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Hayden's Hellion

Page 8

by Maggie Casper

  After talking to his brothers for a few more minutes, he passed the extra key he’d had made to Zane, said his goodbyes then excused himself. He was a man on a mission.

  * * * * *

  Fuck! I should have gone out tonight, Austin mumbled to herself. It was a Friday night, and she was sitting at home like some lovesick pup.

  Her pussy throbbed with desire and she couldn’t seem to keep her mind out of the gutter. It was absolutely amazing how often she thought of sex.

  Damn, she swore as she felt the dampness of her panties against her bare nether lips. If she didn’t get her mind off Hayden, she was going to go fucking nuts and probably run through every clean pair of panties she owned.

  As she paced the tiny confines of her trailer, her thighs rubbed together sending her already intense arousal soaring even higher.

  Just take care of it yourself, the little devil on her shoulder insisted.

  She should call Hayden, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. The thought of calling him up and begging for his cock was just too much. Talk about embarrassing, she’d die before that ever happened.

  Sitting on her bed, she pulled a clear plastic box from beneath it. The contents were among her favorite. Different colors, shapes and sizes, almost every single one had at one time or another been lovingly used.

  She’d just recently learned that no toy could replace a good man, but they sure did have their place. And their time, and right now just happened to be one of those times.

  Removing the lid of her toy box, Austin picked out a red jelly vibrator. It could take a woman from a low moan to straight-out “Oh, My God!” in a matter of seconds. It was way up on the top of her list of favorites.

  It took a minute to remove the short summer dress she’d been wearing but when she was done all that was left was a tiny red thong.

  It matches my vibrator, she thought, cracking a smile.

  Leaning back on her bed, she ran the vibe across her pelvis on its lowest setting while she played with her nipples.

  Rubbing and rolling them felt wonderful. In ever-shrinking circular motions, she zeroed in on her already aroused clit. With the slightest bit of pressure, she ran the red tip of the vibrator over the swollen nub. The barrier of her panties and the light touch were just enough to tease.

  When she could hold out no longer, she removed her panties and went to work. Her breasts were large enough that she could tease herself with her tongue. The moist warmth added to her excitement, the smooth surface of the vibrator made her insides protest.

  When the need to be filled overtook her, she slipped the tapered vibe into her soaked cunt. The feel of it sliding in and out, lubricated with her own moisture was magnificent. The buzzing sound changed to a low pounding. No, maybe it’s my heart pounding in my chest, she thought as she removed the vibe from her pussy. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like, so she ran it lightly over her anus then jumped at the contact.

  She was getting too close. Gathering her vibrating egg in her other hand, she continued to tease the virgin spot between her ass cheeks with one toy while torturing her clit with the other. That was all it took to send her into orbit.

  The pounding in her head grew louder as light shattered beneath her eyelids. Fresh air hit her face a fraction of a second before her hands were grasped, startling a gasp out of her, wrecking her perfect orgasm, making her extremely mad in the process.

  “Dammit to hell, Hayden O’Malley. What in the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she demanded as the slight tremors working their way through her inner thighs ceased.

  “What am I doing?” he growled. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Oh, the man was too much. If he thought she was going to be embarrassed and act coy, he had another think coming. This was her home he’d barged into and if he didn’t want to see her masturbate then he could take a hike for all she cared.

  “I was gettin’ off, what the fuck did it look like I was doing?”

  She watched as he took a deep breath then released it in a whoosh. He gathered himself, his anger lying just below the surface. She probably ought to be just a little bit afraid but she wasn’t, she was mad. Mad as hell if the truth be told.

  “I told you how I felt about that, darlin’—I swear to God, you don’t listen for shit!”

  “You weren’t here so don’t even give me that shit. You’d have never known if you hadn’t come over. And just who in the hell are you to tell me when I can masturbate and when I can’t?”

  That seemed to do it. His eyes narrowed, his brows slashed together riding low over his eyes. He looked like an animal ready to pounce and Austin was ready for every minute of the pouncing she knew was coming, or at least she hoped she was.

  “I’ll tell you who I am and I’ll tell you who you are so listen up real good, Hellion, ‘cause I won’t repeat myself.”

  His tone brought her temper to a boiling point. If he wasn’t careful she was going to kick his cowboy ass right out of her trailer.

  Austin climbed from the bed completely nude and completely unashamed by her lack of clothing. With a hand on her cocked hip, she lifted her chin to a dangerously stubborn angle then motioned for him to continue.

  “I’m Hayden O’Malley and you’re my woman. You’ll do as I say and I say that unless I’m not available you’ll come to me for your pleasure.”

  Austin couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that burst from her mouth. What was funniest of all was the fact that he was absolutely serious.

  Tears were rolling down her cheeks, her laughter still booming through the small confines of her trailer when he unceremoniously picked her up and tossed her on the bed.

  “You want it so bad, Hellion, then go for it. You’ve got two minutes. If it doesn’t happen in two minutes then you’re mine. And believe me, once I’ve got my hands on you, it’ll happen over and over and over.”

