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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 13

by Grayson, Alivia

  It isn’t until Trace’s lips hit mine, that I take a much-needed breath. “I love you so fuckin’ much.”

  I smile against his mouth. “I love you so fuckin’ much, too, man of mine.” He growls, and it’s a happy sound, before kissing me ferociously. I kiss him back with just as much passion.

  His cock slides into me so hard and fast that I can’t even swallow. Trace rocks into me, my legs around his waist, my nails scratching his back.

  He sucks on my left nipple before getting to his knees, taking my legs at the ankle and spinning me to the side and fucking me like the beast he is.

  Oh god, I love this man so much. He takes me so high, so out of my head that I never want to find my way back again.

  Nothing matters when he’s inside of me. Nothing matters but us, and there is always going to be an us. I can see such a future with this man. I know I can fix everything wrong in my life with him by my side.

  Maybe I can even get back from Brick what he took. I can trust my man and his love for me. He’ll love her the way I do, and she’ll be so happy with us. Just a little longer and all will be well.

  Trace grabs my left breast in his hand, squeezing as he fucks me harder. “Trace, please!”

  “Come, Fallon. Come for me, baby girl.”

  I do, so hard my chest feels tight! “Jordan!” I scream his given name, causing him to fuck me even harder until he’s spilling his seed deep inside of me, and it feels so good.

  Trace pulls out of me and flops down beside me. I turn on my right side and into his big strong arms. He holds me close to him, my head on his shoulder, my arm wrapped around his waist. This is where I belong, in the arms of the man who loves me.

  “Everything’s gonna be just fine, Fallon. I’ve got you, baby.”

  I kiss his chest and smile. I snuggle into him, and I love the feeling of being safe with him.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I stroke my fingertips up and down Fallon’s bare arm. Just being able to hold her like this settles something inside of me. I did a lot of thinking about what her and Brick. Sure, it hurt me, but I forgave her. I did because I realized that I was in love with her.

  I don’t know when I fell in love with my beautifully broken Fallon, but there it was. I knew I had to tell her today, even though I knew she’d never tell me that she felt the same way.

  Having Fallon call me out on my past, and then for her to listen to everything I had to say was just what I needed. I needed for Fallon to know everything about me. There’s never been much to tell anyone other than what a cheating man-slut I was. Still, that didn’t stop Fallon from telling me that she loved me in return.

  Roman will probably kill me when he finds out, but I couldn’t give a shit what he or anyone else thinks. I’m not stupid, and I know what people are going to say. I know no one is going to believe for a second that I genuinely love Fallon. However, the fact remains that I do love her. God, I feel sick when I’m not with her, and I’m only at peace when I am.

  I kiss Fallon’s head, and she snuggles into me. I smile while lying my head back on my arm. My smile vanishes when I realize my Dad is going to have something say about me being with a twenty-year-old woman. He’d say Fallon was still a child, that she can’t possibly know what love is at her age. He’s ridiculous, but that’s my Dad for you.

  Everyone is going to have an opinion about this new relationship of ours. I’m going to get it from all sides, but I can’t bring myself to give a shit. I have never felt like this before, and I can’t lose Fallon now that she’s mine. People can say what they want. I’ll take the wisecracks and the jokes because I probably deserve them. As long as I’ve got Fallon, nothing else matters.

  “This feels so nice.”

  I smile because I didn’t know Fallon had woken. She’s right, though; this does feel nice. “You bet it does.”

  She giggles and looks up at me. “I thought it was a dream, but it’s not, is it?”

  “It’s not a dream, beautiful.”

  “You’re really mine?”

  I nod my head. “And you’re really mine.” I kiss her softly.

  “I have a job interview tomorrow.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She never mentioned it before.

  “Yeah. Okay. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, so I applied to community college. I got in,” She smiles, excitedly, while lifting her head onto the pillow beside me. I turn on my left side to face her, and I can’t help smiling back at her. I’ve never seen Fallon so excited about anything. “Anyway. The course I’m taking requires me to get some childcare experience, and I managed to get an interview for a position as a classroom assistant. It’s an unpaid position, but it goes toward my end credits.”

