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Two Of A Kind: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 24

by Grayson, Alivia

  I can’t believe I’m in Trace’s arms, his big strong arms. I cling to him, my head on his shoulder, my arms locked around his waist. He rubs my back with one big hand, the other caressing the back of my head as he rocks me gently.

  I have longed for this moment since he walked away from me that day by the lake.

  “I missed you so much,” I whisper against him.

  I want to kiss him so hard. I need to feel his kisses so that I know I’m not dreaming.

  But what if I am?

  What if I kiss him right now just for him to disappear?

  I should hate Trace for what he did earlier but I just can’t. I love him so much it hurts.

  “I missed you, too, baby. We have a lot to talk about, a lot to sort out, and we will do it before the nights out.” Taking my face in his hands, he lifts my head. I get lost in his beautiful eyes for a moment. “We belong together, Fallon. No matter what happened in the past, you are mine, and I am yours. You were made for me. You know that, don’t you?”

  I nod.

  I do know that.

  My heart is banging. I know what he’s trying to tell me, and I want it so badly. However, he’s right; we have a lot to talk about before we decide anything. I don’t think Trace wants all the gory details on what happened, and I definitely don’t want to know about the women he slept with while I was gone. Because I know there were women.

  I don’t blame him; he thought I left him for his enemy. I slept with that man, and Trace had his women, but that’s over now, and I’m home. I love Trace. I’ve loved him since that first night, I think. I know he hurt me badly when he said he wouldn’t give Ava back to me, but he was hurting too. He loves my daughter, and he was scared of losing her. I can’t hate him for that.

  I bet no one ever believed him to be the kind of man to take in the child of the woman who betrayed him.

  What man would?

  A good one, I suppose.

  However, Trace could have walked away from my little girl. He could have left my father to care for her. However, he didn’t, he fell in love with her and took such amazing care of her. Ava looked so clean and healthy, not to mention happy when I saw her earlier. I know she loves Trace as much as he loves her, she’s already calling him Daddy. Who am I to take her away from him indefinitely? I may be her mother, but I haven’t been much of one. I can fix that. With Trace by my side, we can be the best parents God ever created for that little girl.

  “I’ve come to take you home, baby.” He tells me.

  “You have?” I can’t believe he’s saying this after everything I’ve done.

  “You belong with me in every sense of the word. You belong in my home, with Ava and me.” He kisses me softly, and I’m stumped. “Come with me, Fallon, there’s someone who needs to see you.”

  Trace takes my hand, helping me from my bed. I stretch out my body, my arms above my head, and I smile when Trace lays his hand over my belly. I slide my hands over his and smile. “Our baby.” His voice is filled with whispered wonder.

  “Our baby.” I parrot back.

  I never got this with Ava’s father, Scott saw to that. I was alone throughout the whole thing. It will be different this time around.

  “Is everything okay?”

  I smile and nod my head. “The doctor said everything is just fine with the baby.”

  Trace breathes deeply through his nose and smiles. He kisses my temple before leading me downstairs.

  I’m only through the living room door when my baby squeals happily and runs into my arms. I hold her so close to me while I take a seat on the couch. It’s past her bedtime, yet Trace still brought her here to me. He wanted to sort things between us so badly that he couldn’t wait until tomorrow. I know that he loves me; this is all he had to do to prove it.

  “We came to take you home, Mommy.”

  “You did?” I can’t stop smiling at her. She’s finally home with me. There is no one in the way, no one keeping her from me anymore. No Brick drumming it into my brain that I’m no good for Ava, or that I have no way of taking care of her. I can take care of her now. Trace and I will fix things. We’re going to be together always. I’m going to college. I will get my teaching degree, and I will work my ass off to make that dream comes true. I will be the best mother to my children, and I will always put them first, and I will be the best wife I can be to Trace.

  Wife? Where the hell did that come from?

  I’m getting way ahead of myself. However, I want nothing more than to be his wife. A family of my own is all I want, and Trace deserves that too. His past is gone. He was once a cheat, sure, but I believe he’s changed. We both have.