  The laughter died in her throat. His face was serious, his hazel eyes blazing a path right over her exposed breasts. “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  “You, baby. You need to play with yourself so I’m giving you the opportunity, starting now,” he said checking his watch.

  “What in the fuck are you talking about?” she demanded.

  “Play with yourself, Austin, in front of me, now. You’ve got,” his eyes moved to his watch, “one minute and twenty-three seconds to come. Better get to work.”

  She wanted to argue, to protest but he didn’t seem to be in the arguing mood. Besides, what in the hell did she have to lose? She was a master masturbator who knew just how to play her body.

  Reaching for her red jelly vibe, she was brought up short when Hayden snatched it from her hand.

  “Uh-uh, fingers only,” he chided her, his eyes watching every move she made.

  Holy hell! It wasn’t nearly as easy as she’d thought it would be. Her normally brazen self felt extremely exposed, naked and open to his gaze the way she was. It wasn’t going to work, and for the first time since he’d surprised her with his appearance, she wondered what was going to happen when she didn’t orgasm in his time limit but due to her traitorous body, she’d soon find out.

  Chapter Eleven

  He shouldn’t have been so surprised but he was. The fact that she loved her toys was common knowledge. Hell, she rated the damned things and gave flyers out at her parties.

  He just hadn’t been prepared to see her fucking herself with a plastic cock when his worked perfectly well. It pissed him off that she hadn’t tried to call.

  When he’d pulled up in front of her trailer he was reminded of how inhospitable the box on wheels was. It was so tiny that a large man like him could feel mighty cramped inside. He’d never understood how she could live in such a small place.

  He preferred wide-open spaces and would just as soon sleep under the stars as in the tin contraption she called home.

  Hearing the sounds of her moaning as he’d stood outside her door had sent a chill
up his spine. He’d just stood there for a minute trying to figure out what all the noise was about.

  When she let loose a low and lusty moan he thought another man might be in there with her and instantly saw red. It was a good thing it had only been her vibrator.

  The sight of her laying spread-eagle on the bed, completely naked had sent all the extra blood in his body surging just south of his belt buckle leaving his cock hard, heavy and ready.

  “Time’s up,” he announced, taking in how her eyes had stayed focused on him.

  He was angry enough to spit nails and didn’t care if she saw it in his eyes or the rigid way he carried himself. Soon she’d be feeling it on her backside. The thought made his balls draw up close to his body, warning that he needed to get some control before he embarrassed himself.

  “What in the hell has you so pissed? It’s not like I was fucking another man, Hayden, and I won’t give up my toys, so you might as well just go home and forget it.”

  She was trying to take his mind off of what she knew was coming. He’d warned her, and since she chose not to heed his warning, she could pay the price.

  Clutching the thin red vibrator in his hand, he thrust it forward waving it in her face.

  “This is what has me pissed off,” he growled, then grabbed her hand and lowered it to the ever-present length of his aroused cock. The warmth of her hand over the thick denim sent his control on a downward spiral. The heat coursing through his body was unbearable.

  “I seem to stay hot and hard for you, hellcat, through no power of my own. It’s enough to frustrate the crap out of a man like me.”

  He watched her mouth open into a perfect little “O”. Her lips plump and pink beckoned him but they would have to wait because if he kissed her right now, he’d lose it and they had some unfinished business to attend to.

  “I may not be able to sit my horse tomorrow for fear of breaking this damned thing off,” he snarled, pressing her hand tighter to the bulge beneath the fly of his jeans.

  “Then I come over and find you screwing yourself with this tiny thing. I don’t think so.” He tossed the vibe onto the kitchen counter, flinging it from him as if it was the most offensive thing he’d ever seen.

  The fit of his jeans was uncomfortably tight but for now, they would have to remain that way. He wouldn’t chance her using his highly aroused state against him. If she pouted with that pretty bottom lip or brushed those magnificent breasts against him, he’d give in and she wouldn’t get the spanking she deserved.

  Setting her hand away from him, he stepped back and sat in the only chair he saw. It was a straight back chair with no arms, not very comfortable but perfect for what he had in mind.

  “I warned you, darlin’. You knew just what would happen so you must want it as much as I want to give it to you.”

  His words made her cheeks flush. She was still sitting on the bed, her body gloriously nude for his view. Not once did she shy away or try to cover herself. Her confidence was one of the things that drew people to her.

  “I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about. You may have warned me but since I don’t fucking belong to you, I didn’t think your warning was worth a shit.”

  God but she was as ornery as they came. Her eyes sparkled and her breasts heaved. The rapid rise and fall of her chest as she filled her lungs with air set them in motion.

  The pale globes bobbed and jiggled bringing his attention to the pink tips surrounded by darker, very large areolas. Much more than a handful “the gals” as he called them, always seemed ready for fun. The florescent lighting glinted off the silver bars, which ran right through the base of each erect berry.

  His mouth watered in remembrance of their taste. Soon her ass would be a shade brighter than her beautiful nipples. His palm tingled in anticipation.

  “You might not have heeded my warning this time, but I can almost guarantee you’ll think about it the next time you decide to dig into your toy chest.” He allowed his lips to curve wickedly. He couldn’t wait to have her ass below his hand, the sound of flesh smacking flesh zinging through the tiny box on wheels.

