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Devil's Dilemma: Satan's Devils MC Colorado Chapter #4

Page 21

by Manda Mellett

  I give a little wave of my hand when Judge turns and catches sight of us. Pyro wastes no time leading me over to them, nor in exchanging greetings after the obligatory back slaps and hugs.


  “Nah.” Sparky gets right down to business. He pulls a piece of paper toward him. Peering around Pyro I can see it’s a printout of a map of the city, part of which is circled in highlighter pen. “This is the area we’re concentrating on. There’s a grocery store as we hoped with the same logo that was on the bag Skull was carrying. There’s a residential area here.” He lays his finger on the map. “Trouble is, if he stocked up on the weekend, he might not be back for a few days, even if he does live somewhere close by.”

  “You been inside?”

  “Yeah. Showed his picture to the cashiers, but it’s a twenty-four-hour place with lots of staff on short-hour contracts. Manager chased us out when we asked who was working on Saturday afternoon.”

  “Got Keys trying to hack into the security cameras in the area to see if he can find any trace of where the fucker might have been headed after he left the store.”

  “Twister.” Pyro turns and exchanges a man hug with the owner of the new voice. Then to me, he explains, “Mel, this is the Vegas equivalent of Mace.”

  Ah. The enforcer.

  Twister gives me a nod, then continues to Pyro, “At least there was a time stamp on the photograph which gives him a place to start.”

  “I’m Rosa.” The woman behind the bar comes over. She doesn’t look like a whore and must be in her late forties or early fifties. I wonder which biker she’s with, but don’t bother to ask her, it wouldn’t provide information as I’ve only met two of the local men so far.

  She lifts the bar flap and comes out. “Red asked me to get you a room sorted. Want me to show you up?”

  Overhearing, Pyro gives me a nod of encouragement. I don’t want to leave him, I’d rather stay here and listen to his conversation instead, but I suspect he knows I’m tired after the flight and even though I’m eager for information, at the moment I need to think of myself, as well as the precious cargo I’m carrying, and rest. That he does understand is clear when he mouths, I’ll fill you in later.

  The flare in my eyes signals that he better. Then I reach down to lift one of the bags Pyro had brought in with him, mine, but a bellow shouted by Twister summons a prospect instead who quickly takes it from me, picking up Pyro’s as well.

  “Thanks, Owl,” Rosa says to the prospect wearing thick-rimmed glasses as he drops the bags outside a door we’ve approached.

  When she opens it, it’s clear we’ve ousted a resident, belongings have been scooped up and piled on the floor. But the bed looks freshly made and comfortable.

  “Bathroom’s down the hall, I’m afraid.”

  An inconvenience, but I’m in no position to complain. I’m just grateful to have somewhere to lay my head. I’d prefer to be here in the thick of the action, rather than try to keep track remotely from an anonymous hotel. “Thank you for putting us up. We’ll hopefully only be here a couple of days.” The sooner they find Skull, sooner we can get back home.

  I feel strangely disorientated. Everything’s happened so fast it’s like the shock of losing Skull all over again.

  Rosa’s regarding me, her eyes soften. “I hear you’re pregnant. How far along are you?”

  “Eighteen, well, coming up on nineteen weeks.”

  “Know what you’re having yet, or don’t you want to find out?”

  Now I smile as I always do when I think of my baby. “I’m having a boy.”

  The corners of her mouth curve. “That’s lovely. I’ve got twins myself, two boys. They’re fourteen now.” She grins wider. “You’ve got the best times ahead, they’re adorable when they’re babies. Teenagers? Huh, not so much.” But the fond look on her face belies the words. “Still, Red and his crew help keep them in line.”

  “And you’re with—?” The question at this point seems polite.

  “Oh, I don’t have a man now. My ol’ man was the president before Red, but lung cancer took him a few years back. They’ve let me stay on as a sort of mother to the club.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, uselessly, but my hand goes out and touches her arm. “I thought my man had died, so I know how you’re feeling.”

  She nods. “I hear things from behind the bar. Hear you’ve found he’s alive. God, I’d do anything to have my man back.”