  I stroke her cheek with the back of my hand. “I’m so proud of you, Fallon.” She blinks in shock. Has no one ever told this woman they were proud of her? “For all you’ve been through of late, you chose to better yourself. You applied to college and secured yourself an interview for a job without anyone’s help or encouragement. I know you’re going to work hard, and you will become the teacher you want to be. I couldn’t be more proud of you right now if I tried, Fallon.”

  “Thank you. That means so much to me.” She leans in and kisses me.

  Bringing up Roman while we’re still in her bed is not ideal. However, there’s never going to be a good time to bring it up with her. May as well get it out the way now, then I can spend the rest of the night ravaging her gorgeous body.

  “I wondered if you’d come over to Roman’s with me tomorrow?”

  Fallon narrows her eyes slightly while sticking her tongue out in disgust. “Ugh. Why?”

  “There’s something Roman needs to speak with you about.”

  Fallon sits up in bed with her back against the headboard. I lift beside her. “There’s nothing he has to say to me that I want to hear, Trace. I know you work together every day, and I will show him the same respect as everyone else in your club, but I don’t want to talk to him. Roman creeps me out a little. He’s always staring at me, and I can see that he can’t stand me.”

  If only you knew that wasn’t the case, baby girl.

  “He thinks a lot of you, Fallon. Come with me to Roman’s and speak with him.”

  Fallon shakes her head. “I don’t want to speak with him, Trace. What’s so urgent that you’d push the subject like this?”

  I don’t know what to tell her. It’s not my place to tell Fallon about Roman being her father. Only he can do that. What else can I do than kiss her? She laughs against my mouth. “I’m sorry,” I don’t want to make her feel some type of way. Roman will just have to come to Fallon and tell her the news.

  It’s not going to be easy for Fallon to hear. All this time she’s been banging on about finding her Dad, and he’s been in her presence the whole time. There will be questions that only Roman can answer. I just hope Fallon is willing to listen.

  I reach up and tuck Fallon’s dark hair behind her ear. She is literally the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I don’t know what Fallon’s mother looked like, so I don’t know if she resembles her or not, but being this close to Fallon, I can see how much she looks like Roman. Only an idiot wouldn’t see it. She has his smile, his coloring, and his big green eyes.

  I hate that Fallon has lived such a hard life. I can’t even begin to imagine what life would be like without my family. I may not see them all that much, but I know they’re there if I need them, as I’m there if they need me. Who the hell did Fallon have apart from Scott?

  I can’t bear that she’s been alone since he was gunned down. There was no one there to comfort Fallon when she was alone and scared, no one to hold her and soothe her tears. Moreover, there was no one to tell her that everything would be all right soon.

  “Hey,” She reaches up and lays her hand on my face, and I close my eyes naturally. “What’s wrong?”

  I open my eyes and look at her. I don’t want Fallon to think I pity her because I don’t
, but I do feel sad for her. Jesus Christ, I’ve never felt this sad for anyone in my life. It hurt me, and it broke me when Willow was attacked. We may not have been in love any longer, but she was still my friend, and she meant a lot to me. With Fallon, it hurts because I am in love with her, and if I could have saved her from her lonely existence back then, I would have.

  “I wish I could have been there for you when you needed me the most. I hate thinking about you all alone in this world, wondering if there was anybody out there who gave a damn.”

  “You’re here for me now, Jordan.”

  I wrap my arms around her, and she comes willingly, her head on my shoulder, and her arms around me. “I will always be here for you, Fallon. When I said that I loved you, I meant it. I had never meant those words more than when I said them to you.”

  “Ditto. I love you so much, Trace.”

  If I know nothing else in this world, I know that to be true.

  “Will you come meet my parents?”

  “What, now?”

  I laugh and nod my head. Fallon pulls away from me, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. I’ve stumped her. “I want them to meet the girl who stole my heart.”