  “Daddy and me, we missed you, Mommy.”

  “I missed you, too, baby.” I stroke her little cheeks with my thumbs. “Mommy is so sorry, Ava. I will never leave you again. I promise.”

  She nods and lays her head on my chest.

  I wrap my arms around her little body. My whole world is right here, my daughter in my arms, the baby in my belly, the man of my dreams now sitting beside me with his arms around Ava and me.

  All this time, I believed myself to be alone in the world. I’ve never really been alone. I’ve always had my daughter. I have a man who loves me, a father, stepmother, baby sister, baby brother, an aunt, and even grandparent’s. I am not alone. I’m whole.

  I smile at Trace, and he kisses my lips softly. Just a quick kiss, not wanting to go too far in front of my father. However, that simple kiss means everything to me.

  * * *

  It didn’t take long for me to pack my things. It’s not like I unpacked anything in the first place. Trace loaded up his car while I thanked Roman and Marley for everything they’d done for Ava and me.

  Ava was asleep before we even left. As soon as we arrived at Trace’s, he put her to bed, and then unloaded the car, storing my stuff in his room for me to unpack later.

  Now, we’re sitting side by side on his couch. He said the talk couldn’t wait until the morning. I guess he’s right. We need to clear the air, so when tomorrow comes, it will be a fresh start for us all.

  We sit in silence for a while, my hand in Trace’s while he strokes his thumb over my knuckles rhythmically. There’s no awkwardness; it’s just peaceful.

  I offer Trace a smile when he strokes my cheek softly.

  I feel so emotional right now. After everything I’ve done, Trace still wants me. This beautiful bad boy biker is all mine. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love him. He’s everything I never knew I wanted, but everything I have always needed.

  He took my little girl into his heart so deeply that she became his little girl also. Ever since Ava was born and Scott had beaten her father to death, I worried that my daughter would never have a father. I knew Scott would never allow another man near me for a very long time to come.

  Not that I would have had time for such things. Scott had plans for me. Taking care of my daughter and going to school to make something of my life being the biggest things. Even though I thought giving Ava up would be best at first, Scott did not. Giving her up would have made me the same as my mother, and I am to this day, I hope, nothing like her.

  Scott had it all worked out. Make sure Ava and I were safe and happy. Find our father, or father’s in this case, and make sure I worked hard to become the woman he knew I was inside. Scott was so smart, and he did everything in his power to keep Ava and me safe. Then he died, and everything went to shit.

  But look at me now, back with the man I love, my baby girl asleep in her room upstairs safe and sound thanks to the daddy I never believed she’d have. She’s in my life, mine, and no one can take her from me. I will never let her go again. I’m going to make sure Ava knows every day just how much I love her.

  “Jordan, I need you to know that I love you. Everything I did...”

  “I know.” He cuts me off. “I know why you did what you did, and why you said what you said. That little girl up there,” I nod as he tips his head toward the door
. “I won’t lie to you, Fallon, you fuckin’ killed me with that phone call.”

  I pull my lower lip between my teeth, tears in my eyes. I knew deep down that I’d hurt him with what I said that day. How could I not have? Jesus, I was so damn cruel!

  I was cruel to Red, too. I love that man, he was so good to me before and after we put Scott to rest, and what did I do? Sold him and every other Snake the story of how I set my brother up to be murdered.

  What the hell must he think of me? I know my Dad – yeah, that sounds weird coming from me – said that Red understands why I said all of that stuff, but the fact remains that I hurt him in the worst way.

  I hurt everyone I care about, and I’m going to be explaining why, for some time to come. However, I won’t stop until every last person hears, my sorry. I won’t stop until Red knows for certain that I did nothing to hurt my brother. He was my world, and I was his.

  I need Red to know that I need him in my life. My daughter does too. We have Scott’s blood running through our veins, just as it runs through Red’s, and through the veins of his young sons, and through the veins of my unborn baby. We are bonded in a special way. There’s no way of getting away from that. I’ll make him forgive me.

