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Mafia Protection (Tomassi Series Book 1)

Page 7

by AA Lee

  Ella felt sorry for him. In a spontaneous move, she sat down next to him and looped her arm through his, waiting for his reaction. Angelo’s arm flinched but then relaxed with her touch. She was glad that he did not push her away.

  “I’ll bet they have drinks here. Do you want a cup of coffee?” she asked. If nothing else, the hand-to-mouth motions with the cup would help distract his mind.

  Angelo nodded. “I will take a coffee with cream—no sugar.”

  “I’ll be right back,” she said with a smile.

  Angelo stared at her as she walked away. How could one little woman cause him so much distress? Ella probably thought he was having a bad time or thinking about work. Little did she know, he was thinking of her. A smile flashed across his lips. If she made him a good cup of coffee, he could tell Rafa that Ella would be the perfect wife. That was Rafa’s biggest complaint with his former interest. According to Rafa, the coffee predicted the future.

  Angelo crossed his arms and leaned back. Why was he thinking about Ella like a wife? She deserved better than the life he would offer. From having her mother’s untimely departure to being on her own without the help of family, Ella was finally getting a taste of freedom. Who was he to take that all away? Yet…he could not let go of the idea either.

  Five minutes later, Ella handed him a tall cup filled with hot liquid. “Maybe that will make you feel better.” She smiled and walked back to the rail. Angelo cautiously took a sip; then another. Perfect, he smiled in thought. Ella made his coffee exactly the way he liked. Maybe Rafa’s ridiculous reasoning meant something after all.

  “Mr. Tomassi, you don’t seem to be enjoying the view at all.” Ella glanced back. “Why come on a day cruise if you are only going to sit?”

  “I’m enjoying the view just fine,” he said with a smirk. If she had turned around, she would have seen the satisfied look in his eyes. He felt an overwhelming urge to walk behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. Angelo wondered how she would react to that so soon.

  The thought humored him. Unlike anyone else he had met, Ella had a way of making him smile even though she did not know she had that effect. He could not resist the tranquil grin on her face as she gazed at whatever attractions they passed.

  “Look.” He pointed and stood next to her. “There’s Santiago’s.”

  “Wow, it looks even more glamorous in the morning sun than it does from the land. Do you think you will ever sell it?”

  “I have someone in mind. It just depends on when she is ready to buy it from me. I’ll wait until that day comes.”

  “Really?” Ella turned her entire body to look at him. She had no idea that he was standing directly next to her and bumped him with her breasts. Ella blushed as she tried to gain her composure and stand up straight, and Angelo tried not to laugh. But he could not help smiling with the horrified shock on her face. When his smile made her face flush more, Ella’s rosy cheeks caused him to chuckle.

  “I’m sorry,” Ella apologized and stepped away. Her voice betrayed her embarrassment.

  “It’s fine.” Angelo wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side. “I’m not hurt,” he emphasized. Angelo needed to change the subject and get Ella talking again. Such a simple bump caused her to go silent. It was not that big of a deal. Angelo wondered if she had ever been on a date before. “So…have you talked to your father since you started managing Santiago’s?” he asked.

  “No, I have not, but he doesn’t want to talk to me anyway. My work phone stopped working yesterday. I called the company that I was leasing for, and they told me that they didn’t need me anymore. My father couldn’t even call me to tell me he fired me.”

  “Wait a minute. You worked for your father?”

  “Yes,” Ella mumbled. “It wasn’t a free paycheck, though, Mr. Tomassi. I worked hard. I will never understand him. In Key Biscayne, we looked like the perfect family. But at home, my father used to have private meetings in his office. My mother and I hardly ever saw him.”

  Angelo ran his fingers through his hair and pulled the strands back in place. Maybe Ella was right. It would definitely seem that her father wanted nothing to do with her. If she were not running the restaurant now, Ella would have no source of income. Her father was earning no favor from him.

  “When do you expect your hotel to open for business?” Ella asked. Talking about her father must have hit a nerve. Angelo would have to learn more about him another time.

  “Hotel?” he shook his head. “You mean nightclub.”

  “Oh, that’s a great use of that place. I mean, there are so many other hotels already. I guess that explains the remodeled awning and the tables at the entrance. It looks beautiful. How long will it take to open for business?”

  “Thank you. I guess I am looking at another six to eight weeks. I’ll know more in a few days after I get the last few estimates on the interior.”

  “Does your company have a name picked out?”

  “Illusions,” he said and held out his hand to her as the ship’s speed started to slow. It seemed like a gentlemanlike gesture, but Angelo wanted an excuse to hold her hand.

  “Illusions,” she repeated. “Well, couldn’t that have double meanings? It seems like the story of my life,” she smiled, lightening the mood.

  “It’s all in perception, Ella,” he said.

  “Yes,” she agreed. Her eyes lit up at hearing him call her by name. “It certainly is, isn’t it?”


  Back inside the Mercedes again, Ella realized that Angelo was not taking her to Santiago’s. They had just passed the causeway leading to Key Biscayne and Angelo did not bother to enter. She glanced at the bridge and back at him, waiting for him to talk instead. His eyes faced the road. Why was his expression so much more serious than it was on the cruise? It was almost a look of dread.