  Just as I go to correct her, she adds, “But if he’d left like yours did, I reckon I’d want to finish the job myself.”

  She sounds so fierce, it makes me laugh. “Just how I’m feeling,” I confirm.

  “I’ll leave you now. You can come down when you want, or I’ll send your man up with some food. You’ll meet Tiff at some point, she’s the only other old lady in the club. She’s Fox’s, our treasurer.”

  “I think I’ll stay here and unpack.” I eye the dresser warily, not wanting to open any drawers seeing the state of the rest of the room.

  “I wouldn’t worry,” she chuckles, eyeing the pile on the floor. “Reckon they’ve already been emptied out for you.

  When she leaves, I realise I feel drained. The flight and the stress of walking into a strange club seem to have taken it out of me. I’ve become used to being around bikers in Pueblo and am comfortable with them. But that’s because I’ve gotten to learn the men under the leather. Here they’re strangers, and while I hope they’ll show me the same respect, they are a different club and I don’t know them.

  Though the two I have met, and Rosa, haven’t been disrespectful at all.

  Summoning the last of my energy, I open the drawers, find two empty, and unpack both bags, then lie on the bed just to rest my eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I have a couple of beers, meet old friends and make new ones, then pop up to see how Mel is doing, not wanting her to think I’ve abandoned her. But when I open the door, I see her lying fast asleep on the bed.

  Moving inside I notice two empty bags stood in the corner, showing she must have unpacked my stuff as well as hers. I stand for a moment, staring, realising I’ve never had anyone to do shit like that for me before. I smile.

  Though I’ve tried to be quiet, some sound I made must have disturbed her.


  “Yeah, it’s me darlin’. Want to get some more rest?”

  “I’m hungry.”

  I offer to fetch her something, but she’s happy enough to go downstairs. The reason why is apparent when she asks, “Has anyone got any more ideas? Have there been any sightings?”

  “Nah, we’re in the early stages. The four of us from Pueblo are each going out with someone from this club tomorrow. Makes sense. They know the area and likely places, and we can recognise him the best.”

  I hold her arm gently as we descend the stairs.

  “I’ve been thinking. Won’t he hear bikes coming? Won’t he hide, suspecting you could have found him?”

  Shadow overhears. “Thought about that, doll,” he yells over. “But there’s always plenty of bikes around Vegas, it won’t raise any suspicions.”

  “Their road captain,” I say into her ear.

  Coming closer, Shadow continues, informing her, “We’re also loaning not only Pyro a bike, but Judge, Wills and Sparky too. That way he won’t recognise the bikes he cleaned often enough as a prospect.”

  “You better not let anything happen to mine,” Sparky growls as he comes over. His eyes examine Mel. “You okay? You look tired.”

  “Just the journey,” she explains. “And I’m hungry.”

  I’m not surprised she looks pale, not with the shit she’s working through. “Let’s take you to see Rosa. I bet she’ll have a plate she can warm for you.”

  I find the woman I’m after and get Mel fed, then we rehash all the don’t knows that are flying around once again and settle on some concrete plans for the morning. Mel’s surprisingly quiet, but then, apart from
the four of us, she doesn’t know anyone here. And the sweet butts are getting into some action, making Mel discreetly turn her head away.

  When she complains her head’s hurting, I take her upstairs, wait for her outside the bathroom where she has taken her night clothes in with her to get changed, then help her into bed.

  “You really okay?” I’m concerned about her.

  “Yes, it’s just been a tiring day.” Her explanation accompanied by a small smile reassure me, but only a little.

  I plan to have a word with Rosa, to get her to take Mel under her wing and make her rest while we’re out tomorrow. Today seems to have taken it out of her, and all the stress can’t be good in her condition. Would do her good just to switch off for a while.

  “You staying or going back down?”

  “Just need a quick word with the brothers downstairs, then I’ll be back, okay?”

  “Okay,” she replies sleepily.

  I place my lips to her forehead. “Night, darlin’.”