  “Now, come here. After I paddle that pretty, round ass of yours, I’ll find something to keep those luscious lips busy,” he said, his tone sensual yet no-nonsense as he leaned in for a kiss he hoped would curl her toes.

  Surely the man had to be joking? Damn! He didn’t look like he was joking. His eyes were shuttered, a muscle ticing in his square jaw.

  His lip was slightly curved on one side giving him a rakish look. With his russet brown hair falling over his forehead, he looked just like the rogue on the cover of her latest bodice-ripping romance novel.

  And he was going to spank her just like the hero in her book had spanked the heroine—just like she’d dreamed.

  Try as she might, she couldn’t keep from trembling at the thought. Her whole body shuddered in anticipation. Lifting herself from the bed, she walked the few paces it took to reach Hayden.

  She’d just reached his side when he stood, towering over her for just a second before pulling her impossibly close. His kiss was hard and deep but didn’t last very long. He pulled his lips from hers just before he sat, upending her over his lap in one swift motion.

  “Oh,” she gasped.

  She wasn’t given much time before he laid into her like a man possessed. The first blow to her ass was louder than it was painful, but surprised her into a high-pitched shriek just the same.

  “Hush, darlin’, or you’ll have the neighbors runnin’ to your rescue,” he said as he raised his hand for the second time.

  She bit her lip when the next one landed to keep from crying out. Her ass was on fire and she wasn’t sure how much she would be able to take.

  Just when she thought she’d no longer be able to keep quiet, he changed the momentum catching her off guard. No longer did his hand rain down as hard.

  Now his large palm seemed to caress her burning flesh and every once in a while his fingers would dip between her thighs just enough to tease before he’d swat her again.

  What in the hell is wrong with me that I like this? she wondered silently. The question didn’t stay with her long when she felt him shift position. She was still draped precariously over his lap but something had diverted his attention.

  “Grab the box, darlin’,” he said, motioning to her toy box where it sat on the floor not far from his feet. When she hesitated, he grabbed and squeezed her stinging bottom sending a jolt of pleasure and pain right through her.

  Snatching it up as quickly as she could, she struggled in her awkward position to hand it to him.

  “Good girl,” he said as he dug through it. What he was looking for, she had no idea.

  “Hmmm, what have we here?” His tone was edged in steel causing a ripple of awareness to run up her spine. Husky and full of lust, the sound of his voice coursed over every exposed nerve on its way to her drenched pussy.

  She heard a popping sound just before she felt cool liquid as it was drizzled between the cleft of her cheeks. She groaned in awareness, her body already taut with arousal. She wasn’t at all sure how much more she could take.

  When she tried to twist and turn on his lap to get a better view of which toy he’d decided to torture her with, he swatted her ass. “Stay put, Hellion.”

  She did as he commanded and with baited breath waited to see what his next move would be. It wasn’t long before she felt his hands parting the cheeks of her bottom or the slight pressure of something against her.

  “Have you ever used these beads, Austin?” he asked, his voice dripping with lust.

  “N-no,” she answered as he worked the first bead past the tight ring of muscle guarding her anal entrance. “I just got them, they’re the only anal toy I own.” She was extremely grateful she ordered the short strand in a small because if not she was sure she’d have exploded from the extreme sensations running through her body.

  “Oh, oh, God!” she moaned as the second bead on the stra
nd found its home within her.

  The third and final bead made her burn as it was slowly pressed into her tight body. She was right on the edge of orgasm, all it would take was the slightest touch and she’d be there. That was her ultimate goal as she ground her hips against the hard length of his thighs.

  “Not yet,” he said swatting her bottom one last time as if for good measure. “Get up, blue eyes,” he said helping her from his lap.

  She felt full and her bottom burned where his hand had repeatedly landed. The look of his engorged cock behind the fly of his jeans was enough to make her mouth water.

  She knew damned well what he had planned for her next. He’d warned her repeatedly to watch her cursing and she hadn’t. She knew he meant business when he’d said he’d find something for her to do with her mouth. She couldn’t help the smile that played at the corners of her full lips.

  It wasn’t exactly what she’d call punishment. There was just something extremely pleasing about being able to take the length of his cock deep into her mouth, to see and feel him shudder through his release. Today was no different.

  Chapter Twelve

  The sight of her kneeling before him knowing that she was filled with anal beads, wet and ready, made his heart pound and his cock throb. She was a woman unlike any other. The noises she’d made while he’d swatted her lush ass were erotic and made him think nasty thoughts, things, dirty things that would send them both into orgasm after shuddering orgasm.

  At this point, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, to her, except let her go hunting for the elusive walnut. The thought of that was enough to make his dick go limp. Now, the thought of tunneling his cock into her tight back passage was a whole different ballgame. He was sure when it finally happened, he’d come instantly because she was so tight.

  She brought him out of his inner musings by lowering his jeans and boxer briefs, then wrapping her lips around the head of his cock and sucking hard. The sight of her hollowed cheeks as she drew on him sent his pulse to pounding. It felt as if his heart would pound its way right out of his chest.


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