  “What if they don’t like me, Trace? I’m not an easy person to get on with.”

  “Nor am I. I love you, so they’ll love you. Don’t be afraid, baby.”

  She clambers to her knees, twisting her fingers together like a scared child. “I don’t want to embarrass you.”

  With my fingers beneath her chin, I tip her head up. “Why on this earth would you think that’s even possible?” She shrugs. “You could walk around with your skirt tucked in your panties, and you couldn’t embarrass me.”

  “I won’t even ask why you’d think that would happen.” We both laugh. It’s good to hear her laughing. “Okay. Let’s go meet your parents, but once we’re done there, I want you to come home with me.” Fallon raises her eyebrow seductively.

  I growl low in my throat, and she laughs. “Deal.”

  * * *

  We’ve heard a lot about you, of course. Jordan talks about you every time he calls.”

  “Mom.” I groan. Could she be any more embarrassing? Fallon looks at me and giggles. She’s sitting right next to me on my mother’s couch, her hand in mine, and a smile on her face.

  Fallon was a little overwhelmed to see the house I grew up in. People always surmise that bikers are filthy, poor, and live in squalor. They see where I grew up, and they can’t believe their eyes. Who’d ever guess a man like me came from such opulent surroundings?

  Mom was instantly in love with Fallon the moment she walked through the door. My mother thought the world of Willow, and she was heartbroken when we broke up. They’re still good friends, however, and Willow brings her kids to see my family all the time. I thought it would be a little awkward, but my mother told me that couples break up, not family. Willow always has and always will be family.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for a relationship with my son, little lady? Do you even know about his past?”

  “Dad,” I warn. I hate that he’s being a dick right now. I promised Fallon my parents wouldn’t act this way. My Dad is making me look like a liar!

  “It’s okay,” Fallon smiles reassuringly. “Mr. Raina.” She smiles at my Dad. “Trace, and I have spoken about his past. I know what happened between him and Willow, and yes, I am so ready for this relationship. I’m not expecting a fairy tale. I don’t even want one. However, I love your son, and I know he loves me. Nothing else matters but that.”

  I wrap my arm around Fallon’s shoulder, pulling her to me and kissing her head, and I can’t help but smile.

  My Dad smiles and looks at me. “She’s a keeper, boy.”

  “That she is, Dad,” I wink at Fallon. “That she is.”

  My Dad tips his head toward the door. He wants to talk to me in private. I don’t need this right now; it’s only going to be more of the same old shit about Willow and the past. However, I’ll go with him.



  “I just need to have a word with my Dad. Will you be okay with my Mom for a moment?”

  Fallon looks at me wide-eyed. She’s not comfortable with me leaving her. My mother is a stranger to Fallon. “Erm, yes.”

  “Mom?! Dad? It’s just me!”

  Great. My sister. I hadn’t planned on Amelia being here this evening. Of course, I want her to meet Fallon, but my sister can be overbearing sometimes. I’m not sure Fallon is ready for this.

  “In the drawing-room, darling!” Christ. I swear my mother believes herself to be the Queen of England with the way she speaks sometimes.

  Amelia comes bounding through the door with a smile on her face. Amelia is an elegant woman with long red hair, and she’s always dressed as though she walked off the red carpet. She’s unbelievably loud, even more so when she’s excited. “I just came to get my... Oh,” My sisters eyes land on Fallon. “Who’s this?”

  “Amelia, this is Fallon,” I tell her.

  Amelia’s eyes widen in delight. “Oh, my goodness.” I groan as she pulls Fallon from her seat and hugs her hard. Fallon gives an audible Oof, and I roll my eyes at my sister. “It’s so good to meet you. Trace has told us all about you, and I’ve been dying to meet you. I had no clue you’d be here tonight. Trace, you could have called me.”

  “Yeah, well, I thought you were busy.”

  “Liar.” She laughs. “Anyway, come tell me everything.” Fallon looks to me for help as my sister drags her away. I roll my eyes with a smirk on my face. Fallon will be just fine with Amelia for a few moments. My sister might talk her ear off, but she’ll be fine.