  She’s asleep when I return and as far as I can tell, rests soundly all night. She stirs only when I’m getting dressed in the morning.

  “Feeling better?”

  She shrugs. “I still feel exhausted. I was going to try to get you to take a cage and persuade you to take me with you, but I think rest would be better for me and the baby.”

  “Won’t get any argument from me, darlin’.”

  “If you find him, you will bring him back here?”

  “I will,” I promise. “But there aren’t any guarantees we’re going to find him soon. I don’t have high expectations it will be today. May take a while. Try to be patient, okay?” I study her face. Despite the sleep last night, she still looks tired, dark circles around her eyes. Perhaps she shouldn’t have come to Vegas, but back in Pueblo she’d only have been worrying all the time. May as well do her stressing out here where I can keep my eye on her. What worries me most is how she’ll cope if we don’t find him. Too many questions will remain unanswered, and there will always be a worry about his spectre raising its head to cause problems for her and the kid.

  But maybe I shouldn’t be so concerned how worn out she looks. She’s close to five months pregnant and growing that baby, of course she doesn’t have the energy she once did.

  Her lips press together. I recognise that look of stubbornness, so am unsurprised when she next speaks.

  “You may not find him today, may not find him at all. But if the days go on and there’s no sign, I want to be involved in the search, Ro. In case I see something you’re missing. I need to look for him myself.”

  She wouldn’t have any more, or any less chance than us. She’s not likely to enter some of the places we’ll be visiting. But I can understand her need not to be kept on the sidelines all the time. It’s the kind of woman she is, not content to sit back and rely on other people. She needs this.

  “Mel, I’ll agree to that.” After some rest and when she seems stronger. “But for now, trust me, Sparky, Judge and Wills. We’ve all got our own reasons to find him.” She might not understand it, but to us our motives have just as much validity as hers.

  Her lips remain pursed, and she looks like she’s biting her tongue. I don’t say more, knowing exactly how she’s feeling. If I was her, I’d want to be the one searching.

  There’s a knock at the door, opening it I see Sparky. I raise my chin to let him know I’m coming now. Leaving the door ajar, I go back and give her a PG kiss remembering until we find Skull, she’s still a claimed woman and I’ve got to behave if I want to keep my patch.

  Downstairs everyone’s ready and waiting, and we waste no time heading out.

  I’m with Cobra and Sarge. I follow them along unfamiliar streets, and eventually into the part of town that runs behind the strip. Cobra points out a couple of hotels that Sparky had indicated on the map last night, one of which is the budget place where Beth had stayed.

  The plan is that we’ll go to the grocery store, then start driving the roads around there. Luckily, it’s not as hot as it would be in the middle of summer, but the air is still warm and dry, and it’s not long before my head’s sweating under the helmet the law requires me to wear in Nevada.

  We take a break around lunchtime, entering a bar for a drink and a snack. I order a burger but don’t really taste it. I call Mel briefly to check in with her, then it’s back to our bikes. Late afternoon and Sarge calls a stop so he can have a quick smoke.

  It’s while the bikes are parked up that I get a glimpse and turn away fast.

  “There, behind us. Dude wearing a black tee, there’s a woman with a kid in a stroller with him.” I’m not really hopeful as there have been a couple of false sightings before, and I didn’t take Skull to be a family man, not wanting a kid with Mel is likely the reason he ran.

  “He’s looking at the bikes very carefully,” Sarge says conversationally in between puffs.

  “Certainly looks like him,” Cobra confirms, taking a quick glance down at his phone. “He’ll know from our cuts that we’re Satan’s Devils.”

  Cobra turns back and leans over as if to inspect something on his bike, then crouches down beside it, peering around the engine.

  “They’ve gone into the snack bar over there.”

  They turn to me for guidance. As he’s my man, I’ll take the lead. I fire off a quick text to Judge, Wills and Sparky, giving them the name of the eating place.

  “Might not be there long, they mainly do carryout.”

  “We go over,” I tell them fast. “You two wait outside, I’ll go in.”

  “Back exit?”

