Skull didn’t leave because he wanted to, but because he had no choice.

  Which begs the question—if he was in trouble, why had he not come to the club?

  He didn’t just leave her in the dark, that’s where he’s left us as well.

  Why, Skull? Why?

  As predicted I have a sleepless night. I jerk awake when I hear footsteps coming back down from where Mel had disappeared to last night. She’s wearing sleep shorts and a tee, perfectly respectable and well covered, but I can tell she’s not wearing a bra under her clothes. I bite back my desire to cradle those sumptuous breasts with my hands, with a reminder she’s not and will never be mine. Her reddened eyes and large yawn that she tries to hide betray she’s also had an unsettled night. It comes as no surprise, she’s worried about Skull, and her newly discovered condition as well. My personal desire is immediately quashed as a wave of compassion floods through me. Skull, where the fuck are you? You’re needed here.

  She’s spoken, lost in my thoughts, it takes me a second to process what she’s asked.

  “Yeah, coffee would be great.”

  She looks a bit glum. “I suppose that’s something I’ll have to give up.”

  I don’t have a clue about pregnancy. I shrug. “You can talk to Violet when you get to the compound. She’ll probably know about shit like that. But if you’re not having one for yourself, I can wait.”

  “I’ve got some muffins…”

  I launch myself to my feet. “Ones you’ve made?” At her nod, I follow her into the kitchen, looking around urgently. “Where, babe?”

  My eagerness pulls forth a small smile. Opening a cupboard, she pulls out a tub. Then her face falls. “I made these for Skull. It’s the type he likes.”

  As her bottom lip quivers my hunger rapidly fades. “Oh, hon.” I pull her into my arms. “It’s going to be okay.” I have no fucking idea how, but it’s what she needs to hear.

  “I’m glad you stayed,” she says, quietly, making an effort to hold back her tears. “It was a comfort having you in the next room. I didn’t feel quite so alone.”

  “I was only a call away, hon. Lean on me. While Skull’s not here, lean on me.”

  Her breasts, separated only by the thin material of her tee, are pressed against my chest. My cock thinks it feels wonderful, so with one last hug I step away before there’s any physical evidence that my interest in her is more than platonic. Yeah, I can admit that. But I’ll never be acting on it. She’s not for me, but I can be her friend.

  Friends can get hard-ons, can’t they?

  We forego breakfast in the end. I bring in my empty saddlebags and she stuffs what she can into them. I turn away as I see her come out with an armful of lace, bras and presumably panties. My imagination doesn’t need to be fuelled by images of what she wears under her clothes.

  She’s efficient and is quickly packed.

  It’s rare I ride with anyone behind me. When she gets on, my bike feels strange, and I take a moment to adjust to the extra weight.

  “I’m sorry, I’m too heavy…”

  “Stop the fuck right there, woman.” I hate it when women disparage themselves. “I’m not used to a passenger, that’s all. You’ve ridden with Skull, just do the same as you’d do with him.”

  “I put my hands around his waist,” she says, hesitantly.

  Reaching back, I take hold of her wrists and place her hands firmly around my middle. “Now hang on,” I tell her bluntly, pressing start and selecting first gear.

  Then, aware of the precious cargo she’s carrying, point the bike toward the compound and ride carefully through the streets of Pueblo.

  When we arrive at the clubhouse, I place my hand on her arm, making her turn and look up at me questioningly.

  “Speak to Vi,” I urge. “I know women like to keep shit about being pregnant quiet at the start, so I won’t be telling anyone else, except for Prez and VP as they already suspect. But you need support, Mel. Vi’s straight, and she’ll know what you’re going through. Let her help.”

  She’s thoughtful for a moment, then nods. “You’re right. I wasn’t going to tell anyone. But I don’t have a clue about doctors, making appointments, and what I should or shouldn’t be doing. It’s a good idea to speak to someone who knows.” She breaks off and covers the hand which is still on her arm with her own. “Thank you, Pyro. For everything. I’m glad I didn’t find out alone.”

  “You’re not alone,” I remind her.

  But the look she gives me back tells me the one man she wants is still missing.

  I enter the clubhouse carrying the saddlebags full of her clothes having told her I’ll dump them in Skull’s room, where she can sort them out later. I’m heading toward the stairs when a voice bellows out.


  “Prez? Can it wait a moment? Just dropping Mel’s shit off in Skull’s…”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Can you come in here a moment?”

  I change direction and follow him into his office.

  He’s standing behind his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We got a problem. Well, same one as always. Lack of space.”

  Okay. I shrug. That’s not news.


  “But he can… oh.”


  Hellfire had given up his suite so Demon and Vi had a bigger space. Of course, most of the time they live off compound in Vi’s old family home which Demon had purchased as a surprise for her when she thought she had to sell it. But being on lockdown, means her, Demon and their son, Theo, will be staying here now.

  “Beef’s moved into my old room.”

  “So where are you putting Hell and Mo?”

  He shrugs. “Skull’s is the only room available.”

  Fuck. There’s no space for Mel. “Mel needs to be here, Prez. She took a test. Wants it kept quiet, but, yeah, she’s expecting. Being Skull’s she could have a huge fuckin’ target on her back. If she’s not here, she’ll need brothers protecting her at her…”

  His hands slam down on the desk. “I’m all too fuckin’ aware
she needs to be here, Ro. But things had to be decided fast last night. I had Mo swearing up a storm at having to come in on lockdown, what was I to say? That there wasn’t a fuckin’ room? Only solution I could come up with fast.”

  As the ex-prez, if there’s anyone out for the club, Hellfire would be in the direct line of fire. No way he or his wife could stay home.

  I shake my head, closing my eyes briefly. “Prospects?”

  “Already sleeping two to a room. You know this, Ro.”

  Mel needs somewhere to sleep. The only way she’s going to get one is for someone to give up their room. I can’t see anyone offering, Skull being so new, it’s not just me he’s not particularly close to.

  I sigh. “She can have mine.”

  “And you’ll, what? Sleep on the couch? No, Ro, can’t ask you to do that.”

  “Don’t think you asked, Prez. I offered.” I roll back my head, trying to get the kinks out from last night when I slept, or tried to, on Mel’s sofa. Now I’m committing myself to having uncomfortable nights for fuck knows how long.

  Sleeping arrangements decided, I move this along. “Any news, Prez?”

  “Not one darn thing. Don’t even know where Skull went during that month. No one fucking knows.”

  “Judge? Wills?” They prospected alongside him.

  “Nope and fuckin’ no. I’ve pressed them, but they don’t know any more than the rest of us. That’s the bare facts. He was injured, hurting. Left without a word, and returned just as quietly. Pal was the first to speak to him, but he just welcomed him home. No one thought to ask him where he’d been. Didn’t seem important at the fuckin’ time.”

  I knew Demon would have called if there’d been news, so that there wasn’t, isn’t surprising.

  I just wish we knew what we were dealing with. As I’d told Mel, without information, all we could do is prepare for anything.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Melissa. Oh, Mel. Come here.”


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