  I go in search of my Dad and find him in the kitchen, pouring himself a brandy. “I see your sister had fallen in love with your girlfriend already.”

  “You know Amelia.” I shrug at him and take the glass of brandy he’s offering. My sister loves everyone; she’s a loving person.

  “Fallon is a nice girl.”

  “She is.”

  “Willow was a nice girl.”

  I knock back the brandy and slap the glass on the counter. I don’t need the fucking lecture, but I know he’s going to give it to me anyway. “I don’t need to hear this, Dad.”

  “Yes, you need to hear this! Don’t play with that little girl out there the way you did Willow. You’re a grown man, and it’s damn well time you started acting like it!”

  I grit my teeth to the point my jaw cracks. I would never hit my Dad; I’d never be so disrespectful. However, that’s not to say I don’t want to right now. “What happened with Willow is not gonna happen with Fallon. I know what I did to Willow, and I have to live with it. You, however, do not need to keep throwing it in my damn face!”

  “I’m not trying to make you feel like I’m throwing it in your face, Trace. I’m sorry. You’re my son, and I love you. I just don’t want to see that little girl in there hurting when someone else turns your head.”

  I scrub my hands over my face in frustration. I understand what he’s getting at, but I had hoped my father would have little more father in my ability to love someone other than myself. “Dad,” I take a deep breath and look at him. “I loved Willow, but it wasn’t like this. Everything with Fallon is different. She’s the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. Whenever I think about Fallon, I smile because I can’t help myself.”

  I lean back against the counter and roll my neck. “I don’t know what Fallon did to me, Dad, but she’s all I want, all I need. I would never take anything away from Willow. When we were together, she did everything right. It was me that fucked up, and I kept fucking up because I didn’t know a good thing when I had one. However, we weren’t meant to be, Dad.”

  I rub my forehead with my fingertips. “Willow was always destined to be with Hammer. Just look how happy she is now. Three cute kids they have, and I never see them or Willow without a smile on their f
aces. Willow is happy now, Dad. Don’t I deserve to be happy?”

  “Of course, you do, Trace.” He clasps my shoulders. “All I want is to see you happy. I just want to make sure you’re not jumping into a relationship with Fallon to prove you can be like everyone else.”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “You know I don’t do nothin’ unless I want to, and I sure as shit don’t need to prove anything to anyone.” He nods knowingly. “I love Fallon, Dad. I mean really love her. I didn’t intend to fall for her, but she made it so easy, even when she was trying to push me away. I know I don’t deserve her, but I’m too selfish to let her go.”

  “Then don’t.” I stare at my Dad without blinking. “If you love her the way you say you do, then don’t let her go. Do whatever it takes to make her happy, and the rest will fall into place.”

  I hope he’s right.

  “She’s a good girl, Trace. Your mother and I like her very much.”

  “So does Amelia.” I laugh. “Speaking of, I better go rescue Fallon.” I slap my Dad on the back and walk away.

  By the time I manage to drag Fallon away from Amelia, I’m exhausted. I had to listen to Amelia making plans to meet with Fallon for coffee and to go shopping, and all that girl bullshit women get up to. I’m not sure Fallon had a choice in the matter, but she agreed to it all.

  We make it back to Fallon’s, and instantly she’s attacking my cock with her mouth. It’s going to be a long night, and I can’t bring myself to give a shit.

  Chapter Nineteen


  This past week has been fantastic. Trace and I have been getting to know each other better, much better. Meeting his family was scary, I have to admit. However, I got on well with his Mom and sister. I was worried that Trace’s Dad didn’t like me. He made Trace follow him, and I was scared he was telling Trace to end things with me.

  However, when the two of them came back into the room, they were smiling. Trace told me that his Dad didn’t have a problem with me. In fact, he was worried that Trace might hurt me, and he didn’t want that. That was nice of him, and it made me smile to think someone else was looking out for me.


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