  I clutch Trace’s hand tighter in mine. He brings my hand to his mouth, planting a kiss there and tells me, “I don’t want you to ever think about him again, Fallon,” No problem there. “He’s gone and he ain’t coming back.”

  “I know.” I bring his big hand to my lips and kiss it hard. “I’m so sorry that I made you think that what we had wasn’t special. Because it was, Jordan, it was everything.” He smiles at me. “I’m even more sorry that I let Brick make you think that our baby was in any way his. I just didn’t know what to do.”

  This time, I can’t hold back my tears. I’m tired and emotional. I remember it all so well from when I had Ava. I don’t think it’s just my pregnancy hormones, however. It’s everything, everything I had to do to protect my little girl. Not to mention the people I love, including this man in front of me.

  “Listen to me, Fallon,”

  I’m listening, my love. I’m listening.

  I look into his beautiful hazel-gray eyes and smile. “You have to put all of this behind you.”

  “But everyone hates me, Trace. They’ll just tolerate me for yours and Roman’s sake. I wronged them, especially Red. He’ll never forgive me for what I said about Scott, but it was a lie, Trace. I never hurt my brother. I swear that I didn’t.”

  Now I’m breaking down like a complete idiot in his arms. Yet Trace holds me close to him, never letting go, stroking my hair and letting me cry it all out. I need this. I need to let it all out.

  After ten minutes or so, I’m all cried out. I’ve given myself a damn headache, but I feel lighter now, I’ve cried. My soul feels purged.

  “No one blames you, Fallon. Red included. However, we will speak to him soon. You’ll see that he, nor anyone else, hate you.”

  I nod my head and snuggle into him.

  “I love you, Jordan Raina.”

  His arms tighten around me, and he kisses my head. “I love you, too, Fallon Caldwell-Walker.” I giggle at the way he renamed me. “I love you like I never knew possible. You are every-fuckin’-thing to me.”

  “You’re every-fuckin’-thing to me, too.” We both laugh at that. It’s good to laugh. I look up at him. “Things are going to be okay, aren’t they?”

  “You bet there are, baby. I want your permission to adopt Ava.”

  My eyes bug out of my head. However, the look on his face tells me he’s very serious. “You really want that?”

  “Won’t lie to you, I never wanted kids,” I pull away from him and sit back against the couch. “Never thought I deserved them to be honest. Don’t get me wrong; my life ain’t some big sob story, not one that’s important anyway. I tried to keep my distance from that little girl up there. I couldn’t.”

  I see the dreamy smile on his face. It makes me smile too.

  “When I finally let her in, the love I felt for her overwhelmed me. She’s half you, Fallon. She’s amazing. I want to be Ava’s father just as much as I’m going to be a father to our child. I’m gonna make you my wife, and...” My fingertips are against his lips, a smile on my face.

  He wants me to be his wife.

  He wants to adopt my daughter.

  He wants to make us a family, a real family.

  I can’t stop giggling!

  I straddle Trace’s lap, my hands behind his neck, and his arms come around my waist, interlocking at the small of my back. I kiss the fucking shit out of him. I was so sad earlier, but right now, I’m so fucking happy!

  “I love you so much,” I tell him between kisses. “You’re going to adopt Ava, and then you’re going to become my husband.”

  “Damn right, I am.” He growls, and the vibrations of it hum against my clit. I don’t give a damn if I should be giving myself time to recover or whatever bullshit people come out with. This man is mine, and I want him so badly it hurts.

  We’re suddenly like wild beasts in heat, tearing at each other’s clothes while we kiss ferociously. In seconds, I’m on my knees, sucking his fat dick and tonguing his balls until he explodes down my throat. He comes so hard, and so long, I’m almost choking on it.

  God, I’ve missed the taste of him!