  “I’ll get Rope to approach from the rear.” It’s Sarge texting now. Rope and Cuff are with Wills and are apparently the closest.

  “Let’s do this then.” Pocketing the key from my borrowed bike, I start walking across the road.

  “I texted Red to send the prospects with the crash truck.”

  All three of us wear an air of excitement. Our quarry’s so close, I can almost taste it. In my mind I’ve played out this moment a hundred times, each with Skull having a different reaction. Fear, I expect to be the foremost, and anger we’ve managed to track him down. Sadness that the rest of his life can probably be measured in hours. He’ll beg, plead for forgiveness, come up with some bullshit-filled story about why he left. Or, he’ll completely blank me if indeed he has lost his memory.

  I glance in the window, there’s no man resembling Skull at the counter and no woman or child. In fact, there are only a couple of men who certainly aren’t him, looking more like construction workers taking a break. Nonetheless, I eye them carefully in the unlikely event he’s donned a yellow jacket as a disguise.

  “Man and woman with a kid in a stroller,” I snap at the man behind the counter.

  He looks left and right shiftily, then shakes his head. “Hasn’t been a family in here for a while. What do they look like?”

  I don’t bother to get out the picture. Leaning over the counter, I grab him by his throat, a scuffle behind me shows Sarge and Cobra are keeping the construction workers occupied.

  “Just tell them, Albert. Don’t want no trouble with the Devils. It’s not like it’s our business.”

  Albert nods, as best he can with my hand making him choke. When I release him, he rushes out, “They said there were men following them, and wanted to get the child safe. I let them out the back…”

  Before he can finish speaking, I’m already moving past him, pressing down hard on the emergency exit bar sending an alarm sounding into the air. Albert must have disarmed it for Skull.

  We’re too late, he’s gone.

  Just at that moment Rope pulls up. “Got a license plate for you.” He has? “Got here just in time to see your man Skull getting into a car. In such a hurry they left the stroller…” He points outside the door to the yard. Indeed Skull has, there it sits forlorn and abandoned, he’d not bothered to stop to fold it up, leaving it behind so he could make a fast getaway.

ut we’re still no closer to Skull. Rope had seen him and let him get away? “The license plate all you fuckin’ got?” I roar.

  “Nah.” He sends me a sneering look and pre-empts my next question. “Cuff and Wills are following him.”

  Thank fuck. I raise my chin, half in apology, half grateful. Should have known these Devils would have my back just as well as the ones back home.

  “What now?” Sarge asks, coming out shaking his fist. Obviously keeping the other two men at bay had involved a physical conversation.

  There’s nothing we can do here. Skull is unlikely to come back, not for an easy-to-replace stroller. “Let’s get back to the compound and wait for news.” I’m beyond angry, I’d had Skull almost within arm’s reach and I let him go.

  Back at the clubhouse I’m even more furious when I answer my phone which rings as I’m entering the door and after hearing what Wills has to say.

  “Fucker’s gone!” I scream at the top of my voice, making Red look up from some paperwork he’s checking behind the bar.

  “What do you mean, he’s gone?” Red snarls. “Wills and Cuff lost him? One of them come off their bike?”

  I stare at the device I’m still holding, shaking my head in disbelief. “Nah. Skull had help. Two cars intercepted and prevented them following. It was stop or be run off the road.”

  “They get ID on the cars?” Red moves out from behind the bar and comes over.

  I hadn’t thought to ask.

  “Trails not dead,” Keys shouts from the other side of the room. “I’ve tracked that licence plate Rope called in.”

  “Then let’s get moving. Text me the address.” Red takes his key out of his cut. “Coming, Twister?”

  “Try and stop me.”

  I nod at both the prez and his enforcer, who don’t bother with asking. It’s obvious I’ll be going along. I even grin as we walk to the bikes. Skull thinks he’s escaped and got clean away. Well, he’s underestimated the Devils.

  In the end it’s a large group that pile out of the compound, brothers returning from the search fall into line with the crash truck. I’m anticipating the moment we kick his fucking front door in.


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