  Ten minutes later, they pulled into a large parking lot near the beach. A long wooden ramp connected a restaurant with the dry land. Angelo turned off the ignition. His slow movements alarmed Ella as he looked at her and stopped. What was he thinking? He was hesitant in his thoughts.

  “We will be having lunch here. There is a man…” He paused and seemed to consider his words carefully. “I’m here to meet a man for business and decided to bring you along. I wouldn’t have had enough time to bring you back to Santiago’s and meet him for lunch too.”

  “My flat tires caused that, didn’t they? Won’t I interfere with your meeting?”

  “No, it is fine if you join me, but I only want you to speak if we ask you a question. Can you do that?” Angelo asked but tapped on his wheel. He obviously had concerns about bringing her inside.

  “Yes, I can handle that,” she agreed.

  “Good.” Angelo nodded and stepped out, walking around to her side. “I think you will like it here anyway. I told them to give me a table along the back wall. You will be able to see the water through the windows there.”

  After he opened her door, his hand stretched out. His eyes mesmerized her; Ella felt frozen in place, and she could not stop staring at him. They were so close when he pulled her from her seat—close enough for her to feel the heat radiate off his skin as he stood a mere inch from her face. Her heart beat fast against her chest. Would he kiss her?

  “Come.” He abruptly turned away and grabbed her hand instead. Ella breathed a disappointed breath and followed. He probably did not kiss her because of her trembling body. Maybe that was why he waited.

  Inside the restaurant, soft Italian music set the tone in the dimly lit dining area, with round mahogany tables arranged in neat rows throughout the room. The décor indicated genuine designs straight out of Italy. Everything about the restaurant hinted at its authenticity.

  Angelo spoke a couple of words to the hostess before they followed her to the back of the room. There were a few diners around but not many. The time showed just after one so the lunch rush had ended shortly before.

  A gruff-looking older man stood when
Angelo approached. He stared at Ella, especially when Angelo pulled out a chair for her to sit. Then both men sat and said nothing to the other. Ella wondered what kind of business meeting this was, because it was like none that she had ever seen.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” a server asked Angelo. The other man at the table already had a glass of red wine in front of him.

  “Do you want a glass of wine?” Angelo looked at Ella. Should she drink wine this early in the day? She still had to drive and take care of a few matters at the restaurant when she returned. “It’s all right. I am driving so you will be fine. I will also take care of the bill, so order whatever you want.”

  “Would you like to see a wine menu?” asked the server.

  “No, I won’t need one, thank you.” Ella replied. “I will have a glass of chardonnay…maybe one similar to Pierre Matrot.”

  “We actually carry that…and you, Mr. Tomassi? Will you have the usual?” Ella thought about it. It appeared that Angelo had been here before; perhaps he was well known at every restaurant.

  “Yes,” he answered and waited for her to walk away. “Ella, this is Antonio,” he introduced.

  Antonio held out his hand, which Ella graciously shook. “Ella?” he said. Antonio stared in her eyes and watched her closely. Why was he looking at her that way? “What kind of work do you do, Ella?”

  “Well,” she started but was confused. When did the meeting between Angelo and Antonio turn into a personal interrogation? Ella looked at Angelo, who nodded for her to answer. “I run a restaurant on Key Biscayne,” she said as the server set the glasses of wine on the table.

  “Will you need a few minutes?”

  “No,” Angelo answered in an annoyed voice. “Ella, do you like seafood?” She nodded. “Good, give us two of your pastas with lobster.” Then he looked at Antonio.

  “That sounds good. Make it three,” Antonio said.

  “And we don’t want to be disturbed until the orders are ready,” Angelo added as Antonio continued with his questioning.

  “You manage a restaurant? Santiago’s, is that correct?”

  “Yes,” Ella nodded but wondered how Antonio knew the name.

  “And does that mean you can cook too?”

  For a second, Ella tried to understand his reason for such a question. This was the most bizarre meeting she had ever joined. As far as she knew, she was not supposed to be part of the business that took place. However, with the serious tone that Antonio used, she might as well answer to avoid any problems.

  “I can cook, but the restaurant has a different menu than what I normally prepare. I try to cook a little healthier in my personal home.”

  “Very good. And do you live in Key Biscayne or Miami or some other town close by?”

  “Right now I live in Key Biscayne,” she answered.

  Antonio nodded. “And how do you know Angelo?”

  “Well, he called about a beach property in Key Biscayne and I showed it to him.”

  “Did you also show him Santiago’s? I understand that Angelo also purchased the restaurant.”

  Ella did not know what to say. Why did Antonio ask her all these questions? It caught her off guard after the relaxing morning she just had with Angelo. Ella felt relieved when Angelo cut in and did not let her answer.

  “That was my own doing. I requested a tour and Ella knew the owner. It was a private sale without a realty company.”

  “A restaurant, Angelo? You only mentioned the beach property.”