  “Jesus, fuck, Fallon!” I giggle and squeal as he lifts me in his arms and drops me on the couch. I don’t have time to blink before my legs are spread wide open and his mouth attacks my pussy to the point I can’t breathe, scream, call out, I can’t even fucking move!

  Two thick fingers slam in and out of me so fast I’m coming hard inside of a minute. I’m so far up in heaven that even the strain in my thigh and core muscles don’t register right away.

  How is it Trace has the power to make me come so hard, yet have me burning for more even before I’ve come back down to earth?

  “Come here, beautiful.” He pulls me up and to the end of the couch. He’s on his knees on the floor, and he’s yanking me onto his lap. I groan. I love the feeling of being skin to skin with him, my handsome tattooed biker man.

  I have missed him so much, and I can’t stop touching him, my fingers tracing the tattoos on his arms and chest.

  “Oh, god!” There’s that feeling, the feeling of his massive cock stretching my pussy wide open for him. “Oh, Jordan!” Grabbing the back of his head, I pull him to me, our lips crashing together as I slowly move against him, scrubbing my clit against his pubic bone. God, it feels good.

  Ever wondered why the pleasure of making love makes you forget everything?

  It makes you crazy, rampant, turns you into a crazed beast. Nothing means anything when the man you love is so deep inside of you that you’re somewhere in another universe.

  I’m overwhelmed with the fact Trace didn’t hesitate to push himself inside of me without a condom. I don’t have any STI’s; I was checked out at the hospital just in case. However, Trace wasn’t to know that, but I think he knows deep down that I would never risk it if there were something wrong.

  I love him for trusting me like this.

  I’m all but screaming as I rub myself against him harder, our eyes locked until I’m coming so hard I throw my head back.

  “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful when you come for me.” I can but groan in response, he’s already sucking and biting at my nipples, and it isn’t ten-seconds before my hips are in his hands and he’s pounding into me relentlessly.

  I tighten my legs around his sweat-soaked back, moving my hips in time with his thrusts. I’d yell how good this feels, how deep he is, and how I can’t get enough of his cock inside of me if I could form the words to do so. However, I’m so high that I’m scared if I don’t take a much-needed breath in a moment, I’ll pass out.

  “Oh my god, Fallon! Fuck! Here it comes, baby! Fuck!” Trace, on the other hand, is very vocal as always

  He pounds into me with two of the hardest, deepest thrusts I
’ve ever felt, forcing us both to come at the same time. Orgasms so powerful we’re clutching at each other for long moments after the fact.

  I think I might even have fallen asleep on his shoulder for a minutes or two. “I think you fucked me into a coma,” I tell him when I’m finally able to speak.

  He chuckles. “Ain’t nobody ever gonna fuck you the way I do.”

  “You are the only man who’s ever touching me in any way ever again.”

  “Damn right, baby girl.”

  Trace holds me close, and I finally know for the first time in my life that I’m home. My daughter, my unborn baby, my future husband. I have a lot of groveling to do before everything is fixed, but I will fix it all. I’m going to give my children the life they deserve; the life Ava should always have had. However, there’s no need for me to dwell; Trace has shown me that it’s never too late.



  Six Years Later...

  You’re kidding, right?”

  “I’m not kidding, Trace. I’m not a young man anymore, and while I’ll still be part of this club until the day I die, I think it’s time I stepped down as President.”

  Yeah, Prez has decided it’s time to hand over his President patch. The man’s in his sixties, so I can see why he wants to retire. It’s just going to be weird him not being in charge anymore. Shepard has been here longer than any of us.

  “It’s time for y’all to cast your votes. All those in favor of handing the patch to Jett?”

  There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Jett should be President. He’s been VP for years. Few have been here longer than him, but he’s the most capable. Already knows what’s involved, what’s required of the man in charge. That’s why it’s easy for each of us to yell, “Aye!”

  “Congratulations, Son.” Shepard moves aside and motions with his hand for Jett to take the President’s seat. Shepard takes the seat Jett just vacated.

  So, we have a new Prez. We also need a new VP. Jett’s first order of business.


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