  Angelo took a drink of his wine and returned Antonio’s serious expression. Ella did not want to be in the middle of a fight. The situation looked like it could turn serious.

  “It was a last-minute decision. I made an exception this time.” An unspoken understanding passed between the two with the seconds that followed. Antonio’s frowning expression proved he was not pleased.

  The food finally arrived to take some focus off the escalating tension. Other than a few glances at the men, Ella kept her eyes on her plate. It was not until Angelo pushed his plate to the side that anyone bothered to speak.

  “Angelo.” Antonio said his name and stood. “I need to have a word with you—outside.”

  Ella noticed how Angelo’s jaw tightened. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he stood, flinging the napkin to his seat. He did not bother to look at Ella and followed Antonio to the balcony outside. Ella wished she knew what the problem was as she watched both men walk to the rail with scowls on their faces. There was an immediate exchange of words.


  “Angelo,” his father said. “You bought a no-name restaurant for that woman. Why would you do something so ridiculous – that restaurant will bring you pennies! This seems so unusual for you.”

  “I used my own money. There is no group involvement. That restaurant won’t reflect on the group at all.”

  “Well, you can spend your own money as you please. It’s obvious that you like her, but I’m not exactly sure why you brought her to meet me.” Antonio leaned against the rail and looked out onto the sea.

  Angelo glanced at the sky; his father knew very well why he brought Ella to meet him. “Your approval,” Angelo said.

  Standing up straight and puffing a breath, Antonio focused on Angelo. “Approval for what? To sleep with her? To take her for a mistress?”

  “You know why, Father. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have grilled her like you did.”

  “I did that because she is with you, and there are still precautions that you need to take. I like her. She’s polite and minds her manners. She can cook. She knows her wine. Ella will be an attractive woman on your arm at events, but she cannot become your wife. You have a duty, Son. It is who you are. Your job is to extend the Tomassi name, to make it better than when I was boss.”

  “To have Ella with me and not marry her will provide her with no group protection. I can’t do that to her. She will need to be under the group’s care.”

  “Look, your wife comes first. In this life, we can’t just marry who we want. That’s the way it works.”

  “And that’s it? You are so set in the rules that you will ignore what I want?”

  “Yes.” Antonio took out a cigar. Angelo could feel the burn in his chest at his father’s way of dismissing the discussion, but he was not done yet.

  “You would rather me take a moron’s daughter than marry a perfectly suitable woman, one that sits right inside? You haven’t even met Gregorio’s daughter.”

  Antonio sighed. “The marriage has already been decided, Son. It will be good for business and good for relations with Gregorio’s group. Why do you make me repeat myself? Ella is a lovely young woman, and I couldn’t care less about Gregorio, but it is what you are supposed to do.” He paused and pointed inside. “She is beautiful. Her manners are perfect. No doubt, she will be the ideal woman for you to spend many nights with, but she cannot become your wife. Buy her a house. Keep her close. Watch out for her yourself.” Antonio stubbed the rest of his cigar and tossed it in the metal can. “Either you do that or you give her up. You won’t get my blessing for her as your wife.”

  Angelo looked back inside as Ella looked out. They made eye contact. The innocent look she gave made him feel even worse. She might not be able to handle the mafia much less to become his mistress. Angelo was sick of never being able to bend the rules.

  “Son, if you can’t follow the rules, maybe I should have chosen somebody else to take my place. You made an oath to those rules and now you are trying to avoid them. You are showing signs of weakness. It won’t be long before the members see it too. If you want to keep that respect, then do what I say.”

  Antonio scooted past Angelo to the door and back into the restaurant, leaving Angelo alone on the patio. As his father drank the rest of his wine, he said something to Ella and grabbed his keys before leaving the table for the exit of the restaurant. Angelo waited for him to leave before returning to his seat.

  “Are you finished with your food?”
Angelo asked Ella as he handed over a card to their server.

  “Yes, I am. Thank you,” Ella replied, seeming eager to leave as she looked at the exit. His change of expression and the argument between him and his father must have put her on edge.

  Angelo had a hard time looking at Ella while waiting for his card. Having her next to him would make it that much harder for him to give her up. Yet he had to face reality. She would not be able to handle life as a mistress. It did not suit her at all.

  All the way back to Santiago’s, Angelo submersed himself in silence. He did not want to hear her voice. It would just make him falter as a boss. He needed to put her out of his mind so he could cope with the rest of the day. This was what life chose for him—emptiness.

  Once they made it to the restaurant, Angelo opened the car door for her and walked her to the entrance. He only paused a second to look in Ella’s eyes; her gaze questioned his next move.

  “I will send Brett to collect the reports tomorrow. I will be too busy handling business to come myself.” He had thought of the quick excuse but took no pleasure in the words.

  “All right, but would you like to go somewhere again sometime…when you’re not busy with your company?” she asked, but her tone showed that she already figured out the answer.

  “No, I have to focus on work. There is too much going on right now for me to get away.” Angelo could see the disappointment in her eyes as he swallowed, quickly turning away. He should have never asked Ella on a date in the first place. She was forming an attachment way too fast with him. Or was he the one forming the attachment to her?


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